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remove func, pdf

YimingWu 10 months ago
5 changed files with 5395 additions and 49 deletions
  1. 1 0
  2. 15 1
  3. 412 48
  4. 4167 0
  5. 800 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ include_directories(
 file(GLOB_RECURSE elarpFiles 
+    pdfgen.c

+ 15 - 1

@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #include "la_5.h"
+#include "pdfgen.h"
 extern LA MAIN;
@@ -36,7 +38,9 @@ STRUCTURE(ERPProduct){
     laListItem Item;
     laSafeString* Name;
     laListHandle AvailableOptions;
+    laSafeString* HSCode;
     int Price;
+    int DiscountedPrice;
@@ -62,7 +66,8 @@ STRUCTURE(ERPOrder){
     laSafeString* AdminComments;
     int State;
     int Paid;
-    int Discount;
+    int OrderDiscount;
+    int OrderPrice;
@@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ STRUCTURE(ERPProductEntry){
     ERPProduct* Product;
     laListHandle Options;
     int Amount;
+    int EntryPrice;
@@ -78,14 +84,22 @@ STRUCTURE(ERPProductEntryOption){
     ERPProductEntry* Parent;
     ERPProductOption* Option;
     ERPProductOptionValue* Value;
+    int OptionPriceOffset;
     laListItem Item;
+    ERPOrder* Parent;
     laSafeString* Tracking;
     laListHandle IncludedProducts;
+    laListItem Item;
+    ERPPackage* Parent;
+    ERPProductEntry* Product;

+ 412 - 48

@@ -44,14 +44,21 @@ void erpui_CustomerItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedPro
     laShowLabel(uil,cl,"Telephone:",0,0); laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"tel",0,0,0,0);
     laShowLabel(uil,cl,"E-Mail:",0,0); laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"email",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c);
+    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"remove",0,0,0,0);
+    laEndRow(uil,r);
 void erpui_CustomersPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
-    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil),*cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,20);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil),*cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,0);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
     laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowColumnAdjuster(uil,c);
     laUiItem* gr=laMakeEmptyGroup(uil,cl,0,0); laUiList* gu=gr->Page; laColumn* gc=laFirstColumn(gu);
     gu->HeightCoeff=-1; gr->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
     laUiItem* ui=laShowItemFull(gu,gc,0,"erp.customers",0,0,erpui_CustomerListItem,0);
@@ -64,57 +71,59 @@ void erpui_CustomersPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedP
 void erpui_ProductOptionValueItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
-    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,cr,1,1);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",0,0,0,0);
-    laShowItem(uil,cr,This,"price_offset");
+    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,cr,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"remove",0,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",0,0,0,0)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItem(uil,cr,This,"price_offset")->Expand=1;
 void erpui_ProductOptionItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
     laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,cr,0,0);
-    laUiItem* b=laOnConditionToggle(uil,c,0,0,0,0,0); 
-    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",0,0,0,0);
-    laShowSeparator(uil,cr)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"remove",0,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",0,0,0,0)->Expand=1;
-    laElse(uil,b);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",0,0,0,0);
-    laEndRow(uil,r);
-    laEndCondition(uil,b);
 void erpui_ProductListItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
-    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil);
-    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL;
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"name",LA_WIDGET_STRING_PLAIN,0,0,0);
-    laEndRow(uil,r);
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.4); cl=laLeftColumn(c,2);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cl,This,"price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"name",LA_WIDGET_STRING_PLAIN,0,0,0);
 void erpui_ProductItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil);
-    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,1,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"discounted_price",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"hs_code",0,0,0,0);
-    laUiItem* b=laOnConditionToggle(uil,c,0,0,0,0,0); strSafeSet(&b->ExtraInstructions,"text=Options"); b->Expand=1;
-    laShowItem(uil,c,This,"new_option");
+    laShowLabel(uil,c,"Options:",0,0);
+    laShowItem(uil,c,This,"new_option"); 
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"available_options",0,0,erpui_ProductOptionItem,0);
-    laElse(uil,b);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"available_options",0,0,erpui_ProductOptionItem,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c);
+    r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"remove",0,0,0,0);
 void erpui_ProductsPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
-    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,20);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,0);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
     laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowColumnAdjuster(uil,c);
     laUiItem* gr=laMakeEmptyGroup(uil,cl,0,0); laUiList* gu=gr->Page; laColumn* gc=laFirstColumn(gu);
     gu->HeightCoeff=-1; gr->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
     laUiItem* ui=laShowItemFull(gu,gc,0,"erp.products",0,0,erpui_ProductListItem,0);
@@ -126,30 +135,64 @@ void erpui_ProductsPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedPr
 void erpui_ProductEntryOptionItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
-    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.8); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,0);crr=laRightColumn(cr,1);
-    laColumn* crll,*crlr; laSplitColumn(uil,crl,0.5); crll=laLeftColumn(crl,0);crlr=laRightColumn(crl,0);
+    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.8); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,1);crr=laRightColumn(cr,0);
+    laColumn* crrl,*crrr; laSplitColumn(uil,crr,0.5); crrl=laLeftColumn(crr,0);crrr=laRightColumn(crr,0);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,crll,This,"option",0,0,0,0);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,crlr,This,"value",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crl,This,"remove",0,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crrl,This,"option",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crrr,This,"value",0,0,0,0);
 void erpui_ProductEntryItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
-    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.2); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,1);crr=laRightColumn(cr,0);
-    laColumn* crrl,*crrr; laSplitColumn(uil,crr,0.5); crrl=laLeftColumn(crr,0);crrr=laRightColumn(crr,7);
+    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.2); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,4);crr=laRightColumn(cr,0);
+    laColumn* crrl,*crrr; laSplitColumn(uil,crr,0.5); crrl=laLeftColumn(crr,0);crrr=laRightColumn(crr,0);
-    laUiItem* b=laOnConditionToggle(uil,crl,0,0,0,0,0); 
+    laUiItem* b=laBeginRow(uil,crl,0,0);
+    laShowItem(uil,crl,This,"remove")->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laUiItem* ui=laShowItem(uil,crl,This,"entry_price");ui->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL; ui->Expand=1;
+    laEndRow(uil,b);
+    b=laBeginRow(uil,crrr,0,0);
+    laUiItem* am=laShowItem(uil,crrr,This,"amount"); am->Expand=1; am->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL;
+    laEndRow(uil,b);
+void erpui_ProductEntryListItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.4); cl=laLeftColumn(c,2);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laUiItem* b=laOnConditionThat(uil,c,laPropExpression(This,"product"));
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cl,This,"entry_price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"product.name",LA_WIDGET_STRING_PLAIN,0,0,0);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,crr,This,"product",0,0,erpui_ProductListItem,0);
+    laShowLabel(uil,c,"<Empty Product>",0,0);
+void erpui_PackageProductItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.2); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,1);crr=laRightColumn(cr,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cl,This,"__move",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crl,This,"remove",0,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crr,This,"product",0,0,0,0);
+void erpui_PackageItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.2); cl=laLeftColumn(c,1);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laColumn* crl,*crr; laSplitColumn(uil,cr,0.2); crl=laLeftColumn(cr,1);crr=laRightColumn(cr,0);
+    laColumn* crrl,*crrr; laSplitColumn(uil,crr,0.5); crrl=laLeftColumn(crr,0);crrr=laRightColumn(crr,1);
+    laShowItem(uil,cl,This,"__move");
+    laShowItem(uil,crl,This,"remove")->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_ICON;
+    laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,crr,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crr,This,"tracking",0,0,0,0)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItem(uil,crrr,This,"new_entry");
+    laEndRow(uil,r);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,crr,This,"included_products",0,0,erpui_PackageProductItem,0);
 void erpui_OrderListItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
-    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil);
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"__uid",LA_WIDGET_STRING_PLAIN,0,0,0);
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.4); cl=laLeftColumn(c,2);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cl,This,"order_price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,cr,This,"__uid",LA_WIDGET_STRING_PLAIN,0,0,0);
 void erpui_OrderItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
     laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil);
@@ -159,32 +202,45 @@ void erpui_OrderItem(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps,
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"discount",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"order_discount",0,0,0,0);
-    laUiItem* b=laOnConditionToggle(uil,c,0,0,0,0,0); strSafeSet(&b->ExtraInstructions,"text=Product Entries"); b->Expand=1;
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"product_entries",0,0,erpui_ProductEntryItem,0);
-    laElse(uil,b);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"product_entries",0,0,erpui_ProductEntryItem,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"order_price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_LABEL|LA_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c);
+    r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowItem(uil,c,This,"new_package");
-    laEndCondition(uil,b);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"packages",0,0,erpui_PackageItem,0)->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
-    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"packages",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c);
+    r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"print",0,0,0,0);
+    laShowSeparator(uil,c)->Expand=1;
+    laShowItemFull(uil,c,This,"remove",0,0,0,0);
+    laEndRow(uil,r);
 void erpui_OrdersPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProps, laColumn *UNUSED, int context){
-    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,20);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
+    laColumn* c=laFirstColumn(uil), *cl,*cr; laSplitColumn(uil,c,0.5); cl=laLeftColumn(c,0);cr=laRightColumn(c,0);
     laUiItem* r=laBeginRow(uil,c,0,0);
+    laShowColumnAdjuster(uil,c);
     laUiItem* gr=laMakeEmptyGroup(uil,cl,0,0); laUiList* gu=gr->Page; laColumn* gc=laFirstColumn(gu);
     gu->HeightCoeff=-1; gr->Flags|=LA_UI_FLAGS_NO_DECAL;
     laUiItem* ui=laShowItemFull(gu,gc,0,"erp.orders",0,0,erpui_OrderListItem,0);
@@ -195,6 +251,56 @@ void erpui_OrdersPanel(laUiList *uil, laPropPack *This, laPropPack *DetachedProp
+void erp_GetCustomerText(laSafeString** s, ERPCustomer* c){
+    if(!c){ strSafePrint(s,"    <Unspecified>\n"); return; }
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","Name",SSTR(c->Name));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","Country",SSTR(c->Country));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","State",SSTR(c->State));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","City",SSTR(c->City));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","Address",SSTR(c->Address));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","PostalCode",SSTR(c->PostalCode));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","Tel",SSTR(c->Tel));
+    strSafePrint(s,"    %-15s : %s\n","EMail",SSTR(c->EMail));
+void erp_GetOrderProductsText(laSafeString** s, ERPOrder* o){
+    if(!o->ProductEntries.pFirst){ strSafePrint(s,"    <Empty Order>\n"); return; }
+    strSafePrint(s,"Item                          | Per Item | Amount | Combined    \n");
+    for(ERPProductEntry* pe=o->ProductEntries.pFirst;pe;pe=pe->Item.pNext){
+        strSafePrint(s,"%-32s%8d   %6d   %8d\n",
+            pe->Product?SSTR(pe->Product->Name):"<Empty Product>",
+            pe->Product?pe->Product->Price:0, pe->Amount, pe->EntryPrice);
+        for(ERPProductEntryOption* peo=pe->Options.pFirst;peo;peo=peo->Item.pNext){
+            strSafePrint(s,"    %-13s: %-13s %+7d\n",
+                peo->Option?SSTR(peo->Option->Name):"<Empty Option>",
+                peo->Value?SSTR(peo->Value->Name):"<Empty Value>",
+                peo->OptionPriceOffset);
+        }
+    }
+void erp_GetOrderPackagesText(laSafeString** s, ERPOrder* o){
+    if(!o->ProductEntries.pFirst){ strSafePrint(s,"    <Empty Order>\n"); return; }
+    int i=0; for(ERPPackage* p=o->Packages.pFirst;p;p=p->Item.pNext){ i++;
+        strSafePrint(s,"    %2d %-32s\n", i,
+            (p->Tracking&&p->Tracking->Ptr[0]!=0)?SSTR(p->Tracking):"<Unspecified package tracking number>");
+        int j=0; for(ERPPackageProduct* pp=p->IncludedProducts.pFirst;pp;pp=pp->Item.pNext){ j++;
+            strSafePrint(s,"        %2d. %-28s (%8d)\n", j,
+                (pp->Product&&pp->Product->Product)?SSTR(pp->Product->Product->Name):"<Empty Product>",
+                pp->Product?pp->Product->EntryPrice:0);
+        }
+    }
+void erp_GetOrderText(laSafeString** s, ERPOrder* o){
+    int hylevel;
+    laMemNodeHyper* head=memGetHead(o,&hylevel);
+    strSafePrint(s,"Order %s\n============================================================\n\nTO:\n",head->NUID.String);
+    erp_GetCustomerText(s,o->Customer);
+    strSafePrint(s,"\nProducts ---------------------------------------------------\n\n");
+    erp_GetOrderProductsText(s, o);
+    strSafePrint(s,"\nPackages ---------------------------------------------------\n\n");
+    erp_GetOrderPackagesText(s, o);
 ERPOrder* erpNewOrder(){
     ERPOrder* o=memAcquireHyper(sizeof(ERPOrder)); lstPushItem(&erp->Orders,o);
     laNotifyUsers("erp.orders"); laNotifyUsers("erp.current_order"); memAssignRef(erp,&erp->CurrentOrder,o);
@@ -232,17 +338,84 @@ ERPProductEntry* erpNewProductEntryOption(ERPProductEntry* pe){ if(!pe) return 0
     laNotifyInstanceUsers(pe); memAssignRef(peo,&peo->Parent,pe);
     return peo;
+ERPPackageProduct* erpNewPackageProduct(ERPPackage* p){ if(!p) return 0;
+    ERPPackageProduct* pp=memAcquire(sizeof(ERPPackage)); lstAppendItem(&p->IncludedProducts,pp);
+    laNotifyInstanceUsers(p); memAssignRef(pp,&pp->Parent,p);
+    return pp;
+ERPPackage* erpNewPackage(ERPOrder* o){ if(!o) return 0;
+    ERPPackage* p=memAcquire(sizeof(ERPPackage)); lstAppendItem(&o->Packages,p);
+    laNotifyInstanceUsers(o); memAssignRef(p,&p->Parent,o);
+    erpNewPackageProduct(p);
+    return p;
+void erpRemovePackageProduct(ERPPackage* p, ERPPackageProduct* pp){
+    lstRemoveItem(&p->IncludedProducts,pp); memLeave(pp); laNotifyInstanceUsers(p);
+void erpRemovePackage(ERPOrder* o, ERPPackage* p){
+    while(p->IncludedProducts.pFirst){ erpRemovePackageProduct(p,p->IncludedProducts.pFirst); }
+    lstRemoveItem(&o->Packages,p); strSafeDestroy(&p->Tracking); memLeave(p); laNotifyInstanceUsers(o);
+void erpRemoveProductEntryOption(ERPProductEntry* pe, ERPProductEntryOption* peo){
+    lstRemoveItem(&pe->Options,peo); memLeave(peo); laNotifyInstanceUsers(pe);
+void erpRemoveProductEntry(ERPOrder* o, ERPProductEntry* pe){
+    while(pe->Options.pFirst){ erpRemoveProductEntryOption(pe,pe->Options.pFirst); }
+    lstRemoveItem(&o->ProductEntries,pe); memLeave(pe); laNotifyInstanceUsers(o);
+void erpRemoveOrder(ERPOrder* o){
+    while(o->Packages.pFirst){ erpRemovePackage(o,o->ProductEntries.pFirst); }
+    while(o->ProductEntries.pFirst){ erpRemoveProductEntry(o,o->ProductEntries.pFirst); }
+    strSafeDestroy(&o->Comments); strSafeDestroy(&o->AdminComments);
+    ERPOrder* cur=o->Item.pNext?o->Item.pNext:o->Item.pPrev;
+    memAssignRef(erp,&erp->CurrentOrder,cur);
+    lstRemoveItem(&erp->Orders, o); memLeave(o);
+    laNotifyUsers("erp.current_order");laNotifyUsers("erp.orders");
+void erpRemoveCustomer(ERPCustomer* c){
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->Nickname);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->Name);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->Country);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->State);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->City);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->Address);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->PostalCode);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->Tel);
+    strSafeDestroy(&c->EMail);
+    ERPCustomer* cur=c->Item.pNext?c->Item.pNext:c->Item.pPrev;
+    memAssignRef(erp,&erp->CurrentCustomer,cur);
+    lstRemoveItem(&erp->Customers,c); memLeave(c);
+    laNotifyUsers("erp.current_customer");laNotifyUsers("erp.customers");
+void erpRemoveProductOptionValue(ERPProductOption* po, ERPProductOptionValue* pov){
+    lstRemoveItem(&po->Values,pov); strSafeDestroy(&pov->Name);  memLeave(pov);
+    laNotifyInstanceUsers(po);
+void erpRemoveProductOption(ERPProduct* p, ERPProductOption* po){
+    while(po->Values.pFirst){erpRemoveProductOptionValue(po,po->Values.pFirst);}
+    lstRemoveItem(&p->AvailableOptions,po);
+    strSafeDestroy(&po->Name);  memLeave(po); laNotifyInstanceUsers(p);
+void erpRemoveProduct(ERPProduct* p){
+    while(p->AvailableOptions.pFirst){erpRemoveProductOption(p,p->AvailableOptions.pFirst);}
+    strSafeDestroy(&p->Name); strSafeDestroy(&p->HSCode);
+    ERPProduct* cur=p->Item.pNext?p->Item.pNext:p->Item.pPrev;
+    memAssignRef(erp,&erp->CurrentProduct,cur);
+    lstRemoveItem(&erp->Products,p); memLeave(p);
+    laNotifyUsers("erp.current_product");laNotifyUsers("erp.products");
 int erpinv_NewOrder(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){ erpNewOrder(); 
     laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.orders");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_order");laPushDifferences("New Order",0);
     return LA_FINISHED;
 int erpinv_NewCustomer(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){ erpNewCustomer(); 
-    laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.customer");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.customer");laPushDifferences("New Customer",0);
+    laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.customers");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_customer");laPushDifferences("New Customer",0);
     return LA_FINISHED;
 int erpinv_NewProduct(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){ erpNewProduct();
-    laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.product");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.product");laPushDifferences("New Product",0);
+    laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.products");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_product");laPushDifferences("New Product",0);
     return LA_FINISHED;
 int erpinv_NewProductOption(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
@@ -265,6 +438,153 @@ int erpinv_NewProductEntryOption(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
     ERPProductEntry* peo=erpNewProductEntryOption(pe); if(peo){ laRecordInstanceDifferences(pe,"erp_product_entry");laPushDifferences("New Product Entry Option",0); }
     return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_NewPackage(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPOrder* o=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!o){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPPackage* p=erpNewPackage(o); if(p){ laRecordInstanceDifferences(o,"erp_order");laPushDifferences("New Package",0); }
+    return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_NewPackageProduct(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPPackage* p=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!p){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPPackageProduct* pp=erpNewPackageProduct(p); if(pp){ laRecordInstanceDifferences(p,"erp_package");laPushDifferences("New Package Product",0); }
+    return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_RemoveOrder(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPOrder* o=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!o){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove order?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemoveOrder(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPOrder* o=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!o){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemoveOrder(o);
+            laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.orders");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_order");laPushDifferences("Remove Order",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemoveProduct(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProduct* p=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!p){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove product?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemoveProduct(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProduct* p=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!p){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemoveProduct(p);
+            laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.products");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_product");laPushDifferences("Remove Product",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemoveCustomer(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPCustomer* c=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!c){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove customer?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemoveCustomer(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPCustomer* c=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!c){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemoveCustomer(c);
+            laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.customers");laRecordDifferences(0,"erp.current_customer");laPushDifferences("Remove Customer",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemovePackage(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPPackage* p=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!p){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove package?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemovePackage(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPPackage* p=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!p){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPOrder* o=p->Parent;
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemovePackage(o,p);
+            laRecordInstanceDifferences(o,"erp_order");
+            laPushDifferences("Remove Package",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemoveProductOption(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductOption* po=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!po){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove option?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemoveProductOption(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductOption* po=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!po){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPProduct* p=po->Parent;
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemoveProductOption(p,po);
+            laRecordInstanceDifferences(p,"erp_product");
+            laPushDifferences("Remove Product Option",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemoveProductEntry(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductEntry* pe=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!pe){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laEnableYesNoPanel(a,0,"Confirm?","Remove entry?",e->x,e->y,200,e);
+    return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpmod_RemoveProductEntry(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductEntry* pe=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!pe){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPOrder* o=pe->Parent;
+    if (a->ConfirmData){
+        if (a->ConfirmData->Mode == LA_CONFIRM_OK){ erpRemoveProductEntry(o,pe);
+            laRecordInstanceDifferences(o,"erp_order");
+            laPushDifferences("Remove Product Entry",0);
+        }
+        return LA_FINISHED;
+    } return LA_RUNNING;
+int erpinv_RemoveProductEntryOption(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductEntryOption* peo=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!peo){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPProductEntry* pe=peo->Parent;
+    erpRemoveProductEntryOption(pe,peo);
+    laRecordInstanceDifferences(pe,"erp_product_entry"); laPushDifferences("Remove Product Entry Option",0);
+    return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_RemoveProductOptionValue(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPProductOptionValue* pov=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!pov){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPProductOption* po=pov->Parent;
+    erpRemoveProductOptionValue(po,pov);
+    laRecordInstanceDifferences(po,"erp_product_option"); laPushDifferences("Remove Product Option Value",0);
+    return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_RemovePackageProduct(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPPackageProduct* pp=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:0; if(!pp){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    ERPPackage* p=pp->Parent; if(p->IncludedProducts.pFirst==p->IncludedProducts.pLast){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    erpRemovePackageProduct(p,pp);
+    laRecordInstanceDifferences(p,"erp_package"); laPushDifferences("Remove Package Product",0);
+    return LA_FINISHED;
+int erpinv_PrintOrderInfo(laOperator* a, laEvent* e){
+    ERPOrder* o=a->This?a->This->EndInstance:erp->CurrentOrder; if(!o){ return LA_FINISHED; }
+    laSafeString*s=0; erp_GetOrderText(&s,o);
+    struct pdf_info info = {
+        .creator = "Me",
+        .producer = "eLarp Software",
+        .title = "Order Info",
+        .author = "Yiming",
+        .subject = "Some Subject",
+        .date = "Today"
+    };
+    struct pdf_doc *pdf = pdf_create(PDF_A4_WIDTH, PDF_A4_HEIGHT, &info);
+    pdf_set_font(pdf, "Courier");
+    pdf_append_page(pdf);
