
la_data.c 177 KB

  1. /*
  2. * LaGUI: A graphical application framework.
  3. * Copyright (C) 2022 Wu Yiming
  4. *
  5. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  8. * (at your option) any later version.
  9. *
  10. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. *
  15. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  17. */
  18. #include "la_5.h"
  19. extern LA MAIN;
  20. const char* LA_UDF_EXTENSION_STRINGS[]={
  23. "",
  24. };
  25. int la_IsThisProp(laProp *p, char *id){
  26. return (!strcmp(p->Identifier, id));
  27. }
  28. laProp *la_PropLookup(laListHandle *lst, char *ID){
  29. laProp *p = 0, *ip;
  30. if (!lst) return 0;
  31. p = lstFindItem(ID, la_IsThisProp, lst);
  32. if (!p) if (strSame(ID, "identifier")){
  33. for (ip = lst->pFirst; ip; ip = ip->Item.pNext){
  34. if (ip->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER) return ip;
  35. }
  36. }
  37. return p;
  38. }
  39. laProp *la_PropLookupIdentifierItem(laListHandle *lst){
  40. laProp *p;
  41. if (!lst) return 0;
  42. for (p = lst->pFirst; p; p = p->Item.pNext){
  43. if (p->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER) return p;
  44. elif (la_IsThisProp(p, "identifier")) return p;
  45. }
  46. return 0;
  47. }
  48. int la_IsThisContainer(laPropContainer *p, char *id){
  49. return (!strcmp(p->Identifier, id));
  50. }
  51. laPropContainer *la_ContainerLookup(char *ID){
  52. laPropContainer* pc= lstFindItem(ID, la_IsThisContainer, &MAIN.PropContainers);
  53. return pc;
  54. }
  55. void la_CopyPropPack(laPropPack* From, laPropPack* To) {
  56. laPropStep* ps,*fps,*LastPs=0;
  57. To->RawThis = From->RawThis;
  58. To->EndInstance = From->EndInstance;
  59. la_FreePropStepCache(To->Go);
  60. To->Go = To->LastPs = 0;
  61. for (fps = From->Go; fps; fps = fps->pNext) {
  62. ps = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPropStep));
  63. ps->p = fps->p;
  64. ps->UseInstance = fps->UseInstance;
  65. ps->Type = fps->Type;
  66. if (LastPs)LastPs->pNext = ps;
  67. else {
  68. To->Go = ps;
  69. }
  70. LastPs = ps;
  71. }
  72. if(!LastPs){ To->LastPs = From->LastPs; }
  73. else{ To->LastPs =LastPs; }
  74. }
  75. laListHandle* laGetUserList(void* HyperUserMem, laProp* Which, int* IsLocal){
  76. laListHandle* users;
  77. if(Which){
  78. laPropContainer* pc=Which->Container;
  79. if(pc->OtherAlloc || !pc->Hyper){
  80. *IsLocal=1;
  81. return &pc->LocalUsers;
  82. }
  83. }
  84. *IsLocal=0;
  85. return memGetUserList(HyperUserMem);
  86. }
  87. laItemUserLinker *laUseDataBlock(void *HyperUserMem, laProp *Which, unsigned int FrameDistinguish, void *User, laUserRemoveFunc Remover, int ForceRecalc){
  88. laItemUserLinker *iul; laItemUserLinkerLocal *iull; int local;
  89. if (!HyperUserMem) return;
  90. laListHandle* users = laGetUserList(HyperUserMem, Which, &local); if(!users) return;
  91. for (iul = users->pFirst; iul; iul = iul->Pointer.pNext){
  92. if(local && (iull=iul) && iull->Instance!=HyperUserMem) continue;
  93. if (iul->Which == Which && iul->Pointer.p == User){
  94. iul->FrameDistinguish = FrameDistinguish;
  95. if(ForceRecalc) iul->ForceRecalc = ForceRecalc;
  96. return iul;
  97. }
  98. }
  99. iul = lstAppendPointerSized(users, User, local?sizeof(laItemUserLinkerLocal):sizeof(laItemUserLinker));
  100. iul->Which = Which;
  101. iul->FrameDistinguish = FrameDistinguish;
  102. iul->Remove = Remover;
  103. iul->ForceRecalc = ForceRecalc;
  104. if(local){ iull=iul; iull->Instance=HyperUserMem; }
  105. return iul;
  106. }
  107. void laStopUsingDataBlock(void *HyperUserMem, laProp *prop, laPanel* p){
  108. laItemUserLinker *iul,*next_iul; laItemUserLinkerLocal *iull; int local;
  109. if (!HyperUserMem) return;
  110. laListHandle* users = laGetUserList(HyperUserMem, prop, &local); if(!users) return;
  111. for (iul = users->pFirst; iul; iul = next_iul){
  112. next_iul = iul->Pointer.pNext;
  113. if(local && (iull=iul) && iull->Instance!=HyperUserMem) continue;
  114. if (/*prop == iul->Which &&*/ iul->Pointer.p == p||iul->Additional==p){
  115. lstRemoveItem(users,iul);
  116. memFree(iul);
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. void laDataBlockNoLongerExists(void *HyperUserMem, laListHandle* UserList){
  121. laItemUserLinker *iul,*next_iul;
  122. for (iul = UserList->pFirst; iul; iul = next_iul){
  123. next_iul = iul->Pointer.pNext;
  124. iul->Remove(HyperUserMem, iul);
  125. lstRemoveItem(UserList,iul);
  126. memFree(iul);
  127. }
  128. }
  129. //laProp* la_GetGeneralPropFromPath(laProp* General, const char * Path) {
  130. // laProp* p;
  131. // laListHandle* lst = &General->Sub;
  132. // laStringSplitor* ss = strSplitPathByDot(Path);
  133. // laStringPart* sp = ss->parts.pFirst;
  134. //
  135. // while (sp) {
  136. // p = la_PropLookup(lst, sp->Content);
  137. // lst = &p->Sub;
  138. // sp = sp->Item.pNext;
  139. // }
  140. //
  141. // strDestroyStringSplitor(&ss);
  142. // return p;
  143. //}
  144. //laProp* la_GetPropFromPath(laPropPack* Base,const char * Path) {
  145. // laProp* p,*LastP=Base?Base->P:0;
  146. // laListHandle* lst;
  147. // laStringSplitor* ss = strSplitPathByDot(Path);
  148. // laStringPart* sp = ss->parts.pFirst;
  149. //
  150. // if(!Base || !Base->P)
  151. // lst = &MAIN.DataRoot.Root->Sub;
  152. // else lst = &Base->P->Sub;
  153. //
  154. //
  155. // while (sp) {
  156. // p = la_PropLookup(lst, sp->Content);
  157. // if (!p && LastP) {
  158. // p = la_PropLookup(&la_GetGeneralProp(LastP)->Sub, sp->Content);
  159. // }
  160. // LastP = p;
  161. // lst = &p->Sub;
  162. // sp = sp->Item.pNext;
  163. // }
  164. //
  165. // strDestroyStringSplitor(&ss);
  166. //
  167. // return p;
  168. //}
  169. void la_NewPropStep(laPropPack *Self, laProp *P, void *UseInstance, char Type){
  170. laPropStep *ps = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPropStep));
  171. if (Type == L'.' || Type == L'$'){
  172. ps->p = P;
  173. ps->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  174. ps->Type = Type;
  175. }elif (Type == L'@' || Type == L'=' || Type == L'#'){
  176. ps->p = CreateNewBuffer(char, strlen(P) + 1);
  177. strcpy(ps->p, P);
  178. ps->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  179. ps->Type = Type;
  180. }
  181. if (!Self->Go){
  182. Self->Go = ps;
  183. Self->LastPs = ps;
  184. }else{
  185. Self->LastPs->pNext = ps;
  186. Self->LastPs = ps;
  187. }
  188. }
  189. void la_FreePropStepCache(laPropStep *GoTarget){
  190. if (!GoTarget) return;
  191. if (GoTarget->pNext){
  192. la_FreePropStepCache(GoTarget->pNext);
  193. }
  194. if (GoTarget->Type == L'@' || GoTarget->Type == L'=' || GoTarget->Type == L'#') FreeMem(GoTarget->p);
  195. memFree(GoTarget);
  196. }
  197. void *la_FindMatchingInstance(void *From, laProp *Sub, laProp *p, laPropStep *Value){
  198. laPropPack Fake;
  199. laPropStep FakePs;
  200. laPropIterator pi = {0};
  201. void *Inst;
  202. char _buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0}; char*buf=_buf;
  203. int val;
  204. Fake.LastPs = &FakePs;
  205. FakePs.p = p;
  206. Inst = laGetInstance(Sub, From, &pi);
  207. if (p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_STRING){
  208. _buf[0] = 0;
  209. FakePs.UseInstance = Inst;
  210. laGetString(&Fake, _buf, &buf);
  211. while (!strSame(buf, Value->p)){
  212. Inst = laGetNextInstance(Sub, Inst, &pi);
  213. if (!Inst) return 0;
  214. _buf[0] = 0;
  215. FakePs.UseInstance = Inst;
  216. laGetString(&Fake, _buf, &buf);
  217. }
  218. return Inst;
  219. }elif (p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_INT){
  220. FakePs.UseInstance = Inst;
  221. val = laGetInt(&Fake); char buf[64]; int compareval=0;
  222. int status=sscanf(buf,"%d",&compareval);
  223. while (status && status!=EOF && val != compareval){
  224. Inst = laGetNextInstance(Sub, From, &pi);
  225. if (!Inst) return 0;
  226. FakePs.UseInstance = Inst;
  227. val = laGetInt(&Fake);
  228. }
  229. return Inst;
  230. }
  231. }
  232. int la_GetPropFromPath(laPropPack *Self, laPropPack *Base, const char *Path, void **SpecifiedInstance){
  233. laProp *p = 0;
  234. laListHandle *lst=0, *lstB = 0;
  235. laStringSplitor *ss = strSplitPath(Path,0);
  236. laStringPart *sp = ss ? ss->parts.pFirst : 0;
  237. int InstanceNum = 0;
  238. if ((!ss && !Base) || !MAIN.DataRoot.Root){ strDestroyStringSplitor(&ss); return 0; }
  239. if (!Base || !Base->LastPs){
  240. lst = &MAIN.DataRoot.Root->Props;
  241. Self->RawThis = 0;
  242. }else{
  243. Self->RawThis = Base;
  244. if (Base->LastPs->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && ((laSubProp*)Base->LastPs->p)->GetType && Base->EndInstance){
  245. laPropContainer* pc=((laSubProp*)Base->LastPs->p)->GetType(Base->EndInstance);
  246. lst = &pc->Props;
  247. lstB = pc ? &pc->Props : 0;
  248. }
  249. if(!lst){
  250. if (!Base->LastPs->p->SubProp){
  251. laProp *p = Base->LastPs->p;
  252. p->SubProp = la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp *)p)->TargetID);
  253. }
  254. if(Base->LastPs->p->SubProp) lst = &Base->LastPs->p->SubProp->Props;
  255. }
  256. lstB = Base->LastPs->p->SubExtra ? &Base->LastPs->p->SubExtra->Props : 0;
  257. if (!Path || !Path[0] || !ss){
  258. if (Base){
  259. Self->LastPs = Base->LastPs;
  260. }
  261. }
  262. }
  263. while (sp){
  264. if (sp->Type == L'.' || sp->Type == L'$'){
  265. void *inst = 0;
  266. p = la_PropLookup(lst, sp->Content);
  267. if (!p) p = la_PropLookup(lstB, sp->Content);
  268. if (!p){
  269. la_FreePropStepCache(Self->Go);
  270. Self->Go = Self->LastPs = 0;
  271. strDestroyStringSplitor(&ss);
  272. return 0; // |-----------------Here Should Include Dollar Instance
  273. } // V
  274. if (sp->Type == L'$'){
  275. inst = SpecifiedInstance[InstanceNum];
  276. InstanceNum++;
  277. }else
  278. inst = 0;
  279. /*if(Base == &MAIN.PropMatcherContextP->PropLinkPP)la_NewPropStep(Self, p, inst, '*');
  280. else */
  281. la_NewPropStep(Self, p, inst, sp->Type);
  282. if (p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB && !p->SubProp){
  283. p->SubProp = la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp *)p)->TargetID);
  284. }
  285. lst = p->SubProp ? &p->SubProp->Props : 0;
  286. lstB = p->SubExtra ? &p->SubExtra->Props : 0;
  287. }else{
  288. if (sp->Type == L'@' || sp->Type == L'=' || sp->Type == L'#'){ // || sp->Type== L'~'
  289. la_NewPropStep(Self, sp->Content, 0, sp->Type);
  290. }
  291. }
  292. sp = sp->Item.pNext;
  293. }
  294. strDestroyStringSplitor(&ss);
  295. return 1;
  296. }
  297. void la_StepPropPack(laPropPack *pp){
  298. laPropStep *ps = pp->Go;
  299. laPropPack *This = pp->RawThis;
  300. laPropIterator pi;
  301. laProp *Lookup;
  302. laPropStep *Value;
  303. void *UseInstance = 0;
  304. if (This){
  305. UseInstance = This->EndInstance;
  306. if (ps) ps->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  307. }else{
  308. if (!ps) return;
  309. UseInstance = MAIN.DataRoot.RootInstance;
  310. ps->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  311. }
  312. if (This && !ps){
  313. pp->EndInstance = UseInstance;
  314. pp->LastPs = This->LastPs;
  315. return;
  316. }
  317. while (ps){
  318. // Looks like we have these kind of access grammar:
  319. // sub.prop
  320. // sub@prop=str_or_int
  321. // sub#identifier
  322. // TODO: Add sub~index grammar
  323. if (ps->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  324. if (ps->Type == L'@' || ps->Type == L'#'){
  325. }
  326. if (ps->Type == L'$') UseInstance = ps->UseInstance;
  327. elif (ps->pNext && ps->pNext->Type != L'.'){
  328. if (ps->pNext->Type == L'@'){
  329. Value = ps->pNext->pNext;
  330. Lookup = la_PropLookup(&ps->p->SubProp->Props, ps->pNext->p);
  331. }elif (ps->pNext->Type == L'#'){
  332. Value = ps->pNext;
  333. Lookup = la_PropLookupIdentifierItem(&ps->p->SubProp->Props);
  334. }
  335. if (Value->Type == L'=' || Value->Type == L'#'){ //MUST!
  336. UseInstance = la_FindMatchingInstance(ps->UseInstance, ps->p, Lookup, Value);
  337. }
  338. Value->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  339. if(Value->pNext) Value->pNext->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  340. ps = Value->pNext;
  341. continue;
  342. }else{
  343. void *inst;
  344. inst = laGetActiveInstanceStrict(ps->p, UseInstance);
  345. if (!inst) inst = laGetInstance(ps->p, UseInstance, 0);
  346. UseInstance = inst;
  347. }
  348. if (!ps->pNext){
  349. pp->EndInstance = UseInstance;
  350. break;
  351. }else{
  352. ps->pNext->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  353. ps = ps->pNext;
  354. }
  355. continue;
  356. }else{
  357. ps->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  358. if (!ps->pNext){
  359. pp->EndInstance = UseInstance;
  360. break;
  361. }else{
  362. ps->pNext->UseInstance = ps;
  363. UseInstance = ps;
  364. ps = ps->pNext;
  365. }
  366. }
  367. }
  368. }
  369. void la_RemovePropUserNode(laPropStep *ps){
  370. laPropUserPanel *pup = 0;
  371. laPropUser *pu = 0;
  372. for (pup = ps->p->UserPanels.pFirst; pup; pup = pup->Item.pNext){
  373. if (pup->Panel == MAIN.PropMatcherContextP) break;
  374. }
  375. if (!pup) return;
  376. for (pu = pup->UserPacks.pFirst; pu; pu = pu->Item.pNext){
  377. if (pu->User == ps) break;
  378. }
  379. //if (!pu)printf("PROP USER NODE NOT FOUND!\laPropUserPanel:%d,%s,Ps:%s\n",pup->Panel,pup->Panel->Title->Ptr,ps->p->Identifier);
  380. //else {
  381. if (pu){
  382. lstRemoveItem(&pup->UserPacks, pu);
  383. memFree(pu);
  384. if (!pup->UserPacks.pFirst){
  385. lstRemoveItem(&ps->p->UserPanels, pup);
  386. memFree(pup);
  387. }
  388. }
  389. //}
  390. }
  391. void la_AddPropUserNode(laPropStep *ps){
  392. laPropUserPanel *pup = 0;
  393. laPropUser *pu = 0;
  394. for (pup = ps->p->UserPanels.pFirst; pup; pup = pup->Item.pNext){
  395. if (pup->Panel == MAIN.PropMatcherContextP) break;
  396. }
  397. if (!pup){
  398. pup = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPropUserPanel));
  399. pup->Panel = MAIN.PropMatcherContextP;
  400. lstAppendItem(&ps->p->UserPanels, pup);
  401. }
  402. for (pu = pup->UserPacks.pFirst; pu; pu = pu->Item.pNext){
  403. if (pu->User == ps){
  404. pu->FrameDistinguish = MAIN.PropMatcherContextP->FrameDistinguish;
  405. return;
  406. }
  407. }
  408. //ELSE
  409. pu = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPropUser));
  410. pu->User = ps;
  411. pu->FrameDistinguish = MAIN.PropMatcherContextP->FrameDistinguish;
  412. lstAppendItem(&pup->UserPacks, pu);
  413. }
  414. void la_UsePropPack(laPropPack *pp, int ForceRecalc){
  415. laPropStep *ps = 0;
  416. //if(pp->LastPs && pp->LastPs->p)printf("%s\n",pp->LastPs->p->Identifier);
  417. if((!pp->Go) && pp->LastPs){
  418. if (pp->LastPs->Type==L'.'){
  419. laUseDataBlock(pp->RawThis->LastPs->UseInstance, pp->LastPs->p, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP->FrameDistinguish, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP, la_PropPanelUserRemover, ForceRecalc);
  420. }
  421. }
  422. for (ps = pp->Go; ps; ps = ps->pNext){
  423. if (ps->Type==L'.'){
  424. laUseDataBlock(ps->UseInstance, ps->p, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP->FrameDistinguish, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP, la_PropPanelUserRemover, ForceRecalc);
  425. }
  426. }
  427. }
  428. void la_StopUsingPropPack(laPropPack *pp){
  429. laPropStep *ps;
  430. if((!pp->Go) && pp->LastPs){
  431. if (pp->LastPs->Type==L'.'&&pp->LastPs->p->Container &&pp->LastPs->p->Container->Hyper){
  432. laStopUsingDataBlock(pp->RawThis->LastPs->UseInstance, pp->LastPs->p, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP);
  433. }
  434. }
  435. for (ps = pp->Go; ps; ps = ps->pNext){
  436. if (ps->Type==L'.'&&ps->p->Container&&ps->p->Container->Hyper){
  437. laStopUsingDataBlock(ps->UseInstance, ps->p, MAIN.PropMatcherContextP);
  438. }
  439. //la_RemovePropUserNode(ps);
  440. }
  441. }
  442. void laNotifyUsersPP(laPropPack *pp){
  443. if(!pp->LastPs) return;
  444. void *hi = pp->LastPs->UseInstance;
  445. laItemUserLinker *iul; laItemUserLinkerLocal *iull; int local;
  446. if (!hi) return;
  447. laListHandle* users = laGetUserList(hi, pp->LastPs->p, &local); if(!users) return;
  448. for (iul = users->pFirst; iul; iul = iul->Pointer.pNext){
  449. if(local && (iull=iul) && iull->Instance!=hi) continue;
  450. if (iul->Remove == la_PropPanelUserRemover){
  451. laPanel *p = iul->Pointer.p;
  452. if (iul->Which == pp->LastPs->p && iul->FrameDistinguish == p->FrameDistinguish){
  453. //pthread_spin_lock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  454. if (iul->Which->PropertyType & LA_PROP_SUB || iul->ForceRecalc) p->Refresh |= LA_TAG_RECALC;
  455. else
  456. p->Refresh |= LA_TAG_REDRAW;
  457. //pthread_spin_unlock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  458. }
  459. }
  460. }
  461. }
  462. void laNotifyUsersPPPath(laPropPack *pp, char *path){
  463. laPropPack PP = {0};
  464. if(!path){ laNotifyUsersPP(pp); return; }
  465. la_GetPropFromPath(&PP, pp, path, 0);
  466. la_StepPropPack(&PP);
  467. laNotifyUsersPP(&PP);
  468. la_FreePropStepCache(PP.Go);
  469. }
  470. void laNotifySubPropUsers(laProp *prop, void *Instance){
  471. void *hi = Instance;
  472. laItemUserLinker *iul; laItemUserLinkerLocal *iull; int local;
  473. if (!hi) return;
  474. laListHandle* users = laGetUserList(hi, prop, &local); if(!users) return;
  475. for (iul = users->pFirst; iul; iul = iul->Pointer.pNext){
  476. if(local && (iull=iul) && iull->Instance!=hi) continue;
  477. if (iul->Remove == la_PropPanelUserRemover){
  478. laPanel *p = iul->Pointer.p;
  479. if (iul->Which == prop && iul->FrameDistinguish == p->FrameDistinguish){
  480. //pthread_spin_lock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  481. p->Refresh |= LA_TAG_RECALC;
  482. //pthread_spin_unlock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  483. }
  484. }
  485. }
  486. }
  487. void laNotifyInstanceUsers(void *Instance){
  488. void *hi = Instance;
  489. laItemUserLinker *iul; laItemUserLinkerLocal *iull; int local; if (!hi) return;
  490. laListHandle* users = laGetUserList(hi, 0, &local); if(!users) return;
  491. for (iul = users->pFirst; iul; iul = iul->Pointer.pNext){
  492. if(local && (iull=iul) && iull->Instance!=hi) continue;
  493. if (iul->Remove == la_PropPanelUserRemover){
  494. laPanel *p = iul->Pointer.p;
  495. if (iul->FrameDistinguish == p->FrameDistinguish){
  496. p->Refresh |= LA_TAG_REDRAW;
  497. if(iul->Which&&iul->Which->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB){ p->Refresh|=LA_TAG_RECALC; }
  498. }
  499. }
  500. }
  501. }
  502. void laNotifyUsers(char *Path){
  503. laPropPack PP = {0};
  504. la_GetPropFromPath(&PP, 0, Path, 0);
  505. la_StepPropPack(&PP);
  506. laNotifyUsersPP(&PP);
  507. la_FreePropStepCache(PP.Go);
  508. }
  509. void laThreadNotifyUsers(char *Path){
  510. laThreadNotifier *tn = CreateNew(laThreadNotifier);
  511. strCopyFull(tn->Path, Path);
  512. //pthread_spin_lock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  513. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.ThreadNotifiers, tn);
  514. //pthread_spin_unlock(&MAIN.csNotifier);
  515. }
  516. void la_SetPropMathcerContext(laPanel *p){
  517. MAIN.PropMatcherContextP = p;
  518. }
  519. int laget_InstanceHyperLevel(void* instance){
  520. int level; memGetHead(instance,&level);
  521. return level;
  522. }
  523. int laget_InstanceModified(void* instance){
  524. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(instance,&level);
  525. if(level==2) return m->Modified?1:0;
  526. return 0;
  527. }
  528. void* laget_InstanceUDF(void* unused, laPropIterator* unusedpi){
  529. return MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst;
  530. }
  531. void* laget_InstanceActiveUDF(void* instance){
  532. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(instance,&level);
  533. if(level==2) return m->FromFile;
  534. return 0;
  535. }
  536. void* laget_DummyManagedUDFSingle(void* unused){
  537. return MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingle;
  538. }
  539. void* laget_DummyManagedUDFSingleForce(void* unused){
  540. return MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingleForce;
  541. }
  542. void laset_InstanceUDFFromSingle(void* instance, laUDF* udf){
  543. if(!MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING || !MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING->UDFPropagate || !instance){ return; }
  544. if(udf == MAIN.DummyManageUDF){
  545. laInvoke(0, "LA_managed_save_new_file", 0,0,0,0);
  546. }
  547. MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING->UDFPropagate(instance,udf,0);
  548. }
  549. void laset_InstanceUDFFromSingleForce(void* instance, laUDF* udf){
  550. if(!MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING || !MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING->UDFPropagate || !instance){ return; }
  551. if(udf == MAIN.DummyManageUDF){
  552. laInvoke(0, "LA_managed_save_new_file", 0,0,0,0);
  553. }
  554. MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING->UDFPropagate(instance,udf,0);
  555. }
  556. void laset_InstanceUDF(void* instance, void* set){
  557. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(instance,&level);
  558. if(level==2) memAssignRef(instance, &m->FromFile, set);
  559. if(set == MAIN.DummyManageUDF){
  560. laInvoke(0, "LA_managed_save_new_file", 0,0,0,0);
  561. }
  562. }
  563. void* laget_InstanceSelf(void* instace){
  564. return instace;
  565. }
  566. const char* LA_N_A="N/A";
  567. void *la_GetReadDBInstNUID(char *ReferReadNUID);
  568. void laget_InstanceUID(void* instance, char* buf, char** ptr){
  569. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(instance,&level);
  570. if(level!=2||!m) return; *ptr=LA_N_A;
  571. *ptr=m->NUID.String;
  572. }
  573. void laset_InstanceUID(void* instance, char* buf){
  574. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(instance,&level);
  575. if(level!=2||!m) return;
  576. char _buf[40];
  577. if(!buf[0]){ memCreateNUID(_buf,m); buf=_buf; }
  578. laListHandle *l = hsh16MDoHashNUID(&MAIN.DBInst2, m->NUID.String);
  579. laMemNodeHyper* im=0;
  580. for (im = l->pFirst; im; im = m->Item.pNext){ if(im==m) break; }
  581. if(im){ lstRemoveItem(l,im); laListHandle *nl = hsh16MDoHashNUID(&MAIN.DBInst2, buf); lstAppendItem(nl,im); }else{ im=m; /* Unlikely */ }
  582. sprintf(m->NUID.String,"%.30s",buf);
  583. }
  584. void* laget_SaverDummy(void* instance, laPropIterator* pi){
  585. laSubProp* p=MAIN._PROP_SETTING; laListHandle* l = (((char*)instance)+p->ListHandleOffset);
  586. if(!l->pFirst){
  587. laSaverDummy* sd=memAcquireHyper(sizeof(laSaverDummy)); lstAppendItem(l,sd);
  588. }
  589. while(l->pFirst!=l->pLast){ memLeave(lstPopItem(l)); }
  590. return l->pFirst;
  591. }
  592. laSaverDummy* laGetSaverDummy(void* instance, laSubProp* p){
  593. laListHandle* l = (((char*)instance)+p->ListHandleOffset);
  594. if(!l->pFirst){ laSaverDummy* sd=memAcquireHyper(sizeof(laSaverDummy)); lstAppendItem(l,sd); }
  595. while(l->pFirst!=l->pLast){ memLeave(lstPopItem(l)); }
  596. return l->pFirst;
  597. }
  598. void laPurgeSaverDummy(void* instance, laSubProp* p){
  599. laListHandle* l = (((char*)instance)+p->ListHandleOffset);
  600. while(l->pFirst){ memLeave(lstPopItem(l)); }
  601. }
  602. void la_FreeProperty(laProp* p){
  603. laIntProp *ip;laFloatProp *fp;laEnumProp *ep;laSubProp *sp;
  604. if(p->DetachedPP.Go){
  605. la_FreePropStepCache(p->DetachedPP.Go);
  606. switch (p->PropertyType){
  607. case LA_PROP_INT:
  608. case LA_PROP_INT | LA_PROP_ARRAY:
  609. ip = p; free(ip->Detached);
  610. break;
  611. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  613. fp = p; free(fp->Detached);
  614. break;
  615. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  617. ep = p; free(ep->Detached);
  618. }
  619. }
  620. if(p->PropertyType&LA_PROP_ENUM){ ep = p; laEnumItem* ei; while(ei=lstPopItem(&ep->Items)){ memFree(ei); } }
  621. memFree(p);
  622. }
  623. void la_FreePropertyContainer(laPropContainer* pc){
  624. laProp* p;
  625. while(p=lstPopItem(&pc->Props)){
  626. la_FreeProperty(p);
  627. }
  628. memFree(pc);
  629. }
  630. laPropContainer *laAddPropertyContainer(const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, uint32_t IconID,
  631. laUiDefineFunc DefaultUiDefine,
  632. int NodeSize, laContainerPostReadFunc PostRead, laContainerPostReadFunc PostReadIm, int IsHyper){
  633. laPropContainer *pc = memAcquire(sizeof(laPropContainer));
  634. pc->Identifier = Identifier;
  635. pc->Name = Name;
  636. pc->Description = Description;
  637. pc->UiDefine = DefaultUiDefine;
  638. pc->IconID = IconID ? IconID : L'📦';
  639. pc->OtherAlloc = (IsHyper&LA_PROP_OTHER_ALLOC)?1:0;
  640. pc->Hyper = pc->OtherAlloc?0:(IsHyper&LA_PROP_HYPER_BITS);
  641. pc->PostRead = PostRead;
  642. pc->PostReadIm = PostReadIm;
  643. pc->NodeSize = NodeSize;
  644. if (!pc->OtherAlloc){
  645. laAddSubGroup(pc, "__file", "File", "The file this block came from/saves to", "managed_udf",
  646. 0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,laui_ManagedUDFItem,-1,laget_InstanceUDF,laget_InstanceActiveUDF,laget_ListNext,laset_InstanceUDF,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  647. laAddIntProperty(pc, "__hyper", "Hyper", "Hyper level of this data block", 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,laget_InstanceHyperLevel,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_READ_ONLY|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  648. laProp* p=laAddEnumProperty(pc, "__modified", "Modified", "Data block is modified", LA_WIDGET_ENUM_ICON_PLAIN,0,0,0,0,-1,laget_InstanceModified,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,LA_READ_ONLY|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  649. laAddEnumItemAs(p, "MODIFIED", "Modified", "Data block is modified", 1, L'🌑');
  650. laAddEnumItemAs(p, "CLEAN", "Clean", "Data block is clean", 0, 0);
  651. laAddStringProperty(pc, "__uid","UID","UID for shared resoure lookup",0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,laget_InstanceUID,laset_InstanceUID,0,LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  652. }
