Browse Source

Better 3d floor drawing.

YimingWu 1 year ago
4 changed files with 54 additions and 41 deletions
  1. 2 2
  2. 39 28
  3. 9 7
  4. 4 4

+ 2 - 2

@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ struct _tnsShader{
     int iInputColorSpace, iOutputColorSpace, iShowStripes;
     int iDoOffset;
-    int uViewDir,uViewPos,uFOV;
+    int uViewDir,uViewPos,uFOV,uNear,uFar;
 typedef struct _tnsTexture tnsTexture;
 typedef struct _tnsCommand tnsCommand;
@@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ void tnsMakeLinerGradient3dv(real *arr, int num_points, real *rgb0, real *rgb1);
 void tnsMakeLinerGradient4dv(real *arr, int num_points, real *rgb0, real *rgb1);
 void tnsMakeFoucsSquare(int L, int R, int U, int B, int W);
-void tnsDrawFloor(int Size, int Span, int *ShowAxis);
+void tnsDrawFloor(real* CamPosition, real Far, int *ShowAxis);
 void tnsDraw2DGrid10(real L, real R, real U, real B, real xmin, real xmax, real ymin, real ymax, real MostDenseW, real MostDenseH,
                      real* color4, real AlphaFactor, int ShowGrid, int TextAlign);

+ 39 - 28

@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ void tnsShaderMakeIndex(tnsShader *tns){
     tns->uViewDir = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uViewDir");
     tns->uViewPos = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uViewPos");
+    tns->uNear = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uNear");
+    tns->uFar = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uFar");
     tns->uFOV = glGetUniformLocation(program, "uFOV");
 void tnsShaderApplyProjection(tnsShader *tns, tnsMatrix44d m){
@@ -4365,27 +4367,35 @@ void tnsMakeFoucsSquare(int L, int R, int U, int B, int W){
-void tnsDrawFloor(int Size, int Span, int *ShowAxis){
-    int i = 0;
-    int Lim = Span * 2 + 1;
-    int Dist = Size * Span;
+void tnsDrawFloor(real* CamPosition, real Far, int *ShowAxis){
+    real OrigFar=Far;
+    real height=CamPosition[2];
+    real dist=sqrt(Far*Far-height*height);
+    real spanstart=Far/10000;
+    real spanl=1e-3,spanh=1e-3;
+    while((spanl*10)<spanstart){ spanl*=10; } spanh=spanl;
+    while((spanh*10)<Far){ spanh*=10; }
-    glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset(1,1); glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+    glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
-    tnsVertex3d(-10000,10000,0);
-    tnsVertex3d(10000,10000,0);
-    tnsVertex3d(10000,-10000,0);
-    tnsVertex3d(-10000,-10000,0);
-    tnsPackAs(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
-    tnsFlush();
-    tnsUseShader(T->immShader);
-    tnsEnableShaderv(T->immShader);
+    glUniform3f(T->FloorShader->uViewPos,LA_COLOR3(CamPosition));
+    glUniform1f(T->FloorShader->uFar,Far);
+    real sp=spanh;
+    while(sp>=spanl){
+        real xmin=((int)((CamPosition[0]-dist-sp)/sp))*sp,xmax=((int)((CamPosition[0]+dist+sp)/sp))*sp;
+        real ymin=((int)((CamPosition[1]-dist-sp)/sp))*sp,ymax=((int)((CamPosition[1]+dist+sp)/sp))*sp;
+        real ux=xmin; while(ux<xmax){ tnsVertex2d(ux,ymin),tnsVertex2d(ux,ymax); ux+=sp; }
+        real uy=ymin; while(uy<ymax){ tnsVertex2d(xmin,uy),tnsVertex2d(xmax,uy); uy+=sp; }
+        tnsPackAs(GL_LINES);
+        tnsFlush();
+        Far/=4; if(Far<height) break;
+        dist=sqrt(Far*Far-height*height); sp/=10;
+        glUniform1f(T->FloorShader->uFar,Far);
+    }
     //for (i; i < Lim; i++){
     //    if (i == Span && ShowAxis[0]) continue;
@@ -4401,24 +4411,25 @@ void tnsDrawFloor(int Size, int Span, int *ShowAxis){
-    if (ShowAxis[0]){
-        tnsColor4d(1, 0, 0, 1);
-        tnsVertex3d(-Dist, 0, 0);
-        tnsVertex3d(Dist, 0, 0);
+    glUniform1f(T->FloorShader->uFar,OrigFar);
+    if (ShowAxis[0]){ tnsColor4d(1, 0, 0, 1);
+        tnsVertex3d(-OrigFar, 0, 0); tnsVertex3d(OrigFar, 0, 0);
-    if (ShowAxis[1]){
-        tnsColor4d(0, 1, 0, 1);
-        tnsVertex3d(0, -Dist, 0);
-        tnsVertex3d(0, Dist, 0);
+    if (ShowAxis[1]){ tnsColor4d(0, 1, 0, 1);
+        tnsVertex3d(0, -OrigFar, 0); tnsVertex3d(0, OrigFar, 0);
-    if (ShowAxis[2]){
-        tnsColor4d(0, 0, 1, 1);
-        tnsVertex3d(0, 0, -Dist);
-        tnsVertex3d(0, 0, Dist);
+    if (ShowAxis[2]){ tnsColor4d(0, 0, 1, 1);
+        tnsVertex3d(0, 0, -OrigFar); tnsVertex3d(0, 0, OrigFar);
+    tnsFlush();
+    tnsUseShader(T->immShader);
+    tnsEnableShaderv(T->immShader);
+    glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
 void tnsDraw2DGrid10(real L, real R, real U, real B, real xmin, real xmax, real ymin, real ymax, real MostDenseW, real MostDenseH,