+    pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, NULL, SSTR(s), 12, 50,PDF_A4_HEIGHT-20, 0,PDF_BLACK,PDF_A4_WIDTH,PDF_ALIGN_LEFT,0);
+    pdf_add_line(pdf, NULL, 50, 24, 150, 24, 3, PDF_BLACK);
+    pdf_save(pdf, "output.pdf");
+    pdf_destroy(pdf);
+    printf("%s\n",SSTR(s)); strSafeDestroy(&s);
+    return LA_FINISHED;
 void erpset_ProductOptionMove(ERPProductOption* po, int move){
     if(move<0 && po->Item.pPrev){ lstMoveUp(&po->Parent->AvailableOptions, po); laNotifyInstanceUsers(po->Parent); }
@@ -282,10 +602,20 @@ void erpset_ProductEntryOptionMove(ERPProductEntryOption* peo, int move){
     if(move<0 && peo->Item.pPrev){ lstMoveUp(&peo->Parent->Options, peo); laNotifyInstanceUsers(peo->Parent); }
     elif(move>0 && peo->Item.pNext){ lstMoveDown(&peo->Parent->Options, peo); laNotifyInstanceUsers(peo->Parent); }
+void erpset_PackageMove(ERPPackage* p, int move){
+    if(move<0 && p->Item.pPrev){ lstMoveUp(&p->Parent->Packages, p); laNotifyInstanceUsers(p->Parent); }
+    elif(move>0 && p->Item.pNext){ lstMoveDown(&p->Parent->Packages, p); laNotifyInstanceUsers(p->Parent); }
+void erpset_PackageProductMove(ERPPackageProduct* pp, int move){
+    if(move<0 && pp->Item.pPrev){ lstMoveUp(&pp->Parent->IncludedProducts, pp); laNotifyInstanceUsers(pp->Parent); }
+    elif(move>0 && pp->Item.pNext){ lstMoveDown(&pp->Parent->IncludedProducts, pp); laNotifyInstanceUsers(pp->Parent); }
 void* erpget_FirstCustomer(void* unused1,void* unused2){ return erp->Customers.pFirst; }
 void* erpget_FirstProduct(void* unused1,void* unused2){ return erp->Products.pFirst; }
 void* erpget_FirstProductEntryOption(ERPProductEntryOption* peo,void* unused2){ return peo->Parent&&peo->Parent->Product?peo->Parent->Product->AvailableOptions.pFirst:0; }
 void* erpget_FirstProductEntryOptionValue(ERPProductEntryOption* peo,void* unused2){ return peo->Option?peo->Option->Values.pFirst:0; }
+void* erpget_FirstProductEntryFromPackageProduct(ERPPackageProduct* pp,void* unused2){ return pp->Parent&&pp->Parent->Parent?pp->Parent->Parent->ProductEntries.pFirst:0; }
+void* erpgetactive_ProductEntryProduct(ERPProductEntry* pe, void* unused){ return pe->Product; }
 void erpRegisterEverything(){
     laPropContainer* pc; laKeyMapper* km; laProp* p; laSubProp* sp; laOperatorType* at;
@@ -297,7 +627,20 @@ void erpRegisterEverything(){
     laCreateOperatorType("ERP_new_product_option_value","New Value","New value",0,0,0,erpinv_NewProductOptionValue,0,'+',0);
     laCreateOperatorType("ERP_new_product_entry","New Product Entry","New product entry",0,0,0,erpinv_NewProductEntry,0,'+',0);
     laCreateOperatorType("ERP_new_product_entry_option","New Option","New option",0,0,0,erpinv_NewProductEntryOption,0,'+',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_new_package","New Package","New package",0,0,0,erpinv_NewPackage,0,'+',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_new_package_product","New Package Product","New package Product",0,0,0,erpinv_NewPackageProduct,0,'+',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_order","Remove Order","Remove order",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveOrder,erpmod_RemoveOrder,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_product","Remove Product","Remove product",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveProduct,erpmod_RemoveProduct,U'🞫',0);    
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_customer","Remove Customer","Remove customer",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveCustomer,erpmod_RemoveCustomer,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_package","Remove Package","Remove package",0,0,0,erpinv_RemovePackage,erpmod_RemovePackage,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_product_option","Remove Product Option","Remove product option",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveProductOption,erpmod_RemoveProductOption,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_product_entry","Remove Product Entry","Remove product entry",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveProductEntry,erpmod_RemoveProductEntry,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_product_entry_option","Remove Product Entry Option","Remove product entry option",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveProductEntryOption,0,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_product_option_value","Remove Product Option Value","Remove product option value",0,0,0,erpinv_RemoveProductOptionValue,0,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_remove_package_product","Remove Package Product","Remove package product",0,0,0,erpinv_RemovePackageProduct,0,U'🞫',0);
+    laCreateOperatorType("ERP_print_order_info","Print Order Info","Print order info",0,0,0,erpinv_PrintOrderInfo,0,0,0);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"erp","ERP","ERP main","erp_main",0,0,0,-1,erpget_erp,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_SINGLE);
@@ -320,6 +663,7 @@ void erpRegisterEverything(){
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this customer","ERP_remove_customer",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_order","ERP Order","ERP order",0,0,sizeof(ERPOrder),0,0,2);
@@ -336,35 +680,53 @@ void erpRegisterEverything(){
     laAddEnumItemAs(p,"IN_PERSON","In Person","Pending packaging",ERP_ORDER_STATE_IN_PERSON,0);
     laAddEnumItemAs(p,"NEEDS_INFO","Needs Information","Pending packaging",ERP_ORDER_STATE_NEED_INFO,0);
-    laAddIntProperty(pc,"discount","Discount","Discount",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPOrder,Discount),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"order_discount","Order Discount","Order discount",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPOrder,OrderDiscount),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"order_price","Order Price","Order price",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPOrder,OrderPrice),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_READ_ONLY);
     laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_item","New Item","New product entry","ERP_new_product_entry",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_package","New Package","New package for the order","ERP_new_package",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this order","ERP_remove_order",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"print","Print","Print out this order","ERP_print_order_info",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_package","ERP Package","ERP package",0,0,sizeof(ERPPackage),0,0,1);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_PackageMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
+    laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent order","erp_order",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPPackage,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
     laAddStringProperty(pc,"tracking","Tracking","Tracking number",0,0,0,0,1,offsetof(ERPPackage,Tracking),0,0,0,0,LA_AS_IDENTIFIER);
-    laAddSubGroup(pc,"included_products","Included Products","Included products","erp_included_product",0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPPackage,IncludedProducts),0);
+    laAddSubGroup(pc,"included_products","Included Products","Included products","erp_package_product",0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPPackage,IncludedProducts),0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_entry","New Entry","Add product entry to package","ERP_new_package_product",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this package","ERP_remove_package",0,0);
-    pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_included_product","ERP Product Entry Option","ERP Product Entry Option",0,0,sizeof(laListItemPointer),0,0,1);
-    laAddSubGroup(pc,"product","Product","Prduct","erp_product_entry",0,0,0,offsetof(laListItemPointer,p),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER);
+    pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_package_product","ERP Package Product","ERP package product",0,0,sizeof(ERPPackageProduct),0,0,1);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_PackageProductMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
+    laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent order","erp_package",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPPackageProduct,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
+    laAddSubGroup(pc,"product","Product","Prduct entry","erp_product_entry",0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,erpui_ProductEntryListItem,offsetof(ERPPackageProduct,Product),erpget_FirstProductEntryFromPackageProduct,0,laget_ListNext,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this product","ERP_remove_package_product",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_product_entry","ERP Product Entry","ERP Product Entry",0,0,sizeof(ERPProductEntry),0,0,1);
     laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_ProductEntryMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent order","erp_order",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductEntry,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
-    laAddSubGroup(pc,"product","Product","Product","erp_product",0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,erpui_ProductListItem,offsetof(ERPProductEntry,Product),erpget_FirstProduct,0,laget_ListNext,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER);
+    laAddSubGroup(pc,"product","Product","Product","erp_product",0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,erpui_ProductListItem,offsetof(ERPProductEntry,Product),erpget_FirstProduct,erpgetactive_ProductEntryProduct,laget_ListNext,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"options","Options","Product Options","erp_product_entry_option",0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductEntry,Options),0);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"entry_price","Entry Price","Entry price",LA_WIDGET_INT_PLAIN,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductEntry,EntryPrice),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_READ_ONLY);
     laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_option","New Option","New product option","ERP_new_product_entry_option",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this entry","ERP_remove_product_entry",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_product_entry_option","ERP Product Entry Option","ERP Product Entry Option",0,0,sizeof(ERPProductEntryOption),0,0,1);
     laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_ProductEntryOptionMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent entry","erp_product_entry",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductEntryOption,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"option_price_offset","Option price Offset","Option price offset",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductEntryOption,OptionPriceOffset),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this option","ERP_remove_product_entry_option",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_product","ERP Product","ERP product",0,0,sizeof(ERPOrder),0,0,2);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"available_options","Available Options","Available options","erp_product_option",0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProduct,AvailableOptions),0);
+    laAddIntProperty(pc,"discounted_price","Discounted Price","Discounted price",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProduct,DiscountedPrice),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
     laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_option","New Option","New option for the product","ERP_new_product_option",0,0);
+    laAddStringProperty(pc,"hs_code","HS code","EU HS Code",0,0,0,0,1,offsetof(ERPProduct,HSCode),0,0,0,0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this product","ERP_remove_product",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_product_option","ERP Product Option","ERP Product Option",0,0,sizeof(ERPProductOption),0,0,1);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent product","erp_product",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductOption,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
@@ -372,12 +734,14 @@ void erpRegisterEverything(){
     laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_ProductOptionMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
     laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"new_value","New Value","New value for the option","ERP_new_product_option_value",0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this product option","ERP_remove_product_option",0,0);
     pc=laAddPropertyContainer("erp_product_option_value","ERP Product Option","ERP Product Option Value",0,0,sizeof(ERPProductOptionValue),0,0,1);
     laAddSubGroup(pc,"parent","Parent","Parent product option","erp_product_option",0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductOptionValue,Parent),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_READ_ONLY);
     laAddIntProperty(pc,"__move","Move","Move slider",LA_WIDGET_HEIGHT_ADJUSTER,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,erpset_ProductOptionValueMove,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
     laAddIntProperty(pc,"price_offset","Price Offset","Price offset",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,offsetof(ERPProductOptionValue,PriceOffset),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+    laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"remove","Remove","Remove this product option value","ERP_remove_product_option_value",0,0);

+ 4167 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4167 @@
+ * Simple engine for creating PDF files.
+ * It supports text, shapes, images etc...
+ * Capable of handling millions of objects without too much performance
+ * penalty.
+ * Public domain license - no warranty implied; use at your own risk.
+ */
+ * The specification can be found at
+ * https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/pdf_reference_archives/PDFReference.pdf
+ * The following sites have various bits & pieces about PDF document
+ * generation
+ * http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.15/15.09/PDFIntro/index.html
+ * http://gnupdf.org/Introduction_to_PDF
+ * http://www.planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?WebPageID=63
+ * http://archive.vector.org.uk/art10008970
+ * http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf
+ * https://blog.idrsolutions.com/2013/01/understanding-the-pdf-file-format-overview/
+ *
+ * To validate the PDF output, there are several online validators:
+ * http://www.validatepdfa.com/online.htm
+ * http://www.datalogics.com/products/callas/callaspdfA-onlinedemo.asp
+ * http://www.pdf-tools.com/pdf/validate-pdfa-online.aspx
+ *
+ * In addition the 'pdftk' server can be used to analyse the output:
+ * https://www.pdflabs.com/docs/pdftk-cli-examples/
+ *
+ * PDF page markup operators:
+ * b    closepath, fill,and stroke path.
+ * B    fill and stroke path.
+ * b*   closepath, eofill,and stroke path.
+ * B*   eofill and stroke path.
+ * BI   begin image.
+ * BMC  begin marked content.
+ * BT   begin text object.
+ * BX   begin section allowing undefined operators.
+ * c    curveto.
+ * cm   concat. Concatenates the matrix to the current transform.
+ * cs   setcolorspace for fill.
+ * CS   setcolorspace for stroke.
+ * d    setdash.
+ * Do   execute the named XObject.
+ * DP   mark a place in the content stream, with a dictionary.
+ * EI   end image.
+ * EMC  end marked content.
+ * ET   end text object.
+ * EX   end section that allows undefined operators.
+ * f    fill path.
+ * f*   eofill Even/odd fill path.
+ * g    setgray (fill).
+ * G    setgray (stroke).
+ * gs   set parameters in the extended graphics state.
+ * h    closepath.
+ * i    setflat.
+ * ID   begin image data.
+ * j    setlinejoin.
+ * J    setlinecap.
+ * k    setcmykcolor (fill).
+ * K    setcmykcolor (stroke).
+ * l    lineto.
+ * m    moveto.
+ * M    setmiterlimit.
+ * n    end path without fill or stroke.
+ * q    save graphics state.
+ * Q    restore graphics state.
+ * re   rectangle.
+ * rg   setrgbcolor (fill).
+ * RG   setrgbcolor (stroke).
+ * s    closepath and stroke path.
+ * S    stroke path.
+ * sc   setcolor (fill).
+ * SC   setcolor (stroke).
+ * sh   shfill (shaded fill).
+ * Tc   set character spacing.
+ * Td   move text current point.
+ * TD   move text current point and set leading.
+ * Tf   set font name and size.
+ * Tj   show text.
+ * TJ   show text, allowing individual character positioning.
+ * TL   set leading.
+ * Tm   set text matrix.
+ * Tr   set text rendering mode.
+ * Ts   set super/subscripting text rise.
+ * Tw   set word spacing.
+ * Tz   set horizontal scaling.
+ * T*   move to start of next line.
+ * v    curveto.
+ * w    setlinewidth.
+ * W    clip.
+ * y    curveto.
+ */
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 // Drop the MSVC complaints about snprintf
+#include <BaseTsd.h>
+typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
+#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
+#define _POSIX_SOURCE /* For localtime_r */
+#ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 /* for M_SQRT2 */
+#include <sys/types.h> /* for ssize_t */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "pdfgen.h"
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+#define PDF_RGB_R(c) (float)((((c) >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0)
+#define PDF_RGB_G(c) (float)((((c) >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0)
+#define PDF_RGB_B(c) (float)((((c) >> 0) & 0xff) / 255.0)
+#define PDF_IS_TRANSPARENT(c) (((c) >> 24) == 0xff)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define inline __inline
+#define snprintf _snprintf
+#define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#define strncasecmp _strnicmp
+#define fileno _fileno
+#define fstat _fstat
+#ifdef stat
+#undef stat
+#define stat _stat
+#include <strings.h> // strcasecmp
+ * Try and support big & little endian machines
+ */
+static inline uint32_t bswap32(uint32_t x)
+    return (((x & 0xff000000u) >> 24) | ((x & 0x00ff0000u) >> 8) |
+            ((x & 0x0000ff00u) << 8) | ((x & 0x000000ffu) << 24));
+#ifdef __has_include // C++17, supported as extension to C++11 in clang, GCC
+                     // 5+, vs2015
+#if __has_include(<endian.h>)
+#include <endian.h> // gnu libc normally provides, linux
+#elif __has_include(<machine/endian.h>)
+#include <machine/endian.h> //open bsd, macos
+#elif __has_include(<sys/param.h>)
+#include <sys/param.h> // mingw, some bsd (not open/macos)
+#elif __has_include(<sys/isadefs.h>)
+#include <sys/isadefs.h> // solaris
+#if !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
+#ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__
+/* Fall back to little endian by default */
+#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
+#define __BIG_ENDIAN__
+#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
+#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
+#define ntoh32(x) bswap32((x))
+#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
+#define ntoh32(x) (x)
+// Limits on image sizes for sanity checking & to avoid plausible overflow
+// issues
+#define MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH (16 * 1024)
+#define MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT (16 * 1024)
+// Signatures for various image formats
+static const uint8_t bmp_signature[] = {'B', 'M'};
+static const uint8_t png_signature[] = {0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47,
+                                        0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A};
+static const uint8_t jpeg_signature[] = {0xff, 0xd8};
+static const uint8_t ppm_signature[] = {'P', '6'};
+static const uint8_t pgm_signature[] = {'P', '5'};
+// Special signatures for PNG chunks
+static const char png_chunk_header[] = "IHDR";
+static const char png_chunk_palette[] = "PLTE";
+static const char png_chunk_data[] = "IDAT";
+static const char png_chunk_end[] = "IEND";
+typedef struct pdf_object pdf_object;
+enum {
+    OBJ_none, /* skipped */
+    OBJ_info,
+    OBJ_stream,
+    OBJ_font,
+    OBJ_page,
+    OBJ_bookmark,
+    OBJ_outline,
+    OBJ_catalog,
+    OBJ_pages,
+    OBJ_image,
+    OBJ_link,
+    OBJ_count,
+struct flexarray {
+    void ***bins;
+    int item_count;
+    int bin_count;
+ * Simple dynamic string object. Tries to store a reasonable amount on the
+ * stack before falling back to malloc once things get large
+ */
+struct dstr {
+    char static_data[128];
+    char *data;
+    size_t alloc_len;
+    size_t used_len;
+struct pdf_object {
+    int type;                /* See OBJ_xxxx */
+    int index;               /* PDF output index */
+    int offset;              /* Byte position within the output file */
+    struct pdf_object *prev; /* Previous of this type */
+    struct pdf_object *next; /* Next of this type */
+    union {
+        struct {
+            struct pdf_object *page;
+            char name[64];
+            struct pdf_object *parent;
+            struct flexarray children;
+        } bookmark;
+        struct {
+            struct pdf_object *page;
+            struct dstr stream;
+        } stream;
+        struct {
+            float width;
+            float height;
+            struct flexarray children;
+            struct flexarray annotations;
+        } page;
+        struct pdf_info *info;
+        struct {
+            char name[64];
+            int index;
+        } font;
+        struct {
+            struct pdf_object *page; /* Page containing link */
+            float llx;               /* Clickable rectangle */
+            float lly;
+            float urx;
+            float ury;
+            struct pdf_object *target_page; /* Target page */
+            float target_x;                 /* Target location */
+            float target_y;
+        } link;
+    };
+struct pdf_doc {
+    char errstr[128];
+    int errval;
+    struct flexarray objects;
+    float width;
+    float height;
+    struct pdf_object *current_font;
+    struct pdf_object *last_objects[OBJ_count];
+    struct pdf_object *first_objects[OBJ_count];
+ * Since we're casting random areas of memory to these, make sure
+ * they're packed properly to match the image format requirements
+ */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct png_chunk {
+    uint32_t length;
+    // chunk type, see png_chunk_header, png_chunk_data, png_chunk_end
+    char type[4];
+#pragma pack(pop)
+// Simple data container to store a single 24 Bit RGB value, used for
+// processing PNG images
+struct rgb_value {
+    uint8_t red;
+    uint8_t blue;
+    uint8_t green;
+ * Simple flexible resizing array implementation
+ * The bins get larger in powers of two
+ * bin 0 = 1024 items
+ *     1 = 2048 items
+ *     2 = 4096 items
+ *     etc...
+ */
+/* What is the first index that will be in the given bin? */
+#define MIN_SHIFT 10
+#define MIN_OFFSET ((1 << MIN_SHIFT) - 1)
+static int bin_offset[] = {
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 0)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 1)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 2)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 3)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 4)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 5)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 6)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 7)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 8)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 9)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 10)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 11)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 12)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 13)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 14)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+    (1 << (MIN_SHIFT + 15)) - 1 - MIN_OFFSET,
+static inline int flexarray_get_bin(const struct flexarray *flex, int index)
+    (void)flex;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bin_offset); i++)
+        if (index < bin_offset[i])
+            return i - 1;
+    return -1;
+static inline int flexarray_get_bin_size(const struct flexarray *flex,
+                                         int bin)
+    (void)flex;
+    if (bin >= (int)ARRAY_SIZE(bin_offset) - 1)
+        return -1;
+    int next = bin_offset[bin + 1];
+    return next - bin_offset[bin];
+static inline int flexarray_get_bin_offset(const struct flexarray *flex,
+                                           int bin, int index)
+    (void)flex;
+    return index - bin_offset[bin];
+static void flexarray_clear(struct flexarray *flex)
+    for (int i = 0; i < flex->bin_count; i++)
+        free(flex->bins[i]);
+    free(flex->bins);
+    flex->bin_count = 0;
+    flex->item_count = 0;
+static inline int flexarray_size(const struct flexarray *flex)
+    return flex->item_count;
+static int flexarray_set(struct flexarray *flex, int index, void *data)
+    int bin = flexarray_get_bin(flex, index);
+    if (bin < 0)
+        return -EINVAL;
+    if (bin >= flex->bin_count) {
+        void ***bins = (void ***)realloc(flex->bins, (flex->bin_count + 1) *
+                                                         sizeof(*flex->bins));
+        if (!bins)
+            return -ENOMEM;
+        flex->bin_count++;
+        flex->bins = bins;
+        flex->bins[flex->bin_count - 1] =
+            (void **)calloc(flexarray_get_bin_size(flex, flex->bin_count - 1),
+                            sizeof(void *));
+        if (!flex->bins[flex->bin_count - 1]) {
+            flex->bin_count--;
+            return -ENOMEM;
+        }
+    }
+    flex->item_count++;
+    flex->bins[bin][flexarray_get_bin_offset(flex, bin, index)] = data;
+    return flex->item_count - 1;
+static inline int flexarray_append(struct flexarray *flex, void *data)
+    return flexarray_set(flex, flexarray_size(flex), data);
+static inline void *flexarray_get(const struct flexarray *flex, int index)
+    int bin;
+    if (index >= flex->item_count)
+        return NULL;
+    bin = flexarray_get_bin(flex, index);
+    if (bin < 0 || bin >= flex->bin_count)
+        return NULL;
+    return flex->bins[bin][flexarray_get_bin_offset(flex, bin, index)];
+ * Simple dynamic string object. Tries to store a reasonable amount on the
+ * stack before falling back to malloc once things get large
+ */
+#define INIT_DSTR                                                            \
+    (struct dstr)                                                            \
+    {                                                                        \
+        .static_data = {0}, .data = NULL, .alloc_len = 0, .used_len = 0      \
+    }
+static char *dstr_data(struct dstr *str)
+    return str->data ? str->data : str->static_data;
+static size_t dstr_len(const struct dstr *str)
+    return str->used_len;
+static ssize_t dstr_ensure(struct dstr *str, size_t len)
+    if (len <= str->alloc_len)
+        return 0;
+    if (!str->data && len <= sizeof(str->static_data))
+        str->alloc_len = len;
+    else if (str->alloc_len < len) {
+        size_t new_len;
+        new_len = len + 4096;
+        if (str->data) {
+            char *new_data = (char *)realloc((void *)str->data, new_len);
+            if (!new_data)
+                return -ENOMEM;
+            str->data = new_data;
+        } else {
+            str->data = (char *)malloc(new_len);
+            if (!str->data)
+                return -ENOMEM;
+            if (str->used_len)
+                memcpy(str->data, str->static_data, str->used_len + 1);
+        }
+        str->alloc_len = new_len;
+    }
+    return 0;
+// Locales can replace the decimal character with a ','.
