* LaGUI: A graphical application framework.
* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Wu Yiming
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "la_5.h"
static const char *entries[]={
"Auto Switch","自动切换",
"Per screen config","针对每个屏幕设置:",
"Will remove input mapping","将删除映射",
"Will remove this key map entry","将删除该映射条目",
"Select Signal","选择信号",
"Press a key:","按任意键:",
"Select Key","选择按键",
"New Entry","新条目",
"New Mapping","新建映射",
"Warning Color:","警告颜色:",
"Halftone Factor","半调色程度",
"Halftone Size","半调色尺寸",
"Restore Factory Settings","恢复出厂设置",
"Restart the program for changes to take effect.","重新启动程序生效。",
"Unable to remove preference file.","不能删除用户设置文件",
"This will remove the preference file.\nChanges take effect on restating the program.","这会删除用户设置文件,\n重新启动程序后生效。",
"Enable Log StdOut","调试信息至标准输出",
"Recalculate Normals","重计算法线",
"Loop Cut","环切",
"Keep transform","保持变换",
"Use Format","使用格式",
"Scene Info","场景信息",
"Clear Transformations","清除变换",
"Debug Sync","调试同步",
"Select Through","穿透选择",
"Mesh Object","网格物体",
"Make parent","绑定父级",
"Untranslated strings exported to TranslationDump.txt","未翻译的词句已导出至 TranslationDump.txt",
"Enable OpenGL Debug","启用 OpenGL 调试",
"Audio Device:","音频设备:",
"OpenGL Debugging:","OpenGL 调试:",
"Show Details","显示详细",
"Delta Rot","增量旋转",
"Select or add a logic page.","选择或添加逻辑页。",
"Delta Mode","增量模式",
"Properties","属性 ",
"Action Channels","动作通道",
"Save on exit:","退出时保存:",
"OpenGL debugging is force enabled with `--gl-debug`","已通过 `--gl-debug` 强制开启 OpenGL 调试",
"View Detached","显示为固定的",
"Delta Loc","增量位置",
"Delta Scale","增量缩放",
"New Root","新的根物体",
"Refresh Audio Devices","刷新音频设备",
"Please select an action.","请选择一个动作。",
"No active object.","没有激活物体。",
"Root Objects","根物体",
"Enable Color Management","启用色彩管理",
"Remove Page","删除页",
"Move Left","向左移动",
"Move Right","向右移动",
"Not yet implemened on Windows.","尚未在Windows上实现。",
"Set Min","调成最小",
"Set Max","调成最大",
"Restore Default","恢复默认值",
"Copy Selection","复制选择内容",
"Get File Path","获取文件路径",
"Show Splash","显示闪屏",
"🡻 Minimized","🡻 隐藏的面板",
"Multiply (component)","相乘(分量)",
"Combine 🡲","合并 🡲",
"New Layout","新布局",
"Divide (component)","相除(分量)",
"Color Picker Gamma","拾色器伽玛",
"General Type Of The File","文件的一般类型",
"File exists","文件已存在",
"Selected file already exists. Overwrite the file?","所选文件已存在。覆盖该文件?",
"Restore Layout","恢复布局",
"Background color of the canvas","画布的背景颜色",
"Create a new window","创建一个新窗口",
"Cycle All Layouts In Current SYSWINDOW","在当前窗口中循环所有布局",
"The Title/Name Of A Panel","面板的标题/名字",
"Themes Loaded In The Program","该程序已加载的主题",
"Framerate limiter for drawing the user interface","绘制整个用户界面的帧率限制",
"Dock some panels here.","将面板停靠到这里。",
"User Preferences","用户偏好设置",
"Data Manager","数据管理",
"Input Mapping","输入映射",
"Texture Inspector","纹理检查工具",
"Yiming's Blog","吴奕茗的博客",
"Ignore The Statement","忽略该陈述",
"Show Border","显示边框",
"显示 User Preferences","显示 用户设置",