  653. laAddSubGroup(pc, "__self", "Self", "Own instance", Identifier,0,0,0,-1,0,laget_InstanceSelf,0,0,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  654. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.PropContainers, pc);
  655. return pc;
  656. }
  657. void laPropContainerExtraFunctions(laPropContainer* pc, laContainerBeforeFreeF BeforeFree, laContainerResetF Reset, laContainerUndoTouchedF Touched, laContainerpUDFPropagateF UDFPropagate, laUiDefineFunc MenuUi){
  658. pc->BeforeFree=BeforeFree; pc->Reset=Reset; pc->UndoTouched=Touched; pc->UDFPropagate=UDFPropagate; pc->MenuUiDefine=MenuUi;
  659. if(!pc->OtherAlloc && UDFPropagate){
  660. laAddOperatorProperty(pc,"__udf_propagate","Propagate","Propagate UDF to all child nodes", "LA_udf_propagate", 0,0);
  661. laAddSubGroup(pc,"__single_udf_propagate","Save to","Assign file to all child nodes (From a ingle-instanced parent)","managed_udf",
  662. 0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,laui_ManagedUDFItem,-1,laget_InstanceUDF,laget_DummyManagedUDFSingle,laget_ListNext,laset_InstanceUDFFromSingle,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  663. //laAddSubGroup(pc,"__single_udf_propagate_force","Force","Assign file to all child nodes (From a ingle-instanced parent)","managed_udf",
  664. // 0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,laui_ManagedUDFItem,-1,laget_InstanceUDF,laget_DummyManagedUDFSingleForce,laget_ListNext,laset_InstanceUDFFromSingleForce,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  665. }
  666. }
  667. laProp* laPropContainerManageable(laPropContainer* pc, int offset_of_dummy_list){
  668. if(!pc || pc->OtherAlloc || !offset_of_dummy_list) return;
  669. if(!MAIN.SaverDummyContainer){
  670. MAIN.SaverDummyContainer = laAddPropertyContainer("la_saver_dummy","Saver Dummy","Saver dummy",0,0,sizeof(laSaverDummy),0,0,2);
  671. laAddSubGroup(MAIN.SaverDummyContainer, "__file", "File", "The file this block came from/saves to", "managed_udf",
  672. 0,LA_WIDGET_COLLECTION_SELECTOR,laui_ManagedUDFItem,-1,laget_InstanceUDF,laget_InstanceActiveUDF,laget_ListNext,laset_InstanceUDF,0,0,0,LA_UDF_REFER|LA_UDF_IGNORE);
  673. }
  674. pc->SaverDummy=laAddSubGroup(pc,"__single_saver_dummy","Saver","Saver dummy","la_saver_dummy",0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,offset_of_dummy_list,0);
  675. return pc->SaverDummy;
  676. }
  677. int la_GetPropertySize(int Type){
  678. switch (Type){
  679. case LA_PROP_INT:
  680. case LA_PROP_INT | LA_PROP_ARRAY:
  681. return sizeof(laIntProp);
  682. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  684. return sizeof(laFloatProp);
  685. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  687. return sizeof(laEnumProp);
  688. case LA_PROP_SUB: return sizeof(laSubProp);
  689. case LA_PROP_OPERATOR: return sizeof(laOperatorProp);
  690. case LA_PROP_STRING: return sizeof(laStringProp);
  691. case LA_PROP_RAW: return sizeof(laRawProp);
  692. }
  693. return 0;
  694. }
  695. const char LA_PROP_STR_INT[] = "LA_PROP_INT";
  696. const char LA_PROP_STR_INT_ARR[] = "LA_PROP_INT_ARR";
  697. const char LA_PROP_STR_FLOAT[] = "LA_PROP_FLOAT";
  698. const char LA_PROP_STR_FLOAT_ARR[] = "LA_PROP_FLOAT_ARR";
  699. const char LA_PROP_STR_ENUM[] = "LA_PROP_ENUM";
  700. const char LA_PROP_STR_ENUM_ARR[] = "LA_PROP_ENUM_ARR";
  701. const char LA_PROP_STR_ACT[] = "LA_PROP_ACT";
  702. const char LA_PROP_STR_STR[] = "LA_PROP_STR";
  703. const char LA_PROP_STR_SUB[] = "LA_PROP_SUB";
  704. const char *la_GetPropertyTypeString(int Type){
  705. switch (Type){
  706. case LA_PROP_INT:
  707. return LA_PROP_STR_INT;
  708. case LA_PROP_INT | LA_PROP_ARRAY:
  709. return LA_PROP_STR_INT_ARR;
  710. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  711. return LA_PROP_STR_FLOAT;
  713. return LA_PROP_STR_FLOAT_ARR;
  714. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  715. return LA_PROP_STR_ENUM;
  717. return LA_PROP_STR_ENUM_ARR;
  718. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  719. return LA_PROP_STR_SUB;
  720. case LA_PROP_OPERATOR:
  721. return LA_PROP_STR_ACT;
  722. case LA_PROP_STRING:
  723. return LA_PROP_STR_STR;
  724. }
  725. return 0;
  726. }
  727. void la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(laProp *p){
  728. switch (p->PropertyType){
  729. case LA_PROP_INT: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralIntSub; break;
  730. case LA_PROP_INT | LA_PROP_ARRAY: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralIntArraySub; break;
  731. case LA_PROP_FLOAT: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralFloatSub; break;
  732. case LA_PROP_FLOAT | LA_PROP_ARRAY: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralFloatArraySub; break;
  733. case LA_PROP_ENUM: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralEnumSub; break;
  734. case LA_PROP_ENUM | LA_PROP_ARRAY: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralEnumArraySub; break;
  735. case LA_PROP_STRING: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralStringSub; break;
  736. case LA_PROP_OPERATOR: p->SubProp = MAIN.GeneralOperatorSub; break;
  737. case LA_PROP_SUB: p->SubExtra = MAIN.GeneralCollectionSub; break;
  738. case LA_PROP_RAW: p->SubExtra = MAIN.GeneralRawSub; break;
  739. }
  740. }
  741. laProp *la_CreateProperty(laPropContainer *Container, int Type, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description,
  742. const char *Prefix, const char *Unit, laWidget* DefaultWidget, u64bit Tag){
  743. laProp *p = memAcquire(la_GetPropertySize(Type));
  744. p->Identifier = Identifier;
  745. p->Name = Name;
  746. p->Description = Description;
  747. p->Prefix = Prefix;
  748. p->Unit = Unit;
  749. if(DefaultWidget){ p->DefaultUiType = DefaultWidget->Type; p->DefaultFlags = DefaultWidget->Flags; }
  750. p->PropertyType = Type;
  751. p->Tag = Tag;
  752. p->Container = Container;
  753. if (Container) lstAppendItem(&Container->Props, p);
  754. p->UDFIsRefer = (Tag & LA_UDF_REFER) ? 1 : 0;
  755. p->UDFIgnore = (Tag & LA_UDF_IGNORE) ? 1 : 0;
  756. p->UDFOnly = (Tag & LA_UDF_ONLY) ? 1 : 0;
  757. p->ReadOnly = (Tag & LA_READ_ONLY) ? 1 : 0;
  758. p->IsRadAngle = (Tag & LA_RAD_ANGLE)? 1 : 0;
  759. p->UDFHideInSave = (Tag & LA_HIDE_IN_SAVE)? 1 : 0;
  760. p->UDFReadProgress = (Tag & LA_PROP_READ_PROGRESS)?1:0;
  761. if(p->IsRadAngle&&(!p->Unit)) p->Unit="°";
  762. return p;
  763. }
  764. void la_ClearDetachedProp(laPanel* p){
  765. laProp *np; while(np=lstPopItem(&p->PropLinkContainer->Props)){ free(np->Identifier); memFree(np); }
  766. }
  767. laProp *la_MakeDetachedProp(laPanel* p, const char *From, const char *Rename){
  768. laIntProp *ip;
  769. laFloatProp *fp;
  770. laEnumProp *ep;
  771. laSubProp *sp;
  772. laPropPack TempPP = {0};
  773. int result = 0;
  774. result = la_GetPropFromPath(&TempPP, 0, From, 0);
  775. if(!result) return 0;
  776. laProp *np = memAcquire(la_GetPropertySize(TempPP.LastPs->p->PropertyType));
  777. memcpy(np, TempPP.LastPs->p, la_GetPropertySize(TempPP.LastPs->p->PropertyType));
  778. np->Identifier = CreateNewBuffer(char, 128);
  779. strcpy(np->Identifier, Rename);
  780. np->DetachedPP.Go = 0;
  781. np->DetachedPP.RawThis = 0;
  782. np->DetachedPP.LastPs = 0;
  783. la_CopyPropPack(&TempPP, &np->DetachedPP);
  784. switch (np->PropertyType){
  785. case LA_PROP_INT:
  786. case LA_PROP_INT | LA_PROP_ARRAY:
  787. ip = np;
  788. ip->Detached = CreateNewBuffer(int, np->Len ? np->Len : 1);
  789. break;
  790. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  792. fp = np;
  793. fp->Detached = CreateNewBuffer(real, np->Len ? np->Len : 1);
  794. break;
  795. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  797. ep = np;
  798. ep->Detached = CreateNewBuffer(int, 1);
  799. ep->Detached[0] = ((laEnumItem *)ep->Items.pFirst)->Index;
  800. break;
  801. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  802. sp=np; sp->GetCategory=((laSubProp*)np)->GetCategory;
  803. break;
  804. }
  805. lstAppendItem(&p->PropLinkContainer->Props, np);
  806. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(np);
  807. la_FreePropStepCache(TempPP.Go);
  808. return np;
  809. }
  810. laProp *laAddIntProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, laWidget* DefaultWidget,
  811. const char *Prefix, const char *Unit, int Max, int Min, int Step, int DefVal, const int *DefArr,
  812. int OffsetSize, laIntGetF Get, laIntSetF Set, int ArrayLength, laArrayGetLenF GetLen,
  813. laIntArraySetF SetArr, laIntArrayGetAllF GetAll, laIntArraySetAllF SetAll, laIntArraySetAllArrayF SetAllArr,
  814. laIntReadF Read, laIntArrayReadAllF ReadAll,
  815. u64bit Tag){
  816. laIntProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_INT, Identifier, Name, Description, Prefix, Unit, DefaultWidget, Tag);
  817. if (ArrayLength > 1){
  818. p->Base.Len = ArrayLength;
  819. p->Base.PropertyType |= LA_PROP_ARRAY;
  820. }else if (GetLen)
  821. p->Base.GetLen = GetLen;
  822. p->Get = Get;
  823. p->Set = Set;
  824. p->SetAll = SetAll;
  825. p->GetAll = GetAll;
  826. p->SetAllArr = SetAllArr;
  827. p->SetArr = SetArr;
  828. p->DefArr = DefArr;
  829. p->DefVal = DefVal;
  830. p->Max = Max;
  831. p->Min = Min;
  832. p->Step = Step ? Step : 1;
  833. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  834. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag&LA_UDF_REFER) ? 1 : 0;
  835. p->Read = Read;
  836. p->ReadAll = ReadAll;
  837. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  838. return p;
  839. }
  840. laProp *laAddFloatProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, laWidget* DefaultWidget,
  841. const char *Prefix, const char *Unit, real Max, real Min, real Step, real DefVal, const real *DefArr,
  842. int OffsetSize, laFloatGetF Get, laFloatSetF Set, int ArrayLength, laArrayGetLenF GetLen,
  843. laFloatArraySetF SetArr, laFloatArrayGetAllF GetAll, laFloatArraySetAllF SetAll, laFloatArraySetAllArrayF SetAllArr,
  844. laFloatReadF Read, laFloatArrayReadAllF ReadAll,
  845. u64bit Tag){
  846. laFloatProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_FLOAT, Identifier, Name, Description, Prefix, Unit, DefaultWidget, Tag);
  847. if (ArrayLength > 1){
  848. p->Base.Len = ArrayLength;
  849. p->Base.PropertyType |= LA_PROP_ARRAY;
  850. }else if (GetLen)
  851. p->Base.GetLen = GetLen;
  852. p->Get = Get;
  853. p->Set = Set;
  854. p->SetAll = SetAll;
  855. p->GetAll = GetAll;
  856. p->SetAllArr = SetAllArr;
  857. p->SetArr = SetArr;
  858. p->DefArr = DefArr;
  859. p->DefVal = DefVal;
  860. p->Max = Max;
  861. p->Min = Min;
  862. p->Step = Step ? Step : 0.01;
  863. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  864. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag&LA_UDF_REFER) ? 1 : 0;
  865. p->Read = Read;
  866. p->ReadAll = ReadAll;
  867. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  868. return p;
  869. }
  870. laProp *laAddEnumProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, laWidget* DefaultWidget,
  871. const char *Prefix, const char *Unit, int DefVal, const int *DefArr,
  872. int OffsetSize, laEnumGetF Get, laEnumSetF Set, int ArrayLength, laArrayGetLenF GetLen,
  873. laEnumArraySetF SetArr, laEnumArrayGetAllF GetAll, laEnumArraySetAllF SetAll,
  874. laEnumReadF Read, laEnumArrayReadAllF ReadAll,
  875. u64bit Tag){
  876. laEnumProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_ENUM, Identifier, Name, Description, Prefix, Unit, DefaultWidget, Tag);
  877. if (ArrayLength > 1){
  878. p->Base.Len = ArrayLength;
  879. p->Base.PropertyType |= LA_PROP_ARRAY;
  880. }else if (GetLen)
  881. p->Base.GetLen = GetLen;
  882. p->Get = Get;
  883. p->Set = Set;
  884. p->SetAll = SetAll;
  885. p->GetAll = GetAll;
  886. p->SetArr = SetArr;
  887. p->DefArr = DefArr;
  888. p->DefVal = DefVal;
  889. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  890. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag&LA_UDF_REFER) ? 1 : 0;
  891. p->Read = Read;
  892. p->ReadAll = ReadAll;
  893. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  894. return p;
  895. }
  896. int laAddEnumItem(laProp *p, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, uint32_t IconID){
  897. laEnumItem *ei = memAcquire(sizeof(laEnumItem));
  898. laEnumProp *ep = p;
  899. ei->Identifier = Identifier;
  900. ei->Name = Name;
  901. ei->Description = Description;
  902. ei->IconID = IconID;
  903. ei->Index = ep->Items.pLast ? ((laEnumItem *)ep->Items.pLast)->Index + 1 : 0;
  904. lstAppendItem(&ep->Items, ei);
  905. return 1;
  906. }
  907. int laAddEnumItemAs(laProp *p, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, int Index, uint32_t IconID){
  908. laEnumItem *ei = memAcquire(sizeof(laEnumItem));
  909. laEnumProp *ep = p;
  910. ei->Identifier = Identifier;
  911. ei->Name = Name;
  912. ei->Description = Description;
  913. ei->IconID = IconID;
  914. ei->Index = Index;
  915. lstAppendItem(&ep->Items, ei);
  916. return 1;
  917. }
  918. laProp *laAddStringProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, laWidget* DefaultWidget,
  919. const char *Prefix, const char *Unit, const char *DefStr,
  920. int IsSafeString, int OffsetSize, laStringGetLenF GetLen, laStringGetF Get, laStringSetF Set,
  921. laStringReadF Read,
  922. u64bit Tag){
  923. laStringProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_STRING, Identifier, Name, Description, Prefix, Unit, DefaultWidget, Tag);
  924. p->Get = Get;
  925. p->Set = Set;
  926. p->Getstrlen = GetLen;
  927. p->DefStr = DefStr;
  928. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  929. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag&LA_UDF_LOCAL) ? 0 : 1;
  930. p->Read = Read;
  931. p->IsSafeString = IsSafeString;
  932. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  933. return p;
  934. }
  935. laProp *laAddSubGroup(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description,
  936. const char *TargetId, laGetNodeTypeFunc GetType, laWidget* DefaultWidget, laUiDefineFunc DefaultUiDef,
  937. int OffsetSize, laSubGetInstanceF Get, laSubGetInstanceF GetActive, laSubGetNextF GetNext, laSubSetInstanceF Set,
  938. laSubGetStateF GetState, laSubSetStateF SetState, int ListHandleOffset, u64bit Tag){
  939. laSubProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_SUB, Identifier, Name, Description, 0, 0, DefaultWidget, Tag);
  940. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  941. p->Get = Get;
  942. p->GetNext = GetNext;
  943. p->GetActive = GetActive;
  944. p->Set = Set;
  945. p->GetState = GetState;
  946. p->SetState = SetState;
  947. p->TargetID = TargetId;
  948. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag & LA_UDF_LOCAL) ? 0 : 1;
  949. p->Base.UiDefine = DefaultUiDef;
  950. p->GetType = GetType;
  951. p->ListHandleOffset = ListHandleOffset;
  952. p->Base.UDFNoCreate = (Tag & LA_UDF_LOCAL) ? 1 : 0;
  953. if (Tag & LA_UDF_SINGLE || (p->Base.OffsetIsPointer && !p->ListHandleOffset && !p->GetNext && !(Tag & LA_UDF_REFER))) p->Base.UDFIsSingle = 1;
  954. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  955. return p;
  956. }
  957. void laSubGroupExtraFunctions(laProp* p, laSubUIFilterF* UiFilter, laSubUIThemeF* GetTheme, laSubUIGapF GetGap, laSubUICategoryF GetCategory){
  958. laSubProp *sp=p;
  959. sp->UiFilter=UiFilter; sp->GetTheme=GetTheme; sp->GetGap=GetGap; sp->GetCategory=GetCategory;
  960. }
  961. void laSubGroupDetachable(laProp *SubProp, laSubTypeDetachedGet DetachedGet, laSubTypeDetachedGetNext DetachedGetNext){
  962. laSubProp *sp = SubProp;
  963. SubProp->Tag |= LA_DETACHABLE;
  964. sp->DetachedGet = DetachedGet;
  965. sp->DetachedGetNext = DetachedGetNext;
  966. }
  967. laProp *laAddOperatorProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description,
  968. const char *OperatorID, uint32_t IconID, laWidget* DefaultWidget){
  969. laOperatorProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_OPERATOR, Identifier, Name, Description, 0, 0, DefaultWidget, 0);
  970. p->OperatorID = OperatorID;
  971. p->Base.IconID = IconID;
  972. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  973. return p;
  974. }
  975. laProp *laAddRawProperty(laPropContainer *Container, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description, int OffsetSize, laRawGetSizeF GetSize, laRawGetF RawGet, laRawSetF RawSet, u64bit Tag){
  976. if(!RawGet && !GetSize) return 0;
  977. laRawProp *p = la_CreateProperty(Container, LA_PROP_RAW, Identifier, Name, Description, 0, 0, 0, Tag);
  978. p->Base.Offset = OffsetSize;
  979. p->Base.OffsetIsPointer = (Tag & LA_UDF_LOCAL) ? 0 : 1;
  980. p->RawGet=RawGet;
  981. p->RawGetSize=GetSize;
  982. p->RawSet=RawSet;
  983. la_AssignPropertyGeneralSub(p);
  984. return p;
  985. }
  986. //void laPropertySignal(laProp* p, int Throw, int Catch) {
  987. // p->SignalThrow = Throw;
  988. // p->SignalCatch = Catch;
  989. //}
  990. int laIsPropertyReadOnly(laPropPack *pp){
  991. if (pp && pp->LastPs && pp->LastPs->p->ReadOnly) return 1;
  992. return 0;
  993. }
  994. int laGetPrefixP(laPropPack *p, char buf[8][64]){
  995. char *prefix = transLate(p->LastPs->p->Prefix);
  996. int i = 0, row = 0;
  997. if (!prefix) return 0;
  998. int len=strlen(prefix);
  999. while ((prefix[i] != L'\0') && (i+=1+strGetStringTerminateBy(&prefix[i], L',', &buf[row]))){
  1000. row++; if(i>=len){break;}
  1001. }
  1002. return 1;
  1003. }
  1004. int laGetPrefix(laProp *p, char buf[8][64]){
  1005. char *prefix = transLate(p->Prefix);
  1006. int i = 0, row = 0;
  1007. if (!prefix) return 0;
  1008. while ((prefix[i] != L'\0') && (i += 1 + strGetStringTerminateBy(&prefix[i], L',', &buf[row]))) row++;
  1009. return 1;
  1010. }
  1011. laPropContainer* laGetInstanceType(laPropPack* pp, void* instance){
  1012. if(pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType != LA_PROP_SUB) return 0;
  1013. laSubProp* sp = pp->LastPs->p;
  1014. if(instance && sp->GetType){ return sp->GetType(instance); }
  1015. return pp->LastPs->p->SubProp;
  1016. }
  1017. laUiDefineFunc* laGetPropertyUiDefine(laPropPack* pp, void* instance){
  1018. if(pp->LastPs->p->UiDefine) return pp->LastPs->p->UiDefine;
  1019. laPropContainer* pc=laGetInstanceType(pp, instance);
  1020. if(pc && pc->UiDefine) return pc->UiDefine;
  1021. return laui_SubPropInfoDefault;
  1022. }
  1023. laPropContainer* la_EnsureSubTarget(laSubProp* sp, void* optional_instance){
  1024. if(sp->Base.PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB){return sp->Base.SubProp;}
  1025. if(optional_instance && sp->GetType) return sp->GetType(optional_instance);
  1026. if(sp->Base.SubProp){ return sp->Base.SubProp; }
  1027. if(sp->TargetID)sp->Base.SubProp=la_ContainerLookup(sp->TargetID); return sp->Base.SubProp;
  1028. }
  1029. int laReadInt(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1030. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1031. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1032. if (p->Read) p->Read(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1033. else
  1034. laSetInt(pp, n);
  1035. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1036. return 1;
  1037. }
  1038. return 0;
  1039. }
  1040. int laSetInt(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1041. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1042. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1043. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1044. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1045. }
  1046. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1047. p->Detached[0] = n;
  1048. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1049. return;
  1050. }
  1051. if (p->Set) p->Set(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1052. elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1053. if (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1054. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1055. else (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1056. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1057. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1058. else (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1059. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1060. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1061. else (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1062. }
  1063. }
  1064. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1065. return 1;
  1066. }
  1067. return 0;
  1068. }
  1069. int laGetInt(laPropPack *pp){
  1070. int n;
  1071. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1072. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1073. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1074. return p->Detached[0];
  1075. }
  1076. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1077. if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Get) return ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Get(pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  1078. elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1079. if (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1080. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1081. else n = (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1082. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1083. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1084. else n = (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1085. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1086. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1087. else n = (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1088. }
  1089. return n;
  1090. }
  1091. }
  1092. return 0;
  1093. }
  1094. int laReadFloat(laPropPack *pp, real n){
  1095. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1096. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1097. if (p->Read) p->Read(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1098. else
  1099. laSetFloat(pp, n);
  1100. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1101. return 1;
  1102. }
  1103. return 0;
  1104. }
  1105. int laSetFloat(laPropPack *pp, real n){
  1106. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1107. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1108. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1109. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1110. }
  1111. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1112. p->Detached[0] = n;
  1113. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1114. return;
  1115. }
  1116. if (p->Set) p->Set(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1117. elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1118. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1119. else (*((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1120. }
  1121. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1122. return 1;
  1123. }
  1124. return 0;
  1125. }
  1126. real laGetFloat(laPropPack *pp){
  1127. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1128. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1129. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1130. return p->Detached[0];
  1131. }
  1132. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1133. if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Get) return ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Get(pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  1134. elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1135. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) return (**((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1136. else return (*((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1137. }
  1138. }
  1139. return 0;
  1140. }
  1141. int laGetArrayLength(laPropPack *pp){
  1142. if (!pp->LastPs->p) return 0;
  1143. if (pp->LastPs->p->GetLen) return pp->LastPs->p->GetLen(pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  1144. else{
  1145. if(pp->LastPs->p->Len==0) pp->LastPs->p->Len=1;
  1146. return pp->LastPs->p->Len;
  1147. }
  1148. }
  1149. int laSetIntArraySingle(laPropPack *pp, int index, int n){
  1150. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1151. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1152. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1153. }
  1154. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1155. p->Detached[index] = n;
  1156. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1157. return;
  1158. }
  1159. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1160. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1161. if (p->SetArr){
  1162. p->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, index, n);
  1163. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1164. return 1;
  1165. }elif(p->SetAllArr){
  1166. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp); int* t=malloc(len*sizeof(int));
  1167. laGetIntArray(pp, t); t[index]=n;
  1168. laSetIntArrayAllArray(pp, t); free(t);
  1169. return 1;
  1170. }elif(p->Set){
  1171. laSetInt(pp, n);
  1172. return 1;
  1173. }elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1174. int *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1175. src[index] = n; laNotifyUsersPP(pp); return 1;
  1176. }
  1177. }
  1178. return 0;
  1179. }
  1180. int laSetIntArrayAll(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1181. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1182. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1183. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1184. }
  1185. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1186. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1187. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1188. p->Detached[i] = n;
  1189. }
  1190. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1191. return;
  1192. }
  1193. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1194. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1195. if (p->SetAll) p->SetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1196. else if (p->SetArr){
  1197. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1198. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1199. p->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, i, n);
  1200. }