+// This breaks the PDF output, so we force a 'safe' locale.
+static void force_locale(char *buf, int len)
+    char *saved_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);
+    if (!saved_locale) {
+        *buf = '\0';
+    } else {
+        strncpy(buf, saved_locale, len - 1);
+        buf[len - 1] = '\0';
+    }
+    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "POSIX");
+static void restore_locale(char *buf)
+    setlocale(LC_ALL, buf);
+static int dstr_printf(struct dstr *str, const char *fmt, ...)
+    __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
+static int dstr_printf(struct dstr *str, const char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list ap, aq;
+    int len;
+    char saved_locale[32];
+    force_locale(saved_locale, sizeof(saved_locale));
+    va_start(ap, fmt);
+    va_copy(aq, ap);
+    len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap);
+    if (dstr_ensure(str, str->used_len + len + 1) < 0) {
+        va_end(ap);
+        va_end(aq);
+        restore_locale(saved_locale);
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    vsprintf(dstr_data(str) + str->used_len, fmt, aq);
+    str->used_len += len;
+    va_end(ap);
+    va_end(aq);
+    restore_locale(saved_locale);
+    return len;
+static ssize_t dstr_append_data(struct dstr *str, const void *extend,
+                                size_t len)
+    if (dstr_ensure(str, str->used_len + len + 1) < 0)
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    memcpy(dstr_data(str) + str->used_len, extend, len);
+    str->used_len += len;
+    dstr_data(str)[str->used_len] = '\0';
+    return len;
+static ssize_t dstr_append(struct dstr *str, const char *extend)
+    return dstr_append_data(str, extend, strlen(extend));
+static void dstr_free(struct dstr *str)
+    if (str->data)
+        free(str->data);
+    *str = INIT_DSTR;
+ * PDF Implementation
+ */
+static int pdf_set_err(struct pdf_doc *doc, int errval, const char *buffer,
+                       ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)));
+static int pdf_set_err(struct pdf_doc *doc, int errval, const char *buffer,
+                       ...)
+    va_list ap;
+    int len;
+    va_start(ap, buffer);
+    len = vsnprintf(doc->errstr, sizeof(doc->errstr) - 1, buffer, ap);
+    va_end(ap);
+    if (len < 0) {
+        doc->errstr[0] = '\0';
+        return errval;
+    }
+    if (len >= (int)(sizeof(doc->errstr) - 1))
+        len = (int)(sizeof(doc->errstr) - 1);
+    doc->errstr[len] = '\0';
+    doc->errval = errval;
+    return errval;
+const char *pdf_get_err(const struct pdf_doc *pdf, int *errval)
+    if (!pdf)
+        return NULL;
+    if (pdf->errstr[0] == '\0')
+        return NULL;
+    if (errval)
+        *errval = pdf->errval;
+    return pdf->errstr;
+void pdf_clear_err(struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    if (!pdf)
+        return;
+    pdf->errstr[0] = '\0';
+    pdf->errval = 0;
+static int pdf_get_errval(struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    if (!pdf)
+        return 0;
+    return pdf->errval;
+static struct pdf_object *pdf_get_object(const struct pdf_doc *pdf, int index)
+    return (struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(&pdf->objects, index);
+static int pdf_append_object(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *obj)
+    int index = flexarray_append(&pdf->objects, obj);
+    if (index < 0)
+        return index;
+    obj->index = index;
+    if (pdf->last_objects[obj->type]) {
+        obj->prev = pdf->last_objects[obj->type];
+        pdf->last_objects[obj->type]->next = obj;
+    }
+    pdf->last_objects[obj->type] = obj;
+    if (!pdf->first_objects[obj->type])
+        pdf->first_objects[obj->type] = obj;
+    return 0;
+static void pdf_object_destroy(struct pdf_object *object)
+    switch (object->type) {
+    case OBJ_stream:
+    case OBJ_image:
+        dstr_free(&object->stream.stream);
+        break;
+    case OBJ_page:
+        flexarray_clear(&object->page.children);
+        flexarray_clear(&object->page.annotations);
+        break;
+    case OBJ_info:
+        free(object->info);
+        break;
+    case OBJ_bookmark:
+        flexarray_clear(&object->bookmark.children);
+        break;
+    }
+    free(object);
+static struct pdf_object *pdf_add_object(struct pdf_doc *pdf, int type)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    if (!pdf)
+        return NULL;
+    obj = (struct pdf_object *)calloc(1, sizeof(*obj));
+    if (!obj) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno,
+                    "Unable to allocate object %d of type %d: %s",
+                    flexarray_size(&pdf->objects) + 1, type, strerror(errno));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    obj->type = type;
+    if (pdf_append_object(pdf, obj) < 0) {
+        free(obj);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return obj;
+static void pdf_del_object(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *obj)
+    int type = obj->type;
+    flexarray_set(&pdf->objects, obj->index, NULL);
+    if (pdf->last_objects[type] == obj) {
+        pdf->last_objects[type] = NULL;
+        for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&pdf->objects); i++) {
+            struct pdf_object *o = pdf_get_object(pdf, i);
+            if (o && o->type == type)
+                pdf->last_objects[type] = o;
+        }
+    }
+    if (pdf->first_objects[type] == obj) {
+        pdf->first_objects[type] = NULL;
+        for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&pdf->objects); i++) {
+            struct pdf_object *o = pdf_get_object(pdf, i);
+            if (o && o->type == type) {
+                pdf->first_objects[type] = o;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pdf_object_destroy(obj);
+struct pdf_doc *pdf_create(float width, float height,
+                           const struct pdf_info *info)
+    struct pdf_doc *pdf;
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    pdf = (struct pdf_doc *)calloc(1, sizeof(*pdf));
+    if (!pdf)
+        return NULL;
+    pdf->width = width;
+    pdf->height = height;
+    /* We don't want to use ID 0 */
+    pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_none);
+    /* Create the 'info' object */
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_info);
+    if (!obj) {
+        pdf_destroy(pdf);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    obj->info = (struct pdf_info *)calloc(sizeof(*obj->info), 1);
+    if (!obj->info) {
+        pdf_destroy(pdf);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (info) {
+        *obj->info = *info;
+        obj->info->creator[sizeof(obj->info->creator) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->info->producer[sizeof(obj->info->producer) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->info->title[sizeof(obj->info->title) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->info->author[sizeof(obj->info->author) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->info->subject[sizeof(obj->info->subject) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->info->date[sizeof(obj->info->date) - 1] = '\0';
+    }
+    /* FIXME: Should be quoting PDF strings? */
+    if (!obj->info->date[0]) {
+        time_t now = time(NULL);
+        struct tm tm;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+        struct tm *tmp;
+        tmp = localtime(&now);
+        tm = *tmp;
+        localtime_r(&now, &tm);
+        strftime(obj->info->date, sizeof(obj->info->date), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ",
+                 &tm);
+    }
+    if (!pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_pages)) {
+        pdf_destroy(pdf);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_catalog)) {
+        pdf_destroy(pdf);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (pdf_set_font(pdf, "Times-Roman") < 0) {
+        pdf_destroy(pdf);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return pdf;
+float pdf_width(const struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    return pdf->width;
+float pdf_height(const struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    return pdf->height;
+float pdf_page_width(const struct pdf_object *page)
+    return page->page.width;
+float pdf_page_height(const struct pdf_object *page)
+    return page->page.height;
+void pdf_destroy(struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    if (pdf) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&pdf->objects); i++)
+            pdf_object_destroy(pdf_get_object(pdf, i));
+        flexarray_clear(&pdf->objects);
+        free(pdf);
+    }
+static struct pdf_object *pdf_find_first_object(const struct pdf_doc *pdf,
+                                                int type)
+    if (!pdf)
+        return NULL;
+    return pdf->first_objects[type];
+static struct pdf_object *pdf_find_last_object(const struct pdf_doc *pdf,
+                                               int type)
+    if (!pdf)
+        return NULL;
+    return pdf->last_objects[type];
+int pdf_set_font(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *font)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    int last_index = 0;
+    /* See if we've used this font before */
+    for (obj = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_font); obj; obj = obj->next) {
+        if (strcmp(obj->font.name, font) == 0)
+            break;
+        last_index = obj->font.index;
+    }
+    /* Create a new font object if we need it */
+    if (!obj) {
+        obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_font);
+        if (!obj)
+            return pdf->errval;
+        strncpy(obj->font.name, font, sizeof(obj->font.name) - 1);
+        obj->font.name[sizeof(obj->font.name) - 1] = '\0';
+        obj->font.index = last_index + 1;
+    }
+    pdf->current_font = obj;
+    return 0;
+struct pdf_object *pdf_append_page(struct pdf_doc *pdf)
+    struct pdf_object *page;
+    page = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page)
+        return NULL;
+    page->page.width = pdf->width;
+    page->page.height = pdf->height;
+    return page;
+struct pdf_object *pdf_get_page(struct pdf_doc *pdf, int page_number)
+    if (page_number <= 0) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "page number must be >= 1");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    for (struct pdf_object *obj = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_page); obj;
+         obj = obj->next, page_number--) {
+        if (page_number == 1) {
+            return obj;
+        }
+    }
+    pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "no such page");
+    return NULL;
+int pdf_page_set_size(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                      float width, float height)
+    if (!page)
+        page = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page || page->type != OBJ_page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid PDF page");
+    page->page.width = width;
+    page->page.height = height;
+    return 0;
+// Recursively scan for the number of children
+static int pdf_get_bookmark_count(const struct pdf_object *obj)
+    int count = 0;
+    if (obj->type == OBJ_bookmark) {
+        int nchildren = flexarray_size(&obj->bookmark.children);
+        count += nchildren;
+        for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) {
+            count += pdf_get_bookmark_count(
+                (const struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(
+                    &obj->bookmark.children, i));
+        }
+    }
+    return count;
+static int pdf_save_object(struct pdf_doc *pdf, FILE *fp, int index)
+    struct pdf_object *object = pdf_get_object(pdf, index);
+    if (!object)
+        return -ENOENT;
+    if (object->type == OBJ_none)
+        return -ENOENT;
+    object->offset = ftell(fp);
+    fprintf(fp, "%d 0 obj\r\n", index);
+    switch (object->type) {
+    case OBJ_stream:
+    case OBJ_image: {
+        fwrite(dstr_data(&object->stream.stream),
+               dstr_len(&object->stream.stream), 1, fp);
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_info: {
+        struct pdf_info *info = object->info;
+        fprintf(fp, "<<\r\n");
+        if (info->creator[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Creator (%s)\r\n", info->creator);
+        if (info->producer[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Producer (%s)\r\n", info->producer);
+        if (info->title[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Title (%s)\r\n", info->title);
+        if (info->author[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Author (%s)\r\n", info->author);
+        if (info->subject[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Subject (%s)\r\n", info->subject);
+        if (info->date[0])
+            fprintf(fp, "  /CreationDate (D:%s)\r\n", info->date);
+        fprintf(fp, ">>\r\n");
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_page: {
+        struct pdf_object *pages = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_pages);
+        bool printed_xobjects = false;
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /Page\r\n"
+                "  /Parent %d 0 R\r\n",
+                pages->index);
+        fprintf(fp, "  /MediaBox [0 0 %f %f]\r\n", object->page.width,
+                object->page.height);
+        fprintf(fp, "  /Resources <<\r\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "    /Font <<\r\n");
+        for (struct pdf_object *font = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_font);
+             font; font = font->next)
+            fprintf(fp, "      /F%d %d 0 R\r\n", font->font.index,
+                    font->index);
+        fprintf(fp, "    >>\r\n");
+        // We trim transparency to just 4-bits
+        fprintf(fp, "    /ExtGState <<\r\n");
+        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+            fprintf(fp, "      /GS%d <</ca %f>>\r\n", i,
+                    (float)(15 - i) / 15);
+        }
+        fprintf(fp, "    >>\r\n");
+        for (struct pdf_object *image = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_image);
+             image; image = image->next) {
+            if (image->stream.page == object) {
+                if (!printed_xobjects) {
+                    fprintf(fp, "    /XObject <<");
+                    printed_xobjects = true;
+                }
+                fprintf(fp, "      /Image%d %d 0 R ", image->index,
+                        image->index);
+            }
+        }
+        if (printed_xobjects)
+            fprintf(fp, "    >>\r\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "  >>\r\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "  /Contents [\r\n");
+        for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&object->page.children); i++) {
+            struct pdf_object *child =
+                (struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(&object->page.children, i);
+            fprintf(fp, "%d 0 R\r\n", child->index);
+        }
+        fprintf(fp, "]\r\n");
+        if (flexarray_size(&object->page.annotations)) {
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Annots [\r\n");
+            for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&object->page.annotations);
+                 i++) {
+                struct pdf_object *child = (struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(
+                    &object->page.annotations, i);
+                fprintf(fp, "%d 0 R\r\n", child->index);
+            }
+            fprintf(fp, "]\r\n");
+        }
+        fprintf(fp, ">>\r\n");
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_bookmark: {
+        struct pdf_object *parent, *other;
+        parent = object->bookmark.parent;
+        if (!parent)
+            parent = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_outline);
+        if (!object->bookmark.page)
+            break;
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %f null]\r\n"
+                "  /Parent %d 0 R\r\n"
+                "  /Title (%s)\r\n",
+                object->bookmark.page->index, pdf->height, parent->index,
+                object->bookmark.name);
+        int nchildren = flexarray_size(&object->bookmark.children);
+        if (nchildren > 0) {
+            struct pdf_object *f, *l;
+            f = (struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(&object->bookmark.children,
+                                                   0);
+            l = (struct pdf_object *)flexarray_get(&object->bookmark.children,
+                                                   nchildren - 1);
+            fprintf(fp, "  /First %d 0 R\r\n", f->index);
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Last %d 0 R\r\n", l->index);
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Count %d\r\n", pdf_get_bookmark_count(object));
+        }
+        // Find the previous bookmark with the same parent
+        for (other = object->prev;
+             other && other->bookmark.parent != object->bookmark.parent;
+             other = other->prev)
+            ;
+        if (other)
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Prev %d 0 R\r\n", other->index);
+        // Find the next bookmark with the same parent
+        for (other = object->next;
+             other && other->bookmark.parent != object->bookmark.parent;
+             other = other->next)
+            ;
+        if (other)
+            fprintf(fp, "  /Next %d 0 R\r\n", other->index);
+        fprintf(fp, ">>\r\n");
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_outline: {
+        struct pdf_object *first, *last, *cur;
+        first = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_bookmark);
+        last = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_bookmark);
+        if (first && last) {
+            int count = 0;
+            cur = first;
+            while (cur) {
+                if (!cur->bookmark.parent)
+                    count += pdf_get_bookmark_count(cur) + 1;
+                cur = cur->next;
+            }
+            /* Bookmark outline */
+            fprintf(fp,
+                    "<<\r\n"
+                    "  /Count %d\r\n"
+                    "  /Type /Outlines\r\n"
+                    "  /First %d 0 R\r\n"
+                    "  /Last %d 0 R\r\n"
+                    ">>\r\n",
+                    count, first->index, last->index);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_font:
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /Font\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Type1\r\n"
+                "  /BaseFont /%s\r\n"
+                "  /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding\r\n"
+                ">>\r\n",
+                object->font.name);
+        break;
+    case OBJ_pages: {
+        int npages = 0;
+        fprintf(fp, "<<\r\n"
+                    "  /Type /Pages\r\n"
+                    "  /Kids [ ");
+        for (struct pdf_object *page = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+             page; page = page->next) {
+            npages++;
+            fprintf(fp, "%d 0 R ", page->index);
+        }
+        fprintf(fp, "]\r\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "  /Count %d\r\n", npages);
+        fprintf(fp, ">>\r\n");
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_catalog: {
+        struct pdf_object *outline = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_outline);
+        struct pdf_object *pages = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_pages);
+        fprintf(fp, "<<\r\n"
+                    "  /Type /Catalog\r\n");
+        if (outline)
+            fprintf(fp,
+                    "  /Outlines %d 0 R\r\n"
+                    "  /PageMode /UseOutlines\r\n",
+                    outline->index);
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "  /Pages %d 0 R\r\n"
+                ">>\r\n",
+                pages->index);
+        break;
+    }
+    case OBJ_link: {
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /Annot\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Link\r\n"
+                "  /Rect [%f %f %f %f]\r\n"
+                "  /Dest [%u 0 R /XYZ %f %f null]\r\n"
+                "  /Border [0 0 0]\r\n"
+                ">>\r\n",
+                object->link.llx, object->link.lly, object->link.urx,
+                object->link.ury, object->link.target_page->index,
+                object->link.target_x, object->link.target_y);
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid PDF object type %d",
+                           object->type);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "endobj\r\n");
+    return 0;
+// Slightly modified djb2 hash algorithm to get pseudo-random ID
+static uint64_t hash(uint64_t hash, const void *data, size_t len)
+    const uint8_t *d8 = (const uint8_t *)data;
+    for (; len; len--) {
+        hash = (((hash & 0x03ffffffffffffff) << 5) +
+                (hash & 0x7fffffffffffffff)) +
+               *d8++;
+    }
+    return hash;
+int pdf_save_file(struct pdf_doc *pdf, FILE *fp)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    int xref_offset;
+    int xref_count = 0;
+    uint64_t id1, id2;
+    time_t now = time(NULL);
+    char saved_locale[32];
+    force_locale(saved_locale, sizeof(saved_locale));
+    fprintf(fp, "%%PDF-1.3\r\n");
+    /* Hibit bytes */
+    fprintf(fp, "%c%c%c%c%c\r\n", 0x25, 0xc7, 0xec, 0x8f, 0xa2);
+    /* Dump all the objects & get their file offsets */
+    for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&pdf->objects); i++)
+        if (pdf_save_object(pdf, fp, i) >= 0)
+            xref_count++;
+    /* xref */
+    xref_offset = ftell(fp);
+    fprintf(fp, "xref\r\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "0 %d\r\n", xref_count + 1);
+    fprintf(fp, "0000000000 65535 f\r\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < flexarray_size(&pdf->objects); i++) {
+        obj = pdf_get_object(pdf, i);
+        if (obj->type != OBJ_none)
+            fprintf(fp, "%10.10d 00000 n\r\n", obj->offset);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,
+            "trailer\r\n"
+            "<<\r\n"
+            "/Size %d\r\n",
+            xref_count + 1);
+    obj = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_catalog);
+    fprintf(fp, "/Root %d 0 R\r\n", obj->index);
+    obj = pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_info);
+    fprintf(fp, "/Info %d 0 R\r\n", obj->index);
+    /* Generate document unique IDs */
+    id1 = hash(5381, obj->info, sizeof(struct pdf_info));
+    id1 = hash(id1, &xref_count, sizeof(xref_count));
+    id2 = hash(5381, &now, sizeof(now));
+    fprintf(fp, "/ID [<%16.16" PRIx64 "> <%16.16" PRIx64 ">]\r\n", id1, id2);
+    fprintf(fp, ">>\r\n"
+                "startxref\r\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "%d\r\n", xref_offset);
+    fprintf(fp, "%%%%EOF\r\n");
+    restore_locale(saved_locale);
+    return 0;
+int pdf_save(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *filename)
+    FILE *fp;
+    int e;
+    if (filename == NULL)
+        fp = stdout;
+    else if ((fp = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Unable to open '%s': %s", filename,
+                           strerror(errno));
+    e = pdf_save_file(pdf, fp);
+    if (fp != stdout)
+        if (fclose(fp) != 0 && e >= 0)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Unable to close '%s': %s",
+                               filename, strerror(errno));
+    return e;
+static int pdf_add_stream(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                          const char *buffer)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    size_t len;
+    if (!page)
+        page = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid pdf page");
+    len = strlen(buffer);
+    /* We don't want any trailing whitespace in the stream */