"Range of the random values","随机值的范围",
"Show ","显示 ",
"Discard And Quit","放弃并退出",
"Make Transform","生成变换",
"Vector Math","矢量数学",
"Show User Preferences","显示用户设置",
"Small Math","小数学",
"Save All Modified","保存所有已修改",
"You still have unsaved/unassigned datablocks:","您还有未保存/未指定文件的数据块:",
"If you exit the program now, you will lose those changes.","如果现在退出,这些更改将丢失",
"Input Mapping:","输入映射:",
"UDF Manager","UDF 管理",
"Please select a controller.","请选择一个控制器",
"Floating Panel:","浮动面板:",
"Solid Shadow Length","阴影长度",
"Wire Transparency","线条透明度",
"Cursor Alpha","指针透明度",
"Selected Face Transparency","已选择面的透明度",
"Wire color slices","线条颜色数",
"Scrolling Speed","滚动速度",
"A graphical user interface application toolkit","一个图形界面应用程序框架",
"Add Resource Folder","添加资源文件夹",
"User Interactions:","用户交互:",
"Enable Translation:","使用翻译:",
"Inactive Mix","不活动的",
"Delete Rack","删除挂架",
"Panel Animation Speed","面板动画速度",
"Active Theme","当前主题",
"Panel doesn't have configurable property.","面板没有可调节属性。",
"Font Size","字符尺寸",
"Margin Size","留白尺寸",
"Add Rack","添加挂架",
"Tooltip Close Distance","工具提示关闭距离",
"UDF Manager Default View:","默认UDF管理视图:",
"Other Entries","其他条目",
"New Panel","新面板",
"Font Size:","字符尺寸:",
"Accent Color:","亮点颜色:",
"Wire Saturation","线条饱和度",
"LaGUI application framework is made by Wu Yiming.","LaGUI应用程序框架由吴奕茗制作。",
"Refresh Controllers","刷新控制器",
"Panel Multisample:","面板多重采样",
"Text Active","文字激活",
"Shadow Alpha","阴影透明度",
"Input device handling:","输入设备行为:",
"Add Node","添加节点",
"Viewing Texture:","查看贴图:",
"Stylus Device","手写笔设备",
"Base Color:","基础颜色:",
"Margin Size:","留白尺寸:",
"Eraser Device","橡皮擦设备",
"Animation Speed","动画速度",
"File Dialog","选择文件",
"Row Height:","行高:",
"Selected Vertex Transparency","已选择点的透明度",
"Dump Untranslated Text","导出未翻译的词句",
"Zoom Speed 2D","平面缩放速度",
"Idle time","静止时间",
"UDF Extensions:","UDF扩展:",
"Top Framerate:","最高帧率:",
"Top Framerate","最高帧率",
"Yes Or No","是/否",
"Selection Alpha","选择区域透明度",
"Edge Brightness","边缘亮度",
"Valuator Threshold","数值挂件拖动阈值",
"Save as","另存为",
"Switch Layout","切换布局",
"Show","显示 ",
"Wire saggyness","连线松弛程度",
"Inactive Saturation","未激活饱和度",
"Get Folder Path","获得文件夹路径",
"New SYSWINDOW","新窗口",
"Resource Folders","资源文件夹",
"Selected Edge Transparency","已选择边的透明度",
"Wire thickness","线条粗细",
"Panel Activator","面板激活工具",
"Data Blocks","数据块",
"Wacom Devices:","Wacom 设备:",
"Move Rack","移动挂架",
"Interface Size","界面尺寸",
"(C)Yiming Wu","(C) 吴奕茗",
"Wire Brightness","连线亮度",
"Rebuild Input Mapping","重生成输入映射",
"Save Preferences","保存偏好设置",
"Function Test","功能测试",
"Edge Transparency","边透明度",
"Insert Rack","插入挂架",
"Line Width:","线宽度:",
"Add Page","新建页",
"File Size","文件尺寸",
"Last Modified On","最后修改于",
"New File","新文件",
"… Bookmarks","… 书签",
"Logic Drives","逻辑驱动器",
"File Name","文件名",
"Device Graphics","设备图形信息",
"LaGUI information","LaGUI 信息",
void la_MakeTranslations(){
for(int i=0;;i++){if(!entries[i*2])break;