  1201. }elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1202. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1203. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1204. for (i; i < len; i++){ src[i] = n; }
  1205. }
  1206. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1207. return 1;
  1208. }
  1209. return 0;
  1210. }
  1211. int laReadIntArrayAllArray(laPropPack *pp, int *arr){
  1212. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1213. if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1214. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1215. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1216. ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Detached[i] = arr[i];
  1217. }
  1218. return;
  1219. }
  1220. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1221. if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr) ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, arr);
  1222. else
  1223. laSetIntArrayAllArray(pp, arr);
  1224. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1225. return 1;
  1226. }
  1227. return 0;
  1228. }
  1229. int laSetIntArrayAllArray(laPropPack *pp, int *arr){
  1230. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1231. if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1232. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1233. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1234. ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Detached[i] = arr[i];
  1235. }
  1236. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1237. return 1;
  1238. }
  1239. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1240. if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr) ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, arr);
  1241. else if (((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr){
  1242. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1243. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1244. ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, i, arr[i]);
  1245. }
  1246. }else if (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1247. int *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1248. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1249. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1250. src[i] = arr[i];
  1251. }
  1252. }
  1253. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1254. return 1;
  1255. }
  1256. return 0;
  1257. }
  1258. int laGetIntArray(laPropPack *pp, int *result){
  1259. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_INT){
  1260. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1261. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1262. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1263. memcpy(result, p->Detached, len * sizeof(int));
  1264. return 1;
  1265. }
  1266. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1267. if (!((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll){
  1268. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1269. if(len==1){ *result=laGetInt(pp); return; }
  1270. if(pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1271. int *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1272. memcpy(result, src, len * sizeof(int));
  1273. }else{ *result=0; }
  1274. return 1;
  1275. }else{
  1276. ((laIntProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, result);
  1277. return 1;
  1278. }
  1279. }
  1280. return 0;
  1281. }
  1282. int laSetFloatArraySingle(laPropPack *pp, int index, real n){
  1283. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1284. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1285. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1286. }
  1287. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1288. p->Detached[index] = n;
  1289. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1290. return 1;
  1291. }
  1292. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1293. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1294. if (p->SetArr){
  1295. p->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, index, n);
  1296. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1297. return 1;
  1298. }elif(p->SetAllArr){
  1299. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp); real* t=malloc(len*sizeof(real));
  1300. laGetFloatArray(pp, t); t[index]=n;
  1301. laSetFloatArrayAllArray(pp, t); free(t);
  1302. return 1;
  1303. }elif(p->Set){
  1304. laSetFloat(pp, n);
  1305. return 1;
  1306. }elif (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1307. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1308. src[index] = n;
  1309. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1310. return 1;
  1311. }
  1312. }
  1313. return 0;
  1314. }
  1315. int laSetFloatArrayAll(laPropPack *pp, real n){
  1316. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1317. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1318. n = n > p->Max ? p->Max : (n < p->Min ? p->Min : n);
  1319. }
  1320. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1321. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1322. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1323. p->Detached[i] = n;
  1324. }
  1325. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1326. return 1;
  1327. }
  1328. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1329. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1330. if (p->SetAll) p->SetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1331. else if (p->SetArr){
  1332. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1333. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1334. p->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, i, n);
  1335. }
  1336. }else if (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1337. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1338. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1339. for (i; i < len; i++){ src[i] = n; }
  1340. }
  1341. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1342. return 1;
  1343. }
  1344. return 0;
  1345. }
  1346. int laReadFloatArrayAllArray(laPropPack *pp, real *arr){
  1347. if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1348. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1349. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1350. ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Detached[i] = arr[i];
  1351. }
  1352. return 1;
  1353. }
  1354. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1355. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1356. if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->ReadAll) ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->ReadAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, arr);
  1357. else if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr){
  1358. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1359. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1360. ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, i, arr[i]);
  1361. }
  1362. }else if (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1363. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1364. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1365. for (i; i < len; i++){ src[i] = arr[i]; }
  1366. }
  1367. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1368. return 1;
  1369. }
  1370. return 0;
  1371. }
  1372. int laSetFloatArrayAllArray(laPropPack *pp, real *arr){
  1373. if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1374. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1375. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1376. ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Detached[i] = arr[i];
  1377. }
  1378. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1379. return 1;
  1380. }
  1381. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1382. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1383. if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr) ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetAllArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, arr);
  1384. else if (((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr){
  1385. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1386. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1387. ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, i, arr[i]);
  1388. }
  1389. }else if (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1390. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1391. int i = 0, len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1392. for (i; i < len; i++){ src[i] = arr[i]; }
  1393. }
  1394. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1395. return 1;
  1396. }
  1397. return 0;
  1398. }
  1399. int laGetFloatArray(laPropPack *pp, real *result){
  1400. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_FLOAT){
  1401. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1402. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1403. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1404. memcpy(result, p->Detached, len * sizeof(real));
  1405. return;
  1406. }
  1407. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1408. if (!((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll){
  1409. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1410. if(len==1){ *result=laGetFloat(pp); return; }
  1411. if(pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1412. real *src = (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) ? ((real **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) : ((real *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1413. memcpy(result, src, len * sizeof(real));
  1414. }else{ *result=0; }
  1415. return 1;
  1416. }else{
  1417. ((laFloatProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, result);
  1418. return 1;
  1419. }
  1420. }
  1421. return 0;
  1422. }
  1423. int laReadEnum(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1424. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1425. if (((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Read) ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Read(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1426. else laSetEnum(pp, n);
  1427. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1428. return 1;
  1429. }
  1430. return 0;
  1431. }
  1432. int laSetEnumExternal(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1433. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1434. laEnumProp *ep = pp->LastPs->p;
  1435. laEnumItem *ei;
  1436. int i = 0;
  1437. for (ei = ep->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1438. if (i == n) break; i++;
  1439. }
  1440. laSetEnum(pp, ei->Index);
  1441. }
  1442. return 0;
  1443. }
  1444. int laSetEnum(laPropPack *pp, int n){
  1445. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1446. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1447. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1448. p->Detached[0] = n;
  1449. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1450. return 1;
  1451. }
  1452. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1453. if (p->Set) p->Set(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1454. elif(p->Base.Offset>=0) {
  1455. if (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1456. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1457. else (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1458. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1459. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1460. else (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1461. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1462. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1463. else (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset))) = n;
  1464. }
  1465. }
  1466. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1467. return 1;
  1468. }
  1469. return 0;
  1470. }
  1471. int laReadEnumArrayAll(laPropPack *pp, int *n){
  1472. int i, len = pp->LastPs->p->Len;
  1473. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1474. if (((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->ReadAll) ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->ReadAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, n);
  1475. else
  1476. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  1477. laSetEnumArrayIndexed(pp, i, n[i]);
  1478. }
  1479. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1480. return 1;
  1481. }
  1482. return 0;
  1483. }
  1484. int laSetEnumArrayIndexedExternal(laPropPack *pp, int index, int n){
  1485. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1486. laEnumProp *ep = pp->LastPs->p;
  1487. laEnumItem *ei;
  1488. int i = 0;
  1489. for (ei = ep->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1490. if (i == n) break;
  1491. i++;
  1492. }
  1493. laSetEnumArrayIndexed(pp, index,ei->Index);
  1494. }
  1495. return 0;
  1496. }
  1497. int laSetEnumArrayIndexed(laPropPack *pp, int index, int n){
  1498. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1499. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1500. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1501. p->Detached[index] = n;
  1502. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);return 1;
  1503. }
  1504. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1505. if (p->SetArr) p->SetArr(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, index, n);
  1506. elif(p->Set && index==0){ laSetEnum(pp, n); }
  1507. elif(p->Base.Offset>=0){
  1508. if (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1509. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(int) * index))) = n;
  1510. else (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(int) * index))) = n;
  1511. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1512. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(short) * index))) = n;
  1513. else (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(short) * index))) = n;
  1514. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1515. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(char) * index))) = n;
  1516. else (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + sizeof(char) * index))) = n;
  1517. }
  1518. }
  1519. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1520. return 1;
  1521. }
  1522. return 0;
  1523. }
  1524. int laSetEnumArrayAllArray(laPropPack* pp, laEnumItem** ei){
  1525. int len=laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1526. for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
  1527. laSetEnumArrayIndexed(pp,i,ei[i]->Index);
  1528. }
  1529. return 0;
  1530. }
  1531. int laSetEnumArrayAll(laPropPack* pp, int EnumN){
  1532. int len=laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1533. laEnumProp *ep = pp->LastPs->p; laEnumItem *ei;
  1534. int i = 0; for (ei = ep->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){ if (i == EnumN) break; i++; }
  1535. for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
  1536. laSetEnumArrayIndexed(pp,i,ei->Index);
  1537. }
  1538. return 0;
  1539. }
  1540. laEnumItem *laGetEnum(laPropPack *pp){
  1541. int n;
  1542. laEnumItem *ei;
  1543. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1544. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1545. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1546. n = p->Detached[0];
  1547. }elif (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1548. elif (p->Get) n = p->Get(pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  1549. elif(p->Base.Offset>=0){
  1550. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) n = 0;
  1551. elif (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1552. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1553. else n = (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1554. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1555. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1556. else n = (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1557. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1558. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1559. else n = (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)));
  1560. }
  1561. }
  1562. for (ei = p->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1563. if (n == ei->Index) return ei;
  1564. }
  1565. }
  1566. return ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Items.pFirst;
  1567. }
  1568. laEnumItem *laGetEnumArrayIndexed(laPropPack *pp, int index){
  1569. int n;
  1570. int i = 0;
  1571. laEnumItem *ei;
  1572. int result[16];
  1573. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1574. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1575. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1576. n = p->Detached[index];
  1577. }elif (!p->GetAll){
  1578. if(laGetArrayLength(pp)==1){return laGetEnum(pp);}
  1579. if(p->Base.Offset>=0){
  1580. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) n = 0;
  1581. elif (!p->Base.ElementBytes || p->Base.ElementBytes == 4){
  1582. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((int **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) + index * sizeof(int));
  1583. else n = (*((int *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + index * sizeof(int))));
  1584. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 2){
  1585. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((short **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) + index * sizeof(short));
  1586. else n = (*((short *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + index * sizeof(short))));
  1587. }elif (p->Base.ElementBytes == 1){
  1588. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) n = (**((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset)) + index * sizeof(char));
  1589. else n = (*((BYTE *)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset + index * sizeof(char))));
  1590. }
  1591. }
  1592. }else{
  1593. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) n = 0;
  1594. else{
  1595. p->GetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, result);
  1596. n = result[index];
  1597. }
  1598. }
  1599. for (ei = p->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1600. if (n == ei->Index) return ei;
  1601. }
  1602. }
  1603. return 0;
  1604. }
  1605. int laGetEnumArray(laPropPack *pp, laEnumItem **result){
  1606. int len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  1607. int i = 0;
  1608. laEnumItem *ei;
  1609. int Results[16];
  1610. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1611. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1612. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
  1613. Results[i] = p->Detached[i];
  1614. for (ei = ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1615. if (ei->Index == Results[i]){result[i] = ei; break;}
  1616. }
  1617. }
  1618. }elif (!((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll){
  1619. for (i; i < len; i++){
  1620. result[i] = laGetEnumArrayIndexed(pp, i);
  1621. }
  1622. return 1;
  1623. }else{
  1624. int a = 0;
  1625. ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetAll(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, Results);
  1626. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  1627. for (ei = ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1628. if (ei->Index == Results[i]){ result[i] = ei; break; }
  1629. }
  1630. }
  1631. }
  1632. }
  1633. laEnumItem *laGetEnumFromIdentifier(laEnumProp *p, char *Identifier){
  1634. laEnumItem *ei;
  1635. for (ei = p->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1636. if (!strcmp(ei->Identifier, Identifier)) return ei;
  1637. }
  1638. return 0;
  1639. }
  1640. int laEnumHasIcon(laPropPack *pp){
  1641. laEnumProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1642. laEnumItem *ei;
  1643. if ((p->Base.PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM) != LA_PROP_ENUM) return 0;
  1644. for (ei = p->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1645. if (ei->IconID) return 1;
  1646. }
  1647. return 0;
  1648. }
  1649. laEnumItem *laGetEnumEntryLen(laPropPack *pp){
  1650. int i = 0;
  1651. laEnumItem *ei;
  1652. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ENUM){
  1653. if (((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetLen) return ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->GetLen(pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  1654. for (ei = ((laEnumProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Items.pFirst; ei; ei = ei->Item.pNext){
  1655. i += 1;
  1656. }
  1657. return i;
  1658. }
  1659. return 0;
  1660. }
  1661. int laReadString(laPropPack *pp, char *str){
  1662. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_STRING){
  1663. if (((laStringProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Read) ((laStringProp *)pp->LastPs->p)->Read(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, str);
  1664. else
  1665. laSetString(pp, str);
  1666. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1667. return 1;
  1668. }
  1669. return 0;
  1670. }
  1671. int laSetString(laPropPack *pp, char *str){
  1672. char **add = 0;
  1673. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_STRING){
  1674. laStringProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1675. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1676. strCopyFull(p->Detached, str);
  1677. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1678. return 1;
  1679. }
  1680. if (p->Set){
  1681. p->Set(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, str);
  1682. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1683. return 1;
  1684. }
  1685. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1686. if (p->IsSafeString){
  1687. add = ((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1688. strSafeSet(add, str);
  1689. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1690. return 1;
  1691. }
  1692. if (p->Base.Offset){
  1693. if (p->Base.OffsetIsPointer){
  1694. add = ((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1695. if (!(*add)) return 0;
  1696. strCopyFull(*add, str);
  1697. }else strCopyFull(((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset), str);
  1698. }
  1699. laNotifyUsersPP(pp);
  1700. return 1;
  1701. }
  1702. return 0;
  1703. }
  1704. int laGetString(laPropPack *pp, char *result, char** direct_result){
  1705. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_STRING){
  1706. laStringProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1707. if (p->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1708. strCopyFull(result, p->Detached);
  1709. return 1;
  1710. }
  1711. if (!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) return 0;
  1712. if (p->Get){ p->Get(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, result, direct_result); return 1; }
  1713. if (pp->LastPs->p->Offset>=0){
  1714. if (p->IsSafeString){
  1715. laSafeString **add = ((laSafeString **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1716. //printf(" -- %s\n",p->Base.Identifier);
  1717. if ((!pp->LastPs->UseInstance) || (!*add)) return 0;
  1718. if((*add)->Ptr){ *direct_result = (*add)->Ptr; return 1;}
  1719. return 0;
  1720. }else{
  1721. if (pp->LastPs->p->OffsetIsPointer) *direct_result=*((char **)((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset));
  1722. else *direct_result=((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + pp->LastPs->p->Offset);
  1723. }
  1724. }
  1725. return 1;
  1726. }
  1727. return 0;
  1728. }
  1729. void *laGetInstance(laProp *sub, void *FromInstance, laPropIterator *Iter){
  1730. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1731. laPropIterator IT = {0};
  1732. if (!Iter) Iter = &IT;
  1733. if (Iter) Iter->Parent = FromInstance;
  1734. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1735. if (sp->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){ if(sp->DetachedGet) return sp->DetachedGet(0, Iter);
  1736. return sp->Detached;
  1737. }
  1738. if (!FromInstance) return 0;
  1739. if (sp->Get) return sp->Get(FromInstance, Iter);
  1740. else if (sp->ListHandleOffset){
  1741. void *address = *((long long *)((BYTE *)FromInstance + sp->ListHandleOffset));
  1742. return address;
  1743. }else return laGetActiveInstance(sub, FromInstance, Iter);
  1744. }
  1745. return 0;
  1746. }
  1747. void *laGetNextInstance(laProp *sub, void *ThisInstance, laPropIterator *Iter){
  1748. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1749. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1750. if (sp->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs && sp->DetachedGetNext) return sp->DetachedGetNext(ThisInstance, Iter);
  1751. if (!ThisInstance) return 0;
  1752. if (sp->GetNext) return (sp->GetNext(ThisInstance, Iter));
  1753. else if (sp->ListHandleOffset){
  1754. laListItem *li = ThisInstance;
  1755. return li->pNext;
  1756. }
  1757. }
  1758. return 0;
  1759. }
  1760. void *laGetActiveInstanceStrict(laProp *sub, void *FromInstance){
  1761. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1762. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1763. if (sp->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1764. return sp->Detached;
  1765. }
  1766. if (!FromInstance) return 0;
  1767. if (sp->GetActive) return sp->GetActive(FromInstance, 0);
  1768. if (sub->Offset>=0){
  1769. if (sub->OffsetIsPointer /*&& (sp->Get||sp->ListHandleOffset)*/){
  1770. void **a = (void **)((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->Offset); return *a;
  1771. }else return ((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->Offset);
  1772. }
  1773. }
  1774. return 0; // laGetInstance(sub, FromInstance, 0);
  1775. }
  1776. void *laGetActiveInstance(laProp *sub, void *FromInstance, laPropIterator *Iter){
  1777. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1778. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1779. if (sp->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1780. return sp->Detached;
  1781. }
  1782. if (!FromInstance) return 0;
  1783. if (sp->GetActive) return sp->GetActive(FromInstance, Iter);
  1784. if (sp->Get) return laGetInstance(sub, FromInstance, Iter);
  1785. if (sub->Offset>=0){
  1786. if (sub->OffsetIsPointer){
