/* * Our Paint: A light weight GPU powered painting program. * Copyright (C) 2022 Wu Yiming * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ourpaint.h" extern LA MAIN; extern tnsMain* T; extern OurPaint *Our; static const char *entries[]={ "OurPaint 0.1","好得涂 0.1", "Brush Nodes","笔刷节点", "Our Paint","好得涂", "Brushes","笔刷", "Layers","图层", "Canvas","画布", "Unlocked","已解锁", "Position:","位置:", "Size:","尺寸:", "Brush tool not selected","未选择笔刷工具", "Lock","锁定", "Border Alpha","边框透明度", "No","无", "OurPaint is made by Wu Yiming.","好得涂 由吴奕茗制作。", "A simple yet flexible node-based GPU painting program.","一个简单灵活的节点控制GPU绘画程序。", "OurPaint Blog","好得涂博客", "Dev log","开发日志", "Single canvas implementation.","单画布实现。", "8 Bits","8位", "Color Profile:","色彩配置:", "Import Layer","导入图层", "Merge","合并", "Cropping","裁剪", "Smoothness","平滑度", "Lock Radius","锁定半径", "Smudge","涂抹", "Clean","干净", "Layer","图层", "Image","图像", "Paint","涂画", "Multiply","相乘", "Visible","可见", "Linear sRGB","线性 sRGB", "Generic:","通用:", "Transparency","透明度", "New Brush","新笔刷", "Canvas Scale","画布缩放", "Others","其他", "Bit Depth:","位深度:", "OurPaint v0.1","好得涂 v0.1", "New Layer","新图层", "Color Space:","色彩空间:", "OurPaint","好得涂", "Dabs Per Size","每半径的笔触点数", "Paintable","可绘图", "Use Nodes","使用节点", "Paint Undo Limit","绘图撤销限制", "Show","显示", "Background:","背景:", "Angle","角度", "Brush Circle","笔刷圆圈", "Erasing","擦除", "R,G,B","红,绿,蓝", "Assign all \"Our Tools\" into:","将所有“工具”指定到: ", "Min,Max","最小,最大", "Developer:","开发者:", "Smudge Resample Length","涂抹重采样长度", "Mode:","模式:", "Display:","显示:", "Hardness","硬度", "Export Layer","导出图层", " Steps","步", "Modified","已更改", "Export Image","导出图像", "Slender","压扁", "Show debug tiles","显示调试图像块", "Exporting Defaults:","导出时的默认值:", "Default as eraser","默认为橡皮擦", "Name of the brush","笔刷名字", "Combine","合并", "Locked","已锁定", "Brush Device","笔刷设备", "Brush Outputs","笔刷输出", "About","关于", "Linear Clay","线性 Clay", "Brush Settings","笔刷设置", 0,0}; void ourMakeTranslations(){ transSetLanguage("zh-CN"); for(int i=0;;i++){if(!entries[i*2])break; transNewEntry(entries[i*2],entries[i*2+1]); } }