+    while (len >= 1 && (buffer[len - 1] == '\r' || buffer[len - 1] == '\n'))
+        len--;
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_stream);
+    if (!obj)
+        return pdf->errval;
+    dstr_printf(&obj->stream.stream, "<< /Length %zu >>stream\r\n", len);
+    dstr_append_data(&obj->stream.stream, buffer, len);
+    dstr_append(&obj->stream.stream, "\r\nendstream\r\n");
+    return flexarray_append(&page->page.children, obj);
+int pdf_add_bookmark(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, int parent,
+                     const char *name)
+    struct pdf_object *obj, *outline = NULL;
+    if (!page)
+        page = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Unable to add bookmark, no pages available");
+    if (!pdf_find_first_object(pdf, OBJ_outline)) {
+        outline = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_outline);
+        if (!outline)
+            return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_bookmark);
+    if (!obj) {
+        if (outline)
+            pdf_del_object(pdf, outline);
+        return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    strncpy(obj->bookmark.name, name, sizeof(obj->bookmark.name) - 1);
+    obj->bookmark.name[sizeof(obj->bookmark.name) - 1] = '\0';
+    obj->bookmark.page = page;
+    if (parent >= 0) {
+        struct pdf_object *parent_obj = pdf_get_object(pdf, parent);
+        if (!parent_obj)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid parent ID %d supplied",
+                               parent);
+        obj->bookmark.parent = parent_obj;
+        flexarray_append(&parent_obj->bookmark.children, obj);
+    }
+    return obj->index;
+int pdf_add_link(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                 float y, float width, float height,
+                 struct pdf_object *target_page, float target_x,
+                 float target_y)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    if (!page)
+        page = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Unable to add link, no pages available");
+    if (!target_page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Unable to link, no target page");
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_link);
+    if (!obj) {
+        return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    obj->link.target_page = target_page;
+    obj->link.target_x = target_x;
+    obj->link.target_y = target_y;
+    obj->link.llx = x;
+    obj->link.lly = y;
+    obj->link.urx = x + width;
+    obj->link.ury = y + height;
+    flexarray_append(&page->page.annotations, obj);
+    return obj->index;
+static int utf8_to_utf32(const char *utf8, int len, uint32_t *utf32)
+    uint32_t ch;
+    uint8_t mask;
+    if (len <= 0 || !utf8 || !utf32)
+        return -EINVAL;
+    ch = *(uint8_t *)utf8;
+    if ((ch & 0x80) == 0) {
+        len = 1;
+        mask = 0x7f;
+    } else if ((ch & 0xe0) == 0xc0 && len >= 2) {
+        len = 2;
+        mask = 0x1f;
+    } else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0 && len >= 3) {
+        len = 3;
+        mask = 0xf;
+    } else if ((ch & 0xf8) == 0xf0 && len >= 4) {
+        len = 4;
+        mask = 0x7;
+    } else
+        return -EINVAL;
+    ch = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        int shift = (len - i - 1) * 6;
+        if (!*utf8)
+            return -EINVAL;
+        if (i == 0)
+            ch |= ((uint32_t)(*utf8++) & mask) << shift;
+        else
+            ch |= ((uint32_t)(*utf8++) & 0x3f) << shift;
+    }
+    *utf32 = ch;
+    return len;
+static int utf8_to_pdfencoding(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *utf8, int len,
+                               uint8_t *res)
+    uint32_t code;
+    int code_len;
+    *res = 0;
+    code_len = utf8_to_utf32(utf8, len, &code);
+    if (code_len < 0) {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UTF-8 encoding");
+    }
+    if (code > 255) {
+        /* We support *some* minimal UTF-8 characters */
+        // See Appendix D of
+        // https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/pdfstandards/pdfreference1.7old.pdf
+        // These are all in WinAnsiEncoding
+        switch (code) {
+        case 0x152: // Latin Capital Ligature OE
+            *res = 0214;
+            break;
+        case 0x153: // Latin Small Ligature oe
+            *res = 0234;
+            break;
+        case 0x160: // Latin Capital Letter S with caron
+            *res = 0212;
+            break;
+        case 0x161: // Latin Small Letter S with caron
+            *res = 0232;
+            break;
+        case 0x178: // Latin Capital Letter y with diaeresis
+            *res = 0237;
+            break;
+        case 0x17d: // Latin Capital Letter Z with caron
+            *res = 0216;
+            break;
+        case 0x17e: // Latin Small Letter Z with caron
+            *res = 0236;
+            break;
+        case 0x192: // Latin Small Letter F with hook
+            *res = 0203;
+            break;
+        case 0x2c6: // Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
+            *res = 0210;
+            break;
+        case 0x2dc: // Small Tilde
+            *res = 0230;
+            break;
+        case 0x2013: // Endash
+            *res = 0226;
+            break;
+        case 0x2014: // Emdash
+            *res = 0227;
+            break;
+        case 0x2018: // Left Single Quote
+            *res = 0221;
+            break;
+        case 0x2019: // Right Single Quote
+            *res = 0222;
+            break;
+        case 0x201a: // Single low-9 Quotation Mark
+            *res = 0202;
+            break;
+        case 0x201c: // Left Double Quote
+            *res = 0223;
+            break;
+        case 0x201d: // Right Double Quote
+            *res = 0224;
+            break;
+        case 0x201e: // Double low-9 Quotation Mark
+            *res = 0204;
+            break;
+        case 0x2020: // Dagger
+            *res = 0206;
+            break;
+        case 0x2021: // Double Dagger
+            *res = 0207;
+            break;
+        case 0x2022: // Bullet
+            *res = 0225;
+            break;
+        case 0x2026: // Horizontal Ellipsis
+            *res = 0205;
+            break;
+        case 0x2030: // Per Mille Sign
+            *res = 0211;
+            break;
+        case 0x2039: // Single Left-pointing Angle Quotation Mark
+            *res = 0213;
+            break;
+        case 0x203a: // Single Right-pointing Angle Quotation Mark
+            *res = 0233;
+            break;
+        case 0x20ac: // Euro
+            *res = 0200;
+            break;
+        case 0x2122: // Trade Mark Sign
+            *res = 0231;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                               "Unsupported UTF-8 character: 0x%x 0o%o %s",
+                               code, code, utf8);
+        }
+    } else {
+        *res = code;
+    }
+    return code_len;
+static int pdf_add_text_spacing(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                const char *text, float size, float xoff,
+                                float yoff, uint32_t colour, float spacing,
+                                float angle)
+    int ret;
+    size_t len = text ? strlen(text) : 0;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    int alpha = (colour >> 24) >> 4;
+    /* Don't bother adding empty/null strings */
+    if (!len)
+        return 0;
+    dstr_append(&str, "BT ");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/GS%d gs ", alpha);
+    if (angle != 0) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f %f %f Tm ", cosf(angle), sinf(angle),
+                    -sinf(angle), cosf(angle), xoff, yoff);
+    } else {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f TD ", xoff, yoff);
+    }
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/F%d %f Tf ", pdf->current_font->font.index, size);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f rg ", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f Tc ", spacing);
+    dstr_append(&str, "(");
+    /* Escape magic characters properly */
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < len;) {
+        int code_len;
+        uint8_t pdf_char;
+        code_len = utf8_to_pdfencoding(pdf, &text[i], len - i, &pdf_char);
+        if (code_len < 0) {
+            dstr_free(&str);
+            return code_len;
+        }
+        if (strchr("()\\", pdf_char)) {
+            char buf[3];
+            /* Escape some characters */
+            buf[0] = '\\';
+            buf[1] = pdf_char;
+            buf[2] = '\0';
+            dstr_append(&str, buf);
+        } else if (strrchr("\n\r\t\b\f", pdf_char)) {
+            /* Skip over these characters */
+            ;
+        } else {
+            dstr_append_data(&str, &pdf_char, 1);
+        }
+        i += code_len;
+    }
+    dstr_append(&str, ") Tj ");
+    dstr_append(&str, "ET");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_text(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                 const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                 uint32_t colour)
+    return pdf_add_text_spacing(pdf, page, text, size, xoff, yoff, colour, 0,
+                                0);
+int pdf_add_text_rotate(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                        const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                        float angle, uint32_t colour)
+    return pdf_add_text_spacing(pdf, page, text, size, xoff, yoff, colour, 0,
+                                angle);
+/* How wide is each character, in points, at size 14 */
+static const uint16_t helvetica_widths[256] = {
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  357,  560, 560,  896, 672,
+    192, 335, 335, 392,  588, 280, 335, 280,  280,  560, 560,  560, 560,
+    560, 560, 560, 560,  560, 560, 280, 280,  588,  588, 588,  560, 1023,
+    672, 672, 727, 727,  672, 615, 784, 727,  280,  504, 672,  560, 839,
+    727, 784, 672, 784,  727, 672, 615, 727,  672,  951, 672,  672, 615,
+    280, 280, 280, 472,  560, 335, 560, 560,  504,  560, 560,  280, 560,
+    560, 223, 223, 504,  223, 839, 560, 560,  560,  560, 335,  504, 280,
+    560, 504, 727, 504,  504, 504, 336, 262,  336,  588, 352,  560, 352,
+    223, 560, 335, 1008, 560, 560, 335, 1008, 672,  335, 1008, 352, 615,
+    352, 352, 223, 223,  335, 335, 352, 560,  1008, 335, 1008, 504, 335,
+    951, 352, 504, 672,  280, 335, 560, 560,  560,  560, 262,  560, 335,
+    742, 372, 560, 588,  335, 742, 335, 403,  588,  335, 335,  335, 560,
+    541, 280, 335, 335,  367, 560, 840, 840,  840,  615, 672,  672, 672,
+    672, 672, 672, 1008, 727, 672, 672, 672,  672,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    727, 727, 784, 784,  784, 784, 784, 588,  784,  727, 727,  727, 727,
+    672, 672, 615, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  560,  896, 504,  560, 560,
+    560, 560, 280, 280,  280, 280, 560, 560,  560,  560, 560,  560, 560,
+    588, 615, 560, 560,  560, 560, 504, 560,  504,
+static const uint16_t helvetica_bold_widths[256] = {
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 335, 477, 560,  560, 896, 727, 239,  335, 335,
+    392,  588, 280,  335, 280, 280, 560, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  560, 560,
+    560,  560, 335,  335, 588, 588, 588, 615,  982, 727, 727, 727,  727, 672,
+    615,  784, 727,  280, 560, 727, 615, 839,  727, 784, 672, 784,  727, 672,
+    615,  727, 672,  951, 672, 672, 615, 335,  280, 335, 588, 560,  335, 560,
+    615,  560, 615,  560, 335, 615, 615, 280,  280, 560, 280, 896,  615, 615,
+    615,  615, 392,  560, 335, 615, 560, 784,  560, 560, 504, 392,  282, 392,
+    588,  352, 560,  352, 280, 560, 504, 1008, 560, 560, 335, 1008, 672, 335,
+    1008, 352, 615,  352, 352, 280, 280, 504,  504, 352, 560, 1008, 335, 1008,
+    560,  335, 951,  352, 504, 672, 280, 335,  560, 560, 560, 560,  282, 560,
+    335,  742, 372,  560, 588, 335, 742, 335,  403, 588, 335, 335,  335, 615,
+    560,  280, 335,  335, 367, 560, 840, 840,  840, 615, 727, 727,  727, 727,
+    727,  727, 1008, 727, 672, 672, 672, 672,  280, 280, 280, 280,  727, 727,
+    784,  784, 784,  784, 784, 588, 784, 727,  727, 727, 727, 672,  672, 615,
+    560,  560, 560,  560, 560, 560, 896, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 615,  615, 615, 615, 615, 615,  615, 588, 615, 615,  615, 615,
+    615,  560, 615,  560,
+static const uint16_t helvetica_bold_oblique_widths[256] = {
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 280,  280, 280, 335, 477, 560,  560, 896, 727, 239,  335, 335,
+    392,  588, 280,  335, 280, 280, 560, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  560, 560,
+    560,  560, 335,  335, 588, 588, 588, 615,  982, 727, 727, 727,  727, 672,
+    615,  784, 727,  280, 560, 727, 615, 839,  727, 784, 672, 784,  727, 672,
+    615,  727, 672,  951, 672, 672, 615, 335,  280, 335, 588, 560,  335, 560,
+    615,  560, 615,  560, 335, 615, 615, 280,  280, 560, 280, 896,  615, 615,
+    615,  615, 392,  560, 335, 615, 560, 784,  560, 560, 504, 392,  282, 392,
+    588,  352, 560,  352, 280, 560, 504, 1008, 560, 560, 335, 1008, 672, 335,
+    1008, 352, 615,  352, 352, 280, 280, 504,  504, 352, 560, 1008, 335, 1008,
+    560,  335, 951,  352, 504, 672, 280, 335,  560, 560, 560, 560,  282, 560,
+    335,  742, 372,  560, 588, 335, 742, 335,  403, 588, 335, 335,  335, 615,
+    560,  280, 335,  335, 367, 560, 840, 840,  840, 615, 727, 727,  727, 727,
+    727,  727, 1008, 727, 672, 672, 672, 672,  280, 280, 280, 280,  727, 727,
+    784,  784, 784,  784, 784, 588, 784, 727,  727, 727, 727, 672,  672, 615,
+    560,  560, 560,  560, 560, 560, 896, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  280, 280,
+    280,  280, 615,  615, 615, 615, 615, 615,  615, 588, 615, 615,  615, 615,
+    615,  560, 615,  560,
+static const uint16_t helvetica_oblique_widths[256] = {
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  280,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 280, 280,  280, 280, 280, 280,  357,  560, 560,  896, 672,
+    192, 335, 335, 392,  588, 280, 335, 280,  280,  560, 560,  560, 560,
+    560, 560, 560, 560,  560, 560, 280, 280,  588,  588, 588,  560, 1023,
+    672, 672, 727, 727,  672, 615, 784, 727,  280,  504, 672,  560, 839,
+    727, 784, 672, 784,  727, 672, 615, 727,  672,  951, 672,  672, 615,
+    280, 280, 280, 472,  560, 335, 560, 560,  504,  560, 560,  280, 560,
+    560, 223, 223, 504,  223, 839, 560, 560,  560,  560, 335,  504, 280,
+    560, 504, 727, 504,  504, 504, 336, 262,  336,  588, 352,  560, 352,
+    223, 560, 335, 1008, 560, 560, 335, 1008, 672,  335, 1008, 352, 615,
+    352, 352, 223, 223,  335, 335, 352, 560,  1008, 335, 1008, 504, 335,
+    951, 352, 504, 672,  280, 335, 560, 560,  560,  560, 262,  560, 335,
+    742, 372, 560, 588,  335, 742, 335, 403,  588,  335, 335,  335, 560,
+    541, 280, 335, 335,  367, 560, 840, 840,  840,  615, 672,  672, 672,
+    672, 672, 672, 1008, 727, 672, 672, 672,  672,  280, 280,  280, 280,
+    727, 727, 784, 784,  784, 784, 784, 588,  784,  727, 727,  727, 727,
+    672, 672, 615, 560,  560, 560, 560, 560,  560,  896, 504,  560, 560,
+    560, 560, 280, 280,  280, 280, 560, 560,  560,  560, 560,  560, 560,
+    588, 615, 560, 560,  560, 560, 504, 560,  504,
+static const uint16_t symbol_widths[256] = {
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252,  252, 252,  252,  252, 252, 252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252,  252, 252,  252,  252, 252, 252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 335, 718,  504, 553,  839,  784, 442, 335, 335,
+    504, 553, 252, 553,  252, 280, 504,  504, 504,  504,  504, 504, 504, 504,
+    504, 504, 280, 280,  553, 553, 553,  447, 553,  727,  672, 727, 616, 615,
+    769, 607, 727, 335,  636, 727, 691,  896, 727,  727,  774, 746, 560, 596,
+    615, 695, 442, 774,  650, 801, 615,  335, 869,  335,  663, 504, 504, 636,
+    553, 553, 497, 442,  525, 414, 607,  331, 607,  553,  553, 580, 525, 553,
+    553, 525, 553, 607,  442, 580, 718,  691, 496,  691,  497, 483, 201, 483,
+    553, 0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,   0,   0,
+    0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,   0,   0,
+    0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   756,  624, 248,  553,  168, 718, 504, 759,
+    759, 759, 759, 1050, 994, 607, 994,  607, 403,  553,  414, 553, 553, 718,
+    497, 463, 553, 553,  553, 553, 1008, 607, 1008, 663,  829, 691, 801, 994,
+    774, 774, 829, 774,  774, 718, 718,  718, 718,  718,  718, 718, 774, 718,
+    796, 796, 897, 829,  553, 252, 718,  607, 607,  1050, 994, 607, 994, 607,
+    497, 331, 796, 796,  792, 718, 387,  387, 387,  387,  387, 387, 497, 497,
+    497, 497, 0,   331,  276, 691, 691,  691, 387,  387,  387, 387, 387, 387,
+    497, 497, 497, 0,
+static const uint16_t times_widths[256] = {
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 335, 411, 504,  504, 839, 784, 181,  335, 335,
+    504, 568, 252, 335, 252, 280, 504, 504,  504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 280, 280, 568, 568, 568, 447,  928, 727, 672, 672,  727, 615,
+    560, 727, 727, 335, 392, 727, 615, 896,  727, 727, 560, 727,  672, 560,
+    615, 727, 727, 951, 727, 727, 615, 335,  280, 335, 472, 504,  335, 447,
+    504, 447, 504, 447, 335, 504, 504, 280,  280, 504, 280, 784,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 335, 392, 280, 504, 504, 727,  504, 504, 447, 483,  201, 483,
+    545, 352, 504, 352, 335, 504, 447, 1008, 504, 504, 335, 1008, 560, 335,
+    896, 352, 615, 352, 352, 335, 335, 447,  447, 352, 504, 1008, 335, 987,
+    392, 335, 727, 352, 447, 727, 252, 335,  504, 504, 504, 504,  201, 504,
+    335, 766, 278, 504, 568, 335, 766, 335,  403, 568, 302, 302,  335, 504,
+    456, 252, 335, 302, 312, 504, 756, 756,  756, 447, 727, 727,  727, 727,
+    727, 727, 896, 672, 615, 615, 615, 615,  335, 335, 335, 335,  727, 727,
+    727, 727, 727, 727, 727, 568, 727, 727,  727, 727, 727, 727,  560, 504,
+    447, 447, 447, 447, 447, 447, 672, 447,  447, 447, 447, 447,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 568, 504, 504,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 504, 504,
+static const uint16_t times_bold_widths[256] = {
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252,  252,  252,  252,  252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252,  252,  252,  252,  252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 335,  559,  504,  504,  1008, 839,
+    280, 335, 335, 504,  574, 252, 335, 252,  280,  504,  504,  504,  504,
+    504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 504, 335, 335,  574,  574,  574,  504,  937,
+    727, 672, 727, 727,  672, 615, 784, 784,  392,  504,  784,  672,  951,
+    727, 784, 615, 784,  727, 560, 672, 727,  727,  1008, 727,  727,  672,
+    335, 280, 335, 585,  504, 335, 504, 560,  447,  560,  447,  335,  504,
+    560, 280, 335, 560,  280, 839, 560, 504,  560,  560,  447,  392,  335,
+    560, 504, 727, 504,  504, 447, 397, 221,  397,  524,  352,  504,  352,
+    335, 504, 504, 1008, 504, 504, 335, 1008, 560,  335,  1008, 352,  672,
+    352, 352, 335, 335,  504, 504, 352, 504,  1008, 335,  1008, 392,  335,
+    727, 352, 447, 727,  252, 335, 504, 504,  504,  504,  221,  504,  335,
+    752, 302, 504, 574,  335, 752, 335, 403,  574,  302,  302,  335,  560,
+    544, 252, 335, 302,  332, 504, 756, 756,  756,  504,  727,  727,  727,
+    727, 727, 727, 1008, 727, 672, 672, 672,  672,  392,  392,  392,  392,
+    727, 727, 784, 784,  784, 784, 784, 574,  784,  727,  727,  727,  727,
+    727, 615, 560, 504,  504, 504, 504, 504,  504,  727,  447,  447,  447,
+    447, 447, 280, 280,  280, 280, 504, 560,  504,  504,  504,  504,  504,
+    574, 504, 560, 560,  560, 560, 504, 560,  504,
+static const uint16_t times_bold_italic_widths[256] = {
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 392, 559, 504,  504, 839, 784, 280,  335, 335,
+    504, 574, 252, 335, 252, 280, 504, 504,  504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 335, 335, 574, 574, 574, 504,  838, 672, 672, 672,  727, 672,
+    672, 727, 784, 392, 504, 672, 615, 896,  727, 727, 615, 727,  672, 560,
+    615, 727, 672, 896, 672, 615, 615, 335,  280, 335, 574, 504,  335, 504,
+    504, 447, 504, 447, 335, 504, 560, 280,  280, 504, 280, 784,  560, 504,
+    504, 504, 392, 392, 280, 560, 447, 672,  504, 447, 392, 350,  221, 350,
+    574, 352, 504, 352, 335, 504, 504, 1008, 504, 504, 335, 1008, 560, 335,
+    951, 352, 615, 352, 352, 335, 335, 504,  504, 352, 504, 1008, 335, 1008,
+    392, 335, 727, 352, 392, 615, 252, 392,  504, 504, 504, 504,  221, 504,
+    335, 752, 268, 504, 610, 335, 752, 335,  403, 574, 302, 302,  335, 580,
+    504, 252, 335, 302, 302, 504, 756, 756,  756, 504, 672, 672,  672, 672,
+    672, 672, 951, 672, 672, 672, 672, 672,  392, 392, 392, 392,  727, 727,
+    727, 727, 727, 727, 727, 574, 727, 727,  727, 727, 727, 615,  615, 504,
+    504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 727, 447,  447, 447, 447, 447,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 504, 560, 504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 574, 504, 560,  560, 560,
+    560, 447, 504, 447,
+static const uint16_t times_italic_widths[256] = {
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 252,  252, 252,
+    252, 252, 252, 252, 252, 335, 423, 504, 504, 839, 784, 215,  335, 335,
+    504, 680, 252, 335, 252, 280, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 335, 335, 680, 680, 680, 504, 927, 615, 615, 672,  727, 615,
+    615, 727, 727, 335, 447, 672, 560, 839, 672, 727, 615, 727,  615, 504,
+    560, 727, 615, 839, 615, 560, 560, 392, 280, 392, 425, 504,  335, 504,
+    504, 447, 504, 447, 280, 504, 504, 280, 280, 447, 280, 727,  504, 504,
+    504, 504, 392, 392, 280, 504, 447, 672, 447, 447, 392, 403,  277, 403,
+    545, 352, 504, 352, 335, 504, 560, 896, 504, 504, 335, 1008, 504, 335,
+    951, 352, 560, 352, 352, 335, 335, 560, 560, 352, 504, 896,  335, 987,
+    392, 335, 672, 352, 392, 560, 252, 392, 504, 504, 504, 504,  277, 504,
+    335, 766, 278, 504, 680, 335, 766, 335, 403, 680, 302, 302,  335, 504,
+    527, 252, 335, 302, 312, 504, 756, 756, 756, 504, 615, 615,  615, 615,
+    615, 615, 896, 672, 615, 615, 615, 615, 335, 335, 335, 335,  727, 672,
+    727, 727, 727, 727, 727, 680, 727, 727, 727, 727, 727, 560,  615, 504,
+    504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 672, 447, 447, 447, 447, 447,  280, 280,
+    280, 280, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 504, 680, 504, 504,  504, 504,
+    504, 447, 504, 447,
+static const uint16_t zapfdingbats_widths[256] = {
+    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+    0,   0,   0,   0,   280,  981, 968, 981, 987, 724, 795, 796, 797, 695,
+    967, 946, 553, 861, 918,  940, 918, 952, 981, 761, 852, 768, 767, 575,
+    682, 769, 766, 765, 760,  497, 556, 541, 581, 697, 792, 794, 794, 796,
+    799, 800, 822, 829, 795,  847, 829, 839, 822, 837, 930, 749, 728, 754,
+    796, 798, 700, 782, 774,  798, 765, 712, 713, 687, 706, 832, 821, 795,
+    795, 712, 692, 701, 694,  792, 793, 718, 797, 791, 797, 879, 767, 768,
+    768, 765, 765, 899, 899,  794, 790, 441, 139, 279, 418, 395, 395, 673,
+    673, 0,   393, 393, 319,  319, 278, 278, 513, 513, 413, 413, 235, 235,
+    336, 336, 0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   737, 548, 548, 917, 672, 766, 766,
+    782, 599, 699, 631, 794,  794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794,
+    794, 794, 794, 794, 794,  794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794,
+    794, 794, 794, 794, 794,  794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794, 794,
+    794, 794, 901, 844, 1024, 461, 753, 931, 753, 925, 934, 935, 935, 840,
+    879, 834, 931, 931, 924,  937, 938, 466, 890, 842, 842, 873, 873, 701,
+    701, 880, 0,   880, 766,  953, 777, 871, 777, 895, 974, 895, 837, 879,
+    934, 977, 925, 0,