  1787. void **a = (void **)((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->Offset); return *a;
  1788. }else return ((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->Offset);
  1789. }
  1790. }
  1791. return 0;
  1792. }
  1793. void laSetActiveInstance(laProp *sub, void *FromInstance, void *Instance){
  1794. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1795. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1796. MAIN._CONTAINER_SETTING=sub->Container;
  1797. MAIN._PROP_SETTING=sub;
  1798. if (sp->Base.DetachedPP.LastPs){
  1799. memAssignRef(sp, &sp->Detached, Instance);
  1800. laNotifySubPropUsers(sp, FromInstance);
  1801. return;
  1802. }
  1803. if (!FromInstance) return 0;
  1804. if (sp->SetState){
  1805. laNotifySubPropUsers(sp, FromInstance);
  1806. return sp->SetState(FromInstance, Instance, LA_UI_ACTIVE);
  1807. }
  1808. if (sp->Set){
  1809. laNotifySubPropUsers(sp, FromInstance);
  1810. return sp->Set(FromInstance, Instance);
  1811. }
  1812. if (sub->OffsetIsPointer && sub->Offset>=0){
  1813. void **a = (void **)((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->Offset);
  1814. laNotifySubPropUsers(sp, FromInstance);
  1815. memAssignRefSafe(sub->Container->Hyper?sp:0,FromInstance, a, Instance);
  1816. }
  1817. }
  1818. return;
  1819. }
  1820. void laAppendInstance(laSubProp *sub, void *FromInstance, void *Instance){
  1821. if (sub->ListHandleOffset){
  1822. lstAppendItem((BYTE *)FromInstance + sub->ListHandleOffset, Instance);
  1823. }
  1824. }
  1825. void* laGetRaw(laPropPack *pp, int* r_size, int* return_is_a_copy){
  1826. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_RAW){
  1827. laRawProp* rp=pp->LastPs->p;
  1828. if(rp->RawGet){ return rp->RawGet(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, r_size, return_is_a_copy); }
  1829. int s=rp->RawGetSize(pp->LastPs->UseInstance); void* data=0;
  1830. if(rp->Base.OffsetIsPointer){ data=*((void**)(((char*)pp->LastPs->UseInstance)+rp->Base.Offset)); }
  1831. else{ data=((char*)pp->LastPs->UseInstance)+rp->Base.Offset; }
  1832. *return_is_a_copy=0; if(r_size) *r_size=s;
  1833. return data;
  1834. } return 0;
  1835. }
  1836. int laSetRaw(laPropPack *pp, void* data, int _size){
  1837. if (pp->LastPs->p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_RAW){ laRawProp* rp=pp->LastPs->p;
  1838. if(rp->RawSet){ rp->RawSet(pp->LastPs->UseInstance, data, _size); return; }
  1839. if(rp->Base.OffsetIsPointer){ void** target=(((char*)pp->LastPs->UseInstance)+rp->Base.Offset); if(*target) free(*target);
  1840. void* newd=_size?calloc(1,_size):0; if(_size)memcpy(newd, data, _size); (*target)=newd;
  1841. }
  1842. else{ memcpy(((char*)pp->LastPs->UseInstance)+rp->Base.Offset,data,_size); }
  1843. return 1;
  1844. } return 0;
  1845. }
  1846. int laGetIntRange(laPropPack *pp, int *min, int *max){
  1847. laIntProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1848. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1849. *min = p->Min;
  1850. *max = p->Max;
  1851. return 1;
  1852. }
  1853. return 0;
  1854. }
  1855. int laGetFloatRange(laPropPack *pp, real *min, real *max){
  1856. laFloatProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  1857. if (p->Max != p->Min){
  1858. *min = p->Min;
  1859. *max = p->Max;
  1860. return 1;
  1861. }
  1862. return 0;
  1863. }
  1864. int laCanGetState(laProp *sub){ laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetState) return 1; } return 0; }
  1865. int laCanGetTheme(laProp *sub){ laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetTheme) return 1; } return 0; }
  1866. int laCanGetGap(laProp *sub){ laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetGap) return 1; } return 0; }
  1867. int laCanGetCategory(laProp *sub){ laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetCategory) return 1; } return 0; }
  1868. int laGetUiState(laProp *sub, void *Instance){
  1869. laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetState) return sp->GetState(Instance); } return 0;
  1870. }
  1871. laBoxedTheme* laGetUiTheme(laProp *sub, void* parent, void *Instance){
  1872. laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetTheme) return sp->GetTheme(parent,Instance); } return 0;
  1873. }
  1874. int laGetUiGap(laProp *sub, void* parent, void *Instance){
  1875. laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetGap) return sp->GetGap(parent,Instance); } return 0;
  1876. }
  1877. void laGetCategory(laProp *sub, void* parent, void *Instance, char* buf, char** buf_ptr){
  1878. laSubProp *sp = sub; if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){ if (sp->GetCategory) sp->GetCategory(parent,Instance, buf, buf_ptr); }
  1879. }
  1880. int laSetState(laProp *sub, void *FromInstance, void *Instance, int State){
  1881. laSubProp *sp = sub;
  1882. if (sub->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  1883. if (sp->SetState){
  1884. laNotifySubPropUsers(sub, FromInstance);
  1885. return sp->SetState(FromInstance, Instance, State);
  1886. }
  1887. }
  1888. return 0;
  1889. }
  1890. int laActuateProp(laPropPack *This, laPropPack *RunPP, laOperator *OptionalFrom, laEvent *e){
  1891. if (RunPP->LastPs->p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_OPERATOR){
  1892. if (!((laOperatorProp *)RunPP->LastPs->p)->OperatorType){
  1893. ((laOperatorProp *)RunPP->LastPs->p)->OperatorType = laGetOperatorType(((laOperatorProp *)RunPP->LastPs->p)->OperatorID);
  1894. }
  1895. return laInvokeP(OptionalFrom, ((laOperatorProp *)RunPP->LastPs->p)->OperatorType, e, This, 0, 0); //ARGS
  1896. }
  1897. }
  1898. void laMarkPropChanged(laPropPack* pp){
  1899. if(!pp) return;
  1900. if(!pp->Go){ if(pp->LastPs&&pp->LastPs->p->Container && pp->LastPs->p->Container->Hyper==2 && pp->LastPs->UseInstance){
  1901. laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(pp->LastPs->UseInstance,0); m->Modified=1; } }
  1902. else for(laPropStep* ps=pp->Go;ps;ps=ps->pNext){
  1903. if(ps->Type=='.' && ps->p->Container->Hyper==2 && ps->UseInstance){
  1904. laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(ps->UseInstance,0); m->Modified=1; }
  1905. }
  1906. laMarkPropChanged(pp->RawThis);
  1907. }
  1908. void laMarkMemChanged(void* memuser){
  1909. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(memuser,&level); if(level!=2) return;
  1910. m->Modified=1;
  1911. }
  1912. void laMarkMemClean(void* memuser){
  1913. int level; laMemNodeHyper* m=memGetHead(memuser,&level); if(level!=2) return;
  1914. m->Modified=0;
  1915. }
  1916. laPropContainer *la_SetGeneralRoot(laPropContainer **GeneralRoot, const char *Identifier, const char *Name, const char *Description){
  1917. laPropContainer* ret =memAcquire(sizeof(laPropContainer));
  1918. *GeneralRoot = ret;
  1919. ret->Identifier = Identifier;
  1920. ret->Name = Name;
  1921. ret->Description = Description;
  1922. ret->OtherAlloc=1;
  1923. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.PropContainers, ret);
  1924. return ret;
  1925. }
  1926. void laSetRootInstance(void *root){
  1927. MAIN.DataRoot.RootInstance = root;
  1928. }
  1929. laPropContainer *laDefineRoot(){
  1930. if (!MAIN.DataRoot.Root) MAIN.DataRoot.Root = laAddPropertyContainer("root", "__ROOT__", "Root Node In NUL4.0 Data System", L'🞈', 0, 0, 0, 0, 2|LA_PROP_OTHER_ALLOC);
  1931. return MAIN.DataRoot.Root;
  1932. }
  1933. void laThrowToTrashBin(void *Data, char *ContainerString){
  1934. laPropContainer *pc = la_ContainerLookup(ContainerString);
  1935. lstAppendItem(&pc->TrashBin, Data);
  1936. }
  1937. int laValidateHyper2(laPropContainer* pc, laPropContainer* ParentHyper2, laSafeString** errors){
  1938. int pass=1;
  1939. for(laProp* p=pc->Props.pFirst;p;p=p->Item.pNext){
  1940. if(p->PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB) continue;
  1941. laSubProp* sp=p;
  1942. if(!p->SubProp && !sp->GetType){
  1943. p->SubProp=la_ContainerLookup(sp->TargetID);
  1944. if(!p->SubProp){
  1945. strSafePrint(errors, "Unable to locate property container \"%s\".\n", sp->TargetID); pass=0; continue; }
  1946. laPropContainer* spc=p->SubProp;
  1947. laPropContainer* sNoHyper2 = ParentHyper2;
  1948. if(!ParentHyper2){
  1949. if(pc->Hyper==2 && (!(p->UDFNoCreate||p->UDFIsRefer||p->UDFIsSingle))){
  1950. sNoHyper2=pc; }
  1951. }
  1952. if(sNoHyper2){
  1953. if(spc->Hyper==2 && !sp->Base.UDFIsRefer){ strSafePrint(errors,\
  1954. "Hyper2 list (\"%s\") under another Hyper2 container (\"%s\") is not allowed.\n",
  1955. sp->TargetID, sNoHyper2->Identifier); pass=0; }
  1956. }
  1957. if(!laValidateHyper2(p->SubProp, sNoHyper2, errors)){pass=0;}
  1958. if(ParentHyper2) ParentHyper2->validated=1;
  1959. }
  1960. }
  1961. return pass;
  1962. }
  1963. int laValidateProperties(){
  1964. laSafeString* errors=0; int pass=1;
  1965. for(laPropContainer* pc=MAIN.PropContainers.pFirst;pc;pc=pc->Item.pNext){
  1966. if(pc->validated){continue;}
  1967. if(!laValidateHyper2(pc, 0, &errors)){ pass=0; }
  1968. pc->validated=1;
  1969. }
  1970. if(!pass){
  1971. printf("laValidateHyper2 Failed:\n"); printf(errors->Ptr);
  1972. }
  1973. return pass;
  1974. }
  1975. //==================================[RW]
  1976. void la_GetWorkingDirectoryInternal(){
  1977. char mbuf[2048]; getcwd(mbuf,2048);
  1978. int len=strlen(mbuf);if(mbuf[len]!='/'){ mbuf[len]='/'; mbuf[len+1]=0; }
  1979. strSafeSet(&MAIN.WorkingDirectory, mbuf);
  1980. }
  1981. int laGetRelativeDirectory(char *FullFrom, char *FullTo, char *Result){
  1982. return 0;
  1983. //WIN32_FIND_DATA fd;
  1984. //HANDLE h;
  1985. //char *PathFrom = 0, *PathTo = 0;
  1986. //char FullFromP[1024], FullToP[1024]={0};
  1987. //char *FileNameOnly = 0;
  1988. //int seg, i;
  1989. //
  1990. //Result[0] = 0;
  1991. //
  1992. //if (!FullFrom || !FullTo || FullFrom[0] != FullTo[0])
  1993. // return 0;
  1994. //
  1995. //strcpy(FullFromP, FullFrom);
  1996. //strcpy(FullToP, FullTo);
  1997. //
  1998. //while (h = FindFirstFile(FullFromP, &fd))
  1999. //{
  2000. // if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)))
  2001. // {
  2002. // strDiscardLastSegmentSeperateBy(FullFromP, '/');
  2003. // continue;
  2004. // }
  2005. // break;
  2006. //}
  2007. //
  2008. //while (h = FindFirstFile(FullToP, &fd))
  2009. //{
  2010. // if (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
  2011. // {
  2012. // FileNameOnly = strGetLastSegment(FullToP, '/');
  2013. // strDiscardLastSegmentSeperateBy(FullToP, '/');
  2014. // continue;
  2015. // }
  2016. // elif (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
  2017. // {
  2018. // strDiscardLastSegmentSeperateBy(FullToP, '/');
  2019. // continue;
  2020. // }
  2021. // break;
  2022. //}
  2023. //
  2024. //strDiscardSameBeginningSeperatedBy(FullFromP, FullToP, &PathFrom, &PathTo, '/');
  2025. //
  2026. //seg = strCountSegmentSeperateBy(PathFrom, '/');
  2027. //
  2028. //for (i = 0; i < seg; i++)
  2029. //{
  2030. // strcat(Result, "../");
  2031. //}
  2032. //
  2033. //strcat(Result, PathTo);
  2034. //
  2035. //if (FileNameOnly)
  2036. //{
  2037. // strcat(Result, "/");
  2038. // strcat(Result, FileNameOnly);
  2039. //}
  2040. //
  2041. //return 1;
  2042. }
  2043. void laGetUDFRelativeDirectory(laUDF *From, laUDF *To, char *Result){
  2044. if (!From || !To) return;
  2045. laGetRelativeDirectory(From->FileName->Ptr, To->FileName->Ptr, Result);
  2046. }
  2047. void laGetFullPath(char *FullFrom, char *Relative, char *Result){
  2048. //WIN32_FIND_DATA fd;
  2049. //HANDLE h;
  2050. //char *PathFrom = 0, *PathTo = 0;
  2051. //char FullFromP[1024] = {0};
  2052. //int seg, i;
  2053. //
  2054. //Result[0] = 0;
  2055. //
  2056. //if (!FullFrom)
  2057. // return 0;
  2058. //
  2059. //strcpy(FullFromP, FullFrom);
  2060. //
  2061. //while (h = FindFirstFile(FullFromP, &fd))
  2062. //{
  2063. // if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)))
  2064. // {
  2065. // strDiscardLastSegmentSeperateBy(FullFromP, '/');
  2066. // continue;
  2067. // }
  2068. // break;
  2069. //}
  2070. //strcpy(Result, FullFromP);
  2071. ////strcat(Result, "/");
  2072. //strcat(Result, Relative);
  2073. }
  2074. laUDF *laPrepareUDF(char *FileName){
  2075. laUDF *udf = memAcquire(sizeof(laUDF));
  2076. strSafeSet(&udf->FileName, FileName);
  2077. return udf;
  2078. }
  2079. int laWriteProp(laUDF *udf, char *Path){
  2080. laUDFPropSegment *ps = CreateNew(laUDFPropSegment);
  2081. strSafeSet(&ps->Path, Path);
  2082. la_GetPropFromPath(&ps->PP, 0, Path, 0);
  2083. la_StepPropPack(&ps->PP);
  2084. lstAppendItem(&udf->PropsToOperate, ps);
  2085. udf->NumSegmets++;
  2086. }
  2087. int laWritePropP(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2088. char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN] = {0};
  2089. laUDFPropSegment *ps = CreateNew(laUDFPropSegment);
  2090. ps->PPP = pp;
  2091. udf->NumSegmets++;
  2092. //la_GetPropPackFullPath(pp, Buf);
  2093. //strSafeSet(&ps->Path, Buf);
  2094. lstAppendItem(&udf->PropsToOperate, ps);
  2095. }
  2096. int la_IncludeHyper2Instance(laUDF *udf, laPropContainer* pc, void* Instance){
  2097. laUDFH2Instance *h2 = memAcquire(sizeof(laUDFH2Instance));
  2098. h2->pc=pc; h2->Instance = Instance;
  2099. lstAppendItem(&udf->H2Instances, h2);
  2100. udf->HasInstances=1;
  2101. }
  2102. int la_ClearHyper2Instances(laUDF* udf){
  2103. laUDFH2Instance *h2;
  2104. while(h2=lstPopItem(&udf->H2Instances)){ memFree(h2); }
  2105. udf->HasInstances=0;
  2106. }
  2107. //void la_UDFAppendPointerRecord(void* UseInstance, laSubProp* p, void** PendingReference,void* ReadInstance) {
  2108. // //laUDFPointerRecord* upr = &MAIN.PendingPointers[MAIN.NextPendingPointer];
  2109. // //if (!ReadInstance) return;
  2110. // //upr->ReadInstance = ReadInstance;
  2111. // //upr->PendingReference = PendingReference;
  2112. // //upr->SubProp = p;
  2113. // //upr->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  2114. // //MAIN.NextPendingPointer++;
  2115. //}
  2116. //void la_UDFAppendNUIDRecord(void* UseInstance, laSubProp* p, void** PendingReference, char * ReadNUID) {
  2117. // //laUDFPointerRecord* upr = &MAIN.PendingPointers[MAIN.NextPendingPointer];
  2118. // //if (!ReadNUID) return;
  2119. // //upr->NUID = CreateNewBuffer(char, 23);
  2120. // //strcpy(upr->NUID, ReadNUID);
  2121. // //upr->PendingReference = PendingReference;
  2122. // //upr->SubProp = p;
  2123. // //upr->UseInstance = UseInstance;
  2124. // //MAIN.NextPendingPointer++;
  2125. //}
  2126. //void la_UDFAppendPointerSync(void* ReadInstance, void* ActualInstance) {
  2127. // //laUDFPointerSync* ups = CreateNew(laUDFPointerSync);
  2128. // //ups->ReadPointer = ReadInstance;
  2129. // //ups->ActualPointer = ActualInstance;
  2130. // //hsh65536InsertItem(&MAIN.PointerSync, ups, ReadInstance);
  2131. //}
  2132. //void la_UDFAppendNUIDSync(char * ReadNUID, void* ActualInstance) {
  2133. // //laUDFPointerSync* ups = CreateNew(laUDFPointerSync);
  2134. // //ups->NUID = CreateNewBuffer(char, 23);
  2135. // //memcpy(ups->NUID, ReadNUID,sizeof(char)*23);
  2136. // //ups->ActualPointer = ActualInstance;
  2137. // //hsh65536InsertItem(&MAIN.PointerSync, ups, (long)ReadNUID[15]);
  2138. //}
  2139. void la_UDFAppendSharedTypePointer(char *ID, void *Pointer){
  2140. laSharedTypeItem *sti = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laSharedTypeItem));
  2141. strCopyFull(sti->ID, ID);
  2142. sti->Pointer = Pointer;
  2143. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.SharedTypePointerSync, sti);
  2144. }
  2145. #define la_UseUDF(udf) udf->Used = 1
  2146. u64bit la_Tell(laUDF *udf){
  2147. if (udf->DiskFile)
  2148. return ftell(udf->DiskFile);
  2149. else
  2150. return udf->Seek;
  2151. }
  2152. int la_Seek(laUDF *udf, u64bit Offset){
  2153. if (udf->DiskFile)
  2154. return fseek(udf->DiskFile, Offset, SEEK_SET);
  2155. udf->Seek = Offset;
  2156. return 1;
  2157. }
  2158. void la_WriteString(laUDF *udf, char *String){
  2159. short size = strlen(String);
  2160. fwrite(&size, sizeof(short), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2161. if (size) fwrite(String, size*sizeof(char), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2162. }
  2163. void la_WriteOnlyString(laUDF *udf, char *String){
  2164. fwrite(String, strlen(String), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2165. }
  2166. void la_WriteOnlyMBString(laUDF *udf, char *String){
  2167. fwrite(String, strlen(String), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2168. }
  2169. void la_WriteInt(laUDF *udf, int Data){
  2170. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(int), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2171. }
  2172. void la_WriteUByte(laUDF *udf, unsigned char Data){
  2173. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2174. }
  2175. void la_WriteShort(laUDF *udf, short Data){
  2176. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(short), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2177. }
  2178. void la_WriteLong(laUDF *udf, long Data){
  2179. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(long), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2180. }
  2181. void la_WritePointer(laUDF *udf, void *Data){
  2182. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(void *), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2183. }
  2184. void la_WriteFloat(laUDF *udf, real Data){
  2185. fwrite(&Data, sizeof(real), 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2186. }
  2187. void la_WriteSized(laUDF *udf, void* Data, int size){
  2188. printf("%x %d\n",Data,size);
  2189. fwrite(Data, size, 1, udf->DiskFile);
  2190. }
  2191. short la_ReadShort(laUDF *udf){
  2192. short result;
  2193. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(short), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2194. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(short)); udf->Seek += sizeof(short); }
  2195. return result;
  2196. }
  2197. u8bit la_ReadUByte(laUDF *udf){
  2198. u8bit result;
  2199. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(u8bit), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2200. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(u8bit)); udf->Seek += sizeof(u8bit); }
  2201. return result;
  2202. }
  2203. int la_ReadInt(laUDF *udf){
  2204. int result;
  2205. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(int), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2206. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(int)); udf->Seek += sizeof(int); }
  2207. return result;
  2208. }
  2209. long la_ReadLong(laUDF *udf){
  2210. long result;
  2211. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(long), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2212. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(long)); udf->Seek += sizeof(long); }
  2213. return result;
  2214. }
  2215. void *la_ReadPointer(laUDF *udf){
  2216. u64bit result = 0;
  2217. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(u64bit), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2218. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(u64bit)); udf->Seek += sizeof(u64bit); }
  2219. return result;
  2220. }
  2221. real la_ReadFloat(laUDF *udf){
  2222. real result;
  2223. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(&result, sizeof(real), 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2224. else{ memcpy(&result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(real)); udf->Seek += sizeof(real); }
  2225. return result;
  2226. }
  2227. void la_ReadString(laUDF *udf, char *buffer){
  2228. short len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2229. if (len){
  2230. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(buffer, sizeof(char) * len, 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2231. else{ memcpy(buffer, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(char) * len); udf->Seek += sizeof(char) * len; }
  2232. }
  2233. buffer[len] = 0;
  2234. }
  2235. void la_ReadOnlyString(laUDF *udf, short len, char *buffer){
  2236. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(buffer, sizeof(char) * len, 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2237. else{ memcpy(buffer, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, sizeof(char) * len); udf->Seek += sizeof(char) * len; }
  2238. buffer[len] = 0;
  2239. }
  2240. void la_ReadHyperData(laUDF *udf, void* HyperUserMem){
  2241. short NumUsers, i;
  2242. //void *CreatorInstance = la_ReadLong(udf);
  2243. laMemNodeHyper h_ = {0};
  2244. laMemNodeHyper *h=HyperUserMem?memGetHead(HyperUserMem, 0):&h_;
  2245. //la_UDFAppendPointerRecord(0, 0, &h->CreatedBy,CreatorInstance);
  2246. la_ReadString(udf, h->NUID.String);
  2247. h->TimeCreated.Year = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2248. h->TimeCreated.Month = la_ReadUByte(udf);
  2249. h->TimeCreated.Day = la_ReadUByte(udf);
  2250. h->TimeCreated.Hour = la_ReadUByte(udf);
  2251. h->TimeCreated.Minute = la_ReadUByte(udf);
  2252. h->TimeCreated.Second = la_ReadUByte(udf);
  2253. }
  2254. void la_PeekHyperUID(laUDF *udf, char* buf){
  2255. int pos=la_Tell(udf);
  2256. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2257. la_Seek(udf, pos);
  2258. }
  2259. void la_ReadBuffer(laUDF *udf, u64bit Size, void *Result){
  2260. if(!udf->FileContent){ fread(Result, Size, 1, udf->DiskFile); }
  2261. else{ memcpy(Result, udf->FileContent + udf->Seek, Size); udf->Seek += Size; }
  2262. }
  2263. void* la_ReadRaw(laUDF *udf, int* _sz){
  2264. int _size = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2265. if (_size){
  2266. void* data=calloc(1,_size);
  2267. la_ReadBuffer(udf, _size, data);
  2268. if(_sz) *_sz=_size;
  2269. return data;
  2270. } return 0;
  2271. }
  2272. void la_WriteSingleProperty(laUDF *udf, void *FromInstance, laProp *p){
  2273. la_WriteString(udf, p->Identifier);
  2274. }
  2275. void la_GetPropPackFullPath(laPropPack *pp, char *result){
  2276. char buf[1024], upbuf[1024]={0}; if(!pp){result[0]=0; return;}
  2277. laPropStep *ps;
  2278. buf[0] = L'\0';
  2279. upbuf[0] = 0;
  2280. if (pp->Go){
  2281. for (ps = pp->Go; ps; ps = ps->pNext){
  2282. //if (!ps->p||!ps->p->Identifier) strcat(buf, "?");
  2283. if(ps->Type=='.') strcat(buf, ps->p->Identifier);
  2284. if(ps->Type=='#' ||ps->Type=='@' ||ps->Type=='=') {char b2[2]={0}; b2[0]= ps->Type; strcat(buf, b2); strcat(buf, ps->p);}
  2285. if (ps->pNext && ps->pNext->Type=='.') strcat(buf, ".");
  2286. }
  2287. }else{
  2288. if(pp->LastPs){ if(pp->LastPs->p->Identifier) strcat(buf, pp->LastPs->p->Identifier); else { strcat(buf,"?"); } }
  2289. if (pp->RawThis && pp->RawThis->LastPs->p != pp->LastPs->p) strcat(buf, pp->LastPs->p->Identifier);
  2290. }
  2291. if (pp->RawThis){
  2292. la_GetPropPackFullPath(pp->RawThis, upbuf);
  2293. if (pp->RawThis->LastPs->p != pp->LastPs->p) strcat(upbuf, ".");
  2294. strcat(upbuf, buf);
  2295. strCopyFull(result, upbuf);
  2296. }else
  2297. strCopyFull(result, buf);
  2298. }
  2299. void la_GetPropPackPath(laPropPack *pp, char *result){
  2300. char buf[1024], upbuf[1024]={0};
  2301. laPropStep *ps;
  2302. buf[0] = L'\0';
  2303. upbuf[0] = 0;
  2304. char Sep[2] = {0};
  2305. for (ps = pp->Go; ps; ps = ps->pNext){
  2306. if (!ps->p->Identifier) break;
  2307. if (ps->Type == L'.' || !ps->Type) strcat(buf, ps->p->Identifier);
  2308. else
  2309. strcat(buf, ps->p);
  2310. if (ps->pNext) strcat(buf, (Sep[0] = ((laPropStep *)ps->pNext)->Type) ? Sep : ".");
  2311. }
  2312. strCopyFull(result, buf);
  2313. }
  2314. int la_ReadIntProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2315. laProp *p;
  2316. int Data[16] = {0};
  2317. int len = 0;
  2318. int i;
  2319. if (!pp){
  2320. int mode = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2321. if (mode == LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_32){
  2322. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2323. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2324. la_ReadInt(udf);
  2325. }else
  2326. Data[0] = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2327. return Data[0];
  2328. }
  2329. p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2330. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2331. la_ReadShort(udf); //mark
  2332. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2333. //len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  2334. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2335. Data[i] = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2336. }
  2337. laReadIntArrayAllArray(pp, Data);
  2338. }else{
  2339. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2340. Data[0] = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2341. laReadInt(pp, Data[0]);
  2342. }
  2343. return Data[0];
  2344. }
  2345. real la_ReadFloatProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2346. laProp *p;
  2347. real Data[16] = {0};
  2348. int len = 0;
  2349. int i;
  2350. if (!pp){
  2351. int mode = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2352. if (mode == LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_64){
  2353. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2354. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2355. la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2356. }else
  2357. Data[0] = la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2358. return Data[0];
  2359. }
  2360. p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2361. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2362. la_ReadShort(udf); //mark
  2363. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2364. //len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  2365. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2366. Data[i] = la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2367. }
  2368. if (pp) laReadFloatArrayAllArray(pp, Data);
  2369. }else{
  2370. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2371. Data[0] = la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2372. if (pp) laReadFloat(pp, Data[0]);
  2373. }
  2374. return Data[0];
  2375. }
  2376. void la_ReadStringProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2377. char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0}; //XXX: long string not correct...
