123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269 |
- /*
- * LaGUI: A graphical application framework.
- * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Wu Yiming
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #include "la_5.h"
- static const char *entries[]={
- "Driver:","驱动程序:",
- "Not yet implemened on Windows.","尚未在Windows上实现。",
- "Set Min","调成最小",
- "Set Max","调成最大",
- "Restore Default","恢复默认值",
- "Paste","粘贴",
- "Copy","复制",
- "Copy Selection","复制选择内容",
- "Get File Path","获取文件路径",
- "Show Splash","显示闪屏",
- "🡻 Minimized","🡻 隐藏的面板",
- "Length","长度",
- "Fullscreen","全屏",
- "Multiply (component)","相乘(分量)",
- "Cross","叉乘",
- "Dot","点乘",
- "Append","追加",
- "Restore","恢复",
- "Combine 🡲","合并 🡲",
- "New Layout","新布局",
- "Divide (component)","相除(分量)",
- "Color Picker Gamma","拾色器伽玛",
- "Color:","颜色:",
- "Normalize","归一化",
- "General Type Of The File","文件的一般类型",
- "File exists","文件已存在",
- "Selected file already exists. Overwrite the file?","所选文件已存在。覆盖该文件?",
- "Color","颜色",
- "Route","路径",
- "Driver","驱动",
- "Auxiliary","辅助",
- "Fold","折叠",
- "Restore Layout","恢复布局",
- "Maximize","最大化",
- "Background color of the canvas","画布的背景颜色",
- "Create a new window","创建一个新窗口",
- "Cosine","余弦",
- "Log","对数",
- "Tangent","正切",
- "Subtract","相减",
- "Cycle All Layouts In Current SYSWINDOW","在当前窗口中循环所有布局",
- "The Title/Name Of A Panel","面板的标题/名字",
- "Themes Loaded In The Program","该程序已加载的主题",
- "Arcsin","反正弦",
- "Atan2","正切2",
- "Divide","相除",
- "Arccosine","反余切",
- "Sine","正弦",
- "Arctangent","余弦",
- "Mod","取余",
- "Power","指数",
- "Framerate limiter for drawing the user interface","绘制整个用户界面的帧率限制",
- "Dock some panels here.","将面板停靠到这里。",
- "User Preferences","用户偏好设置",
- "Drivers","驱动",
- "Controllers","控制器",
- "Data Manager","数据管理",
- "System","系统",
- "Input Mapper","输入映射",
- "Terminal","终端",
- "Controlling","控制",
- "Tools","工具",
- "Texture Inspector","纹理检查工具",
- "Yiming's Blog","吴奕茗的博客",
- "Details","细节",
- "Add","相加",
- "Ignore The Statement","忽略该陈述",
- "Histories","历史",
- "Show Border","显示边框",
- "显示 User Preferences","显示 用户设置",
- "Range of the random values","随机值的范围",
- "Show ","显示 ",
- "Discard And Quit","放弃并退出",
- "Make Transform","生成变换",
- "Vector Math","矢量数学",
- "Show User Preferences","显示用户设置",
- "Refresh","刷新",
- "Random","随机",
- "Move","移动",
- "Split","拆分",
- "Visualizer","可视化",
- "Matrix","矩阵",
- "Configure","配置",
- "Small Math","小数学",
- "Save","保存",
- "Math","数学",
- "Comment","评论",
- "Values","数值",
- "Save All Modified","保存所有已修改",
- "Transform","变换",
- "Switch","切换",
- "Mapper","映射",
- "Binding","绑定",
- "You still have unsaved/unassigned datablocks:","您还有未保存/未指定文件的数据块:",
- "If you exit the program now, you will lose those changes.","如果现在退出,这些更改将丢失",
- "Input Mapping:","输入映射:",
- "Undo","撤销",
- "UDF Manager","UDF 管理",
- "Please select a controller.","请选择一个控制器",
- "Normal","普通",
- "px","px",
- "Information","信息",
- "Width,Height","宽度,高度",
- "Floating Panel:","浮动面板:",
- "Solid Shadow Length","阴影长度",
- "Wire Transparency","线条透明度",
- "Cursor Alpha","指针透明度",
- "Selected Face Transparency","已选择面的透明度",
- "Wire color slices","线条颜色数",
- "Scrolling Speed","滚动速度",
- "Redo","重做",
- "A graphical user interface application toolkit","一个图形界面应用程序框架",
- "Meshes:","网格:",
- "Add Resource Folder","添加资源文件夹",