+static const uint16_t courier_widths[256] = {
+    604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604, 604,
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+static int pdf_text_point_width(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *text,
+                                ptrdiff_t text_len, float size,
+                                const uint16_t *widths, float *point_width)
+    uint32_t len = 0;
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+        text_len = strlen(text);
+    *point_width = 0.0f;
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int)text_len;) {
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+        int code_len;
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+            utf8_to_pdfencoding(pdf, &text[i], text_len - i, &pdf_char);
+        if (code_len < 0)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, code_len,
+                               "Invalid unicode string at position %d in %s",
+                               i, text);
+        i += code_len;
+        if (pdf_char != '\n' && pdf_char != '\r')
+            len += widths[pdf_char];
+    }
+    /* Our widths arrays are for 14pt fonts */
+    *point_width = len * size / (14.0f * 72.0f);
+    return 0;
+static const uint16_t *find_font_widths(const char *font_name)
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Helvetica") == 0)
+        return helvetica_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Helvetica-Bold") == 0)
+        return helvetica_bold_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Helvetica-BoldOblique") == 0)
+        return helvetica_bold_oblique_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Helvetica-Oblique") == 0)
+        return helvetica_oblique_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Courier") == 0 ||
+        strcasecmp(font_name, "Courier-Bold") == 0 ||
+        strcasecmp(font_name, "Courier-BoldOblique") == 0 ||
+        strcasecmp(font_name, "Courier-Oblique") == 0)
+        return courier_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Times-Roman") == 0)
+        return times_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Times-Bold") == 0)
+        return times_bold_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Times-Italic") == 0)
+        return times_italic_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Times-BoldItalic") == 0)
+        return times_bold_italic_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "Symbol") == 0)
+        return symbol_widths;
+    if (strcasecmp(font_name, "ZapfDingbats") == 0)
+        return zapfdingbats_widths;
+    return NULL;
+int pdf_get_font_text_width(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *font_name,
+                            const char *text, float size, float *text_width)
+    if (!font_name)
+        font_name = pdf->current_font->font.name;
+    const uint16_t *widths = find_font_widths(font_name);
+    if (!widths)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Unable to determine width for font '%s'",
+                           pdf->current_font->font.name);
+    return pdf_text_point_width(pdf, text, -1, size, widths, text_width);
+static const char *find_word_break(const char *string)
+    if (!string)
+        return NULL;
+    /* Skip over the actual word */
+    while (*string && !isspace(*string))
+        string++;
+    return string;
+int pdf_add_text_wrap(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                      const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                      float angle, uint32_t colour, float wrap_width,
+                      int align, float *height)
+    /* Move through the text string, stopping at word boundaries,
+     * trying to find the longest text string we can fit in the given width
+     */
+    const char *start = text;
+    const char *last_best = text;
+    const char *end = text;
+    char line[512];
+    const uint16_t *widths;
+    float orig_yoff = yoff;
+    widths = find_font_widths(pdf->current_font->font.name);
+    if (!widths)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Unable to determine width for font '%s'",
+                           pdf->current_font->font.name);
+    while (start && *start) {
+        const char *new_end = find_word_break(end + 1);
+        float line_width;
+        int output = 0;
+        float xoff_align = xoff;
+        int e;
+        end = new_end;
+        e = pdf_text_point_width(pdf, start, end - start, size, widths,
+                                 &line_width);
+        if (e < 0)
+            return e;
+        if (line_width >= wrap_width) {
+            if (last_best == start) {
+                /* There is a single word that is too long for the line */
+                ptrdiff_t i;
+                /* Find the best character to chop it at */
+                for (i = end - start - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+                    float this_width;
+                    // Don't look at places that are in the middle of a utf-8
+                    // sequence
+                    if ((start[i - 1] & 0xc0) == 0xc0 ||
+                        ((start[i - 1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+                         (start[i] & 0xc0) == 0x80))
+                        continue;
+                    e = pdf_text_point_width(pdf, start, i, size, widths,
+                                             &this_width);
+                    if (e < 0)
+                        return e;
+                    if (this_width < wrap_width)
+                        break;
+                }
+                if (i == 0)
+                    return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                                       "Unable to find suitable line break");
+                end = start + i;
+            } else
+                end = last_best;
+            output = 1;
+        }
+        if (*end == '\0')
+            output = 1;
+        if (*end == '\n' || *end == '\r')
+            output = 1;
+        if (output) {
+            int len = end - start;
+            float char_spacing = 0;
+            if (len >= (int)sizeof(line))
+                len = (int)sizeof(line) - 1;
+            strncpy(line, start, len);
+            line[len] = '\0';
+            e = pdf_text_point_width(pdf, start, len, size, widths,
+                                     &line_width);
+            if (e < 0)
+                return e;
+            switch (align) {
+            case PDF_ALIGN_RIGHT:
+                xoff_align += wrap_width - line_width;
+                break;
+            case PDF_ALIGN_CENTER:
+                xoff_align += (wrap_width - line_width) / 2;
+                break;
+            case PDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY:
+                if ((len - 1) > 0 && *end != '\r' && *end != '\n' &&
+                    *end != '\0')
+                    char_spacing = (wrap_width - line_width) / (len - 2);
+                break;
+            case PDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY_ALL:
+                if ((len - 1) > 0)
+                    char_spacing = (wrap_width - line_width) / (len - 2);
+                break;
+            }
+            if (align != PDF_ALIGN_NO_WRITE) {
+                pdf_add_text_spacing(pdf, page, line, size, xoff_align, yoff,
+                                     colour, char_spacing, angle);
+            }
+            if (*end == ' ')
+                end++;
+            start = last_best = end;
+            yoff -= size;
+        } else
+            last_best = end;
+    }
+    if (height)
+        *height = orig_yoff - yoff;
+    return 0;
+int pdf_add_line(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x1,
+                 float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, uint32_t colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w\r\n", width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f m\r\n", x1, y1);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f l S\r\n", x2, y2);
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_cubic_bezier(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                         float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float xq1,
+                         float yq1, float xq2, float yq2, float width,
+                         uint32_t colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w\r\n", width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f m\r\n", x1, y1);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f %f %f c S\r\n", xq1, yq1, xq2, yq2, x2,
+                y2);
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_quadratic_bezier(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
+                             float xq1, float yq1, float width,
+                             uint32_t colour)
+    float xc1 = x1 + (xq1 - x1) * (2.0f / 3.0f);
+    float yc1 = y1 + (yq1 - y1) * (2.0f / 3.0f);
+    float xc2 = x2 + (xq1 - x2) * (2.0f / 3.0f);
+    float yc2 = y2 + (yq1 - y2) * (2.0f / 3.0f);
+    return pdf_add_cubic_bezier(pdf, page, x1, y1, x2, y2, xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2,
+                                width, colour);
+int pdf_add_custom_path(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                        const struct pdf_path_operation *operations,
+                        int operation_count, float stroke_width,
+                        uint32_t stroke_colour, uint32_t fill_colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    if (!PDF_IS_TRANSPARENT(fill_colour)) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f rg\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(fill_colour),
+                    PDF_RGB_G(fill_colour), PDF_RGB_B(fill_colour));
+    }
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w\r\n", stroke_width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(stroke_colour),
+                PDF_RGB_G(stroke_colour), PDF_RGB_B(stroke_colour));
+    for (int i = 0; i < operation_count; i++) {
+        struct pdf_path_operation operation = operations[i];
+        switch (operation.op) {
+        case 'm':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f m\r\n", operation.x1, operation.y1);
+            break;
+        case 'l':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f l\r\n", operation.x1, operation.y1);
+            break;
+        case 'c':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f %f %f c\r\n", operation.x1,
+                        operation.y1, operation.x2, operation.y2,
+                        operation.x3, operation.y3);
+            break;
+        case 'v':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f v\r\n", operation.x1, operation.y1,
+                        operation.x2, operation.y2);
+            break;
+        case 'y':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f y\r\n", operation.x1, operation.y1,
+                        operation.x2, operation.y2);
+            break;
+        case 'h':
+            dstr_printf(&str, "h\r\n");
+            break;
+        default:
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Invalid operation");
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (PDF_IS_TRANSPARENT(fill_colour))
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%s", "S ");
+    else
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%s", "B ");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_ellipse(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                    float y, float xradius, float yradius, float width,
+                    uint32_t colour, uint32_t fill_colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    float lx, ly;
+    lx = (4.0f / 3.0f) * (float)(M_SQRT2 - 1) * xradius;
+    ly = (4.0f / 3.0f) * (float)(M_SQRT2 - 1) * yradius;
+    if (!PDF_IS_TRANSPARENT(fill_colour)) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f rg\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(fill_colour),
+                    PDF_RGB_G(fill_colour), PDF_RGB_B(fill_colour));
+    }
+    /* stroke color */
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/DeviceRGB CS\r\n");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG\r\n", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w ", width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%.2f %.2f m ", (x + xradius), (y));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f c ", (x + xradius),
+                (y - ly), (x + lx), (y - yradius), x, (y - yradius));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f c ", (x - lx),
+                (y - yradius), (x - xradius), (y - ly), (x - xradius), y);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f c ", (x - xradius),
+                (y + ly), (x - lx), (y + yradius), x, (y + yradius));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f c ", (x + lx),
+                (y + yradius), (x + xradius), (y + ly), (x + xradius), y);
+    if (PDF_IS_TRANSPARENT(fill_colour))
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%s", "S ");
+    else
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%s", "B ");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_circle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float xr,
+                   float yr, float radius, float width, uint32_t colour,
+                   uint32_t fill_colour)
+    return pdf_add_ellipse(pdf, page, xr, yr, radius, radius, width, colour,
+                           fill_colour);
+int pdf_add_rectangle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                      float y, float width, float height, float border_width,
+                      uint32_t colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG ", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w ", border_width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f re S ", x, y, width, height);
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_filled_rectangle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                             float border_width, uint32_t colour_fill,
+                             uint32_t colour_border)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f rg ", PDF_RGB_R(colour_fill),
+                PDF_RGB_G(colour_fill), PDF_RGB_B(colour_fill));
+    if (border_width > 0) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG ", PDF_RGB_R(colour_border),
+                    PDF_RGB_G(colour_border), PDF_RGB_B(colour_border));
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f w ", border_width);
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f re B ", x, y, width, height);
+    } else {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f %f re f ", x, y, width, height);
+    }
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_polygon(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x[],
+                    float y[], int count, float border_width, uint32_t colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG ", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w ", border_width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f m ", x[0], y[0]);
+    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f l ", x[i], y[i]);
+    }
+    dstr_printf(&str, "h S ");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+int pdf_add_filled_polygon(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                           float x[], float y[], int count,
+                           float border_width, uint32_t colour)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f RG ", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f %f rg ", PDF_RGB_R(colour), PDF_RGB_G(colour),
+                PDF_RGB_B(colour));
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f w ", border_width);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f m ", x[0], y[0]);
+    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
+        dstr_printf(&str, "%f %f l ", x[i], y[i]);
+    }
+    dstr_printf(&str, "h f ");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+static const struct {
+    uint32_t code;
+    char ch;
+} code_128a_encoding[] = {
+    {0x212222, ' '},  {0x222122, '!'},  {0x222221, '"'},   {0x121223, '#'},
+    {0x121322, '$'},  {0x131222, '%'},  {0x122213, '&'},   {0x122312, '\''},
+    {0x132212, '('},  {0x221213, ')'},  {0x221312, '*'},   {0x231212, '+'},
+    {0x112232, ','},  {0x122132, '-'},  {0x122231, '.'},   {0x113222, '/'},
+    {0x123122, '0'},  {0x123221, '1'},  {0x223211, '2'},   {0x221132, '3'},
+    {0x221231, '4'},  {0x213212, '5'},  {0x223112, '6'},   {0x312131, '7'},
+    {0x311222, '8'},  {0x321122, '9'},  {0x321221, ':'},   {0x312212, ';'},
+    {0x322112, '<'},  {0x322211, '='},  {0x212123, '>'},   {0x212321, '?'},
+    {0x232121, '@'},  {0x111323, 'A'},  {0x131123, 'B'},   {0x131321, 'C'},
+    {0x112313, 'D'},  {0x132113, 'E'},  {0x132311, 'F'},   {0x211313, 'G'},
+    {0x231113, 'H'},  {0x231311, 'I'},  {0x112133, 'J'},   {0x112331, 'K'},
+    {0x132131, 'L'},  {0x113123, 'M'},  {0x113321, 'N'},   {0x133121, 'O'},
+    {0x313121, 'P'},  {0x211331, 'Q'},  {0x231131, 'R'},   {0x213113, 'S'},
+    {0x213311, 'T'},  {0x213131, 'U'},  {0x311123, 'V'},   {0x311321, 'W'},
+    {0x331121, 'X'},  {0x312113, 'Y'},  {0x312311, 'Z'},   {0x332111, '['},
+    {0x314111, '\\'}, {0x221411, ']'},  {0x431111, '^'},   {0x111224, '_'},
+    {0x111422, '`'},  {0x121124, 'a'},  {0x121421, 'b'},   {0x141122, 'c'},
+    {0x141221, 'd'},  {0x112214, 'e'},  {0x112412, 'f'},   {0x122114, 'g'},
+    {0x122411, 'h'},  {0x142112, 'i'},  {0x142211, 'j'},   {0x241211, 'k'},
+    {0x221114, 'l'},  {0x413111, 'm'},  {0x241112, 'n'},   {0x134111, 'o'},
+    {0x111242, 'p'},  {0x121142, 'q'},  {0x121241, 'r'},   {0x114212, 's'},
+    {0x124112, 't'},  {0x124211, 'u'},  {0x411212, 'v'},   {0x421112, 'w'},
+    {0x421211, 'x'},  {0x212141, 'y'},  {0x214121, 'z'},   {0x412121, '{'},
+    {0x111143, '|'},  {0x111341, '}'},  {0x131141, '~'},   {0x114113, '\0'},
+    {0x114311, '\0'}, {0x411113, '\0'}, {0x411311, '\0'},  {0x113141, '\0'},
+    {0x114131, '\0'}, {0x311141, '\0'}, {0x411131, '\0'},  {0x211412, '\0'},
+    {0x211214, '\0'}, {0x211232, '\0'}, {0x2331112, '\0'},
+static int find_128_encoding(char ch)
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(code_128a_encoding); i++) {
+        if (code_128a_encoding[i].ch == ch)
+            return i;
+    }
+    return -1;
+static float pdf_barcode_128a_ch(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                 float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                 uint32_t colour, int index, int code_len)
+    uint32_t code = code_128a_encoding[index].code;
+    float line_width = width / 11.0f;
+    for (int i = 0; i < code_len; i++) {
+        uint8_t shift = (code_len - 1 - i) * 4;
+        uint8_t mask = (code >> shift) & 0xf;
+        if (!(i % 2))
+            pdf_add_filled_rectangle(pdf, page, x, y, line_width * mask,
+                                     height, 0, colour, PDF_TRANSPARENT);
+        x += line_width * mask;
+    }
+    return x;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_128a(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    const char *s;
+    size_t len = strlen(string) + 3;
+    float char_width = width / len;
+    int checksum, i;
+    if (char_width / 11.0f <= 0)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Insufficient width to draw barcode");
+    for (s = string; *s; s++)
+        if (find_128_encoding(*s) < 0)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid barcode character 0x%x",
+                               *s);
+    x = pdf_barcode_128a_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour, 104,
+                            6);
+    checksum = 104;
+    for (i = 1, s = string; *s; s++, i++) {
+        int index = find_128_encoding(*s);
+        // This should be impossible, due to the checks above, but confirm
+        // here anyway to stop coverity complaining
+        if (index < 0)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                               "Invalid 128a barcode character 0x%x", *s);
+        x = pdf_barcode_128a_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour,
+                                index, 6);
+        checksum += index * i;
+    }
+    x = pdf_barcode_128a_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour,
+                            checksum % 103, 6);
+    pdf_barcode_128a_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour, 106, 7);
+    return 0;
+/* Code 39 character encoding. Each 4-bit value indicates:
+ * 0 => wide bar
+ * 1 => narrow bar
+ * 2 => wide space
+ */
+static const struct {
+    int code;
+    char ch;
+} code_39_encoding[] = {
+    {0x012110, '1'}, {0x102110, '2'}, {0x002111, '3'},
+    {0x112010, '4'}, {0x012011, '5'}, {0x102011, '6'},
+    {0x112100, '7'}, {0x012101, '8'}, {0x102101, '9'},
+    {0x112001, '0'}, {0x011210, 'A'}, {0x101210, 'B'},
+    {0x001211, 'C'}, {0x110210, 'D'}, {0x010211, 'E'},
+    {0x100211, 'F'}, {0x111200, 'G'}, {0x011201, 'H'},
+    {0x101201, 'I'}, {0x110201, 'J'}, {0x011120, 'K'},
+    {0x101120, 'L'}, {0x001121, 'M'}, {0x110120, 'N'},
+    {0x010121, 'O'}, {0x100121, 'P'}, {0x111020, 'Q'},
+    {0x011021, 'R'}, {0x101021, 'S'}, {0x110021, 'T'},
+    {0x021110, 'U'}, {0x120110, 'V'}, {0x020111, 'W'},
+    {0x121010, 'X'}, {0x021011, 'Y'}, {0x120011, 'Z'},
+    {0x121100, '-'}, {0x021101, '.'}, {0x120101, ' '},
+    {0x121001, '*'}, // 'stop' character
+static int find_39_encoding(char ch)
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(code_39_encoding); i++) {
+        if (code_39_encoding[i].ch == ch) {
+            return code_39_encoding[i].code;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+static int pdf_barcode_39_ch(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x, float y, float char_width, float height,
+                             uint32_t colour, char ch, float *new_x)
+    float nw = char_width / 12.0f;
+    float ww = char_width / 4.0f;
+    int code = 0;
+    code = find_39_encoding(ch);
+    if (code < 0)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid Code 39 character %c 0x%x",
+                           ch, ch);
+    for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
+        int pattern = (code >> i * 4) & 0xf;
+        if (pattern == 0) { // wide
+            if (pdf_add_filled_rectangle(pdf, page, x, y, ww - 1, height, 0,
+                                         colour, PDF_TRANSPARENT) < 0)
+                return pdf->errval;
+            x += ww;
+        }
+        if (pattern == 1) { // narrow
+            if (pdf_add_filled_rectangle(pdf, page, x, y, nw - 1, height, 0,
+                                         colour, PDF_TRANSPARENT) < 0)
+                return pdf->errval;
+            x += nw;
+        }
+        if (pattern == 2) { // space
+            x += nw;
+        }
+    }
+    if (new_x)
+        *new_x = x;
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_39(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                              float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                              const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    size_t len = strlen(string);
+    float char_width = width / (len + 2);
+    int e;
+    e = pdf_barcode_39_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour, '*',
+                          &x);
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    while (string && *string) {
+        e = pdf_barcode_39_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour,
+                              *string, &x);
+        if (e < 0)
+            return e;
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_39_ch(pdf, page, x, y, char_width, height, colour, '*',
+                          NULL);
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    return 0;
+/* EAN/UPC character encoding. Each 4-bit value indicates width in x units.