  2378. int len = 0;
  2379. int i;
  2380. buf[0] = 0;
  2381. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2382. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2383. if (pp) laReadString(pp, buf);
  2384. }
  2385. void la_ReadStringPropAsIdentifier(laUDF *udf, char *buf){
  2386. //char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0};
  2387. int len = 0;
  2388. int i;
  2389. buf[0] = 0;
  2390. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2391. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2392. }
  2393. void la_WriteIntProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2394. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2395. int Data[16] = {0};
  2396. int len = 0;
  2397. int i;
  2398. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2399. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_32);
  2400. laGetIntArray(pp, Data);
  2401. len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  2402. la_WriteShort(udf, len);
  2403. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2404. la_WriteInt(udf, Data[i]);
  2405. }
  2406. }else{
  2407. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_REGULAR_MARK_32);
  2408. Data[0] = laGetInt(pp);
  2409. la_WriteInt(udf, Data[0]);
  2410. }
  2411. }
  2412. void la_WriteFloatProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2413. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2414. real Data[16] = {0};
  2415. int len = 0;
  2416. int i;
  2417. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2418. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_64);
  2419. laGetFloatArray(pp, Data);
  2420. len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  2421. la_WriteShort(udf, len);
  2422. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2423. la_WriteFloat(udf, Data[i]);
  2424. }
  2425. }else{
  2426. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_REGULAR_MARK_64);
  2427. Data[0] = laGetFloat(pp);
  2428. la_WriteFloat(udf, Data[0]);
  2429. }
  2430. }
  2431. void la_WriteStringProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2432. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2433. char _buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0}; char* buf=_buf;
  2434. int len = 0;
  2435. int i;
  2436. buf[0] = 0;
  2437. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_STRING_MARK);
  2438. laGetString(pp, _buf, &buf);
  2439. la_WriteString(udf, buf);
  2440. }
  2441. void la_ReadEnumProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp, char* orig_string){
  2442. laProp *p;
  2443. int Data[16] = {0};
  2444. int len = 0;
  2445. int i;
  2446. char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0};
  2447. if (!pp){
  2448. int mode = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2449. if (mode == LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_32){
  2450. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2451. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2452. la_ReadString(udf, buf); //la_ReadInt(udf);
  2453. }else
  2454. la_ReadString(udf, buf); //la_ReadInt(udf);
  2455. if(orig_string)strcpy(orig_string, buf);
  2456. return;
  2457. }
  2458. p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2459. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2460. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2461. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2462. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2463. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2464. Data[i] = laGetEnumFromIdentifier(p, buf)->Index;
  2465. //Data[i] = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2466. }
  2467. if (pp) laReadEnumArrayAll(pp, Data);
  2468. }else{
  2469. la_ReadShort(udf);
  2470. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2471. Data[0] = laGetEnumFromIdentifier(p, buf)->Index;
  2472. //Data[0] = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2473. if (pp) laReadEnum(pp, Data[0]);
  2474. }
  2475. }
  2476. void la_WriteEnumProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2477. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2478. laEnumItem *Data[16] = {0};
  2479. int len = 0;
  2480. int i;
  2481. if (p->PropertyType & LA_PROP_ARRAY){
  2482. la_WriteShort(udf, (LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_32 | LA_UDF_STRING_MARK));
  2483. laGetEnumArray(pp, Data);
  2484. len = laGetArrayLength(pp);
  2485. la_WriteShort(udf, len);
  2486. for (i = 0; i < len; i++){
  2487. la_WriteString(udf, Data[i]->Identifier);
  2488. //la_WriteInt(udf, Data[i]->Index);
  2489. }
  2490. }else{
  2491. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_STRING_MARK);
  2492. Data[0] = laGetEnum(pp);
  2493. la_WriteString(udf, Data[0]->Identifier);
  2494. //la_WriteInt(udf, Data[0]->Index);
  2495. }
  2496. }
  2497. void la_ReadRawProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2498. la_ReadShort(udf);//mark
  2499. int _size=0;
  2500. void* data=la_ReadRaw(udf,&_size);
  2501. if (pp) laSetRaw(pp, data, _size); free(data);
  2502. }
  2503. void la_WriteRawProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp){
  2504. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p;
  2505. void* data; int _size=0, IsCopy=0;
  2506. data=laGetRaw(pp, &_size, &IsCopy);
  2507. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_RAW_MARK);
  2508. if(!data){ _size=0; }
  2509. la_WriteInt(udf,_size);
  2510. if(_size){ la_WriteSized(udf,data,_size); }
  2511. if(IsCopy && data){ free(data); }
  2512. }
  2513. void la_WriteHyperData(laUDF *udf, void *HyperUserMem){
  2514. int loc = 0, res = 0, i = 0;
  2515. laItemUserLinker *iul;
  2516. laMemNodeHyper* h=memGetHead(HyperUserMem, 0);
  2517. //la_WriteLong(udf, h->CreatedBy);
  2518. la_WriteString(udf, h->NUID.String);
  2519. la_WriteShort(udf, h->TimeCreated.Year);
  2520. la_WriteUByte(udf, h->TimeCreated.Month);
  2521. la_WriteUByte(udf, h->TimeCreated.Day);
  2522. la_WriteUByte(udf, h->TimeCreated.Hour);
  2523. la_WriteUByte(udf, h->TimeCreated.Minute);
  2524. la_WriteUByte(udf, h->TimeCreated.Second);
  2525. }
  2526. laSharedTypeItem *la_ReferringToSharedResource(void *p){
  2527. laSharedTypeItem *sti;
  2528. for (sti = MAIN.SharedTypePointerSync.pFirst; sti; sti = sti->Item.pNext){
  2529. if (sti->Pointer == p)
  2530. return sti;
  2531. }
  2532. return 0;
  2533. }
  2534. void *la_FindSharedResouce(char *id){
  2535. laSharedTypeItem *sti;
  2536. for (sti = MAIN.SharedTypePointerSync.pFirst; sti; sti = sti->Item.pNext){
  2537. if (strSame(id, sti->ID))
  2538. return sti->Pointer;
  2539. }
  2540. return 0;
  2541. }
  2542. void la_AppendHyperRecord(laUDF *udf, void *HyperUserMem, laPropContainer* pc, u64bit Seek){
  2543. laUDFHyperRecordItem *hri = lstAppendPointerSized(&udf->HyperRecords, HyperUserMem, sizeof(laUDFHyperRecordItem));
  2544. hri->Seek = Seek;
  2545. hri->pc = pc;
  2546. }
  2547. void* la_NextH2Instance(laUDF* udf){
  2548. udf->CurrentH2Instance=udf->CurrentH2Instance?udf->CurrentH2Instance->Item.pNext:0;
  2549. }
  2550. int la_WriteProp(laUDF *udf, laPropPack *pp, int FromThis, int UseInstanceList){
  2551. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p, *subp = 0;
  2552. laPropStep SubPS = {0};
  2553. laPropPack SubPP = {0};
  2554. laPropIterator pi = {0};
  2555. laSharedTypeItem *sti;
  2556. laMemNodeHyper *hi;
  2557. void *inst = 0;
  2558. u64bit pReserve = 0, pContinue = 0;
  2559. int ItemNum = 0, PropNum = 0;
  2560. int counted = 0;
  2561. long pEachCount;
  2562. SubPP.LastPs = &SubPS;
  2563. if (p->PropertyType == LA_PROP_OPERATOR) return 0;
  2564. if ((!pp->RawThis) || FromThis){
  2565. char FullPath[1024]={0};
  2566. FullPath[0] = 0;
  2567. la_GetPropPackFullPath(pp, FullPath);
  2568. la_WriteString(udf, FullPath);
  2569. }else{
  2570. la_WriteString(udf, p->Identifier);
  2571. }
  2572. switch (p->PropertyType){
  2573. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  2574. if (p->UDFIsRefer){
  2575. inst = laGetActiveInstanceStrict(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  2576. if (sti = la_ReferringToSharedResource(inst)){
  2577. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_SHARE_RESOURCE);
  2578. la_WriteString(udf, sti->ID);
  2579. }else{
  2580. if (!p->SubProp){
  2581. p->SubProp = la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp *)p)->TargetID);
  2582. }
  2583. if (p->SubProp->Hyper == 2){
  2584. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_REFER | LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM);
  2585. if (!inst) la_WriteString(udf, "");
  2586. else
  2587. la_WriteString(udf, ((laMemNodeHyper *)memGetHead(inst,0))->NUID.String);
  2588. udf->TotalRefs++;
  2589. }else{
  2590. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_REFER);
  2591. la_WritePointer(udf, inst);
  2592. }
  2593. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  2594. }
  2595. udf->TotalRefs++;
  2596. }else{
  2597. la_EnsureSubTarget(p,0);
  2598. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_COLLECTION);
  2599. pReserve = la_Tell(udf); la_WriteInt(udf, 0); //num items
  2600. if (((laSubProp*)p)->GetType) la_WriteInt(udf, LA_UDF_VARIABLE_NODE_SIZE);
  2601. else la_WriteInt(udf, LA_UDF_FIXED_NODE_SIZE);
  2602. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_ACTIVE);
  2603. la_WritePointer(udf, laGetActiveInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi));
  2604. if (FromThis){
  2605. inst = pp->EndInstance;
  2606. }else{
  2607. inst = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi);
  2608. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  2609. }
  2610. while (inst){
  2611. laPropContainer* pc=p->SubProp; int need_type=0;
  2612. if (((laSubProp*)p)->GetType){ pc=((laSubProp*)p)->GetType(inst); need_type=1; }
  2613. if (pc->Hyper == 2){
  2614. if((!p->UDFIsSingle) && UseInstanceList&&inst!=udf->CurrentH2Instance->Instance){
  2615. inst = laGetNextInstance(p, inst, &pi); pp->EndInstance = inst; continue;}
  2616. if(need_type){ la_WriteString(udf, pc->Identifier); }
  2617. hi = inst;
  2618. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM);
  2619. la_AppendHyperRecord(udf, inst, p->SubProp, la_Tell(udf));
  2620. la_WriteHyperData(udf, inst);
  2621. memMarkClean(inst);
  2622. }else{
  2623. if(need_type){ la_WriteString(udf, pc->Identifier); }
  2624. la_WriteShort(udf, LA_UDF_ITEM);
  2625. }
  2626. ItemNum++;
  2627. la_WritePointer(udf, inst);
  2628. la_WriteInt(udf, laGetUiState(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance));
  2629. PropNum=0; pEachCount = la_Tell(udf); la_WriteShort(udf, 0);
  2630. for (subp = pc->Props.pFirst; subp; subp = subp->Item.pNext){
  2631. if (subp->UDFIgnore) continue;
  2632. SubPP.RawThis = pp;
  2633. SubPS.p = subp;
  2634. SubPS.UseInstance = inst;
  2635. if (la_WriteProp(udf, &SubPP, 0, UseInstanceList)) PropNum++;
  2636. }
  2637. if (FromThis){ inst = 0; }else{
  2638. inst = laGetNextInstance(p, inst, &pi);
  2639. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  2640. if(UseInstanceList&&pc->Hyper==2&&(!p->UDFIsSingle)){ la_NextH2Instance(udf); if(!udf->CurrentH2Instance) inst=0; }
  2641. }
  2642. pContinue = la_Tell(udf);
  2643. la_Seek(udf, pEachCount); la_WriteShort(udf, PropNum);
  2644. la_Seek(udf, pContinue);
  2645. }
  2646. pContinue = la_Tell(udf);
  2647. la_Seek(udf, pReserve); la_WriteInt(udf, ItemNum);
  2648. la_Seek(udf, pContinue);
  2649. }
  2650. break;
  2651. case LA_PROP_INT:
  2652. case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_INT:
  2653. la_WriteIntProp(udf, pp);
  2654. break;
  2655. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  2657. la_WriteFloatProp(udf, pp);
  2658. break;
  2659. case LA_PROP_STRING:
  2660. la_WriteStringProp(udf, pp);
  2661. break;
  2662. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  2663. case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_ENUM:
  2664. la_WriteEnumProp(udf, pp);
  2665. break;
  2666. case LA_PROP_RAW:
  2667. la_WriteRawProp(udf, pp);
  2668. break;
  2669. default:
  2670. break;
  2671. }
  2672. return 1;
  2673. }
  2674. void la_AddPostReadNode(void *Instance, laContainerPostReadFunc Func){
  2675. laUDFPostRead *upr = lstAppendPointerSized(&MAIN.PostReadNodes, Instance, sizeof(laUDFPostRead));
  2676. upr->Instance = Instance;
  2677. upr->Func = Func;
  2678. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.PostReadNodes, upr);
  2679. }
  2680. laUDFContentNode *la_AppendUDFContentNode(laUDFContentInstance *Parent, laPropPack *ForMe, u64bit FileSeek){
  2681. char FullPath[256]={0};
  2682. laUDFContentNode *ucn = CreateNew(laUDFContentNode);
  2683. FullPath[0] = 0;
  2684. laProp *p = ForMe->LastPs->p;
  2685. strSafeSet(&ucn->Identifier, p->Identifier);
  2686. sprintf(FullPath, "%s.%s", Parent->Parent->FullPath->Ptr, p->Identifier);
  2687. strSafeSet(&ucn->FullPath, FullPath);
  2688. ucn->PP.Go = &ucn->FakePS;
  2689. ucn->PP.LastPs = &ucn->FakePS;
  2690. ucn->FakePS.p = p;
  2691. ucn->FakePS.Type = L'.';
  2692. ucn->PP.RawThis = &Parent->Parent->PP;
  2693. ucn->Parent = Parent;
  2694. ucn->FileSeek = FileSeek;
  2695. lstAppendItem(&Parent->Children, ucn);
  2696. return ucn;
  2697. }
  2698. laUDFContentInstance *la_AppendUDFContentInstance(laUDFContentNode *Parent, u64bit FileSeek){
  2699. laUDFContentInstance *uci = CreateNew(laUDFContentInstance);
  2700. uci->FileSeek = FileSeek;
  2701. uci->Parent = Parent;
  2702. strSafePrint(&uci->Identifier,"Instance at seek 0x%0x", FileSeek);
  2703. lstAppendItem(&Parent->Instances, uci);
  2704. return uci;
  2705. }
  2706. void la_DestroyUDFContentNodeTreeRecursive(laUDFContentNode *ucn, int FreeRoot){
  2707. laUDFContentNode *ucni, *NextUCNI;
  2708. laUDFContentInstance *ucii, *NextUCII;
  2709. for (ucii = ucn->Instances.pFirst; ucii; ucii = NextUCII){
  2710. NextUCII = ucii->Item.pNext;
  2711. for (ucni = ucii->Children.pFirst; ucni; ucni = NextUCNI){
  2712. NextUCNI = ucni->Item.pNext;
  2713. strSafeDestroy(&ucii->Identifier);
  2714. lstRemoveItem(&ucii->Children, ucni);
  2715. la_DestroyUDFContentNodeTreeRecursive(ucni, 1);
  2716. }
  2717. lstRemoveItem(&ucn->Instances, ucii);
  2718. FreeMem(ucii);
  2719. }
  2720. strSafeDestroy(&ucn->Identifier);
  2721. strSafeDestroy(&ucn->FullPath);
  2722. if (FreeRoot) FreeMem(ucn);
  2723. }
  2724. void *la_GetReadDBInstNUID(char *ReferReadNUID){
  2725. if (!ReferReadNUID) return 0;
  2726. laListHandle *l = hsh16MDoHashNUID(&MAIN.DBInst2, ReferReadNUID);
  2727. for (laMemNodeHyper* m = l->pFirst; m; m = m->Item.pNext){
  2728. if (!strcmp(ReferReadNUID, m->NUID.String))
  2729. return ((unsigned char*)m)+sizeof(laMemNodeHyper);
  2730. }
  2731. return 0;
  2732. }
  2733. void *la_GetReadDBInstPtr(void *ReferRead){
  2734. if (!ReferRead) return 0;
  2735. laListHandle *l = hsh16MDoHashLongPtr(&MAIN.DBInst1, ReferRead);
  2736. for (laMemNode* m = l->pFirst; m; m = m->Item.pNext){
  2737. if (ReferRead == m->ReadInstance)
  2738. return ((unsigned char*)m)+sizeof(laMemNode);
  2739. }
  2740. return 0;
  2741. }
  2742. void la_AddDataInst(void *ReadInstance, char *ReadNUID, void *ActualInstance){
  2743. laListHandle* l=0;
  2744. void* head=memGetHead(ActualInstance, 0);
  2745. if (ReadNUID) l = hsh16MDoHashNUID(&MAIN.DBInst2, ReadNUID);
  2746. else { l = hsh16MDoHashLongPtr(&MAIN.DBInst1, ReadInstance); ((laMemNode*)head)->ReadInstance = ReadInstance; }
  2747. lstPushItem(l, head); //always push so we get the latest during ptr sync.
  2748. }
  2749. laPtrSync *la_AddPtrSyncDirect(void *Refer, void *Parent, laProp *Sub){
  2750. laPtrSync *ps = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPtrSync));
  2751. ps->RefDB = Refer;
  2752. ps->Parent = Parent;
  2753. ps->Prop = Sub;
  2754. return ps;
  2755. }
  2756. laPtrSyncCommand *la_AddPtrSyncCommand(void *ReadRefer, void *ParentInst, char *ReadNUID, laProp *Sub){
  2757. laPtrSyncCommand *psc = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laPtrSyncCommand));
  2758. psc->Target = la_AddPtrSyncDirect(0, ParentInst, Sub);
  2759. psc->ReadInstance = ReadRefer;
  2760. if (ReadNUID){ strcpy(psc->ReadNUID.String, ReadNUID); lstAppendItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands, psc); }
  2761. else{ lstAppendItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncAddressCommands, psc); }
  2762. return psc;
  2763. }
  2764. void la_ResetInstance(void* inst, laPropContainer* pc);
  2765. void laRequestAdditionalRegistry(laUDFRegistry* r);
  2766. laUDFOwnHyperItem* laNewHyperResource(char* uid);
  2767. laUDFOwnHyperItem* laFindHyperResource(char* uid);
  2768. void la_ExecutePtrSyncCommand(int Mode){
  2769. int i;
  2770. laPtrSyncCommand *psc,*NextPSC;
  2771. laPtrSync *ps;
  2772. void *dbi;
  2773. laListHandle *lps, *ldbi;
  2774. laListHandle L2 = {0};
  2775. int FailCount = 0, AllCount = 0;
  2776. while (psc = lstPopItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncAddressCommands)){
  2777. ps = psc->Target; dbi=0; if (psc->ReadInstance) dbi = la_GetReadDBInstPtr(psc->ReadInstance);
  2778. if (dbi){
  2779. //if (Mode == LA_udf_read)dbi->ReadInst = dbi->ActualInst; //??
  2780. ps->RefDB = dbi; laSetActiveInstance(ps->Prop, ps->Parent, dbi);
  2781. }else{ FailCount++; }
  2782. AllCount++; memFree(psc);
  2783. }
  2784. laUDFOwnHyperItem* ohi;
  2785. for(psc=MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands.pFirst;psc;psc=NextPSC){
  2786. NextPSC=psc->Item.pNext; ps = psc->Target; dbi=0; if (psc->ReadNUID.String[0]) dbi = la_GetReadDBInstNUID(psc->ReadNUID.String);
  2787. if (dbi){
  2788. //if (Mode == LA_udf_read)dbi->ReadInst = dbi->ActualInst; //??
  2789. ps->RefDB = dbi; laSetActiveInstance(ps->Prop, ps->Parent, dbi);
  2790. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands,psc);memFree(psc);
  2791. }else{
  2792. if(!(ohi=laFindHyperResource(psc->ReadNUID.String))){
  2793. logPrint("Can't find resource %s\n", psc->ReadNUID.String);
  2794. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands,psc);memFree(psc);
  2795. FailCount++;
  2796. }else{
  2797. laRequestAdditionalRegistry(ohi->Registry);
  2798. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands,psc);
  2799. lstPushItem(&MAIN.PtrSyncHyper2Commands,psc); continue;
  2800. }
  2801. }
  2802. AllCount++;
  2803. }
  2804. logPrint("Reference Match: Total %d, Failed %d\n", AllCount, FailCount);
  2805. laUDFRegistry*r;
  2806. while(r=lstPopPointer(&MAIN.PendingResourceRequests)){
  2807. laManagedUDF* m;
  2808. logPrint("[INFO] Loading additional resource: %s\n",r->Path->Ptr);
  2809. laUDF* udf = laOpenUDF(r->Path->Ptr, 1, 0, &m);
  2810. if (udf){ laExtractUDF(udf, m, LA_UDF_MODE_OVERWRITE, 0); laCloseUDF(udf); }else{ logPrint("[WARN] Can't open resource: %s\n",r->Path->Ptr); }
  2811. }
  2812. }
  2813. int la_ExtractFakeProp(laUDF *udf){
  2814. char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN] = {0};
  2815. void *Instance = 0;
  2816. void *ReadInstance;
  2817. int ReadState;
  2818. int NumItems;
  2819. short PropNumPerItem;
  2820. void *ActiveInstance;
  2821. int i, j;
  2822. int ItemType;
  2823. short mode, len;
  2824. int VariableNodeSize;
  2825. short PreMode;
  2826. mode = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2827. switch (mode){
  2828. case LA_UDF_REGULAR_MARK_32:
  2829. la_ReadInt(udf);
  2830. break;
  2831. case LA_UDF_REGULAR_MARK_64:
  2832. la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2833. break;
  2835. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2836. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2837. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2838. break;
  2839. case LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_32:
  2840. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2841. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2842. la_ReadInt(udf);
  2843. break;
  2844. case LA_UDF_ARRAY_MARK_64:
  2845. len = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2846. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  2847. la_ReadFloat(udf);
  2848. break;
  2849. case LA_UDF_STRING_MARK:
  2850. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2851. break;
  2853. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2854. break;
  2855. case LA_UDF_REFER:
  2856. la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2857. break;
  2858. case (short)(LA_UDF_REFER | LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM):
  2859. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2860. break;
  2861. case LA_UDF_COLLECTION:
  2862. NumItems = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2863. VariableNodeSize = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2864. VariableNodeSize = (VariableNodeSize == LA_UDF_VARIABLE_NODE_SIZE) ? 1 : 0;
  2865. la_ReadShort(udf); //active mark
  2866. ActiveInstance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2867. for (i = 0; i < NumItems; i++){
  2868. if(VariableNodeSize){ la_ReadString(udf,buf); }
  2869. ItemType = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2870. if (ItemType == LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM){ la_ReadHyperData(udf, 0); }
  2871. ReadInstance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2872. ReadState = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2873. PropNumPerItem=la_ReadShort(udf);
  2874. for (j = 0; j < PropNumPerItem; j++){
  2875. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2876. la_ExtractFakeProp(udf);
  2877. }
  2878. }
  2879. break;
  2880. default:
  2881. ReadState = ReadState;
  2882. break;
  2883. }
  2884. return 0;
  2885. }
  2886. int la_ExtractProp(laUDF *udf, laManagedUDF* mUDF, laPropPack *pp, void *ParentInst, int Mode, laUDFContentNode *Parent){
  2887. laPropStep SubPS = {0};
  2888. laPropPack SubPP = {0};
  2889. char buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN] = {0};
  2890. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p, *subp;
  2891. short SubMode, ItemType = 0;
  2892. void *Instance = 0;
  2893. void *ReadInstance;
  2894. int ReadState;
  2895. int NumItems;
  2896. short PropNumPerItem;
  2897. void *ActiveInstance;
  2898. short PreReadMode;
  2899. int i, j;
  2900. int VariableNodeSize;
  2901. char NodeType[128]={0};
  2902. int EStatus = 0;
  2903. laUDFContentInstance *uci;
  2904. real ReadF;
  2905. int ReadI;
  2906. int IsExceptionNode = 0;
  2907. SubPP.LastPs = &SubPS;
  2908. switch (p->PropertyType){
  2909. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  2910. la_EnsureSubTarget(p, 0);
  2911. SubMode = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2912. if (SubMode == LA_UDF_SHARE_RESOURCE){
  2913. if (!Parent){
  2914. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2915. laSetActiveInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, la_FindSharedResouce(buf));
  2916. }
  2917. }elif (SubMode == LA_UDF_REFER){
  2918. Instance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2919. if (Instance && !Parent && p->Offset>=0){
  2920. if (p->OffsetIsPointer) la_AddPtrSyncCommand(Instance, ParentInst, 0, p);
  2921. else la_AddDataInst(Instance, 0, ((BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + p->Offset));
  2922. }
  2923. }elif (SubMode == (short)(LA_UDF_REFER | LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM)){
  2924. char NUID[32]={0};
  2925. NUID[0] = 0;
  2926. la_ReadString(udf, NUID);
  2927. if (NUID[0] && !Parent){
  2928. la_AddPtrSyncCommand(0, ParentInst, NUID, p);
  2929. }
  2930. }elif (SubMode == LA_UDF_COLLECTION){
  2931. laProp **PreList = 0; void *ThisDBInst = 0;
  2932. NumItems = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2933. VariableNodeSize = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2934. VariableNodeSize = (VariableNodeSize == LA_UDF_VARIABLE_NODE_SIZE) ? 1 : 0;
  2935. la_ReadShort(udf); //active mark
  2936. ActiveInstance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2937. if (NumItems == 0) break;
  2938. if (p->UDFNoCreate){
  2939. laPropIterator PI = {0};
  2940. ItemType = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2941. if (Parent) uci = la_AppendUDFContentInstance(Parent, la_Tell(udf));
  2942. Instance = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &PI);
  2943. la_ResetInstance(Instance, p->SubProp);
  2944. if (ItemType == LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM){
  2945. if (p->SubProp->Hyper == 2){
  2946. if (!Parent && !IsExceptionNode) la_ReadHyperData(udf, Instance);
  2947. else la_ReadHyperData(udf, 0);
  2948. if(mUDF) memAssignRef(Instance, &((laMemNodeHyper*)memGetHead(Instance, 0))->FromFile, mUDF);
  2949. memMarkClean(Instance);
  2950. }else la_ReadHyperData(udf, 0);
  2951. }
  2952. if (!Parent && p->SubProp->PostRead) la_AddPostReadNode(Instance, p->SubProp->PostRead);
  2953. ReadInstance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  2954. ReadState = la_ReadInt(udf);
  2955. if (!Parent) ThisDBInst=Instance;
  2956. PropNumPerItem = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2957. for (j = 0; j < PropNumPerItem; j++){
  2958. int result; laUDFContentNode *ucn;
  2959. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  2960. subp = la_PropLookup(&p->SubProp->Props, buf);
  2961. SubPP.RawThis = pp;
  2962. SubPS.p = subp;
  2963. SubPS.UseInstance = Instance;
  2964. if ((!subp) ||subp->UDFIgnore){la_ExtractFakeProp(udf); continue;}
  2965. if (subp&&!subp->SubProp){ subp->SubProp = la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp *)subp)->TargetID); }
  2966. if (subp&& Parent && subp->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB){
  2967. if (!subp->UDFIsRefer && !IsExceptionNode){
  2968. ucn = la_AppendUDFContentNode(uci, &SubPP, la_Tell(udf));
  2969. result = la_ExtractProp(udf, mUDF, &SubPP, ThisDBInst, Mode, ucn);
  2970. }else{ result = la_ExtractFakeProp(udf);}
  2971. }else{
  2972. result = (IsExceptionNode||!subp) ? result = la_ExtractFakeProp(udf) : la_ExtractProp(udf, mUDF, &SubPP, ThisDBInst, Mode, Parent);
  2973. }
  2974. EStatus = result ? result : EStatus;
  2975. }
  2976. if (!Parent && p->SubProp->PostReadIm) p->SubProp->PostReadIm(Instance);
  2977. }else{
  2978. if(Mode==LA_UDF_MODE_APPEND && p->UDFIsSingle){
  2979. logPrint("[Note] Mode is APPEND but property '%s' only allows one instance, will overwrite.\n", p->Identifier);
  2980. }
  2981. for (i = 0; i < NumItems; i++){
  2982. int RealSize=0; laUDF *SaveUDF = 0; int SaveItemType = 0;IsExceptionNode = 0; Instance=0;
  2983. laPropContainer* pc=p->SubProp;
  2984. if(VariableNodeSize){ la_ReadString(udf, NodeType); pc=la_ContainerLookup(NodeType);
  2985. if(!pc){pc=p->SubProp;} RealSize=pc->NodeSize;
  2986. }
  2987. ItemType = la_ReadShort(udf);
  2988. if (Parent) uci = la_AppendUDFContentInstance(Parent, la_Tell(udf));
  2989. if(p->UDFReadProgress){ laShowProgress((real)i/NumItems,-1); } //printf("add pc %s\n",pc->Identifier);
  2990. if(pc==LA_PC_SOCKET_OUT || pc==LA_PC_SOCKET_IN){ laMappingRequestRebuild(); laDriverRequestRebuild(); }
  2991. int replaced=0;
  2992. if (udf){
  2993. RealSize = RealSize ? RealSize : p->SubProp->NodeSize;
  2994. if (!Parent && !IsExceptionNode){
  2995. if (p->UDFIsSingle && pp->EndInstance){ Instance = pp->EndInstance; la_ResetInstance(Instance, pc); replaced=1; }
  2996. else{
  2997. // if overwrite, find the instance here for hyper2, if not hyper 2 then notice can't overwrite.