- "User Interactions:","用户交互:",
- "Enable Translation:","使用翻译:",
- "Active","活动的",
- "Inactive Mix","不活动的",
- "Edit","编辑",
- "Delete Rack","删除挂架",
- "Panel Animation Speed","面板动画速度",
- "Active Theme","当前主题",
- "Panel doesn't have configurable property.","面板没有可调节属性。",
- "Font Size","字符尺寸",
- "Margin Size","留白尺寸",
- "Add Rack","添加挂架",
- "Left,Right,Top,Bottom","左,右,上,下",
- "Tooltip Close Distance","工具提示关闭距离",
- "UDF Manager Default View:","默认UDF管理视图:",
- "Alpha","透明度",
- "Other Entries","其他条目",
- "Interface:","界面:",
- "Settings","设置",
- "New Panel","新面板",
- "Font Size:","字符尺寸:",
- "Border","边框",
- "Accent Color:","亮点颜色:",
- "Wire Saturation","线条饱和度",
- "Text","文字",
- "LaGUI application framework is made by Wu Yiming.","LaGUI应用程序框架由吴奕茗制作。",
- "Refresh Controllers","刷新控制器",
- "Dock","停靠",
- "Panel Multisample:","面板多重采样",
- "Files","文件",
- "None","无",
- "Text Active","文字激活",
- "Shadow Alpha","阴影透明度",
- "Input device handling:","输入设备行为:",
- "Add Node","添加节点",
- "Hide","隐藏",
- "Viewing Texture:","查看贴图:",
- "Stylus Device","手写笔设备",
- "Base Color:","基础颜色:",
- "Margin Size:","留白尺寸:",
- "Eraser Device","橡皮擦设备",
- "Animation Speed","动画速度",
- "File Dialog","选择文件",
- "Row Height:","行高:",
- "Border:","边缘:",
- "Selected Vertex Transparency","已选择点的透明度",
- "Quit","退出",
- "Dump Untranslated Text","导出未翻译的词句",
- "History","历史",
- "Margins:","留白:",
- "Zoom Speed 2D","平面缩放速度",
- "Idle time","静止时间",
- "UDF Extensions:","UDF扩展:",
- "Options","选项",
- "Top Framerate","最高帧率",
- "Goto","前往",
- "Cursor:","光标:",
- "Yes Or No","是/否",
- "Selection Alpha","选择区域透明度",
- "Widgets:","挂件:",
- "Pads/Joysticks:","手柄/操纵杆:",
- "Edge Brightness","边缘亮度",
- "Valuator Threshold","数值挂件拖动阈值",
- "Save as","另存为",
- "Switch Layout","切换布局",
- "Adaptive","自适应",
- "Cancel","取消",
- "File","文件",
- "Show","显示 ",
- "Remove","删除",
- "Wire saggyness","连线松弛程度",
- "Inactive Saturation","未激活饱和度",
- "Get Folder Path","获得文件夹路径",
- "New SYSWINDOW","新窗口",
- "Resource Folders","资源文件夹",
- "Basics:","基础:",
- "Selected Edge Transparency","已选择边的透明度",
- "Read","读取",
- "Wire thickness","线条粗细",
- "Panel Activator","面板激活工具",
- "Data Blocks","数据块",
- "Transparency:","透明度:",
- "Language:","语言:",
- "Wacom Devices:","Wacom 设备:",
- "Move Rack","移动挂架",
- "Yes","是",
- "Interface Size","界面尺寸",
- "Nodes:","节点:",
- "Translation:","翻译:",
- "Delete","删除",
- "(C)Yiming Wu","(C) 吴奕茗",
- "Wire Brightness","连线亮度",
- "Rebuild Input Mapping","重生成输入映射",
- "Save Preferences","保存偏好设置",
- "Close","关闭",
- "Paddings:","外留白:",
- "Function Test","功能测试",
- "Edge Transparency","边透明度",
- "Insert Rack","插入挂架",
- "Line Width:","线宽度:",
- "Add Page","新建页",
- "Viewing","正查看",
- "Controller:","控制器:",
- "Size","尺寸",
- "File Size","文件尺寸",
- "Last Modified On","最后修改于",
- "Resource","资源",
- "New File","新文件",
- "… Bookmarks","… 书签",
- "Bytes","字节",
- "Logic Drives","逻辑驱动器",
- "Folder","文件夹",
- "Confirm","确认",
- "Display","显示",
- "Show","显示",
- "Theme","主题",
- "Input","输入",
- "File Name","文件名",
- "Up","上一级",
- "Device Graphics","设备图形信息",
- "Authors","作者",
- "LaGUI information","LaGUI 信息",
- "Show","显示",
- "Version","版本",
- 0,0};
- void la_MakeTranslations(){
- transSetLanguage("zh-CN");
- for(int i=0;;i++){if(!entries[i*2])break;
- transNewEntry(entries[i*2],entries[i*2+1]);
- }
- }