+ * Elements are SBSB (Space, Bar, Space, Bar) for LHS digits
+ * Elements are inverted for RHS digits
+ */
+static const int code_eanupc_encoding[] = {
+    0x3211, // 0
+    0x2221, // 1
+    0x2122, // 2
+    0x1411, // 3
+    0x1132, // 4
+    0x1231, // 5
+    0x1114, // 6
+    0x1312, // 7
+    0x1213, // 8
+    0x3112, // 9
+ * List of different barcode guard patterns that are supported
+ */
+enum {
+    GUARD_NORMAL,  //!< Produce normal guard pattern
+    GUARD_CENTRE,  //!< Produce centre guard pattern
+    GUARD_SPECIAL, //!< Produce special guard pattern
+static const int code_eanupc_aux_encoding[] = {
+    0x150, // Normal guard
+    0x554, // Centre guard
+    0x555, // Special guard
+    0x160, // Add-on guard
+    0x500, // Add-on delineator
+static const int set_ean13_encoding[] = {
+    0x00, // 0
+    0x34, // 1
+    0x2c, // 2
+    0x1c, // 3
+    0x32, // 4
+    0x26, // 5
+    0x0e, // 6
+    0x2a, // 7
+    0x1a, // 8
+    0x16, // 9
+static const int set_upce_encoding[] = {
+    0x07, // 0
+    0x0b, // 1
+    0x13, // 2
+    0x23, // 3
+    0x0d, // 4
+    0x19, // 5
+    0x31, // 6
+    0x15, // 7
+    0x25, // 8
+    0x29, // 9
+#define EANUPC_X PDF_MM_TO_POINT(0.330f)
+static const struct {
+    unsigned modules;
+    float height_bar;
+    float height_outer;
+    unsigned quiet_left;
+    unsigned quiet_right;
+} eanupc_dimensions[] = {
+    {113, PDF_MM_TO_POINT(22.85), PDF_MM_TO_POINT(25.93), 11, 7}, // EAN-13
+    {113, PDF_MM_TO_POINT(22.85), PDF_MM_TO_POINT(25.93), 9, 9},  // UPC-A
+    {81, PDF_MM_TO_POINT(18.23), PDF_MM_TO_POINT(21.31), 7, 7},   // EAN-8
+    {67, PDF_MM_TO_POINT(22.85), PDF_MM_TO_POINT(25.93), 9, 7},   // UPC-E
+static void pdf_barcode_eanupc_calc_dims(int type, float width, float height,
+                                         float *x_off, float *y_off,
+                                         float *new_width, float *new_height,
+                                         float *x, float *bar_height,
+                                         float *bar_ext, float *font_size)
+    float aspectBarcode, aspectRect, scale;
+    aspectRect = width / height;
+    aspectBarcode = eanupc_dimensions[type - PDF_BARCODE_EAN13].modules *
+                    EANUPC_X /
+                    eanupc_dimensions[type - PDF_BARCODE_EAN13].height_outer;
+    if (aspectRect > aspectBarcode) {
+        *new_height = height;
+        *new_width = height * aspectBarcode;
+    } else if (aspectRect < aspectBarcode) {
+        *new_width = width;
+        *new_height = width / aspectBarcode;
+    } else {
+        *new_width = width;
+        *new_height = height;
+    }
+    scale = *new_height /
+            eanupc_dimensions[type - PDF_BARCODE_EAN13].height_outer;
+    *x = *new_width / eanupc_dimensions[type - PDF_BARCODE_EAN13].modules;
+    *bar_ext = *x * 5;
+    *bar_height =
+        eanupc_dimensions[type - PDF_BARCODE_EAN13].height_bar * scale;
+    *font_size = 8.0f * scale;
+    *x_off = (width - *new_width) / 2.0f;
+    *y_off = (height - *new_height) / 2.0f;
+static int pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                 float x, float y, float x_width,
+                                 float height, uint32_t colour, char ch,
+                                 int set, float *new_x)
+    if ('0' > ch || ch > '9')
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid EAN/UPC character %c 0x%x",
+                           ch, ch);
+    int code;
+    code = code_eanupc_encoding[ch - '0'];
+    for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
+        int shift = (set == 1 ? 3 - i : i) * 4;
+        int bar = (set == 2 && i & 0x1) || (set != 2 && (i & 0x1) == 0);
+        float width = (float)((code >> shift) & 0xf);
+        switch (ch) {
+        case '1':
+        case '2':
+            if ((set == 0 && bar) || (set != 0 && !bar)) {
+                width -= 1.0f / 13.0f;
+            } else {
+                width += 1.0f / 13.0f;
+            }
+            break;
+        case '7':
+        case '8':
+            if ((set == 0 && bar) || (set != 0 && !bar)) {
+                width += 1.0f / 13.0f;
+            } else {
+                width -= 1.0f / 13.0f;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        width *= x_width;
+        if (bar) {
+            if (pdf_add_filled_rectangle(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, 0,
+                                         colour, PDF_TRANSPARENT) < 0)
+                return pdf->errval;
+        }
+        x += width;
+    }
+    if (new_x)
+        *new_x = x;
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(struct pdf_doc *pdf,
+                                  struct pdf_object *page, float x, float y,
+                                  float x_width, float height,
+                                  uint32_t colour, int guard_type,
+                                  float *new_x)
+    int code = code_eanupc_aux_encoding[guard_type];
+    for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
+        int value = code >> i * 2 & 0x3;
+        if (value) {
+            if ((i & 0x1) == 0) {
+                if (pdf_add_filled_rectangle(pdf, page, x, y, x_width * value,
+                                             height, 0, colour,
+                                             PDF_TRANSPARENT) < 0)
+                    return pdf->errval;
+            }
+            x += x_width * value;
+        }
+    }
+    if (new_x)
+        *new_x = x;
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_ean13(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                 float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                 const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    if (!string)
+        return 0;
+    size_t len = strlen(string);
+    int lead = 0;
+    if (len == 13) {
+        char ch = string[0];
+        if (!isdigit(*string))
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                               "Invalid EAN13 character %c 0x%x", ch, ch);
+        lead = ch - '0';
+        ++string;
+    } else if (len != 12)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid EAN13 string length %lu",
+                           len);
+    /* Scale and calculate dimensions */
+    float x_off, y_off, new_width, new_height, x_width, bar_height, bar_ext,
+        font;
+    pdf_barcode_eanupc_calc_dims(PDF_BARCODE_EAN13, width, height, &x_off,
+                                 &y_off, &new_width, &new_height, &x_width,
+                                 &bar_height, &bar_ext, &font);
+    x += x_off;
+    y += y_off;
+    float bar_y = y + new_height - bar_height;
+    int e;
+    const char *save_font = pdf->current_font->font.name;
+    e = pdf_set_font(pdf, "Courier"); /* Built-in monospace font */
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    char text[2];
+    text[1] = 0;
+    text[0] = lead + '0';
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[0].quiet_left * x_width;
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                              7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        int set = (set_ean13_encoding[lead] & 1 << i) ? 1 : 0;
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                                  colour, *string, set, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_CENTRE,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                              7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                                  colour, *string, 2, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    text[0] = '>';
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[0].quiet_right * x_width -
+         604.0f * font / (14.0f * 72.0f);
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_upca(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    if (!string)
+        return 0;
+    size_t len = strlen(string);
+    if (len != 12)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UPCA string length %lu",
+                           len);
+    /* Scale and calculate dimensions */
+    float x_off, y_off, new_width, new_height;
+    float x_width, bar_height, bar_ext, font;
+    pdf_barcode_eanupc_calc_dims(PDF_BARCODE_UPCA, width, height, &x_off,
+                                 &y_off, &new_width, &new_height, &x_width,
+                                 &bar_height, &bar_ext, &font);
+    x += x_off;
+    y += y_off;
+    float bar_y = y + new_height - bar_height;
+    int e;
+    const char *save_font = pdf->current_font->font.name;
+    e = pdf_set_font(pdf, "Courier");
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    char text[2];
+    text[1] = 0;
+    text[0] = *string;
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font * 4.0f / 7.0f, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[1].quiet_left * x_width;
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        if (i) {
+            e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                                  7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+            if (e < 0) {
+                pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+                return e;
+            }
+        }
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y - (i ? 0 : bar_ext),
+                                  x_width, bar_height + (i ? 0 : bar_ext),
+                                  colour, *string, 0, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_CENTRE,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        if (i != 5) {
+            e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                                  7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+            if (e < 0) {
+                pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+                return e;
+            }
+        }
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(
+            pdf, page, x, bar_y - (i != 5 ? 0 : bar_ext), x_width,
+            bar_height + (i != 5 ? 0 : bar_ext), colour, *string, 2, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    text[0] = *--string;
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[1].quiet_right * x_width -
+         604.0f * font * 4.0f / 7.0f / (14.0f * 72.0f);
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font * 4.0f / 7.0f, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_ean8(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    if (!string)
+        return 0;
+    size_t len = strlen(string);
+    if (len != 8)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid EAN8 string length %lu",
+                           len);
+    /* Scale and calculate dimensions */
+    float x_off, y_off, new_width, new_height, x_width, bar_height, bar_ext,
+        font;
+    pdf_barcode_eanupc_calc_dims(PDF_BARCODE_EAN8, width, height, &x_off,
+                                 &y_off, &new_width, &new_height, &x_width,
+                                 &bar_height, &bar_ext, &font);
+    x += x_off;
+    y += y_off;
+    float bar_y = y + new_height - bar_height;
+    int e;
+    const char *save_font = pdf->current_font->font.name;
+    e = pdf_set_font(pdf, "Courier"); /* Built-in monospace font */
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    char text[2];
+    text[1] = 0;
+    text[0] = '<';
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[2].quiet_left * x_width;
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 4; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                              7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                                  colour, *string, 0, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_CENTRE,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 4; i++) {
+        text[0] = *string;
+        e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                              7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                                  colour, *string, 2, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        string++;
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y - bar_ext, x_width,
+                               bar_height + bar_ext, colour, GUARD_NORMAL,
+                               &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    text[0] = '>';
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[0].quiet_right * x_width -
+         604.0f * font / (14.0f * 72.0f);
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_barcode_upce(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                                float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                                const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    if (!string)
+        return 0;
+    size_t len = strlen(string);
+    if (len != 12)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UPCE string length %lu",
+                           len);
+    if (*string != '0')
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UPCE char %c at start",
+                           *string);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+        if (!isdigit(string[i]))
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UPCE char 0x%x at %zd",
+                               string[i], i);
+    }
+    /* Scale and calculate dimensions */
+    float x_off, y_off, new_width, new_height;
+    float x_width, bar_height, bar_ext, font;
+    pdf_barcode_eanupc_calc_dims(PDF_BARCODE_UPCE, width, height, &x_off,
+                                 &y_off, &new_width, &new_height, &x_width,
+                                 &bar_height, &bar_ext, &font);
+    x += x_off;
+    y += y_off;
+    float bar_y = y + new_height - bar_height;
+    int e;
+    const char *save_font = pdf->current_font->font.name;
+    e = pdf_set_font(pdf, "Courier");
+    if (e < 0)
+        return e;
+    char text[2];
+    text[1] = 0;
+    text[0] = string[0];
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font * 4.0f / 7.0f, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[2].quiet_left * x_width;
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                               colour, GUARD_NORMAL, &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    char X[6];
+    if (string[5] && memcmp(string + 6, "0000", 4) == 0 &&
+        '5' <= string[10] && string[10] <= '9') {
+        memcpy(X, string + 1, 5);
+        X[5] = string[10];
+    } else if (string[4] && memcmp(string + 5, "00000", 5) == 0) {
+        memcpy(X, string + 1, 4);
+        X[4] = string[11];
+        X[5] = 4;
+    } else if ('0' <= string[3] && string[3] <= '2' &&
+               memcmp(string + 4, "0000", 4) == 0) {
+        X[0] = string[1];
+        X[1] = string[2];
+        X[2] = string[8];
+        X[3] = string[9];
+        X[4] = string[10];
+        X[5] = string[3];
+    } else if ('3' <= string[3] && string[3] <= '9' &&
+               memcmp(string + 4, "00000", 5) == 0) {
+        memcpy(X, string + 1, 3);
+        X[3] = string[9];
+        X[4] = string[10];
+        X[5] = 3;
+    } else {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid UPCE string format");
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+        text[0] = X[i];
+        e = pdf_add_text_wrap(pdf, page, text, font, x, y, 0, colour,
+                              7 * x_width, PDF_ALIGN_CENTER, NULL);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+        int set = (set_upce_encoding[string[11] - '0'] & 1 << i) ? 1 : 0;
+        e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_ch(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                                  colour, X[i], set, &x);
+        if (e < 0) {
+            pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+            return e;
+        }
+    }
+    e = pdf_barcode_eanupc_aux(pdf, page, x, bar_y, x_width, bar_height,
+                               colour, GUARD_SPECIAL, &x);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    text[0] = string[11];
+    x += eanupc_dimensions[0].quiet_right * x_width -
+         604.0f * font * 4.0f / 7.0f / (14.0f * 72.0f);
+    e = pdf_add_text(pdf, page, text, font * 4.0f / 7.0f, x, y, colour);
+    if (e < 0) {
+        pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+        return e;
+    }
+    pdf_set_font(pdf, save_font);
+    return 0;
+int pdf_add_barcode(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, int code,
+                    float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                    const char *string, uint32_t colour)
+    if (!string || !*string)
+        return 0;
+    switch (code) {
+    case PDF_BARCODE_128A:
+        return pdf_add_barcode_128a(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                    colour);
+    case PDF_BARCODE_39:
+        return pdf_add_barcode_39(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                  colour);
+    case PDF_BARCODE_EAN13:
+        return pdf_add_barcode_ean13(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                     colour);
+        return pdf_add_barcode_upca(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                    colour);
+    case PDF_BARCODE_EAN8:
+        return pdf_add_barcode_ean8(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                    colour);
+        return pdf_add_barcode_upce(pdf, page, x, y, width, height, string,
+                                    colour);
+    default:
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid barcode code %d", code);
+    }
+static pdf_object *pdf_add_raw_grayscale8(struct pdf_doc *pdf,
+                                          const uint8_t *data, uint32_t width,
+                                          uint32_t height)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    size_t len;
+    const char *endstream = ">\r\nendstream\r\n";
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    size_t data_len = (size_t)width * (size_t)height;
+    dstr_printf(&str,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /XObject\r\n"
+                "  /Name /Image%d\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Image\r\n"
+                "  /ColorSpace /DeviceGray\r\n"
+                "  /Height %d\r\n"
+                "  /Width %d\r\n"
+                "  /BitsPerComponent 8\r\n"
+                "  /Length %zu\r\n"
+                ">>stream\r\n",
+                flexarray_size(&pdf->objects), height, width, data_len + 1);
+    len = dstr_len(&str) + data_len + strlen(endstream) + 1;
+    if (dstr_ensure(&str, len) < 0) {
+        dstr_free(&str);
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                    "Unable to allocate %zu bytes memory for image", len);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dstr_append_data(&str, data, data_len);
+    dstr_append(&str, endstream);
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_image);
+    if (!obj) {
+        dstr_free(&str);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    obj->stream.stream = str;
+    return obj;
+static struct pdf_object *pdf_add_raw_rgb24(struct pdf_doc *pdf,
+                                            const uint8_t *data,
+                                            uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    size_t len;
+    const char *endstream = ">\r\nendstream\r\n";
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    size_t data_len = (size_t)width * (size_t)height * 3;
+    dstr_printf(&str,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /XObject\r\n"
+                "  /Name /Image%d\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Image\r\n"
+                "  /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\r\n"
+                "  /Height %d\r\n"
+                "  /Width %d\r\n"
+                "  /BitsPerComponent 8\r\n"
+                "  /Length %zu\r\n"
+                ">>stream\r\n",
+                flexarray_size(&pdf->objects), height, width, data_len + 1);
+    len = dstr_len(&str) + data_len + strlen(endstream) + 1;
+    if (dstr_ensure(&str, len) < 0) {
+        dstr_free(&str);
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                    "Unable to allocate %zu bytes memory for image", len);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dstr_append_data(&str, data, data_len);
+    dstr_append(&str, endstream);
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_image);
+    if (!obj) {
+        dstr_free(&str);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    obj->stream.stream = str;
+    return obj;
+static uint8_t *get_file(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *file_name,
+                         size_t *length)
+    FILE *fp;
+    uint8_t *file_data;
+    struct stat buf;
+    off_t len;
+    if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "rb")) == NULL) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Unable to open %s: %s", file_name,
+                    strerror(errno));
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (fstat(fileno(fp), &buf) < 0) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Unable to access %s: %s", file_name,
+                    strerror(errno));
+        fclose(fp);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    len = buf.st_size;
+    file_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(len);
+    if (!file_data) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM, "Unable to allocate: %d", (int)len);
+        fclose(fp);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (fread(file_data, len, 1, fp) != 1) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -errno, "Unable to read full data: %s", file_name);
+        free(file_data);
+        fclose(fp);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    *length = len;
+    return file_data;
+static struct pdf_object *
+pdf_add_raw_jpeg_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const struct pdf_img_info *info,
+                      const uint8_t *jpeg_data, size_t len)
+    struct pdf_object *obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_image);
+    if (!obj)
+        return NULL;
+    dstr_printf(&obj->stream.stream,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /XObject\r\n"
+                "  /Name /Image%d\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Image\r\n"
+                "  /ColorSpace %s\r\n"
+                "  /Width %d\r\n"
+                "  /Height %d\r\n"
+                "  /BitsPerComponent 8\r\n"
+                "  /Filter /DCTDecode\r\n"
+                "  /Length %zu\r\n"
+                ">>stream\r\n",
+                flexarray_size(&pdf->objects),
+                (info->jpeg.ncolours == 1) ? "/DeviceGray" : "/DeviceRGB",
+                info->width, info->height, len);
+    dstr_append_data(&obj->stream.stream, jpeg_data, len);
+    dstr_printf(&obj->stream.stream, "\r\nendstream\r\n");
+    return obj;
+ * Get the display dimensions of an image, respecting the images aspect ratio
+ * if only one desired display dimension is defined.
+ * The pdf parameter is only used for setting the error value.
+ */
+static int get_img_display_dimensions(struct pdf_doc *pdf, uint32_t img_width,
+                                      uint32_t img_height,
+                                      float *display_width,
+                                      float *display_height)
+    if (!display_height || !display_width) {
+        return pdf_set_err(
+            pdf, -EINVAL,
+            "display_width and display_height may not be null pointers");
+    }
+    const float display_width_in = *display_width;
+    const float display_height_in = *display_height;
+    if (display_width_in < 0 && display_height_in < 0) {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Unable to determine image display dimensions, "
+                           "display_width and display_height are both < 0");
+    }
+    if (img_width == 0 || img_height == 0) {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Invalid image dimensions received, the loaded "
+                           "image appears to be empty.");
+    }
+    if (display_width_in < 0) {
+        // Set width, keeping aspect ratio
+        *display_width = display_height_in * ((float)img_width / img_height);
+    } else if (display_height_in < 0) {
+        // Set height, keeping aspect ratio
+        *display_height = display_width_in * ((float)img_height / img_width);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_image(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                         struct pdf_object *image, float x, float y,
+                         float width, float height)
+    int ret;
+    struct dstr str = INIT_DSTR;
+    if (!page)
+        page = pdf_find_last_object(pdf, OBJ_page);
+    if (!page)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid pdf page");
+    if (image->type != OBJ_image)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "adding an image, but wrong object type %d",
+                           image->type);
+    if (image->stream.page != NULL)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EEXIST, "image already on a page");
+    image->stream.page = page;
+    dstr_append(&str, "q ");
+    dstr_printf(&str, "%f 0 0 %f %f %f cm ", width, height, x, y);
+    dstr_printf(&str, "/Image%d Do ", image->index);
+    dstr_append(&str, "Q");
+    ret = pdf_add_stream(pdf, page, dstr_data(&str));
+    dstr_free(&str);
+    return ret;
+// Works like fgets, except it's for a fixed in-memory buffer of data
+static size_t dgets(const uint8_t *data, size_t *pos, size_t len, char *line,
+                    size_t line_len)
+    size_t line_pos = 0;
+    if (*pos >= len)
+        return 0;
+    while ((*pos) < len) {
+        if (line_pos < line_len) {
+            // Reject non-ascii data
+            if (data[*pos] & 0x80) {
+                return 0;
+            }
+            line[line_pos] = data[*pos];
+            line_pos++;
+        }
+        if (data[*pos] == '\n') {
+            (*pos)++;
+            break;
+        }
+        (*pos)++;
+    }
+    if (line_pos < line_len) {
+        line[line_pos] = '\0';
+    }
+    return *pos;
+static int parse_ppm_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                            size_t length, char *err_msg,
+                            size_t err_msg_length)
+    char line[1024];
+    memset(line, '\0', sizeof(line));
+    size_t pos = 0;
+    // Load the PPM file
+    if (!dgets(data, &pos, length, line, sizeof(line) - 1)) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Invalid PPM file");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    // Determine number of color channels (Also, we only support binary ppms)
+    int ncolors;
+    if (strncmp(line, "P6", 2) == 0) {
+        info->ppm.color_space = PPM_BINARY_COLOR_RGB;
+        ncolors = 3;
+    } else if (strncmp(line, "P5", 2) == 0) {
+        info->ppm.color_space = PPM_BINARY_COLOR_GRAY;
+        ncolors = 1;
+    } else {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length,
+                 "Only binary PPM files (grayscale, RGB) supported");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    // Skip comments before header
+    do {
+        if (!dgets(data, &pos, length, line, sizeof(line) - 1)) {
+            snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Unable to find PPM header");
+            return -EINVAL;
+        }
+    } while (line[0] == '#');
+    // Read image dimensions
+    if (sscanf(line, "%u %u\n", &(info->width), &(info->height)) != 2) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Unable to find PPM size");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (info->width > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH || info->height > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Invalid width/height: %ux%u",
+                 info->width, info->height);
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    info->ppm.size = (size_t)(info->width * info->height * ncolors);
+    info->ppm.data_begin_pos = pos;
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_ppm_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                            float x, float y, float display_width,
+                            float display_height,
+                            const struct pdf_img_info *info,
+                            const uint8_t *ppm_data, size_t len)
+    char line[1024];
+    // We start reading at the position delivered by parse_ppm_header,
+    // since we already parsed the header of the file there.