  2998. if (pc->Hyper == 2){
  2999. if(Mode==LA_UDF_MODE_OVERWRITE && ItemType == LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM){
  3000. laUID uid; la_PeekHyperUID(udf, &uid.String);
  3001. Instance = la_GetReadDBInstNUID(uid.String);
  3002. if(Instance){ la_ResetInstance(Instance, pc); replaced=1; }
  3003. else{ /*logPrint("[Note] Hyper2 item [%s] from property '%s' hasn't been loaded yet, will append.\n", uid.String, p->Identifier);*/ }
  3004. }
  3005. if(!Instance) Instance = memAcquireHyperNoAppend(RealSize);
  3006. memMarkClean(Instance);
  3007. }elif (pc->Hyper == 1) Instance = memAcquire(RealSize);
  3008. else Instance = memAcquireSimple(RealSize);
  3009. }
  3010. }
  3011. if (ItemType == LA_UDF_HYPER_ITEM){
  3012. if (pc->Hyper == 2){
  3013. la_ReadHyperData(udf, Instance);
  3014. if(mUDF) memAssignRef(Instance, &((laMemNodeHyper*)memGetHead(Instance, 0))->FromFile, mUDF);
  3015. }
  3016. else la_ReadHyperData(udf, 0);
  3017. }
  3018. if (!Parent && !IsExceptionNode){
  3019. if (pc->PostRead) la_AddPostReadNode(Instance, pc->PostRead);
  3020. }
  3021. ReadInstance = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3022. ReadState = la_ReadInt(udf);
  3023. if (!Parent && !IsExceptionNode && !replaced){
  3024. la_AddDataInst(ReadInstance, pc->Hyper == 2 ? ((laMemNodeHyper *)memGetHead(Instance,0))->NUID.String : 0, Instance);
  3025. }
  3026. ThisDBInst = Instance;
  3027. PropNumPerItem = la_ReadShort(udf);
  3028. for (j = 0; j < PropNumPerItem; j++){
  3029. u64bit ThisSeek;
  3030. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  3031. subp = la_PropLookup(&pc->Props, buf);
  3032. if ((!subp) || subp->UDFIgnore) la_ExtractFakeProp(udf);
  3033. else{
  3034. int result; laUDFContentNode *ucn;
  3035. ThisSeek = la_Tell(udf);
  3036. SubPP.RawThis = pp; SubPS.p = subp; SubPS.UseInstance = Instance;
  3037. la_EnsureSubTarget(subp, 0);
  3038. if (Parent && subp->PropertyType == LA_PROP_SUB && subp->SubProp){
  3039. if (!subp->UDFIsRefer && !IsExceptionNode){
  3040. ucn = la_AppendUDFContentNode(uci, &SubPP, ThisSeek);
  3041. result = la_ExtractProp(udf, mUDF, &SubPP, ThisDBInst, Mode, ucn);
  3042. }else{ result = la_ExtractFakeProp(udf); }
  3043. }else{
  3044. result = IsExceptionNode ? la_ExtractFakeProp(udf) : la_ExtractProp(udf, mUDF, &SubPP, ThisDBInst, Mode, Parent);
  3045. }
  3046. EStatus = result ? result : EStatus;
  3047. }
  3048. }
  3049. if (!Parent && !IsExceptionNode && !replaced){
  3050. if (pc->PostReadIm) pc->PostReadIm(Instance);
  3051. if (pp->LastPs->UseInstance){
  3052. if (!p->UDFIsSingle){
  3053. if (((laSubProp *)p)->ListHandleOffset){
  3054. laListHandle* inst_lst=(BYTE *)pp->LastPs->UseInstance + ((laSubProp *)p)->ListHandleOffset;
  3055. if(p->Container->SaverDummy && p==p->Container->SaverDummy){ laPurgeSaverDummy(pp->LastPs->UseInstance,p); }
  3056. lstAppendItem(inst_lst, Instance);
  3057. }else{ lstAppendItem(&pc->FailedNodes, Instance); EStatus = 1; }
  3058. }else{ if (!p->UDFNoCreate){ laSetActiveInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, Instance); } }
  3059. if (ReadInstance == ActiveInstance) laSetActiveInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, Instance);
  3060. }else{
  3061. if (!p->UDFIsSingle){ lstAppendItem(&pc->FailedNodes, Instance); EStatus = 1; }
  3062. }
  3063. }
  3064. }
  3065. }
  3066. }
  3067. if (PreList) memFree(PreList);
  3068. }
  3069. break;
  3070. case LA_PROP_INT:
  3071. case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_INT:
  3072. ReadI = la_ReadIntProp(udf, Parent ? 0 : pp);
  3073. if (Parent && p->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER){
  3074. sprintf(buf, "%d", ReadI); strSafeSet(&((laUDFContentInstance *)Parent->Instances.pLast)->Identifier, buf);
  3075. }
  3076. break;
  3077. case LA_PROP_FLOAT:
  3079. ReadF = la_ReadFloatProp(udf, Parent ? 0 : pp);
  3080. if (Parent && p->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER){
  3081. sprintf(buf, "%lf", ReadF); strSafeSet(&((laUDFContentInstance *)Parent->Instances.pLast)->Identifier, buf);
  3082. }
  3083. break;
  3084. case LA_PROP_STRING:
  3085. if (Parent && p->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER){
  3086. la_ReadStringPropAsIdentifier(udf, buf); strSafeSet(&((laUDFContentInstance *)Parent->Instances.pLast)->Identifier, buf);
  3087. }else{
  3088. la_ReadStringProp(udf, Parent ? 0 : pp);
  3089. }
  3090. break;
  3091. case LA_PROP_ENUM:
  3092. case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_ENUM:
  3093. la_ReadEnumProp(udf, Parent ? 0 : pp, buf);
  3094. if (Parent && p->Tag & LA_AS_IDENTIFIER){
  3095. strSafeSet(&((laUDFContentInstance *)Parent->Instances.pLast)->Identifier, buf); }
  3096. break;
  3097. case LA_PROP_RAW:
  3098. la_ReadRawProp(udf, pp);
  3099. break;
  3100. default:
  3101. break;
  3102. }
  3103. return EStatus;
  3104. }
  3105. int la_RematchPointers(int Mode){
  3106. laUDFPostRead *uprd;
  3107. void* inst;
  3108. la_ExecutePtrSyncCommand(Mode);
  3109. while(uprd=lstPopItem(&MAIN.PostReadNodes)){ uprd->Func(uprd->Instance); memFree(uprd); }
  3110. while(inst=lstPopPointer(&MAIN.RenewHyper2s)){ memMakeHyperData(memGetHead(inst,0)); }
  3111. }
  3112. int laPackUDF(laUDF *udf, int UseInstanceList){
  3113. laUDFPropSegment *ps;
  3114. short NumSegments = 0;
  3115. u64bit RefPos;
  3116. u64bit nuidSeekRef;
  3117. u64bit nuidActualSeek;
  3118. char Root[1024]={0};
  3119. char FilePath[1024]={0};
  3120. udf->DiskFile = fopen(udf->FileName->Ptr, "wb");
  3121. if (!udf->DiskFile) return 0;
  3122. la_WriteOnlyMBString(udf, LA_UDF_IDENTIFIER);
  3123. // reserved for extension switches.
  3124. la_WritePointer(udf, 0);
  3125. RefPos = la_Tell(udf);
  3126. la_WriteLong(udf, 0); //How Many Refs.
  3127. la_WriteShort(udf, udf->NumSegmets);
  3128. la_WriteLong(udf, LA_UDF_NUID_SEEK);
  3129. nuidSeekRef = la_Tell(udf);
  3130. la_WritePointer(udf, 0); //Seek pos for nuid list;
  3131. printf("Packing %s:\n", udf->FileName->Ptr);
  3132. udf->CurrentH2Instance=udf->H2Instances.pFirst;
  3133. while (ps = lstPopItem(&udf->PropsToOperate)){
  3134. printf(" %-15s\n", ps->Path ? ps->Path->Ptr : ps->PPP->LastPs->p->Identifier);
  3135. la_WriteProp(udf, ps->PPP ? ps->PPP : &ps->PP, ps->PPP ? 1 : 0, UseInstanceList);
  3136. la_FreePropStepCache(ps->PP.Go);
  3137. strSafeDestroy(&ps->Path);
  3138. FreeMem(ps);
  3139. }
  3140. printf("[ALL DONE]\n");
  3141. nuidActualSeek = la_Tell(udf);
  3142. la_WriteHyperRecords(udf);
  3143. la_Seek(udf, RefPos);
  3144. la_WriteLong(udf, udf->TotalRefs);
  3145. la_Seek(udf, nuidSeekRef);
  3146. la_WritePointer(udf, nuidActualSeek);
  3147. udf->Modified = 0;
  3148. laCloseUDF(udf);
  3149. laHideProgress();
  3150. return 1;
  3151. }
  3152. int laExtractUDF(laUDF *udf, laManagedUDF* mUDF, int Mode, laListHandle *Parent){
  3153. char Identifier[9] = {0};
  3154. char buf[1024]={0};
  3155. short Version, NumSegments;
  3156. //laPropStep SubPS = { 0 };
  3157. int PointerBits;
  3158. laPropPack SubPP = {0};
  3159. int i;
  3160. int EStatus = 0;
  3161. u64bit SeekRef;
  3162. int IsPart;
  3163. laUDFContentNode *ucni = Parent;
  3164. la_ReadBuffer(udf, sizeof(LA_UDF_IDENTIFIER) - 1, Identifier);
  3165. // reserved for extension switches.
  3166. la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3167. /*udf->TotalRefs = */ la_ReadLong(udf);
  3168. NumSegments = la_ReadShort(udf);
  3169. la_ReadLong(udf); //seek mark
  3170. SeekRef = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3171. logPrintNew("Extracting UDF %s:\n", udf->FileName->Ptr);
  3172. //MAIN.NextPendingPointer = 0;
  3173. //MAIN.PendingPointers = CreateNewBuffer(laUDFPointerRecord, udf->TotalRefs);
  3174. //SubPP.LastPs = &SubP;
  3175. if (!udf->PropsToOperate.pFirst){ //Extract All
  3176. for (i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++){
  3177. laUDFContentNode *ucn;
  3178. laUDFContentInstance *uci;
  3179. void *dbi = 0;
  3180. int result;
  3181. int LastOffset;
  3182. la_ReadString(udf, buf);
  3183. LastOffset = strlen(buf) - 1;
  3184. buf[LastOffset] = buf[LastOffset] == L'.' ? 0 : buf[LastOffset];
  3185. logPrint(" Prop Segment \"%s\" ...\n", buf);
  3186. la_GetPropFromPath(&SubPP, 0, buf, 0);
  3187. la_StepPropPack(&SubPP);
  3188. if (Parent){
  3189. ucni = CreateNew(laUDFContentNode);
  3190. la_GetPropFromPath(&ucni->PP, 0, buf, 0);
  3191. la_StepPropPack(&ucni->PP);
  3192. strSafeSet(&ucni->FullPath, buf);
  3193. strSafeSet(&ucni->Identifier, buf);
  3194. ucni->FileSeek = la_Tell(udf);
  3195. lstAppendItem(Parent, ucni);
  3196. }
  3197. dbi = SubPP.EndInstance; //la_GetWriteDBInst(SubPP.EndInstance);
  3198. result = la_ExtractProp(udf, mUDF, &SubPP, dbi, Mode, ucni);
  3199. EStatus = result ? result : EStatus;
  3200. laNotifyUsersPP(&SubPP);
  3201. logPrint(" [Done]\n", buf);
  3202. la_FreePropStepCache(SubPP.Go);
  3203. SubPP.Go = 0;
  3204. }
  3205. }
  3206. la_RematchPointers(Mode);
  3207. laHideProgress();
  3208. return EStatus;
  3209. }
  3210. laManagedUDF* la_FindManagedUDF(char* FileName){
  3211. for(laManagedUDF* m=MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst;m;m=m->Item.pNext){
  3212. if(m->udf&&m->udf->FileName&&!strcmp(m->udf->FileName->Ptr,FileName)) return m;
  3213. }
  3214. return 0;
  3215. }
  3216. laManagedUDF* la_EnsureManagedUDF(char* FileName, int PutAtTop){
  3217. laManagedUDF* m;
  3218. if(!(m=la_FindManagedUDF(FileName))){
  3219. m=memAcquire(sizeof(laManagedUDF)); strSafeSet(&m->BaseName, strGetLastSegment(FileName,'/'));
  3220. if(PutAtTop) lstPushItem(&MAIN.ManagedUDFs, m); else lstAppendItem(&MAIN.ManagedUDFs, m);
  3221. }
  3222. return m;
  3223. }
  3224. void la_MakeDummyManagedUDF(){
  3225. MAIN.DummyManageUDF=la_EnsureManagedUDF("< Save as a new file >", 1);
  3226. if(!MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingle){
  3227. MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingle=memAcquire(sizeof(laManagedUDF)); strSafeSet(&MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingle->BaseName, "< Choose file >");
  3228. MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingleForce=memAcquire(sizeof(laManagedUDF)); strSafeSet(&MAIN.DummyManageUDFSingleForce->BaseName, "< Force >");
  3229. }
  3230. }
  3231. void laSaveProp(char* path){
  3232. if(!path || !path[0]) return; laManagedSaveProp* msp=0;
  3233. for(laManagedSaveProp* m=MAIN.ManagedSaveProps.pFirst;m;m=m->Item.pNext){
  3234. if(!strcmp(m->Path->Ptr,path)){ msp=m; break; }
  3235. }
  3236. if(!msp){ msp=memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laManagedSaveProp)); lstAppendItem(&MAIN.ManagedSaveProps, msp); }
  3237. strSafeSet(&msp->Path, path);
  3238. }
  3239. void laClearSaveProp(){
  3240. laManagedSaveProp* m; while(m=lstPopItem(&MAIN.ManagedSaveProps)) { strSafeDestroy(&m->Path); memFree(m); }
  3241. }
  3242. int la_ScanForModifiedRecursive(laPropPack* pp, int ReturnIfAnyMod, int ReturnIfAnyEmpty, int* rempty, int RegisterToUDF){
  3243. int result=0;
  3244. laProp* p=pp->LastPs->p; laPropIterator pi={0};
  3245. if(p->PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB || p->UDFIsRefer || p->UDFIgnore || p->UDFOnly) return 0;
  3246. la_EnsureSubTarget(p, 0); //if(p->SubProp && p->SubProp->Hyper!=2) return 0;
  3247. void* inst = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi);
  3248. while(inst){
  3249. laPropContainer* pc=la_EnsureSubTarget(p, inst);
  3250. if(pc->Hyper!=2){
  3251. laPropPack spp={0}; laPropStep sps={0}; spp.LastPs=&sps;
  3252. for(laProp* sp=pc->Props.pFirst;sp;sp=sp->Item.pNext){
  3253. sps.UseInstance=inst; sps.p=sp;
  3254. if(sp->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB) {
  3255. result|=la_ScanForModifiedRecursive(&spp, ReturnIfAnyMod, ReturnIfAnyEmpty, rempty, RegisterToUDF);
  3256. if((ReturnIfAnyMod||ReturnIfAnyEmpty)&&result)return result;
  3257. }
  3258. }
  3259. }else{
  3260. laMemNodeHyper* m = memGetHead(inst,0);
  3261. if(!m->FromFile || m->FromFile==MAIN.DummyManageUDF){ result|=1; if(rempty)*rempty|=1; if((ReturnIfAnyMod||ReturnIfAnyEmpty)&&result)return result; }
  3262. if((!p->UDFIsSingle)&&RegisterToUDF&&m->FromFile&&m->FromFile->udf){ la_IncludeHyper2Instance(m->FromFile->udf, pc, inst); }
  3263. if(m->Modified){
  3264. if(m->FromFile && m->FromFile->udf){ m->FromFile->udf->Modified=1; }
  3265. result|=1; if(ReturnIfAnyMod&&result)return result;
  3266. }
  3267. }
  3268. inst=laGetNextInstance(p,inst,&pi);
  3269. }
  3270. return result;
  3271. }
  3272. int laRegisterModifications(int ReturnIfAnyMod, int ReturnIfAnyEmpty, int* rempty, int RegisterToUDF){
  3273. int result=0, registered; if(RegisterToUDF){ReturnIfAnyMod=ReturnIfAnyEmpty=0;}
  3274. for(laManagedUDF* m=MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst;m;m=m->Item.pNext){
  3275. if(!m->udf)continue;
  3276. m->udf->Modified=0;
  3277. la_ClearHyper2Instances(m->udf);
  3278. }
  3279. for(laManagedSaveProp* msp=MAIN.ManagedSaveProps.pFirst;msp;msp=msp->Item.pNext){
  3280. laPropPack PP={0}; registered=0;
  3281. if(msp->Path&&msp->Path->Ptr&&la_GetPropFromPath(&PP, 0, msp->Path->Ptr, 0)){
  3282. la_StepPropPack(&PP);
  3283. result|=la_ScanForModifiedRecursive(&PP, ReturnIfAnyMod, ReturnIfAnyEmpty, rempty, RegisterToUDF);
  3284. for(laManagedUDF* m=MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst;m;m=m->Item.pNext){
  3285. if(!m->udf)continue;
  3286. if(m->udf->HasInstances){ laWriteProp(m->udf,msp->Path->Ptr); m->udf->HasInstances=0; }
  3287. }
  3288. if((ReturnIfAnyMod||ReturnIfAnyEmpty)&&result)return result;
  3289. la_FreePropStepCache(PP.Go);
  3290. }
  3291. }
  3292. return result;
  3293. }
  3294. void la_ReadUDFToMemory(laUDF *udf){
  3295. if (udf->FileContent)
  3296. return;
  3297. fseek(udf->DiskFile, 0, SEEK_END);
  3298. u64bit SeekEnd = ftell(udf->DiskFile);
  3299. fseek(udf->DiskFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
  3300. udf->FileContent = calloc(1, SeekEnd);
  3301. fread(udf->FileContent, SeekEnd, 1, udf->DiskFile);
  3302. udf->Seek = 0;
  3303. }
  3304. void la_ReadOwnHyperItems(laUDF *udf, laUDFRegistry* r){
  3305. int Count, i;
  3306. laUDFOwnHyperItem *ohi;
  3307. Count = la_ReadLong(udf);
  3308. int Seek;
  3309. char name[256]; laUID uid;
  3310. for (i = 0; i < Count; i++){
  3311. la_ReadString(udf, uid.String);
  3312. la_ReadString(udf, name);
  3313. Seek=la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3314. laPropContainer* pc = la_ContainerLookup(name);
  3315. if(!laFindHyperResource(uid.String)){
  3316. ohi = laNewHyperResource(uid.String);
  3317. ohi->Registry = r;
  3318. ohi->Seek = Seek;
  3319. strcpy(ohi->NUID.String, uid.String);
  3320. logPrint("Found Resource: %s | %s\n",ohi->NUID.String,name);
  3321. } else {logPrint("Duplicated Resource: %s | %s\n",uid.String,name);}
  3322. }
  3323. }
  3324. int la_WriteHyperRecords(laUDF *udf){
  3325. int i = 0;
  3326. u64bit CountSeek = la_Tell(udf);
  3327. u64bit EndSeek;
  3328. laUDFHyperRecordItem *hri;
  3329. laMemNodeHyper* h;
  3330. la_WriteLong(udf, 0);
  3331. while (hri = lstPopItem(&udf->HyperRecords)){
  3332. h=memGetHead(hri->HyperUserMem, 0);
  3333. la_WriteString(udf, h->NUID.String);
  3334. if(hri->pc) la_WriteString(udf, hri->pc->Identifier); else la_WriteString(udf, "");
  3335. la_WritePointer(udf, hri->Seek);
  3336. i++; memFree(hri);
  3337. }
  3338. EndSeek = la_Tell(udf);
  3339. la_Seek(udf, CountSeek);
  3340. la_WriteLong(udf, i);
  3341. la_Seek(udf, EndSeek);
  3342. return i;
  3343. }
  3344. laUDF *laOpenUDF(char *FileName, int ReadToMemory, laUDFRegistry* ReadRegistryRef, laManagedUDF** UseManaged){
  3345. char Identifier[9] = {0};
  3346. u64bit SeekRef;
  3347. laUDF *udf;
  3348. u64bit extensions;
  3349. char FilePath[1024]={0};
  3350. udf=memAcquire(sizeof(laUDF));
  3351. strSafeSet(&udf->FileName, FileName);
  3352. udf->DiskFile = fopen(udf->FileName->Ptr, "rb");
  3353. if (!udf->DiskFile) return 0;
  3354. if(ReadToMemory){ la_ReadUDFToMemory(udf); fclose(udf->DiskFile); udf->DiskFile = 0; }
  3355. la_ReadBuffer(udf, sizeof(LA_UDF_IDENTIFIER) - 1, Identifier);
  3356. if (!strSame(Identifier, LA_UDF_IDENTIFIER)){ laCloseUDF(udf); logPrintNew("\"%s\" is not a UDF file.\n", FileName); return 0; }
  3357. if(UseManaged){
  3358. laManagedUDF* m=la_EnsureManagedUDF(FileName, 0);
  3359. if(!m->udf) m->udf=udf; udf->Managed=1; *UseManaged=m;
  3360. }
  3361. extensions = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3362. udf->TotalRefs = la_ReadLong(udf); //total refs
  3363. udf->NumSegmets = la_ReadShort(udf); //num segments
  3364. la_ReadLong(udf); //seek mark
  3365. SeekRef = la_ReadPointer(udf);
  3366. la_Seek(udf, SeekRef);
  3367. if(ReadRegistryRef){
  3368. la_ReadOwnHyperItems(udf, ReadRegistryRef);
  3369. }
  3370. la_Seek(udf, 0);
  3371. udf->Opened = 1;
  3372. return udf;
  3373. }
  3374. void laCloseUDF(laUDF *udf){
  3375. laUDFOwnHyperItem *ohi;
  3376. laUDFHyperRecordItem *hri;
  3377. laUDFPropSegment *ps;
  3378. if (udf->DiskFile){ fclose(udf->DiskFile); udf->DiskFile=0; };
  3379. while (lstPopPointer(&udf->OwnHyperItems));
  3380. while (lstPopPointer(&udf->HyperRecords));
  3381. if(udf->CurrentH2Instance){ logPrint("[WARN] udf->CurrentH2Instance!=0 after UDF packing.\n"); udf->CurrentH2Instance=0; }
  3382. udf->NumSegmets=0;
  3383. la_ClearHyper2Instances(udf);
  3384. if(udf->FileContent) FreeMem(udf->FileContent);
  3385. if(!udf->Managed){ strSafeDestroy(&udf->FileName); memFree(udf); }
  3386. }
  3387. laUDFOwnHyperItem* laFindHyperResource(char* uid){
  3388. for(laUDFOwnHyperItem* ohi=MAIN.UDFResources.pFirst;ohi;ohi=ohi->Item.pNext){
  3389. if(!strcmp(uid, ohi->NUID.String)) return ohi;
  3390. }
  3391. return 0;
  3392. }
  3393. laUDFOwnHyperItem* laNewHyperResource(char* uid){
  3394. laUDFOwnHyperItem* ohi = memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laUDFOwnHyperItem));
  3395. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.UDFResources, ohi); return ohi;
  3396. }
  3397. laUDFRegistry* laFindUDFRegistry(char* Path){
  3398. for(laUDFRegistry* r=MAIN.ResourceRegistries.pFirst;r;r=r->Item.pNext){
  3399. if(r->Path && !strcmp(Path, r->Path->Ptr)) return r;
  3400. }
  3401. return 0;
  3402. }
  3403. laUDFRegistry* laCreateUDFRegistry(char* Path){
  3404. if(!Path) return 0;
  3405. laUDFRegistry* r = memAcquire(sizeof(laUDFRegistry));
  3406. strSafeSet(&r->Path, Path);
  3407. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.ResourceRegistries, r);
  3408. return r;
  3409. }
  3410. void laRequestAdditionalRegistry(laUDFRegistry* r){
  3411. if(la_FindManagedUDF(r->Path->Ptr)) return;
  3412. if(lstHasPointer(&MAIN.PendingResourceRequests, r)) return;
  3413. logPrint("[INFO] Request additional resources in: %s\n", r->Path->Ptr);
  3414. lstAppendPointer(&MAIN.PendingResourceRequests,r);
  3415. }
  3416. void laClearUDFRegistries(){
  3417. laUDFOwnHyperItem* ohi; laUDFRegistry* r;
  3418. while(ohi=lstPopItem(&MAIN.UDFResources)) memFree(ohi);
  3419. while(r=lstPopItem(&MAIN.ResourceRegistries)){
  3420. strSafeDestroy(&r->Path); memFree(r);
  3421. }
  3422. }
  3423. void laGetSubResourceDirectories(char* rootpath_with_slash, laListHandle* out){
  3424. laSafeString*s=0; strSafePrint(&s, "%sUDFExtra/", rootpath_with_slash); lstAppendPointer(out,s);
  3425. char Final[1024];
  3426. sprintf(Final, "%s.udfextra",rootpath_with_slash);
  3427. FILE* f=fopen(Final, "r"); if(!f){ return; }
  3428. char dir[1024];
  3429. while(fgets(dir,1024,f)){ laSafeString*s=0; strSafePrint(&s, "%s%s/", rootpath_with_slash, dir); lstAppendPointer(out,s); }
  3430. fclose(f);
  3431. }
  3432. void laRefreshUDFResourcesIn(char* rootpath){
  3433. char Final[1024];
  3434. int len=strlen(rootpath);
  3435. if (rootpath[len - 1] != '/') strcat(rootpath, "/");
  3436. struct dirent **NameList=0;
  3437. int NumFiles=scandir(rootpath,&NameList,0,alphasort);
  3438. for(int i=0;i<NumFiles;i++){
  3439. struct dirent* d = NameList[i]; int dlen;
  3440. char *format = strGetLastSegment(d->d_name, '.'); int file_okay=0;
  3441. for(laExtensionType* et=MAIN.ExtraExtensions.pFirst;et;et=et->Item.pNext){ if(et->FileType==LA_FILETYPE_UDF && strSame(et->Extension,format)){file_okay=1;break;} }
  3442. if(!file_okay) continue;
  3443. struct stat s;
  3444. sprintf(Final, "%s%s",rootpath,d->d_name);
  3445. stat(Final, &s);
  3446. if (!S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)){
  3447. if(!laFindUDFRegistry(Final)){
  3448. laUDFRegistry* r = laCreateUDFRegistry(Final);
  3449. laUDF* udf = laOpenUDF(Final, 0, r, 0);
  3450. if(udf) laCloseUDF(udf);
  3451. }
  3452. }
  3453. }
  3454. for (int i=0;i<NumFiles;i++){ free(NameList[i]); } if(NameList) free(NameList);
  3455. if(NumFiles>=0){
  3456. laListHandle additionals={0}; laSafeString* s;
  3457. laGetSubResourceDirectories(rootpath, &additionals);
  3458. while(s=lstPopPointer(&additionals)){ laRefreshUDFResourcesIn(s->Ptr); strSafeDestroy(&s); }
  3459. }
  3460. }
  3461. void laRefreshUDFRegistries(){
  3462. laClearUDFRegistries();
  3463. char LookupM[1024];
  3464. for(laResourceFolder* rf = MAIN.ResourceFolders.pFirst;rf;rf=rf->Item.pNext){
  3465. if(!rf->Path) continue;
  3466. realpath(rf->Path->Ptr, LookupM);
  3467. laRefreshUDFResourcesIn(LookupM);