+ 9 - 7

@@ -692,22 +692,24 @@ uniform mat4 mProjection;
 uniform mat4 mModel;
 uniform mat4 mView;
 in vec4 vVertex;
+in vec4 vColor;
 out vec3 fGPos;
+out vec4 fColor;
 void main(){
     gl_Position=mProjection * mView * mModel * vVertex;
     fGPos=vec3((mModel * vVertex).xyz);
+	fColor=vColor;
 extern "C" const char* LA_FLOOR_FRAGMENT_SHADER = R"(#version 330
-layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
+uniform vec3 uViewPos;
+uniform float uFar;
+in vec4 fColor;
 in vec3 fGPos;
-float line(float center, float width,float s){
-	return smoothstep(center-width,center-width+1.e-1,s)-smoothstep(center+width-1.e-1,center+width,s);
+layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
 void main(){
-	float s=sin(fGPos.x/10);
-	float v=line(0,0.1,s);
-	outColor=v*vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1);
+	float fac=1-pow(clamp(length(uViewPos-fGPos)/uFar,0,1),0.4);
+	outColor=vec4(fColor.rgb,fColor.a*fac);
 extern "C" const char* LA_RAY_VERTEX_SHADER = R"(#version 330

+ 4 - 4

@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ void la_RootObjectDraw(laBoxedTheme *bt, tnsObject *root, laUiItem* ui){
         //tnsVertexArray3d(p, 4); tnsPackAs(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
         //tnsMakeQuad3d(p, -100,-100, 74,-100,100, 74,100,100, 74,100,-100, 74);
         //tnsVertexArray3d(p, 4); tnsPackAs(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
-        ////tnsDrawFloor(e->GridSize, e->GridSpan, e->ShowAxis);
+        ////tnsDrawFloor(e->ViewingCamera->Base.GLocation, e->ViewingCamera->ZMax, e->ShowAxis);
-        //tnsDrawFloor(e->GridSize, e->GridSpan, e->ShowAxis);
+        //tnsDrawFloor(e->ViewingCamera->Base.GLocation, e->ViewingCamera->ZMax, e->ShowAxis);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void la_RootObjectDraw(laBoxedTheme *bt, tnsObject *root, laUiItem* ui){
         //if (!e->LineDrawingMode && e->ShowFloorGrid){
         //    tnsColor4dv(laThemeColor(bt,LA_BT_BORDER));
-        //    tnsDrawFloor(e->GridSize, e->GridSpan, e->ShowAxis);
+        //    tnsDrawFloor(e->ViewingCamera->Base.GLocation, e->ViewingCamera->ZMax, e->ShowAxis);
         //    tnsFlush();
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void la_RootObjectDraw(laBoxedTheme *bt, tnsObject *root, laUiItem* ui){
     if (!e->LineDrawingMode && e->ShowFloorGrid){
         real* color=laThemeColor(bt,LA_BT_BORDER); tnsColor4d(LA_COLOR3(color),0.4);
-        tnsDrawFloor(e->GridSize, e->GridSpan, e->ShowAxis);
+        tnsDrawFloor(e->ViewingCamera->Base.GLocation, e->ViewingCamera->ZMax, e->ShowAxis);