+    size_t pos = info->ppm.data_begin_pos;
+    /* Skip over the byte-size line */
+    if (!dgets(ppm_data, &pos, len, line, sizeof(line) - 1))
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "No byte-size line in PPM file");
+    /* Try and limit the memory usage to sane images */
+    if (info->width > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH || info->height > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT) {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Invalid width/height in PPM file: %ux%u",
+                           info->width, info->height);
+    }
+    if (info->ppm.size > len - pos) {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Insufficient image data available");
+    }
+    switch (info->ppm.color_space) {
+        return pdf_add_grayscale8(pdf, page, x, y, display_width,
+                                  display_height, &ppm_data[pos], info->width,
+                                  info->height);
+        break;
+        return pdf_add_rgb24(pdf, page, x, y, display_width, display_height,
+                             &ppm_data[pos], info->width, info->height);
+        break;
+    default:
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "Invalid color space in ppm file: %i",
+                           info->ppm.color_space);
+        break;
+    }
+static int parse_jpeg_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                             size_t length, char *err_msg,
+                             size_t err_msg_length)
+    // See http://www.videotechnology.com/jpeg/j1.html for details
+    if (length >= 4 && data[0] == 0xFF && data[1] == 0xD8) {
+        for (size_t i = 2; i < length; i++) {
+            if (data[i] != 0xff) {
+                break;
+            }
+            while (++i < length && data[i] == 0xff)
+                ;
+            if (i + 2 >= length) {
+                break;
+            }
+            int len = data[i + 1] * 256 + data[i + 2];
+            /* Search for SOFn marker and decode jpeg details */
+            if ((data[i] & 0xf4) == 0xc0) {
+                if (len >= 9 && i + len + 1 < length) {
+                    info->height = data[i + 4] * 256 + data[i + 5];
+                    info->width = data[i + 6] * 256 + data[i + 7];
+                    info->jpeg.ncolours = data[i + 8];
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            i += len;
+        }
+    }
+    snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Error parsing JPEG header");
+    return -EINVAL;
+static int pdf_add_jpeg_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x, float y, float display_width,
+                             float display_height, struct pdf_img_info *info,
+                             const uint8_t *jpeg_data, size_t len)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    obj = pdf_add_raw_jpeg_data(pdf, info, jpeg_data, len);
+    if (!obj)
+        return pdf->errval;
+    if (get_img_display_dimensions(pdf, info->width, info->height,
+                                   &display_width, &display_height)) {
+        return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    return pdf_add_image(pdf, page, obj, x, y, display_width, display_height);
+int pdf_add_rgb24(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                  float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                  const uint8_t *data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    obj = pdf_add_raw_rgb24(pdf, data, width, height);
+    if (!obj)
+        return pdf->errval;
+    if (get_img_display_dimensions(pdf, width, height, &display_width,
+                                   &display_height)) {
+        return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    return pdf_add_image(pdf, page, obj, x, y, display_width, display_height);
+int pdf_add_grayscale8(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const uint8_t *data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
+    struct pdf_object *obj;
+    obj = pdf_add_raw_grayscale8(pdf, data, width, height);
+    if (!obj)
+        return pdf->errval;
+    if (get_img_display_dimensions(pdf, width, height, &display_width,
+                                   &display_height)) {
+        return pdf->errval;
+    }
+    return pdf_add_image(pdf, page, obj, x, y, display_width, display_height);
+static int parse_png_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                            size_t length, char *err_msg,
+                            size_t err_msg_length)
+    if (length <= sizeof(png_signature)) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "PNG file too short");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (memcmp(data, png_signature, sizeof(png_signature))) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "File is not correct PNG file");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    // process first PNG chunk
+    uint32_t pos = sizeof(png_signature);
+    const struct png_chunk *chunk = (const struct png_chunk *)&data[pos];
+    pos += sizeof(struct png_chunk);
+    if (pos > length) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "PNG file too short");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (strncmp(chunk->type, png_chunk_header, 4) == 0) {
+        // header found, process width and height, check errors
+        struct png_header *header = &info->png;
+        if (pos + sizeof(struct png_header) > length) {
+            snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "PNG file too short");
+            return -EINVAL;
+        }
+        memcpy(header, &data[pos], sizeof(struct png_header));
+        if (header->deflate != 0) {
+            snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Deflate wrong in PNG header");
+            return -EINVAL;
+        }
+        if (header->bitDepth == 0) {
+            snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "PNG file has zero bit depth");
+            return -EINVAL;
+        }
+        // ensure the width and height values have the proper byte order
+        // and copy them into the info struct.
+        header->width = ntoh32(header->width);
+        header->height = ntoh32(header->height);
+        info->width = header->width;
+        info->height = header->height;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Failed to read PNG file header");
+    return -EINVAL;
+static int pdf_add_png_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                            float x, float y, float display_width,
+                            float display_height,
+                            const struct pdf_img_info *img_info,
+                            const uint8_t *png_data, size_t png_data_length)
+    // indicates if we return an error or add the img at the
+    // end of the function
+    bool success = false;
+    // string stream used for writing color space (and palette) info
+    // into the pdf
+    struct dstr colour_space = INIT_DSTR;
+    struct pdf_object *obj = NULL;
+    uint8_t *final_data = NULL;
+    int written = 0;
+    uint32_t pos;
+    uint8_t *png_data_temp = NULL;
+    size_t png_data_total_length = 0;
+    uint8_t ncolours;
+    // Stores palette information for indexed PNGs
+    struct rgb_value *palette_buffer = NULL;
+    size_t palette_buffer_length = 0;
+    const struct png_header *header = &img_info->png;
+    // Father info from png header
+    switch (header->colorType) {
+        ncolours = 1;
+        break;
+    case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
+        ncolours = 3;
+        break;
+        ncolours = 1;
+        break;
+    // PNG_COLOR_RGBA and PNG_COLOR_GREYSCALE_A are unsupported
+    default:
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "PNG has unsupported color type: %d",
+                    header->colorType);
+        goto free_buffers;
+        break;
+    }
+    /* process PNG chunks */
+    pos = sizeof(png_signature);
+    while (1) {
+        const struct png_chunk *chunk;
+        chunk = (const struct png_chunk *)&png_data[pos];
+        pos += sizeof(struct png_chunk);
+        if (pos > png_data_length - 4) {
+            pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "PNG file too short");
+            goto free_buffers;
+        }
+        const uint32_t chunk_length = ntoh32(chunk->length);
+        // chunk length + 4-bytes of CRC
+        if (chunk_length > png_data_length - pos - 4) {
+            pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "PNG chunk exceeds file: %d vs %ld",
+                        chunk_length, png_data_length - pos - 4);
+            goto free_buffers;
+        }
+        if (strncmp(chunk->type, png_chunk_header, 4) == 0) {
+            // Ignoring the header, since it was parsed
+            // before calling this function.
+        } else if (strncmp(chunk->type, png_chunk_palette, 4) == 0) {
+            // Palette chunk
+            if (header->colorType == PNG_COLOR_INDEXED) {
+                // palette chunk is needed for indexed images
+                if (palette_buffer) {
+                    pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                                "PNG contains multiple palette chunks");
+                    goto free_buffers;
+                }
+                if (chunk_length % 3 != 0) {
+                    pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                                "PNG format error: palette chunk length is "
+                                "not divisbly by 3!");
+                    goto free_buffers;
+                }
+                palette_buffer_length = (size_t)(chunk_length / 3);
+                if (palette_buffer_length > 256 ||
+                    palette_buffer_length == 0) {
+                    pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                                "PNG palette length invalid: %zd",
+                                palette_buffer_length);
+                    goto free_buffers;
+                }
+                palette_buffer = (struct rgb_value *)malloc(
+                    palette_buffer_length * sizeof(struct rgb_value));
+                if (!palette_buffer) {
+                    pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                                "Could not allocate memory for indexed color "
+                                "palette (%zu bytes)",
+                                palette_buffer_length *
+                                    sizeof(struct rgb_value));
+                    goto free_buffers;
+                }
+                for (size_t i = 0; i < palette_buffer_length; i++) {
+                    size_t offset = (i * 3) + pos;
+                    palette_buffer[i].red = png_data[offset];
+                    palette_buffer[i].green = png_data[offset + 1];
+                    palette_buffer[i].blue = png_data[offset + 2];
+                }
+            } else if (header->colorType == PNG_COLOR_RGB ||
+                       header->colorType == PNG_COLOR_RGBA) {
+                // palette chunk is optional for RGB(A) images
+                // but we do not process them
+            } else {
+                pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                            "Unexpected palette chunk for color type %d",
+                            header->colorType);
+                goto free_buffers;
+            }
+        } else if (strncmp(chunk->type, png_chunk_data, 4) == 0) {
+            if (chunk_length > 0 && chunk_length < png_data_length - pos) {
+                uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)realloc(
+                    png_data_temp, png_data_total_length + chunk_length);
+                // (uint8_t *)realloc(info.data, info.length + chunk_length);
+                if (!data) {
+                    pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM, "No memory for PNG data");
+                    goto free_buffers;
+                }
+                png_data_temp = data;
+                memcpy(&png_data_temp[png_data_total_length], &png_data[pos],
+                       chunk_length);
+                png_data_total_length += chunk_length;
+            }
+        } else if (strncmp(chunk->type, png_chunk_end, 4) == 0) {
+            /* end of file, exit */
+            break;
+        }
+        if (chunk_length >= png_data_length) {
+            pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "PNG chunk length larger than file");
+            goto free_buffers;
+        }
+        pos += chunk_length;     // add chunk length
+        pos += sizeof(uint32_t); // add CRC length
+    }
+    /* if no length was found */
+    if (png_data_total_length == 0) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "PNG file has zero length");
+        goto free_buffers;
+    }
+    switch (header->colorType) {
+        dstr_append(&colour_space, "/DeviceGray");
+        break;
+    case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
+        dstr_append(&colour_space, "/DeviceRGB");
+        break;
+        if (palette_buffer_length == 0) {
+            pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Indexed PNG contains no palette");
+            goto free_buffers;
+        }
+        // Write the color palette to the color_palette buffer
+        dstr_printf(&colour_space,
+                    "[ /Indexed\r\n"
+                    "  /DeviceRGB\r\n"
+                    "  %zu\r\n"
+                    "  <",
+                    palette_buffer_length - 1);
+        // write individual paletter values
+        // the index value for every RGB value is determined by its position
+        // (0, 1, 2, ...)
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < palette_buffer_length; i++) {
+            dstr_printf(&colour_space, "%02X%02X%02X ", palette_buffer[i].red,
+                        palette_buffer[i].green, palette_buffer[i].blue);
+        }
+        dstr_append(&colour_space, ">\r\n]");
+        break;
+    default:
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                    "Cannot map PNG color type %d to PDF color space",
+                    header->colorType);
+        goto free_buffers;
+        break;
+    }
+    final_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(png_data_total_length + 1024 +
+                                   dstr_len(&colour_space));
+    if (!final_data) {
+        pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM, "Unable to allocate PNG data %zu",
+                    png_data_total_length + 1024 + dstr_len(&colour_space));
+        goto free_buffers;
+    }
+    // Write image information to PDF
+    written =
+        sprintf((char *)final_data,
+                "<<\r\n"
+                "  /Type /XObject\r\n"
+                "  /Name /Image%d\r\n"
+                "  /Subtype /Image\r\n"
+                "  /ColorSpace %s\r\n"
+                "  /Width %u\r\n"
+                "  /Height %u\r\n"
+                "  /Interpolate true\r\n"
+                "  /BitsPerComponent %u\r\n"
+                "  /Filter /FlateDecode\r\n"
+                "  /DecodeParms << /Predictor 15 /Colors %d "
+                "/BitsPerComponent %u /Columns %u >>\r\n"
+                "  /Length %zu\r\n"
+                ">>stream\r\n",
+                flexarray_size(&pdf->objects), dstr_data(&colour_space),
+                header->width, header->height, header->bitDepth, ncolours,
+                header->bitDepth, header->width, png_data_total_length);
+    memcpy(&final_data[written], png_data_temp, png_data_total_length);
+    written += png_data_total_length;
+    written += sprintf((char *)&final_data[written], "\r\nendstream\r\n");
+    obj = pdf_add_object(pdf, OBJ_image);
+    if (!obj) {
+        goto free_buffers;
+    }
+    dstr_append_data(&obj->stream.stream, final_data, written);
+    if (get_img_display_dimensions(pdf, header->width, header->height,
+                                   &display_width, &display_height)) {
+        goto free_buffers;
+    }
+    success = true;
+    if (final_data)
+        free(final_data);
+    if (palette_buffer)
+        free(palette_buffer);
+    if (png_data_temp)
+        free(png_data_temp);
+    dstr_free(&colour_space);
+    if (success)
+        return pdf_add_image(pdf, page, obj, x, y, display_width,
+                             display_height);
+    else
+        return pdf->errval;
+static int parse_bmp_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                            size_t data_length, char *err_msg,
+                            size_t err_msg_length)
+    if (data_length < sizeof(bmp_signature) + sizeof(struct bmp_header)) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "File is too short");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (memcmp(data, bmp_signature, sizeof(bmp_signature))) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "File is not correct BMP file");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    memcpy(&info->bmp, &data[sizeof(bmp_signature)],
+           sizeof(struct bmp_header));
+    if (info->bmp.biWidth < 0) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "BMP has negative width");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (info->bmp.biHeight == INT_MIN) {
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "BMP height overflow");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    info->width = info->bmp.biWidth;
+    // biHeight might be negative (positive indicates vertically mirrored
+    // lines)
+    info->height = abs(info->bmp.biHeight);
+    return 0;
+static int pdf_add_bmp_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                            float x, float y, float display_width,
+                            float display_height,
+                            const struct pdf_img_info *info,
+                            const uint8_t *data, const size_t len)
+    const struct bmp_header *header = &info->bmp;
+    uint8_t *bmp_data = NULL;
+    uint8_t row_padding;
+    uint32_t bpp;
+    size_t data_len;
+    int retval;
+    const uint32_t width = info->width;
+    const uint32_t height = info->height;
+    if (header->bfSize != len)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL,
+                           "BMP file seems to have wrong length");
+    if (header->biSize != 40)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Wrong BMP header: biSize");
+    if (header->biCompression != 0)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Wrong BMP compression value: %d",
+                           header->biCompression);
+    if (header->biWidth > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH || header->biWidth <= 0 ||
+        width > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH || width == 0)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "BMP has invalid width: %d",
+                           header->biWidth);
+    if (header->biHeight > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT ||
+        header->biHeight < -MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT || header->biHeight == 0 ||
+        height > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT || height == 0)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "BMP has invalid height: %d",
+                           header->biHeight);
+    if (header->biBitCount != 24 && header->biBitCount != 32)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Unsupported BMP bitdepth: %d",
+                           header->biBitCount);
+    bpp = header->biBitCount / 8;
+    /* BMP rows are 4-bytes padded! */
+    row_padding = (width * bpp) & 3;
+    data_len = (size_t)width * (size_t)height * 3;
+    if (header->bfOffBits >= len)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Invalid BMP image offset");
+    if (len - header->bfOffBits <
+        (size_t)height * (width + row_padding) * bpp)
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Wrong BMP image size");
+    if (bpp == 3) {
+        /* 24 bits: change R and B colors */
+        bmp_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(data_len);
+        if (!bmp_data)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                               "Insufficient memory for bitmap");
+        for (uint32_t pos = 0; pos < width * height; pos++) {
+            uint32_t src_pos =
+                header->bfOffBits + 3 * (pos + (pos / width) * row_padding);
+            bmp_data[pos * 3] = data[src_pos + 2];
+            bmp_data[pos * 3 + 1] = data[src_pos + 1];
+            bmp_data[pos * 3 + 2] = data[src_pos];
+        }
+    } else if (bpp == 4) {
+        /* 32 bits: change R and B colors, remove key color */
+        int offs = 0;
+        bmp_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(data_len);
+        if (!bmp_data)
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                               "Insufficient memory for bitmap");
+        for (uint32_t pos = 0; pos < width * height * 4; pos += 4) {
+            bmp_data[offs] = data[header->bfOffBits + pos + 2];
+            bmp_data[offs + 1] = data[header->bfOffBits + pos + 1];
+            bmp_data[offs + 2] = data[header->bfOffBits + pos];
+            offs += 3;
+        }
+    } else {
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Unsupported BMP bitdepth: %d",
+                           header->biBitCount);
+    }
+    if (header->biHeight >= 0) {
+        // BMP has vertically mirrored representation of lines, so swap them
+        uint8_t *line = (uint8_t *)malloc(width * 3);
+        if (!line) {
+            free(bmp_data);
+            return pdf_set_err(pdf, -ENOMEM,
+                               "Unable to allocate memory for bitmap mirror");
+        }
+        for (uint32_t pos = 0; pos < (height / 2); pos++) {
+            memcpy(line, &bmp_data[pos * width * 3], width * 3);
+            memcpy(&bmp_data[pos * width * 3],
+                   &bmp_data[(height - pos - 1) * width * 3], width * 3);
+            memcpy(&bmp_data[(height - pos - 1) * width * 3], line,
+                   width * 3);
+        }
+        free(line);
+    }
+    retval = pdf_add_rgb24(pdf, page, x, y, display_width, display_height,
+                           bmp_data, width, height);
+    free(bmp_data);
+    return retval;
+static int determine_image_format(const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
+    if (length >= sizeof(png_signature) &&
+        memcmp(data, png_signature, sizeof(png_signature)) == 0)
+        return IMAGE_PNG;
+    if (length >= sizeof(bmp_signature) &&
+        memcmp(data, bmp_signature, sizeof(bmp_signature)) == 0)
+        return IMAGE_BMP;
+    if (length >= sizeof(jpeg_signature) &&
+        memcmp(data, jpeg_signature, sizeof(jpeg_signature)) == 0)
+        return IMAGE_JPG;
+    if (length >= sizeof(ppm_signature) &&
+        memcmp(data, ppm_signature, sizeof(ppm_signature)) == 0)
+        return IMAGE_PPM;
+    if (length >= sizeof(pgm_signature) &&
+        memcmp(data, pgm_signature, sizeof(pgm_signature)) == 0)
+        return IMAGE_PPM;
+    return IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
+int pdf_parse_image_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                           size_t length, char *err_msg,
+                           size_t err_msg_length)
+    const int image_format = determine_image_format(data, length);
+    info->image_format = image_format;
+    switch (image_format) {
+    case IMAGE_PNG:
+        return parse_png_header(info, data, length, err_msg, err_msg_length);
+    case IMAGE_BMP:
+        return parse_bmp_header(info, data, length, err_msg, err_msg_length);
+    case IMAGE_JPG:
+        return parse_jpeg_header(info, data, length, err_msg, err_msg_length);
+    case IMAGE_PPM:
+        return parse_ppm_header(info, data, length, err_msg, err_msg_length);
+    case IMAGE_UNKNOWN:
+    default:
+        snprintf(err_msg, err_msg_length, "Unknown file format");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+int pdf_add_image_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+    struct pdf_img_info info = {
+        .image_format = IMAGE_UNKNOWN,
+        .width = 0,
+        .height = 0,
+        .jpeg = {0},
+    };
+    int ret = pdf_parse_image_header(&info, data, len, pdf->errstr,
+                                     sizeof(pdf->errstr));
+    if (ret)
+        return ret;
+    // Try and determine which image format it is based on the content
+    switch (info.image_format) {
+    case IMAGE_PNG:
+        return pdf_add_png_data(pdf, page, x, y, display_width,
+                                display_height, &info, data, len);
+    case IMAGE_BMP:
+        return pdf_add_bmp_data(pdf, page, x, y, display_width,
+                                display_height, &info, data, len);
+    case IMAGE_JPG:
+        return pdf_add_jpeg_data(pdf, page, x, y, display_width,
+                                 display_height, &info, data, len);
+    case IMAGE_PPM:
+        return pdf_add_ppm_data(pdf, page, x, y, display_width,
+                                display_height, &info, data, len);
+    // This case should be caught in parse_image_header, but is checked
+    // here again for safety
+    case IMAGE_UNKNOWN:
+    default:
+        return pdf_set_err(pdf, -EINVAL, "Unable to determine image format");
+    }
+int pdf_add_image_file(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const char *image_filename)
+    size_t len;
+    uint8_t *data;
+    int ret = 0;
+    data = get_file(pdf, image_filename, &len);
+    if (data == NULL)
+        return pdf_get_errval(pdf);
+    ret = pdf_add_image_data(pdf, page, x, y, display_width, display_height,
+                             data, len);
+    free(data);
+    return ret;

+ 800 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ * Simple engine for creating PDF files.
+ * It supports text, shapes, images etc...
+ * Capable of handling millions of objects without too much performance
+ * penalty.
+ * Public domain license - no warrenty implied; use at your own risk.
+ * @file pdfgen.h
+ */
+#ifndef PDFGEN_H
+#define PDFGEN_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * @defgroup subsystem Simple PDF Generation
+ * Allows for quick generation of simple PDF documents.
+ * This is useful for producing easily printed output from C code, where
+ * advanced formatting is not required
+ *
+ * Note: All coordinates/sizes are in points (1/72 of an inch).
+ * All coordinates are based on 0,0 being the bottom left of the page.
+ * All colours are specified as a packed 32-bit value - see @ref PDF_RGB.
+ * Text strings are interpreted as UTF-8 encoded, but only a small subset of
+ * characters beyond 7-bit ascii are supported (see @ref pdf_add_text for
+ * details).