  3468. }
  3469. }
  3470. void laStopManageUDF(laManagedUDF* m){
  3471. if(!m) return;
  3472. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.ManagedUDFs,m);
  3473. if(m->udf) { m->udf->Managed=0; laCloseUDF(m->udf); };
  3474. strSafeDestroy(&m->BaseName);
  3475. memFree(m);
  3476. }
  3477. void laClearManagedUDF(){
  3478. laManagedUDF* m;
  3479. while(m=MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst){ laStopManageUDF(m); }
  3480. }
  3481. void laSaveManagedUDF(){
  3482. laRegisterModifications(0,0,0,1);
  3483. for(laManagedUDF* m=MAIN.ManagedUDFs.pFirst;m;m=m->Item.pNext){
  3484. if(!m->udf) continue;
  3485. if(m->udf->PropsToOperate.pFirst){ laPackUDF(m->udf, 1); }
  3486. laCloseUDF(m->udf);// just in case
  3487. }
  3488. }
  3489. void laPropagateUDF(laPropContainer* pc, void* inst, int force){
  3490. if(!pc->UDFPropagate) return;
  3491. void* udf=laget_InstanceActiveUDF(inst); if(udf==MAIN.DummyManageUDF) return;
  3492. pc->UDFPropagate(inst, udf, force);
  3493. }
  3494. //==========================================================================[Manifest]
  3495. void laAddResourceFolder(char* Path){
  3496. laResourceFolder* rf=memAcquire(sizeof(laResourceFolder));
  3497. if(Path) strSafeSet(&rf->Path, Path);
  3498. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.ResourceFolders, rf);
  3499. }
  3500. void laRemoveResourceFolder(laResourceFolder* rf){
  3501. strSafeDestroy(&rf->Path);
  3502. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.ResourceFolders, rf);
  3503. memFree(rf);
  3504. }
  3505. void la_ClearUDFRegistryAndFolders(){
  3506. laResourceFolder* rf; while(rf=MAIN.ResourceFolders.pFirst){ laRemoveResourceFolder(rf); }
  3507. laClearUDFRegistries();
  3508. }
  3509. //==========================================================================[undo]
  3510. void laPushDifferenceOnly(char* Description, u64bit hint){
  3511. laDiff* d=memAcquire(sizeof(laDiff));
  3512. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.Differences, d);
  3513. if(MAIN.HeadDifference && Description) strSafeSet(&MAIN.HeadDifference->Description,Description);
  3514. d->Hint=hint; MAIN.HeadDifference=d;
  3515. laNotifyUsers("la.differences");
  3516. }
  3517. void laPushDifferences(char* Description, u64bit hint){
  3518. memFreeRemainingLeftNodes();
  3519. laPushDifferenceOnly(Description,hint);
  3520. }
  3521. void la_FreeInstance(void* inst, laPropContainer* pc, int no_free);
  3522. void la_FreeDBInst(laDBInst* dbi, int no_freeinst, int cleanup_only, int SkipInstances);
  3523. void la_FreeDBProp(laDBProp* dbp, int cleanup_only, int SkipInstances){
  3524. //printf("free dbp %s %x\n",dbp->p->Identifier,dbp);
  3525. if(dbp->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB){
  3526. if((((laSubProp*)dbp->p)->ListHandleOffset||dbp->p->UDFNoCreate||dbp->p->UDFIsSingle)&&(!dbp->p->UDFIsRefer)&&(!SkipInstances)){
  3527. laDBSubProp* dsp=dbp; laDBInst* si;
  3528. //printf("fdbp %s %x %x %x\n",dbp->p->Identifier,dsp->Instances.pFirst,dsp->Instances.pLast,((laListItem*)dsp->Instances.pFirst)->pNext);
  3529. while(si=lstPopItem(&dsp->Instances)){ la_FreeDBInst(si,dbp->p->UDFNoCreate||(!dbp->p->OffsetIsPointer),cleanup_only,SkipInstances); }
  3530. } // prevent freeing the data;
  3531. }elif(dbp->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_STRING && ((laStringProp*)dbp->p)->IsSafeString){
  3532. strSafeSet(&dbp->Data,0);
  3533. }elif(dbp->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_RAW){
  3534. printf("raw dbp %s\n",dbp->p->Identifier);
  3535. free(dbp->Data);
  3536. }else{
  3537. //printf("-data- %x\n",dbp->Data);
  3538. memFree(dbp->Data);
  3539. }
  3540. memFree(dbp);
  3541. }
  3542. void la_FreeDBInst(laDBInst* dbi, int no_freeinst, int cleanup_only, int SkipInstances){
  3543. laListHandle* l=hsh65536DoHashLongPtr(MAIN.DBInstLink,dbi->OriginalInstance); lstRemoveItem(l, &dbi->Item2);
  3544. //printf("free dbi %s %x\n", dbi->pc->Identifier,dbi);
  3545. laDBProp* dbp; while(dbp=lstPopItem(&dbi->Props)){ la_FreeDBProp(dbp, cleanup_only,SkipInstances); }
  3546. if(dbi->OriginalInstance && (!cleanup_only)) la_FreeInstance(dbi->OriginalInstance, dbi->pc, no_freeinst);
  3547. memFree(dbi);
  3548. }
  3549. void la_FreeDiffCommand(laDiffCommand* dc, laDiff* d, int FromLeft){
  3550. //printf("freedc %s\n",dc->p->Identifier);
  3551. if(dc->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && (((laSubProp*)dc->p)->ListHandleOffset||dc->p->UDFNoCreate||dc->p->UDFIsSingle) && (!dc->p->UDFIsRefer)){
  3552. laDiffCommandInst* dci; laDiffCommandSub* dcs=dc;
  3553. while(dci=lstPopItem(&dcs->AddedInst)){ if(!FromLeft) la_FreeDBInst(dci->DBInst,(dc->p->UDFNoCreate||(!dc->p->OffsetIsPointer)),0,0); memFree(dci); }
  3554. while(dci=lstPopItem(&dcs->MovedInst)){ memFree(dci); }
  3555. while(dci=lstPopItem(&dcs->RemovedInst)){ if(FromLeft) la_FreeDBInst(dci->DBInst,(dc->p->UDFNoCreate||(!dc->p->OffsetIsPointer)),0,1); memFree(dci); }
  3556. }elif(dc->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_STRING && ((laStringProp*)dc->p)->IsSafeString){
  3557. strSafeSet(&dc->Data,0);
  3558. }elif(dc->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_RAW){
  3559. printf("raw %s\n",dc->p->Identifier);
  3560. free(dc->Data);
  3561. }
  3562. memFree(dc);
  3563. }
  3564. void la_FreeDifference(laDiff* d, int FromLeft){
  3565. laDiffCommand* dc; laDiffCommandCustom* dcc; laDiffExtraTouched* det;
  3566. while(dc=lstPopItem(&d->Commands)){ la_FreeDiffCommand(dc,d,FromLeft); }
  3567. while(dcc=lstPopItem(&d->CustomCommands)){ if(dcc->Free) dcc->Free(dcc->Data, FromLeft); }
  3568. while(det=lstPopItem(&d->ExtraTouched)){ memFree(det); }
  3569. if(d->Description&&d->Description->Ptr){printf("%s\n",d->Description->Ptr);}
  3570. strSafeDestroy(&d->Description);
  3571. }
  3572. void laFreeNewerDifferences(){
  3573. laDiff* PrevD;
  3574. if(MAIN.HeadDifference==MAIN.Differences.pLast) return;
  3575. for(laDiff* d=MAIN.Differences.pLast;d;d=PrevD){
  3576. PrevD=d->Item.pPrev;
  3577. lstRemoveItem(&MAIN.Differences,d);
  3578. la_FreeDifference(d,0);
  3579. if(MAIN.HeadDifference==d){ MAIN.HeadDifference=PrevD; laPushDifferenceOnly(0,0); break; }
  3580. }
  3581. }
  3582. void laFreeOlderDifferences(int KeepHowMany){
  3583. laDiff* endd; int count=0;
  3584. for(endd=MAIN.HeadDifference;endd;endd=endd->Item.pPrev){
  3585. if(count>=KeepHowMany) break; count++;
  3586. }
  3587. if(!endd) return; laDiff* d,*NextD;
  3588. while(d=lstPopItem(&MAIN.Differences)){
  3589. NextD=MAIN.Differences.pFirst;
  3590. la_FreeDifference(d,1);
  3591. if(MAIN.HeadDifference==d){ MAIN.HeadDifference=NextD; laPushDifferenceOnly(0,0); break; }
  3592. if(d==endd){ break; }
  3593. }
  3594. }
  3595. void la_FreeAllDifferences(){
  3596. laFreeNewerDifferences();
  3597. laFreeOlderDifferences(1);
  3598. }
  3599. void la_NoLongerRecordUndo(){
  3600. la_FreeAllDifferences();
  3601. laDBProp*dbp; while(dbp=lstPopItem(&MAIN.RootDBInst.Props)){ la_FreeDBProp(dbp,1,0); }
  3602. laDBRecordedProp* p; while(p=lstPopItem(&MAIN.DBRecordedProps)){ strSafeDestroy(&p->OriginalPath); memFree(p); }
  3603. hshFree(&MAIN.DBInstLink);
  3604. }
  3605. void la_RelinkDBInst(laDBInst* dbi, void* New_OriginalInstance){
  3606. if(dbi->OriginalInstance){
  3607. laListHandle* l=hsh65536DoHashLongPtr(MAIN.DBInstLink,dbi->OriginalInstance); lstRemoveItem(l, &dbi->Item2);
  3608. }
  3609. dbi->OriginalInstance = New_OriginalInstance;
  3610. laListHandle* l=hsh65536DoHashLongPtr(MAIN.DBInstLink,dbi->OriginalInstance); lstPushItem(l, &dbi->Item2);
  3611. }
  3612. laDBInst* laAddDBInst(laDBProp* parent, void* inst, laPropContainer* pc, laDiff* Begin){
  3613. laDBInst* dbi=memAcquire(sizeof(laDBInst)); if(!Begin) Begin=MAIN.HeadDifference;
  3614. dbi->pc=pc;
  3615. if(parent){ lstAppendItem(&((laDBSubProp*)parent)->Instances, dbi); }
  3616. la_RelinkDBInst(dbi, inst);
  3617. return dbi;
  3618. }
  3619. laDBProp* laAddDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laProp* p, void* data){
  3620. int size=sizeof(laDBProp);
  3621. if(p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && (!p->UDFIsRefer)){size=sizeof(laDBSubProp);}
  3622. elif(p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_RAW){size=sizeof(laDBRawProp);}
  3623. laDBProp* dbp=memAcquire(size);
  3624. dbp->p=p; dbp->Data=data;
  3625. lstAppendItem(&dbi->Props, dbp);
  3626. return dbp;
  3627. }
  3628. void laAddDBPReferAcquire(laDBProp* dbp){
  3629. if(!dbp->Data) return; if(!lstHasPointer(&MAIN.DBInstPendingAcquireDBP, dbp)) lstAppendPointer(&MAIN.DBInstPendingAcquireDBP, dbp);
  3630. }
  3631. void laAddDiffCMDReferAcquire(laDiffCommand* ds){
  3632. if(!ds->Data) return; if(!lstHasPointer(&MAIN.DBInstPendingAcquireDiffCMD, ds)) lstAppendPointer(&MAIN.DBInstPendingAcquireDiffCMD, ds);
  3633. }
  3634. laDiffCommand* la_GiveDiffCommand(laDiff* diff, laDBInst* Instance, laProp* p, void* Data){
  3635. for(laDiffCommand* dc=diff->Commands.pFirst;dc;dc=dc->Item.pNext){
  3636. if(dc->Instance == Instance && dc->p == p) return dc;
  3637. }
  3638. int size=sizeof(laDiffCommand);
  3639. if(p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && (!(p->UDFIsRefer||p->UDFIsSingle||p->UDFNoCreate))){size=sizeof(laDiffCommandSub);}
  3640. elif(p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_RAW){size=sizeof(laDiffCommandRaw);}
  3641. laDiffCommand* dc = memAcquire(size);
  3642. dc->Instance=Instance; dc->p=p; dc->Data = Data;
  3643. lstAppendItem(&diff->Commands,dc);
  3644. return dc;
  3645. }
  3646. void la_GiveExtraTouched(laDiff* diff, laDBInst* dbi){
  3647. if(!dbi->pc->UndoTouched) return;
  3648. laDiffExtraTouched* det=memAcquire(sizeof(laDiffExtraTouched));
  3649. det->dbi=dbi; lstAppendItem(&diff->ExtraTouched,det);
  3650. }
  3651. int la_AddIntDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laDBProp* dbp, laDiff* diff, laPropPack *pp){
  3652. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p; int *Data; int len = laGetArrayLength(pp); int ret=0;
  3653. Data= memAcquireSimple(sizeof(int)*len);
  3654. laGetIntArray(pp, Data); if(diff&&dbp){
  3655. if(memcmp(dbp->Data, Data, sizeof(int)*len)){ la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, dbp->Data); dbp->Data=Data; ret=1; } else memFree(Data);
  3656. }
  3657. else laAddDBProp(dbi, p, Data);
  3658. return ret;
  3659. }
  3660. int la_AddFloatDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laDBProp* dbp, laDiff* diff, laPropPack *pp){
  3661. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p; real *Data; int len = laGetArrayLength(pp); int ret=0;
  3662. Data= memAcquireSimple(sizeof(real)*len);
  3663. laGetFloatArray(pp, Data); if(diff&&dbp){
  3664. if(memcmp(dbp->Data, Data, sizeof(real)*len)){ la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, dbp->Data); dbp->Data=Data; ret=1; } else memFree(Data);
  3665. }
  3666. else laAddDBProp(dbi, p, Data);
  3667. return ret;
  3668. }
  3669. int la_AddStringDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laDBProp* dbp, laDiff* diff, laPropPack *pp){
  3670. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p; char _buf[LA_RAW_CSTR_MAX_LEN]={0}; char* buf=_buf; int ret=0;
  3671. laGetString(pp, _buf, &buf); if(diff&&dbp){
  3672. if((!dbp->Data&&buf[0]) || (buf[0] && strcmp(buf, ((laSafeString*)dbp->Data)->Ptr)) || (!buf[0]&&dbp->Data)){
  3673. laDiffCommand* dc=la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, dbp->Data); dbp->Data=0; strSafeSet(&dbp->Data, buf); ret=1; }
  3674. }else{
  3675. laDBProp* dbp=laAddDBProp(dbi, p, 0); strSafeSet(&dbp->Data, buf);
  3676. }
  3677. return ret;
  3678. }
  3679. int la_AddEnumDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laDBProp* dbp, laDiff* diff, laPropPack *pp){
  3680. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p; laEnumItem **Data=0; int len = laGetArrayLength(pp); int ret=0;
  3681. Data= memAcquireSimple(sizeof(laEnumItem*)*len); printf("len %s %d\n",p->Identifier,len);
  3682. laGetEnumArray(pp, Data); if(diff&&dbp){
  3683. if(memcmp(dbp->Data, Data, sizeof(laEnumItem*)*len)){ la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, dbp->Data); dbp->Data=Data; ret=1; } else memFree(Data);
  3684. }else laAddDBProp(dbi, p, Data);
  3685. return ret;
  3686. }
  3687. int la_AddRawDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laDBRawProp* dbp, laDiff* diff, laPropPack *pp){
  3688. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p; int *Data; int s=0; int ret=0; int IsCopy=0;
  3689. Data=laGetRaw(pp,&s,&IsCopy); if(diff&&dbp){
  3690. if(dbp->DataSize!=s || (!dbp->Data&&Data) || (!Data&&dbp->Data) || (dbp->Data&&Data&&memcmp(dbp->Data, Data, s))){
  3691. printf("s%d %x %d \n",s,Data,dbp->DataSize);
  3692. void* NewData=(s&&Data)?calloc(1,s):0;
  3693. if(s&&Data)memcpy(NewData, Data, s);
  3694. laDiffCommandRaw* dcr=la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, dbp->Data);
  3695. dcr->DataSize=dbp->DataSize; dbp->Data=NewData; dbp->DataSize=s; ret=1;
  3696. }
  3697. }
  3698. else{
  3699. void* NewData=s?calloc(1,s):0; if(s) memcpy(NewData, Data, s);
  3700. laDBRawProp* dbp=laAddDBProp(dbi, p, NewData); dbp->DataSize=s;
  3701. }
  3702. if(IsCopy){ free(Data); }
  3703. return ret;
  3704. }
  3705. laDiffCommandInst* la_NewDiffCommandInst(laDBInst* DBInst, laDBInst* Prev, laDBInst* Next){
  3706. laDiffCommandInst* dci=memAcquire(sizeof(laDiffCommandInst));
  3707. dci->DBInst = DBInst; dci->OriginalPrev = Prev; dci->OriginalNext = Next;
  3708. dci->BeforePrev = DBInst->Item.pPrev; dci->BeforeNext = DBInst->Item.pNext;
  3709. }
  3710. laDBInst* la_GetDiffDBInst(laListHandle* NewAdded, laListHandle* Master, void* instance){
  3711. if(!instance) return 0;
  3712. for(laDiffTemp* dt=NewAdded->pFirst;dt;dt=dt->Item.pNext){
  3713. if(((laDBInst*)dt->p)->OriginalInstance == instance) return dt->p;
  3714. }
  3715. for(laDBInst* dbi=Master->pFirst;dbi;dbi=dbi->Item.pNext){
  3716. if(dbi->OriginalInstance==instance) return dbi;
  3717. }
  3718. return 0;
  3719. }
  3720. int la_GenerateListDifferences(laDBInst* dbi, laDBSubProp* dbp, laPropPack* pp, laDiff* diff){
  3721. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p, *subp = 0;
  3722. laPropIterator pi={0};
  3723. void* inst; int any=0;
  3724. laListHandle New={0}, NewAdded={0}, NewDeleted={0}, NewMoved={0};
  3725. inst = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi);
  3726. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  3727. while (inst){
  3728. lstAppendPointer(&New, inst);
  3729. inst = laGetNextInstance(p, inst, &pi);
  3730. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  3731. }
  3732. for(laDBInst* dbi=dbp->Instances.pFirst;dbi;dbi=dbi->Item.pNext){
  3733. void* OldPrev=dbi->Item.pPrev?((laDBInst*)dbi->Item.pPrev)->OriginalInstance:0;
  3734. void* OldNext=dbi->Item.pNext?((laDBInst*)dbi->Item.pNext)->OriginalInstance:0;
  3735. int found=0; for(laListItemPointer* lip=New.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->pNext){
  3736. void* NewPrev=lip->pPrev?((laListItemPointer*)lip->pPrev)->p:0;
  3737. void* NewNext=lip->pNext?((laListItemPointer*)lip->pNext)->p:0;
  3738. if(lip->p == dbi->OriginalInstance){
  3739. found=1;
  3740. if(OldPrev==NewPrev && OldNext==NewNext){break;}
  3741. else{ laDiffTemp* dt=lstAppendPointerSized(&NewMoved, dbi, sizeof(laDiffTemp));
  3742. dt->tPrev=dbi->Item.pPrev; dt->tNext=dbi->Item.pNext; dt->nPrev=NewPrev; dt->nNext=NewNext;break;}
  3743. }
  3744. }
  3745. if(!found){
  3746. laDiffTemp* dt=lstAppendPointerSized(&NewDeleted, dbi, sizeof(laDiffTemp));dt->tPrev=dbi->Item.pPrev;dt->tNext=dbi->Item.pNext; any++;
  3747. }
  3748. }
  3749. for(laListItemPointer* lip=New.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->pNext){
  3750. int found=0; for(laDBInst* dbi=dbp->Instances.pFirst;dbi;dbi=dbi->Item.pNext){
  3751. if(lip->p == dbi->OriginalInstance){ found=1; }
  3752. }
  3753. if(!found){ any++;
  3754. laDiffTemp* dt=lstAppendPointerSized(&NewAdded, lip->p, sizeof(laDiffTemp));
  3755. void* NewPrev=lip->pPrev?((laListItemPointer*)lip->pPrev)->p:0;
  3756. void* NewNext=lip->pNext?((laListItemPointer*)lip->pNext)->p:0;
  3757. dt->tPrev=NewPrev; dt->tNext=NewNext;
  3758. laPropContainer* spc=p->SubProp; if(((laSubProp*)p)->GetType){spc=((laSubProp*)p)->GetType(lip->p);}
  3759. laDBInst* newdbi=laAddDBInst(0, lip->p, spc, diff); dt->p=newdbi;
  3760. for (subp = spc->Props.pFirst; subp; subp = subp->Item.pNext){
  3761. if (subp->UDFIgnore || subp->UDFOnly) continue;
  3762. if (subp->PropertyType == LA_PROP_OPERATOR) continue;
  3763. laPropStep SubPS = {0}; laPropPack SubPP = {0}; laPropIterator pi={0};
  3764. SubPP.RawThis = pp; SubPS.p = subp; SubPS.UseInstance = lip->p; SubPP.LastPs=&SubPS;
  3765. any+=laIterateDB(newdbi, &SubPP, 0, 0);
  3766. }
  3767. }
  3768. }
  3769. for(laDiffTemp* lip=NewAdded.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->Item.pNext){
  3770. laDBInst* newdbi=lip->p;
  3771. lip->tPrev = la_GetDiffDBInst(&NewAdded, &dbp->Instances, lip->tPrev);
  3772. lip->tNext = la_GetDiffDBInst(&NewAdded, &dbp->Instances, lip->tNext);
  3773. }
  3774. for(laDiffTemp* lip=NewMoved.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->Item.pNext){
  3775. laDBInst* newdbi=lip->p;
  3776. lip->tPrev = la_GetDiffDBInst(&NewAdded, &dbp->Instances, lip->nPrev);
  3777. lip->tNext = la_GetDiffDBInst(&NewAdded, &dbp->Instances, lip->nNext);
  3778. }
  3779. laDiffCommandSub* dc=(NewAdded.pFirst||NewDeleted.pFirst||NewMoved.pFirst)?la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, dbi, p, 0):0;
  3780. for(laDiffTemp* lip=NewAdded.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->Item.pNext){
  3781. lstAppendItem(&dc->AddedInst, la_NewDiffCommandInst(lip->p, 0, 0));
  3782. laDBInst* newdbi=lip->p;
  3783. newdbi->Item.pPrev = lip->tPrev; newdbi->Item.pNext = lip->tNext;
  3784. if(!newdbi->Item.pPrev){dbp->Instances.pFirst=newdbi;}
  3785. if(!newdbi->Item.pNext){dbp->Instances.pLast=newdbi;}
  3786. }
  3787. for(laDiffTemp* lip=NewMoved.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->Item.pNext){
  3788. laDBInst* dbi=lip->p; lstAppendItem(&dc->MovedInst, la_NewDiffCommandInst(dbi, lip->tPrev, lip->tNext));
  3789. laDBInst* newdbi=lip->p;
  3790. newdbi->Item.pPrev = lip->tPrev; newdbi->Item.pNext = lip->tNext;
  3791. if(!dbi->Item.pPrev){dbp->Instances.pFirst=dbi;}
  3792. if(!dbi->Item.pNext){dbp->Instances.pLast=dbi;}
  3793. }
  3794. if(!New.pFirst){ dbp->Instances.pFirst=dbp->Instances.pLast=0; }
  3795. for(laDiffTemp* lip=NewDeleted.pFirst;lip;lip=lip->Item.pNext){
  3796. laDBInst* dbi=lip->p; lstAppendItem(&dc->RemovedInst, la_NewDiffCommandInst(dbi, lip->tPrev, lip->tNext));printf("deleted %x %x\n", dbi, dbi->OriginalInstance);
  3797. memTake(dbi->OriginalInstance);
  3798. //if(!dbi->Item.pPrev){dbp->Instances.pFirst=dbi->Item.pNext;}
  3799. //if(!dbi->Item.pNext){dbp->Instances.pLast=dbi->Item.pPrev;}
  3800. dbi->Item.pPrev=dbi->Item.pNext=0; //lstRemoveItem(&dbp->Instances, dbi);
  3801. laPropStep SubPS = {0}; laPropPack SubPP = {0}; laPropIterator pi={0}; laDBProp* dpi=0; SubPP.LastPs = &SubPS;
  3802. laPropContainer* spc=p->SubProp; if(((laSubProp*)p)->GetType){spc=((laSubProp*)p)->GetType(dbi->OriginalInstance);}
  3803. dpi=dbi->Props.pFirst;
  3804. for (subp = spc->Props.pFirst; subp; subp = subp->Item.pNext){
  3805. if (subp->PropertyType == LA_PROP_OPERATOR) continue;
  3806. if (subp->UDFIgnore || subp->UDFOnly) continue;
  3807. if((!dpi)||dpi->p!=subp) printf("Prop doesn't match\n");
  3808. SubPP.RawThis = pp; SubPS.p = subp; SubPS.UseInstance = dbi->OriginalInstance;
  3809. int thisany=laIterateDB(dbi, &SubPP, diff, dpi);
  3810. dpi=dpi->Item.pNext;
  3811. if(thisany){ any+=thisany; la_GiveExtraTouched(diff,dbi); }
  3812. }
  3813. dbi=dbi->Item.pNext;
  3814. }
  3815. //printf("%x ~ %x\n", dbp->Instances.pFirst, dbp->Instances.pLast);
  3816. //laListItem* item = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi);
  3817. //while (item){
  3818. // printf(" %x [%x] %x\n",item->pPrev, item, item->pNext);
  3819. // item = laGetNextInstance(p, item, &pi);
  3820. //}
  3821. return any;
  3822. }
  3823. int laIterateDB(laDBInst* parent, laPropPack* pp, laDiff* diff, laDBProp* dp){
  3824. laProp *p = pp->LastPs->p, *subp = 0;
  3825. laPropStep SubPS = {0}; laPropPack SubPP = {0}; laPropIterator pi={0};
  3826. laDBProp* dbp; laDBSubProp* dsp; laDBInst* dbi; laDBProp* dpi=0;
  3827. void *inst = 0;
  3828. SubPP.LastPs = &SubPS;
  3829. int any=0;
  3830. switch (p->PropertyType){
  3831. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  3832. if (p->UDFIsRefer){ if(!parent) return;
  3833. inst = laGetActiveInstanceStrict(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance);
  3834. if(diff){
  3835. if(inst!=dp->Data) la_GiveDiffCommand(diff, parent, p, dp->Data); dp->Data=inst; any++;
  3836. }else{
  3837. laDBProp* rdbp=laAddDBProp(parent, p, inst);
  3838. }
  3839. }else{
  3840. if (!p->SubProp) p->SubProp = la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp *)p)->TargetID);
  3841. if(diff){ any+=la_GenerateListDifferences(parent, dp, pp, diff); dsp=dp; dbi=dsp->Instances.pFirst; dbp=dsp; }
  3842. else{ dbp=laAddDBProp(parent, p, laGetActiveInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi)); }