+ *
+ * @par PDF library example:
+ * @code
+#include "pdfgen.h"
+ ...
+struct pdf_info info = {
+         .creator = "My software",
+         .producer = "My software",
+         .title = "My document",
+         .author = "My name",
+         .subject = "My subject",
+         .date = "Today"
+         };
+struct pdf_doc *pdf = pdf_create(PDF_A4_WIDTH, PDF_A4_HEIGHT, &info);
+pdf_set_font(pdf, "Times-Roman");
+pdf_add_text(pdf, NULL, "This is text", 12, 50, 20, PDF_BLACK);
+pdf_add_line(pdf, NULL, 50, 24, 150, 24);
+pdf_save(pdf, "output.pdf");
+ * @endcode
+ */
+struct pdf_doc;
+struct pdf_object;
+ * pdf_info describes the metadata to be inserted into the
+ * header of the output PDF
+ */
+struct pdf_info {
+    char creator[64];  //!< Software used to create the PDF
+    char producer[64]; //!< Software used to create the PDF
+    char title[64];    //!< The title of the PDF (typically displayed in the
+                       //!< window bar when viewing)
+    char author[64];   //!< Who created the PDF
+    char subject[64];  //!< What is the PDF about
+    char date[64];     //!< The date the PDF was created
+ * Enum that declares the different image file formats we currently support.
+ * Each value has a corresponding header struct used within
+ * the format_specific_img_info union.
+ */
+enum {
+ * Since we're casting random areas of memory to these, make sure
+ * they're packed properly to match the image format requirements
+ */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+ * Information about color type of PNG format
+ * As defined by https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-PNG-20031110/#6Colour-values
+ */
+enum /* png colortype */ {
+    // Greyscale
+    // Truecolour
+    PNG_COLOR_RGB = 2,
+    // Indexed-colour
+    // Greyscale with alpha
+    // Truecolour with alpha
+    PNG_COLOR_RGBA = 6,
+ * png_header describes the header information extracted from .PNG files
+ */
+struct png_header {
+    uint32_t width;    //!< Width in pixels
+    uint32_t height;   //!< Height in pixels
+    uint8_t bitDepth;  //!< Bit Depth
+    uint8_t colorType; //!< Color type - see PNG_COLOR_xx
+    uint8_t deflate;   //!< Deflate setting
+    uint8_t filtering; //!< Filtering
+    uint8_t interlace; //!< Interlacing
+ * bmp_header describes the header information extracted from .BMP files
+ */
+struct bmp_header {
+    uint32_t bfSize;        //!< size of BMP in bytes
+    uint16_t bfReserved1;   //!< ignore!
+    uint16_t bfReserved2;   //!< ignore!
+    uint32_t bfOffBits;     //!< Offset to BMP data
+    uint32_t biSize;        //!< Size of this header (40)
+    int32_t biWidth;        //!< Width in pixels
+    int32_t biHeight;       //!< Height in pixels
+    uint16_t biPlanes;      //!< Number of colour planes - must be 1
+    uint16_t biBitCount;    //!< Bits Per Pixel
+    uint32_t biCompression; //!< Compression Method
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * jpeg_header describes the header information extracted from .JPG files
+ */
+struct jpeg_header {
+    int ncolours; //!< Number of colours
+ * PPM color spaces
+ */
+enum {
+    PPM_BINARY_COLOR_RGB,  //!< binary ppm with RGB colors (magic number P5)
+    PPM_BINARY_COLOR_GRAY, //!< binary ppm with grayscale colors (magic number
+                           //!< P6)
+ * ppm_header describes the header information extracted from .PPM files
+ */
+struct ppm_header {
+    size_t size;           //!< Indicate the size of the image data
+    size_t data_begin_pos; //!< position in the data where the image starts
+    int color_space;       //!< PPM color space
+ * pdf_img_info describes the metadata for an arbitrary image
+ */
+struct pdf_img_info {
+    int image_format; //!< Indicates the image format (IMAGE_PNG, ...)
+    uint32_t width;   //!< Width in pixels
+    uint32_t height;  //!< Height in pixels
+    // Doxygen doesn't like anonymous unions
+    //!< Image specific details
+    union {
+        struct bmp_header bmp;   //!< BMP header info
+        struct jpeg_header jpeg; //!< JPEG header info
+        struct png_header png;   //!< PNG header info
+        struct ppm_header ppm;   //!< PPM header info
+    };
+ * pdf_path_operation holds information about a path
+ * drawing operation.
+ * See PDF reference for detailed usage.
+ */
+struct pdf_path_operation {
+    char op;  /*!< Operation command. Possible operators are: m = move to, l =
+                 line to, c = cubic bezier curve with two control points, v =
+                 cubic bezier curve with one control point fixed at first
+                 point, y = cubic bezier curve with one control point fixed
+                 at second point, h = close path */
+    float x1; /*!< X offset of the first point. Used with: m, l, c, v, y */
+    float y1; /*!< Y offset of the first point. Used with: m, l, c, v, y */
+    float x2; /*!< X offset of the second point. Used with: c, v, y */
+    float y2; /*!< Y offset of the second point. Used with: c, v, y */
+    float x3; /*!< X offset of the third point. Used with: c */
+    float y3; /*!< Y offset of the third point. Used with: c */
+ * Convert a value in inches into a number of points.
+ * @param inch inches value to convert to points
+ */
+#define PDF_INCH_TO_POINT(inch) ((float)((inch)*72.0f))
+ * Convert a value in milli-meters into a number of points.
+ * @param mm millimeter value to convert to points
+ */
+#define PDF_MM_TO_POINT(mm) ((float)((mm)*72.0f / 25.4f))
+/*! Point width of a standard US-Letter page */
+/*! Point height of a standard US-Letter page */
+/*! Point width of a standard A4 page */
+#define PDF_A4_WIDTH PDF_MM_TO_POINT(210.0f)
+/*! Point height of a standard A4 page */
+#define PDF_A4_HEIGHT PDF_MM_TO_POINT(297.0f)
+/*! Point width of a standard A3 page */
+#define PDF_A3_WIDTH PDF_MM_TO_POINT(297.0f)
+/*! Point height of a standard A3 page */
+#define PDF_A3_HEIGHT PDF_MM_TO_POINT(420.0f)
+ * Convert three 8-bit RGB values into a single packed 32-bit
+ * colour. These 32-bit colours are used by various functions
+ * in PDFGen
+ */
+#define PDF_RGB(r, g, b)                                                     \
+    (uint32_t)((((r)&0xff) << 16) | (((g)&0xff) << 8) | (((b)&0xff)))
+ * Convert four 8-bit ARGB values into a single packed 32-bit
+ * colour. These 32-bit colours are used by various functions
+ * in PDFGen. Alpha values range from 0 (opaque) to 0xff
+ * (transparent)
+ */
+#define PDF_ARGB(a, r, g, b)                                                 \
+    (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)((a)&0xff) << 24) | (((r)&0xff) << 16) |           \
+               (((g)&0xff) << 8) | (((b)&0xff)))
+/*! Utility macro to provide bright red */
+#define PDF_RED PDF_RGB(0xff, 0, 0)
+/*! Utility macro to provide bright green */
+#define PDF_GREEN PDF_RGB(0, 0xff, 0)
+/*! Utility macro to provide bright blue */
+#define PDF_BLUE PDF_RGB(0, 0, 0xff)
+/*! Utility macro to provide black */
+#define PDF_BLACK PDF_RGB(0, 0, 0)
+/*! Utility macro to provide white */
+#define PDF_WHITE PDF_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)
+ * Utility macro to provide a transparent colour
+ * This is used in some places for 'fill' colours, where no fill is required
+ */
+#define PDF_TRANSPARENT (uint32_t)(0xffu << 24)
+ * Different alignment options for rendering text
+ */
+enum {
+    PDF_ALIGN_LEFT,    //!< Align text to the left
+    PDF_ALIGN_RIGHT,   //!< Align text to the right
+    PDF_ALIGN_CENTER,  //!< Align text in the center
+    PDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, //!< Align text in the center, with padding to fill the
+                       //!< available space
+    PDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY_ALL, //!< Like PDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, except even short
+                           //!< lines will be fully justified
+    PDF_ALIGN_NO_WRITE, //!< Fake alignment for only checking wrap height with
+                        //!< no writes
+ * Create a new PDF object, with the given page
+ * width/height
+ * @param width Width of the page
+ * @param height Height of the page
+ * @param info Optional information to be put into the PDF header
+ * @return PDF document object, or NULL on failure
+ */
+struct pdf_doc *pdf_create(float width, float height,
+                           const struct pdf_info *info);
+ * Destroy the pdf object, and all of its associated memory
+ * @param pdf PDF document to clean up
+ */
+void pdf_destroy(struct pdf_doc *pdf);
+ * Retrieve the error message if any operation fails
+ * @param pdf pdf document to retrieve error message from
+ * @param errval optional pointer to an integer to be set to the error code
+ * @return NULL if no error message, string description of error otherwise
+ */
+const char *pdf_get_err(const struct pdf_doc *pdf, int *errval);
+ * Acknowledge an outstanding pdf error
+ * @param pdf pdf document to clear the error message from
+ */
+void pdf_clear_err(struct pdf_doc *pdf);
+ * Sets the font to use for text objects. Default value is Times-Roman if
+ * this function is not called.
+ * Note: The font selection should be done before text is output,
+ * and will remain until pdf_set_font is called again.
+ * @param pdf PDF document to update font on
+ * @param font New font to use. This must be one of the standard PDF fonts:
+ *  Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-BoldOblique, Courier-Oblique,
+ *  Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Oblique,
+ *  Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic,
+ *  Symbol or ZapfDingbats
+ * @return < 0 on failure, 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_set_font(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *font);
+ * Calculate the width of a given string in the current font
+ * @param pdf PDF document
+ * @param font_name Name of the font to get the width of.
+ *  This must be one of the standard PDF fonts:
+ *  Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-BoldOblique, Courier-Oblique,
+ *  Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Oblique,
+ *  Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic,
+ *  Symbol or ZapfDingbats
+ * @param text Text to determine width of
+ * @param size Size of the text, in points
+ * @param text_width area to store calculated width in
+ * @return < 0 on failure, 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_get_font_text_width(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *font_name,
+                            const char *text, float size, float *text_width);
+ * Retrieves a PDF document height
+ * @param pdf PDF document to get height of
+ * @return height of PDF document (in points)
+ */
+float pdf_height(const struct pdf_doc *pdf);
+ * Retrieves a PDF document width
+ * @param pdf PDF document to get width of
+ * @return width of PDF document (in points)
+ */
+float pdf_width(const struct pdf_doc *pdf);
+ * Retrieves page height
+ * @param page Page object to get height of
+ * @return height of page (in points)
+ */
+float pdf_page_height(const struct pdf_object *page);
+ * Retrieves page width
+ * @param page Page object to get width of
+ * @return width of page (in points)
+ */
+float pdf_page_width(const struct pdf_object *page);
+ * Add a new page to the given pdf
+ * @param pdf PDF document to append page to
+ * @return new page object
+ */
+struct pdf_object *pdf_append_page(struct pdf_doc *pdf);
+ * Retrieve a page by its number.
+ *
+ * Note: The page must have already been created via \ref pdf_append_page
+ *
+ * @param pdf PDF document to get page from
+ * @param page_number Page number to retrieve, starting from 1.
+ * @return Page object if the given page is found, NULL otherwise
+ */
+struct pdf_object *pdf_get_page(struct pdf_doc *pdf, int page_number);
+ * Adjust the width/height of a specific page
+ * @param pdf PDF document that the page belongs to
+ * @param page object returned from @ref pdf_append_page
+ * @param width Width of the page in points
+ * @param height Height of the page in points
+ * @return < 0 on failure, 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_page_set_size(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                      float width, float height);
+ * Save the given pdf document to the supplied filename.
+ * @param pdf PDF document to save
+ * @param filename Name of the file to store the PDF into (NULL for stdout)
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_save(struct pdf_doc *pdf, const char *filename);
+ * Save the given pdf document to the given FILE output
+ * @param pdf PDF document to save
+ * @param fp FILE pointer to store the data into (must be writable)
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_save_file(struct pdf_doc *pdf, FILE *fp);
+ * Add a text string to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param text String to display
+ * @param size Point size of the font
+ * @param xoff X location to put it in
+ * @param yoff Y location to put it in
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the text
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_text(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                 const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                 uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a text string to the document at a rotated angle
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param text String to display
+ * @param size Point size of the font
+ * @param xoff X location to put it in
+ * @param yoff Y location to put it in
+ * @param angle Rotation angle of text (in radians)
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the text
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_text_rotate(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                        const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                        float angle, uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a text string to the document, making it wrap if it is too
+ * long
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param text String to display
+ * @param size Point size of the font
+ * @param xoff X location to put it in
+ * @param yoff Y location to put it in
+ * @param angle Rotation angle of text (in radians)
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the text
+ * @param wrap_width Width at which to wrap the text
+ * @param align Text alignment (see PDF_ALIGN_xxx)
+ * @param height Store the final height of the wrapped text here (optional)
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_text_wrap(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                      const char *text, float size, float xoff, float yoff,
+                      float angle, uint32_t colour, float wrap_width,
+                      int align, float *height);
+ * Add a line to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x1 X offset of start of line
+ * @param y1 Y offset of start of line
+ * @param x2 X offset of end of line
+ * @param y2 Y offset of end of line
+ * @param width Width of the line
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the line
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_line(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x1,
+                 float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a cubic bezier curve to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x1 X offset of the initial point of the curve
+ * @param y1 Y offset of the initial point of the curve
+ * @param x2 X offset of the final point of the curve
+ * @param y2 Y offset of the final point of the curve
+ * @param xq1 X offset of the first control point of the curve
+ * @param yq1 Y offset of the first control point of the curve
+ * @param xq2 X offset of the second control of the curve
+ * @param yq2 Y offset of the second control of the curve
+ * @param width Width of the curve
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the curve
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_cubic_bezier(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                         float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float xq1,
+                         float yq1, float xq2, float yq2, float width,
+                         uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a quadratic bezier curve to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x1 X offset of the initial point of the curve
+ * @param y1 Y offset of the initial point of the curve
+ * @param x2 X offset of the final point of the curve
+ * @param y2 Y offset of the final point of the curve
+ * @param xq1 X offset of the control point of the curve
+ * @param yq1 Y offset of the control point of the curve
+ * @param width Width of the curve
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the curve
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_quadratic_bezier(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
+                             float xq1, float yq1, float width,
+                             uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a custom path to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param operations Array of drawing operations
+ * @param operation_count The number of operations
+ * @param stroke_width Width of the stroke
+ * @param stroke_colour Colour to stroke the curve
+ * @param fill_colour Colour to fill the path
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_custom_path(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                        const struct pdf_path_operation *operations,
+                        int operation_count, float stroke_width,
+                        uint32_t stroke_colour, uint32_t fill_colour);
+ * Add an ellipse to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset of the center of the ellipse
+ * @param y Y offset of the center of the ellipse
+ * @param xradius Radius of the ellipse in the X axis
+ * @param yradius Radius of the ellipse in the Y axis
+ * @param width Width of the ellipse outline stroke
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the ellipse outline stroke
+ * @param fill_colour Colour to fill the ellipse
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_ellipse(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                    float y, float xradius, float yradius, float width,
+                    uint32_t colour, uint32_t fill_colour);
+ * Add a circle to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset of the center of the circle
+ * @param y Y offset of the center of the circle
+ * @param radius Radius of the circle
+ * @param width Width of the circle outline stroke
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the circle outline stroke
+ * @param fill_colour Colour to fill the circle
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_circle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                   float y, float radius, float width, uint32_t colour,
+                   uint32_t fill_colour);
+ * Add an outline rectangle to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to start rectangle at
+ * @param y Y offset to start rectangle at
+ * @param width Width of rectangle
+ * @param height Height of rectangle
+ * @param border_width Width of rectangle border
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the rectangle
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_rectangle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                      float y, float width, float height, float border_width,
+                      uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a filled rectangle to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to start rectangle at
+ * @param y Y offset to start rectangle at
+ * @param width Width of rectangle
+ * @param height Height of rectangle
+ * @param border_width Width of rectangle border
+ * @param colour_fill Colour to fill the rectangle
+ * @param colour_border Colour to draw the rectangle
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_filled_rectangle(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                             float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                             float border_width, uint32_t colour_fill,
+                             uint32_t colour_border);
+ * Add an outline polygon to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x array of X offsets for points comprising the polygon
+ * @param y array of Y offsets for points comprising the polygon
+ * @param count Number of points comprising the polygon
+ * @param border_width Width of polygon border
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the polygon
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_polygon(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x[],
+                    float y[], int count, float border_width,
+                    uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a filled polygon to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add to
+ * @param page Page to add object to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x array of X offsets of points comprising the polygon
+ * @param y array of Y offsets of points comprising the polygon
+ * @param count Number of points comprising the polygon
+ * @param border_width Width of polygon border
+ * @param colour Colour to draw the polygon
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure
+ */
+int pdf_add_filled_polygon(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page,
+                           float x[], float y[], int count,
+                           float border_width, uint32_t colour);
+ * Add a bookmark to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add bookmark to
+ * @param page Page to jump to for bookmark
+               (or NULL for the most recently added page)
+ * @param parent ID of a previously created bookmark that is the parent
+               of this one. -1 if this should be a top-level bookmark.
+ * @param name String to associate with the bookmark
+ * @return < 0 on failure, new bookmark id on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_bookmark(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, int parent,
+                     const char *name);
+ * Add a link annotation to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add link to
+ * @param page Page that holds the clickable rectangle
+               (or NULL for the most recently added page)
+ * @param x X coordinate of bottom LHS corner of clickable rectangle
+ * @param y Y coordinate of bottom LHS corner of clickable rectangle
+ * @param width width of clickable rectangle
+ * @param height height of clickable rectangle
+ * @param target_page Page to jump to for link
+ * @param target_x X coordinate to position at the left of the view
+ * @param target_y Y coordinate to position at the top of the view
+ * @return < 0 on failure, new bookmark id on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_link(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                 float y, float width, float height,
+                 struct pdf_object *target_page, float target_x,
+                 float target_y);
+ * List of different barcode encodings that are supported
+ */
+enum {
+    PDF_BARCODE_128A,  //!< Produce code-128A style barcodes
+    PDF_BARCODE_39,    //!< Produce code-39 style barcodes
+    PDF_BARCODE_EAN13, //!< Produce EAN-13 style barcodes
+    PDF_BARCODE_UPCA,  //!< Produce UPC-A style barcodes
+    PDF_BARCODE_EAN8,  //!< Produce EAN-8 style barcodes
+    PDF_BARCODE_UPCE,  //!< Produce UPC-E style barcodes
+ * Add a barcode to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add barcode to
+ * @param page Page to add barcode to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param code Type of barcode to add (PDF_BARCODE_xxx)
+ * @param x X offset to put barcode at
+ * @param y Y offset to put barcode at
+ * @param width Width of barcode
+ * @param height Height of barcode
+ * @param string Barcode contents
+ * @param colour Colour to draw barcode
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_barcode(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, int code,
+                    float x, float y, float width, float height,
+                    const char *string, uint32_t colour);
+ * Add image data as an image to the document.
+ * Image data must be one of: JPEG, PNG, PPM, PGM or BMP formats
+ * Passing 0 for either the display width or height will
+ * include the image but not render it visible.
+ * Passing a negative number either the display height or width will
+ * have the image be resized while keeping the original aspect ratio.
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add image to
+ * @param page Page to add image to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to put image at
+ * @param y Y offset to put image at
+ * @param display_width Displayed width of image
+ * @param display_height Displayed height of image
+ * @param data Image data bytes
+ * @param len Length of data
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_image_data(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
+ * Add a raw 24 bit per pixel RGB buffer as an image to the document
+ * Passing 0 for either the display width or height will
+ * include the image but not render it visible.
+ * Passing a negative number either the display height or width will
+ * have the image be resized while keeping the original aspect ratio.
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add image to
+ * @param page Page to add image to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to put image at
+ * @param y Y offset to put image at
+ * @param display_width Displayed width of image
+ * @param display_height Displayed height of image
+ * @param data RGB data to add
+ * @param width width of image in pixels
+ * @param height height of image in pixels
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_rgb24(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                  float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                  const uint8_t *data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
+ * Add a raw 8 bit per pixel grayscale buffer as an image to the document
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add image to
+ * @param page Page to add image to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to put image at
+ * @param y Y offset to put image at
+ * @param display_width Displayed width of image
+ * @param display_height Displayed height of image
+ * @param data grayscale pixel data to add
+ * @param width width of image in pixels
+ * @param height height of image in pixels
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_grayscale8(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const uint8_t *data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
+ * Add an image file as an image to the document.
+ * Passing 0 for either the display width or height will
+ * include the image but not render it visible.
+ * Passing a negative number either the display height or width will
+ * have the image be resized while keeping the original aspect ratio.
+ * Supports image formats: JPEG, PNG, PPM, PGM & BMP
+ * @param pdf PDF document to add bookmark to
+ * @param page Page to add image to (NULL => most recently added page)
+ * @param x X offset to put image at
+ * @param y Y offset to put image at
+ * @param display_width Displayed width of image
+ * @param display_height Displayed height of image
+ * @param image_filename Filename of image file to display
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_add_image_file(struct pdf_doc *pdf, struct pdf_object *page, float x,
+                       float y, float display_width, float display_height,
+                       const char *image_filename);
+ * Parse image data to determine the image type & metadata
+ * @param info structure to hold the parsed metadata
+ * @param data image data to parse
+ * @param length number of bytes in data
+ * @param err_msg area to put any failure details
+ * @param err_msg_length maximum number of bytes to store in err_msg
+ * @return < 0 on failure, >= 0 on success
+ */
+int pdf_parse_image_header(struct pdf_img_info *info, const uint8_t *data,
+                           size_t length, char *err_msg,
+                           size_t err_msg_length);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // PDFGEN_H