  3843. inst = laGetInstance(p, pp->LastPs->UseInstance, &pi);
  3844. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  3845. while (inst){ //printf("work %x\n",inst);
  3846. laPropContainer* spc=p->SubProp; if(((laSubProp*)p)->GetType){spc=((laSubProp*)p)->GetType(inst);}
  3847. if(diff){
  3848. if(dbi->OriginalInstance != inst){
  3849. printf("dbi/inst doesn't match.\n"); }
  3850. dpi=dbi->Props.pFirst;
  3851. }else{ dbi = laAddDBInst(dbp, inst, spc, 0); }
  3852. for (subp = spc->Props.pFirst; subp; subp = subp->Item.pNext){
  3853. if (subp->PropertyType == LA_PROP_OPERATOR) continue;
  3854. if (subp->UDFIgnore || subp->UDFOnly) continue;
  3855. if(diff && ((!dpi)||dpi->p!=subp)){
  3856. printf("Prop doesn't match\n");}
  3857. SubPP.RawThis = pp; SubPS.p = subp; SubPS.UseInstance = inst;
  3858. int thisany=laIterateDB(dbi, &SubPP, diff, dpi);
  3859. if(diff && dpi){ dpi=dpi->Item.pNext;
  3860. if(thisany){ any+=thisany;
  3861. la_GiveExtraTouched(diff,dbi); }
  3862. }
  3863. }
  3864. inst = laGetNextInstance(p, inst, &pi);
  3865. pp->EndInstance = inst;
  3866. if(diff){ dbi=dbi->Item.pNext; }
  3867. }
  3868. }
  3869. break;
  3870. case LA_PROP_INT: case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_INT:
  3871. any+=la_AddIntDBProp(parent, dp, diff, pp); break;
  3873. any+=la_AddFloatDBProp(parent, dp, diff, pp); break;
  3874. case LA_PROP_STRING:
  3875. any+=la_AddStringDBProp(parent, dp, diff, pp); break;
  3877. any+=la_AddEnumDBProp(parent, dp, diff, pp); break;
  3878. case LA_PROP_RAW:
  3879. any+=la_AddRawDBProp(parent,dp,diff,pp); break;
  3880. default: break;
  3881. }
  3882. return any;
  3883. }
  3884. void la_RestoreIntDBProp(laDBProp* dbp, laDiffCommand* dc){
  3885. laPropPack pp={0}; laPropStep ps={0}; ps.p=dc->p; pp.LastPs=&ps; ps.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  3886. int *Data; Data=dc->Data; dc->Data=dbp->Data; dbp->Data=Data;
  3887. laSetIntArrayAllArray(&pp, dbp->Data);
  3888. }
  3889. void la_RestoreFloatDBProp(laDBProp* dbp, laDiffCommand* dc){
  3890. laPropPack pp={0}; laPropStep ps={0}; ps.p=dc->p; pp.LastPs=&ps; ps.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  3891. int *Data; Data=dc->Data; dc->Data=dbp->Data; dbp->Data=Data;
  3892. laSetFloatArrayAllArray(&pp, dbp->Data);
  3893. }
  3894. void la_RestoreStringDBProp(laDBProp* dbp, laDiffCommand* dc){
  3895. laPropPack pp={0}; laPropStep ps={0}; ps.p=dc->p; pp.LastPs=&ps; ps.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  3896. int *Data; Data=dc->Data; dc->Data=dbp->Data; dbp->Data=Data;
  3897. laSetString(&pp, dbp->Data?((laSafeString*)dbp->Data)->Ptr:0);
  3898. }
  3899. void la_RestoreEnumDBProp(laDBProp* dbp, laDiffCommand* dc){
  3900. laPropPack pp={0}; laPropStep ps={0}; ps.p=dc->p; pp.LastPs=&ps; ps.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  3901. int *Data; Data=dc->Data; dc->Data=dbp->Data; dbp->Data=Data;
  3902. laSetEnumArrayAllArray(&pp, dbp->Data);
  3903. }
  3904. void la_RestoreRawDBProp(laDBRawProp* dbp, laDiffCommandRaw* dc){
  3905. laPropPack pp={0}; laPropStep ps={0}; ps.p=dc->p; pp.LastPs=&ps; ps.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  3906. int *Data; Data=dc->Data; dc->Data=dbp->Data; dbp->Data=Data; LA_SWAP(int, dc->DataSize, dbp->DataSize);
  3907. laSetRaw(&pp,dbp->Data,dbp->DataSize);
  3908. }
  3909. void la_AddUndoPostNode(laDBInst* dbi){
  3910. if((!dbi->pc) || (!dbi->pc->UndoTouched)) return;
  3911. for(laDiffPost* dp=MAIN.DiffTouched.pLast;dp;dp=dp->Item.pPrev){ if(dp->instance==dbi->OriginalInstance&&dp->Touched==dbi->pc->UndoTouched) return; }
  3912. laDiffPost* dp=lstAppendPointerSized(&MAIN.DiffTouched, dbi->OriginalInstance, sizeof(laDiffPost));
  3913. dp->Touched=dbi->pc->UndoTouched;
  3914. }
  3915. void la_ExecUndoPtrSync(laDiff* d){
  3916. int hint=d->Hint; laDiffPtrSync* dps; laDiffPost* dp; laDBInstPendingRelink* dpr;
  3917. while(dp=lstPopItem(&MAIN.DiffTouched)){
  3918. dp->Touched(dp->instance, hint);
  3919. memFree(dp);
  3920. }
  3921. for(laDiffExtraTouched*det=d->ExtraTouched.pFirst;det;det=det->Item.pNext){
  3922. det->dbi->pc->UndoTouched(det->dbi->OriginalInstance, hint);
  3923. }
  3924. }
  3925. void la_FreeInstance(void* inst, laPropContainer* pc, int no_free){
  3926. //if(p->PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB) return;
  3927. //if(!p->SubProp || ((laSubProp*)p)->TargetID) p->SubProp=la_ContainerLookup(((laSubProp*)p)->TargetID);
  3928. //laPropContainer* pc=p->SubProp; if(((laSubProp*)p)->GetType) pc=((laSubProp*)p)->GetType(inst);
  3929. //printf("freeinst %s %x\n",pc->Name,inst);
  3930. if(pc->BeforeFree) pc->BeforeFree(inst);
  3931. laPropStep SubPS = {0}; laPropPack SubPP = {0}; laPropIterator pi={0}; SubPP.LastPs=&SubPS;
  3932. for(laProp* p=pc->Props.pFirst;p;p=p->Item.pNext){
  3933. if(p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_STRING && ((laStringProp*)p)->IsSafeString){ SubPS.p=p; SubPS.UseInstance=inst; laSetString(&SubPP, 0); continue; }
  3934. //if(p->PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB || p->UDFIsRefer) continue;
  3935. //void* si = laGetInstance(p, SubPP.LastPs->UseInstance, &pi); SubPP.EndInstance = si; void* NextSi=0;
  3936. //printf("freeinst p %s\n",p->Name);
  3937. //while (si){
  3938. // printf("%x --inst %x\n",SubPP.LastPs->UseInstance,si);
  3939. // NextSi = laGetNextInstance(p, si, &pi);
  3940. // if(!p->UDFNoCreate){ laSubProp* sp=p;
  3941. // if(!sp->ListHandleOffset){ logPrint("[WARN] prop '%s' UDFNoCreate==0 and no ListHandleOffset. Node not removed.\n", p->Identifier); }
  3942. // else{ lstRemoveItem(inst + sp->ListHandleOffset, si); }
  3943. // }
  3944. // la_FreeInstance(si, p, p->UDFNoCreate||(!p->OffsetIsPointer));
  3945. // si=NextSi; SubPP.EndInstance = si;
  3946. //}
  3947. }
  3948. if(!no_free && !pc->OtherAlloc) memFree(inst);
  3949. }
  3950. void la_ResetInstance(void* inst, laPropContainer* pc){
  3951. if(pc->SaverDummy)
  3952. if(pc->Reset) pc->Reset(inst); else memset(inst,0,pc->NodeSize);
  3953. }
  3954. laListHandle* la_GetOriginalListHandle(laDiffCommandSub* dcs){
  3955. laProp*p =dcs->Base.p;
  3956. if(p->PropertyType!=LA_PROP_SUB||p->UDFIsRefer||!((laSubProp*)p)->ListHandleOffset) return 0;
  3957. laSubProp* sp=dcs->Base.p;
  3958. void* addr=((char*)dcs->Base.Instance->OriginalInstance)+((laSubProp*)p)->ListHandleOffset;
  3959. return addr;
  3960. }
  3961. void la_UndoListDifferences(laDBSubProp* dsp, laDiffCommandSub* dcs){
  3962. laListHandle* ol=la_GetOriginalListHandle(dcs);
  3963. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->AddedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){
  3964. if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate){ la_ResetInstance(dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance,dci->DBInst->pc); continue; }
  3965. dci->OriginalPrev = dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev; dci->OriginalNext = dci->DBInst->Item.pNext;
  3966. //if(dsp->Instances.pFirst == dci->DBInst){ dsp->Instances.pFirst=dci->DBInst->Item.pNext; ol->pFirst=dci->DBInst->Item.pNext?((laDBInst*)dci->DBInst->Item.pNext)->OriginalInstance:0; }
  3967. //if(dsp->Instances.pLast == dci->DBInst){ dsp->Instances.pLast=dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev; ol->pLast=dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev?((laDBInst*)dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev)->OriginalInstance:0; }
  3968. //dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev = dci->DBInst->Item.pNext=0;
  3969. }
  3970. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->AddedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){
  3971. if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate){ continue; }
  3972. lstRemoveItem(&dsp->Instances, dci->DBInst); lstRemoveItem(ol, dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance);
  3973. laListItem* li = dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance;
  3974. }
  3975. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->RemovedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){ if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate) continue;
  3976. dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev = dci->OriginalPrev;
  3977. dci->DBInst->Item.pNext = dci->OriginalNext; printf("add removed %x \n", dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance);
  3978. void* orig = dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance;
  3979. }
  3980. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->RemovedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){ if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate) continue;
  3981. ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pPrev=dci->OriginalPrev?dci->OriginalPrev->OriginalInstance:0;
  3982. ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pNext=dci->OriginalNext?dci->OriginalNext->OriginalInstance:0;
  3983. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev){ dsp->Instances.pFirst=dci->DBInst; ol->pFirst=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  3984. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pNext){ dsp->Instances.pLast=dci->DBInst; ol->pLast=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  3985. }
  3986. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->MovedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){
  3987. dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev = dci->BeforePrev; ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pPrev=dci->BeforePrev?dci->BeforePrev->OriginalInstance:0;
  3988. dci->DBInst->Item.pNext = dci->BeforeNext; ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pNext=dci->BeforeNext?dci->BeforeNext->OriginalInstance:0;
  3989. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev){ dsp->Instances.pFirst=dci->DBInst; ol->pFirst=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  3990. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pNext){ dsp->Instances.pLast=dci->DBInst; ol->pLast=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  3991. }
  3992. }
  3993. void la_RedoListDifferences(laDBSubProp* dsp, laDiffCommandSub* dcs){
  3994. laListHandle* ol=la_GetOriginalListHandle(dcs);
  3995. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->RemovedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){
  3996. if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate){ la_ResetInstance(dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance,dci->DBInst->pc); continue; }
  3997. //dci->OriginalPrev = dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev;
  3998. //dci->OriginalNext = dci->DBInst->Item.pNext;
  3999. lstRemoveItem(&dsp->Instances, dci->DBInst); lstRemoveItem(ol, dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance);
  4000. laListItem* li = dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance;
  4001. printf("remove %x \n", dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance);
  4002. }
  4003. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->AddedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){ if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate) continue;
  4004. dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev = dci->OriginalPrev;
  4005. dci->DBInst->Item.pNext = dci->OriginalNext;
  4006. void* orig = dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance;
  4007. }
  4008. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->AddedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){ if(dcs->Base.p->UDFNoCreate) continue;
  4009. ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pPrev=dci->OriginalPrev?dci->OriginalPrev->OriginalInstance:0;
  4010. ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pNext=dci->OriginalNext?dci->OriginalNext->OriginalInstance:0;
  4011. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev){ dsp->Instances.pFirst=dci->DBInst; ol->pFirst=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  4012. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pNext){ dsp->Instances.pLast=dci->DBInst; ol->pLast=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  4013. }
  4014. for(laDiffCommandInst* dci=dcs->MovedInst.pFirst;dci;dci=dci->Item.pNext){
  4015. dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev = dci->OriginalPrev; ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pPrev=dci->OriginalPrev?dci->OriginalPrev->OriginalInstance:0;
  4016. dci->DBInst->Item.pNext = dci->OriginalNext; ((laListItem*)dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance)->pNext=dci->OriginalNext?dci->OriginalNext->OriginalInstance:0;
  4017. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pPrev){ dsp->Instances.pFirst=dci->DBInst; ol->pFirst=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  4018. if(!dci->DBInst->Item.pNext){ dsp->Instances.pLast=dci->DBInst; ol->pLast=dci->DBInst->OriginalInstance; }
  4019. }
  4020. }
  4021. laDBProp* la_FindDBProp(laDBInst* dbi, laProp* p){
  4022. for(laDBProp* dbp=dbi->Props.pFirst;dbp;dbp=dbp->Item.pNext){
  4023. if(dbp->p==p) return dbp;
  4024. }
  4025. return 0;
  4026. }
  4027. laDiff* laSwapDBState(int Redo){
  4028. laDiff* diff=MAIN.HeadDifference; if(!diff) return 0;
  4029. if(Redo){ if(diff==MAIN.Differences.pLast) return 0; }else{ diff=diff->Item.pPrev; if(!diff) return 0; }
  4030. for(laDiffCommand* dc=diff->Commands.pFirst;dc;dc=dc->Item.pNext){
  4031. //printf("do %s\n",dc->p->Identifier);
  4032. laDBProp* dbp=la_FindDBProp(dc->Instance, dc->p);
  4033. if(!dbp){ printf("Can't find dbp from prop!\n");}
  4034. switch (dc->p->PropertyType){
  4035. case LA_PROP_SUB:
  4036. if(dc->p->UDFIsRefer){
  4037. LA_SWAP(void*,dc->Data,dbp->Data);
  4038. laSetActiveInstance(dbp->p, dc->Instance->OriginalInstance, dbp->Data);
  4039. }else{
  4040. if(Redo) la_RedoListDifferences(dbp,dc);
  4041. else la_UndoListDifferences(dbp,dc);
  4042. }
  4043. la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance);
  4044. break;
  4045. case LA_PROP_INT: case LA_PROP_ARRAY | LA_PROP_INT:
  4046. la_RestoreIntDBProp(dbp, dc); la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance); break;
  4048. la_RestoreFloatDBProp(dbp, dc); la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance); break;
  4049. case LA_PROP_STRING:
  4050. la_RestoreStringDBProp(dbp, dc); la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance); break;
  4052. la_RestoreEnumDBProp(dbp, dc); la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance); break;
  4053. case LA_PROP_RAW:
  4054. la_RestoreRawDBProp(dbp, dc); la_AddUndoPostNode(dc->Instance); break;
  4055. default: break;
  4056. }
  4057. laPropPack PP={0}; laPropStep PS={0}; PP.LastPs=&PS; PS.p=dbp->p; PS.UseInstance=dc->Instance->OriginalInstance;
  4058. laNotifyUsersPP(&PP);
  4059. }
  4060. for(laDiffCommandCustom* dcc=diff->CustomCommands.pFirst;dcc;dcc=dcc->Item.pNext){
  4061. if(Redo){ if(dcc->Redo) dcc->Redo(dcc->Data); } else { if(dcc->Undo) dcc->Undo(dcc->Data); }
  4062. }
  4063. if(Redo){ MAIN.HeadDifference=diff->Item.pNext; }
  4064. else{ MAIN.HeadDifference=diff; }
  4065. return diff;
  4066. }
  4067. void laUndo(){ laDiff* d; if(d=laSwapDBState(0)){ la_ExecUndoPtrSync(d); } }
  4068. void laRedo(){ laDiff* d; if(d=laSwapDBState(1)){ la_ExecUndoPtrSync(d); } }
  4069. void laPrintDBInst(laDBInst* dbi, int Level){
  4070. if(dbi!=&MAIN.RootDBInst){
  4071. printf("%*c", Level, ' ');
  4072. printf("%s | %.6x [%.6x] %.6x | %.6x [%.6x] %.6x\n",
  4073. dbi->pc->Identifier, dbi->Item.pPrev, dbi, dbi->Item.pNext,
  4074. dbi->Item.pPrev?((laDBInst*)dbi->Item.pPrev)->OriginalInstance:0, dbi->OriginalInstance, dbi->Item.pNext?((laDBInst*)dbi->Item.pNext)->OriginalInstance:0);
  4075. }else{
  4076. printf("Root:\n");
  4077. }
  4078. for(laDBProp* dbp=dbi->Props.pFirst;dbp;dbp=dbp->Item.pNext){
  4079. if(dbp->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && !dbp->p->UDFIsRefer){
  4080. laDBSubProp* dsp=dbp;
  4081. for(laDBInst* dbii=dsp->Instances.pFirst;dbii;dbii=dbii->Item.pNext){
  4082. laPrintDBInst(dbii, Level+4);
  4083. }
  4084. }
  4085. }
  4086. }
  4087. void laPrintDBInstInfo(){
  4088. laPrintDBInst(&MAIN.RootDBInst, 0);
  4089. }
  4090. void laAddRootDBInst(char* path){
  4091. laPropPack PP={0};
  4092. if(!la_GetPropFromPath(&PP,0,path,0)) return;
  4093. if(!MAIN.DBInstLink){ hsh65536Init(&MAIN.DBInstLink); }
  4094. la_StepPropPack(&PP);
  4095. laIterateDB(&MAIN.RootDBInst, &PP, 0, 0);
  4096. la_FreePropStepCache(PP.Go);
  4097. laDBRecordedProp* rp=lstAppendPointerSized(&MAIN.DBRecordedProps, 0, sizeof(laDBRecordedProp));
  4098. strSafeSet(&rp->OriginalPath,path);
  4099. }
  4100. void laPropPackToLocal(laPropPack* ToPP, laPropPack* pp){
  4101. if(pp->RawThis) laPropPackToLocal(ToPP, pp->RawThis);
  4102. for(laPropStep* ps=pp->Go;ps;ps=ps->pNext){
  4103. la_NewPropStep(ToPP, ps->p, ps->UseInstance, '.');
  4104. }
  4105. ToPP->EndInstance = pp->EndInstance;
  4106. }
  4107. laDBProp* laFindDBProp(laDBInst* parent, laProp* p, void* Instance, laDBInst** r_DBInst){
  4108. laDBProp* rp=0;
  4109. for(laDBProp* dp=parent->Props.pFirst;dp;dp=dp->Item.pNext){
  4110. if(dp->p == p) {rp=dp; break;}
  4111. } if(!rp) return 0;
  4112. if(rp->p->PropertyType==LA_PROP_SUB && !rp->p->UDFIsRefer && r_DBInst && Instance){
  4113. laDBSubProp* dsp=rp; for(laDBInst* dbii=dsp->Instances.pFirst;dbii;dbii=dbii->Item.pNext){
  4114. if(dbii->OriginalInstance == Instance) { *r_DBInst=dbii; break; }
  4115. }
  4116. }
  4117. return rp;
  4118. }
  4119. laDBProp* laFindStartingDBProp(laProp* p, void* Instance, laPropContainer* InstancePC, laDBInst** r_DBInst){
  4120. if(!Instance||Instance==MAIN.DataRoot.RootInstance){
  4121. for(laDBProp*dbp=MAIN.RootDBInst.Props.pFirst;dbp;dbp=dbp->Item.pNext){
  4122. if(dbp->p == p){ *r_DBInst=&MAIN.RootDBInst; return dbp; }
  4123. }
  4124. } /* If root not found try to find it in the hash. */
  4125. if(!MAIN.DBInstLink){ return 0; }
  4126. laListHandle* l=hsh65536DoHashLongPtr(MAIN.DBInstLink, Instance); if(!l) return 0;
  4127. for(laListItem* li=l->pFirst;li;li=li->pNext){
  4128. laDBInst* dbi=(laDBInst*)(((char*)li)-sizeof(laListItem)); if(dbi->OriginalInstance==Instance && dbi->pc==InstancePC){
  4129. if(p){ for(laDBProp*dbp=dbi->Props.pFirst;dbp;dbp=dbp->Item.pNext){ if(dbp->p == p){ *r_DBInst=dbi; return dbp; } } }
  4130. else{ *r_DBInst=dbi; return 0; }
  4131. }
  4132. }
  4133. return 0;
  4134. }
  4135. void laRecordCustomDifferences(void* Data, laDiffCommandUndoF Undo, laDiffCommandRedoF Redo, laDiffCommandFreeF Free){
  4136. laDiffCommandCustom* dcc=memAcquire(sizeof(laDiffCommandCustom));
  4137. dcc->Data=Data; dcc->Undo=Undo; dcc->Redo=Redo; dcc->Free=Free;
  4138. lstAppendItem(&MAIN.HeadDifference->CustomCommands,dcc);
  4139. }
  4140. int laRecordDifferences(laPropPack* base, char* path){
  4141. laPropPack PP={0};
  4142. la_GetPropFromPath(&PP,base,path,0);
  4143. la_StepPropPack(&PP);
  4144. //laPropPackToLocal(&LocalPP, &PP);
  4145. int success=0;
  4146. laDBInst* FromDBI; //=laSkipDB(&LocalPP, &MAIN.RootDBInst, &dbp);
  4147. laDBProp* dbp=laFindStartingDBProp(PP.LastPs->p, PP.LastPs->UseInstance, PP.LastPs->p->Container, &FromDBI);
  4148. if(FromDBI && dbp){
  4149. laFreeNewerDifferences();
  4150. laIterateDB(FromDBI, &PP, MAIN.HeadDifference, dbp);
  4151. if(MAIN.HeadDifference->Commands.pFirst){ success = 1; }
  4152. }else{
  4153. success = 0; printf("Prop not recorded as DBInst.\n");
  4154. }
  4155. la_FreePropStepCache(PP.Go);
  4156. return success;
  4157. }
  4158. int laRecordInstanceDifferences(void* instance, const char* container){
  4159. laPropContainer* pc=la_ContainerLookup(container); if(!pc) return 0;
  4160. laDBInst* FromDBI=0;
  4161. laFindStartingDBProp(0,instance,pc,&FromDBI); if(!FromDBI) return 0;
  4162. laPropPack PP={0}; laPropStep PS={0}; PS.UseInstance=instance; PP.LastPs=&PS;
  4163. int freed=0, success=0, any=0;
  4164. for(laProp* p=pc->Props.pFirst;p;p=p->Item.pNext){
  4165. PS.p = p; laDBProp* dbp=laFindDBProp(FromDBI, p, 0,0);
  4166. if(FromDBI && dbp){
  4167. if(!freed){ laFreeNewerDifferences(); freed=1; }
  4168. any+=laIterateDB(FromDBI, &PP, MAIN.HeadDifference, dbp);
  4169. if(MAIN.HeadDifference->Commands.pFirst){ success = 1; }
  4170. }
  4171. }
  4172. if(any){ la_GiveExtraTouched(MAIN.HeadDifference,FromDBI); }
  4173. return success;
  4174. }
  4175. void laRecordAndPush(laPropPack* base, char* path, char* description, uint64_t hint){
  4176. if(laRecordDifferences(base, path)){ laPushDifferences(description, hint); }
  4177. }
  4178. void laRecordAndPushProp(laPropPack* base, char* path){
  4179. char buf[256]={0};
  4180. if(laRecordDifferences(base, path)){
  4181. la_GetPropPackFullPath(base,&buf[strlen(buf)]);if(path){sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],"%s%s",base?".":"",path);}
  4182. laPushDifferences(buf, 0);
  4183. }
  4184. }
  4185. void laRecordEverythingAndPush(){
  4186. for(laDBRecordedProp* rp=MAIN.DBRecordedProps.pFirst;rp;rp=rp->Item.pNext){
  4187. laRecordAndPushProp(0, rp->OriginalPath->Ptr);
  4188. }
  4189. if(MAIN.PushEverything){ MAIN.PushEverything(); }
  4190. }
  4191. void laSetDiffCallback(laDiffPushEverythingF PushEverything){
  4192. MAIN.PushEverything=PushEverything;
  4193. }